
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MySQLdb.escape_string(...) escape_string(s) -- quote any SQL-interpreted characters in string s. 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 公告:CSDN個人空間即將改版.特別提醒:新版個人空間將不再提供迷你博客功能. 回覆
    1. f3229189: (19小時前) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Linux: mysql> select load_file('/tmp/file'); The return value is null. solution:change the owner of file. 回覆
    (02-15 18:31)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: google還是總連不上。 回覆
    (02-15 18:22)
    1. XiaJing: (02-15 18:25) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: VirtualEnv 安裝Numpy: ccompiler.py", line 44, in customize_compiler cpp = cc + " -E" # not alwaysTypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'NoneType' and 'str' 回覆
    (02-13 15:08)
    1. XiaJing: solution:http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2011-June/056544.html (02-13 15:08) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 問題環境:./easy_install numpy==1.5.1 (02-13 15:10) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: mkdir $VIRTUAL_ENV/local ln -s $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib $VIRTUAL_ENV/local/lib Install Numpy (02-13 15:12) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pylons:../bin/paster controller helloCommand 'controller' not known (you may need to run setup.py egg_info). When running "paster controller", the current directory should be your Pylo 回覆
    (02-12 23:11)
    1. XiaJing: http://groups.google.com/group/pylons-discuss/browse_thread/thread/367eaee969b13d70 (02-12 23:12) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux ocr: gocr(支持png) , ocrad(不支持png)和Tesseract(只支持depth<8的tif格式, convert -depth 8 f.png f.tif )。 回覆
    (02-11 19:59)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: cheese, libcheese, gstreamer, gstreamer0.10-tools, gst-inspect-0.10, http:/ /gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ 回覆
    (02-10 23:02)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: v4l2 homepage www.linuxtv.org/downloads/ 回覆
    (02-10 21:01)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ffmpeg -t 10 -f video4linux2 -s 320x240 -r 30 -i /dev/video0 -f oss -i /dev/dsp1 -f mp4 webcam.mp4。 回覆
    (02-10 20:25)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: grep -ir --include=*.html PATTERN ./ 只查找html文檔 回覆
    (02-10 11:10)
    1. qinchuan911: 有考慮換工作的意向嗎?--獵頭Morphy,QQ:2604420871 (02-10 11:54) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: $svnadmin create ./repo$svn import --depth=files ./ file:///home/xiajing/../.../repo/$svn checkout file:///home/xiajing/../.../repo/ ./$svn add file.txt$svn up file.txt$svn commit ./file.txt 回覆
    (01-02 10:49)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: $svn commit ./file.txtAdding file.txtsvn: Commit failed (details follow):svn: File already exists: filesystem '/......../repo/db', transaction '1-4', path '/file.txt'$svn up file.txt 回覆
    (01-02 10:43)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: TeXstudio 2.2 在 wizards->quick start後 , 原先輸入的中文會變成問號,嚴重的問題。 回覆
    (01-01 11:05)
    1. XiaJing: 使用svn備份,但結果是亂碼。 (01-01 11:35) 回覆


  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PDFCreator is a free tool to create PDF files from nearly any Windows application. 回覆
    (12-28 19:36)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: unzip -O CP936 xxxx.zip 回覆
    (12-28 10:28)
    1. XiaJing: zipinfo -v xxxx.zip (12-28 13:09) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Code page is another term for character encoding. It consists of a table of values that describes the character set for a particular language. (12-28 13:21) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Code page 936 is Microsoft's character encoding for simplified Chinese, one of the four DBCSs for East Asian languages. (12-28 13:22) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: Originally it was identical to GB 2312, and expanded to cover most part of GBK with the release of Windows 95; now superseded by Code page 54936 (GB 18030). (12-28 13:23) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LabVIEWTMGetting Started with LabVIEWGetting Started with LabVIEWJune 2010373427G-01 National Instruments 回覆
    (12-27 23:50)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: grep : --include=GLOB Search only files whose base name matches GLOB (using wildcard matching as described under --exclude). 回覆
    (12-27 10:30)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: How to Unclog a Blocked Kitchen Sink.Pour the vinegar and baking soda down the kitchen sink.Rinse down the vinegar and baking soda. www.usaplumbing.info/tips/how-to-unclog-a-blocked-kitchen-sink 回覆
    (12-24 11:28)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: numpy:a=np.array([]) b=np.arange(3) np.append(a,[b],0) ValueError: arrays must have same number of dimensions 回覆
    (12-23 13:10)
    1. XiaJing: a=np.zeros([0,3]) b=np.arange(3) np.append(a,[b],0) (12-23 13:16) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: CSDN的信譽已經降到最低,信譽的提升不是靠刪貼可以提升的。 回覆
    (12-23 10:09)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: CSDN有6428632個用戶的密碼和郵箱被公開,CSDN是有過錯的,是有不可推卸的責任的。 回覆
    (12-23 10:04)
    1. XiaJing: 親愛的用戶 ​xxxxxxxxxx:您好! 您於2011年12月22日修改了您的密碼,請謹記您的新密碼。 如果忘記了密碼,請使用以下鏈接重置密碼:http:​//passport.cs​​dn.net/accoun​​t/forgotpassw​ord (12-23 10:06) 回覆
    2. sunriseyuen: csdn太垃圾了,如何註銷這裏的帳號呢? (12-23 10:09) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 從一開始,我就一直在備份在CSDN上寫的東西,看來就應該這樣,CSDN有過錯,還是希望他能夠及時改正吧。 (12-23 10:13) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: python: ["%i" %n for n in list] convert each element of list to string. 回覆
    (12-21 23:21)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: simulink Simulation Accelerator, build error, cc1: /matlabxxxxx/sys/os/glnx86/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.14' not found (required by /usr/lib/libppl_c.so.2) 回覆
    (12-16 12:06)
    1. XiaJing: substitude /matlabxxxxx/sys/os/glnx86/libstdc++.so.6 with the one link to /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6.0.14 (12-16 12:08) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ffmpeg -codecs Show available codecs.ffmpeg -i f1.wav -acodec pcm_xxx f2.avi 回覆
    (12-16 11:18)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ls: -s, --size print the allocated size of each file, in blocks. The total xxx displayed at the first line after execute ls -l command is the total blocks sizes allocated to each file and folder. 回覆
    (12-14 11:03)
    1. XiaJing: ext4:each file is allocated multiples of 4KiBs. (12-14 11:20) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Python recommends UpperCamelCase for class names, CAPITALIZED_WITH_UNDERSCORES for constants, and lowercase_separated_by_underscores for other names. www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ 回覆
    (12-13 21:34)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 琉球王國從明朝初年開始曾經是中國的藩屬國,前後有500年。日本曾經多次想併吞琉球,未能得逞。甲午戰爭以後,臺灣被割讓,琉球也被日本佔領。但日本對琉球的佔領,從無法律依據。中央媒體明確表態琉球羣島不屬日本 回覆
    (12-11 19:11)
    1. sky3008: 實際佔領多少年。。。。 (12-11 19:12) 回覆
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Kao-Cheng Huang, Zhaocheng Wang, "Millimeter Wave Communication Systems" 回覆
    (12-11 18:09)
    1. XiaJing: Digital Signal Processing in Communication Systems Author: Marvin E. Frerking (12-11 18:09) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: eyeD3 - displays and manipulates id3-tags on mp3 files.ID3 is a metadata container most often used in conjunction with the MP3 audio file format. It allows information such as the title, artist, album 回覆
    (12-11 13:04)
    1. XiaJing: eyeD3 --remove-images Remove all image (APIC) frames from the tag. (12-11 13:08) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: -v, --verbose Show all available tag information. (12-11 13:09) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: eyeD3 depends on python-eyed3 module (12-11 13:14) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: f=/usr/bin/eyeD3 ;file $f ; wc $f /usr/bin/eyeD3: a python script text executable 1229 3919 49196 /usr/bin/eyeD3 (12-11 13:20) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MMVARI is a multi-Mode SoundCard Ham (Amateur) Radio program for receiving and transmitting the RTTY-PSK-FSK-MFSK modes. The program was written to experiment with the efficiency of transmitting Japan 回覆
    (12-10 17:36)
    1. XiaJing: The program was written to experiment with the efficiency of transmitting Japanese and East Asian languages (HL/BV/BY) using the VARICODE. Eastern Asia languages, such as Japanese, Hangul, and Chinese (12-10 17:37) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu matlab simulink dsp sink audio device :To select or change the Audio Hardware API, select Preferences from the MATLAB File menu. Then select DSP System Toolbox from the tree menu. 回覆
    (12-09 23:51)
    1. XiaJing: help/toolbox/dsp/ref/toaudiodevice.html (12-09 23:51) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: An amateur radio contact, more commonly referred to as simply a "contact", is an exchange of information between two amateur radio stations. __en.wikipedia 回覆
    (12-09 22:58)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Fedora Draft DocumentationAmateur Radio GuideA guide for users of Fedora amateur radio software 回覆
    (12-09 15:23)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: fldigi - digital modem program for hamradio operators 回覆
    (12-09 15:00)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: arecord, aplay - command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA sound‐ card driver .-l, --list-devices List all soundcards and digital audio devices 回覆
    (12-09 13:54)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: VBoxManage clonehd orig.vdi new.vdi 回覆
    (12-09 13:28)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PSK31 or "Phase Shift Keying, 31 Baud" is a digital radio modulation mode, used primarily in the amateur radio field to conduct real-time keyboard-to-keyboard informal text chat between amat 回覆
    (12-09 10:57)
    1. XiaJing: linpsk - amateur radio PSK31/RTTY program via soundcard (12-09 15:01) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu : use $crontab -e to edit command table and execute periodically. the table located in /var/spool/cron/crontabs/$USERNAME has the format : minute, hour, day, month, week command(script) 回覆
    (12-07 11:21)
    1. XiaJing: “ */5 * * * * touch file” touch the file every 5 minutes. (12-07 12:00) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: /etc/initramfs-tools/modules :# List of modules that you want to include in your initramfs.# They will be loaded at boot time in the order below.# Syntax: module_name [args ...]# You must run updat 回覆
    (12-06 22:54)
    1. XiaJing: # You must run update-initramfs(8) to effect this change. (12-06 22:55) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: update-initramfs -v -u -k `uname -r` ;initrd - boot loader initialized RAM disk (12-06 22:59) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time. (12-07 09:04) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: lsmod is a trivial program which nicely formats the contents of the /proc/modules, 回覆
    (12-06 22:51)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: modprobe -l 基本等同於locate --regex "\.ko$" | sed "s/\/lib\/modules\/$(uname -r)\///" 回覆
    (12-06 22:28)
    1. XiaJing: 以及 find "/lib/modules/$(uname -r)" -iname "*.ko" (12-06 22:32) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The update-initramfs script manages your initramfs images on your local box. It keeps track of the existing initramfs archives in /boot. 回覆
    (12-06 22:02)
    1. XiaJing: depmod - program to generate modules.dep and map files. (12-06 22:04) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: depmod -ae (12-06 22:04) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Conversion among different wav file. ~$sox inputfile -e sig outputfile , ~$ffmpeg -i input.wav output.wav 回覆
    (12-05 14:56)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 0 (0x0000) Unknown ,1 (0x0001) PCM/uncompressed,2 (0x0002) Microsoft ADPCM,6 (0x0006) ITU G.711 a-law7 (0x0007) ITU G.711 µ-law17 (0x0011) IMA ADPCM20 (0x0016) ITU G.723 ADPCM (Yamaha) 回覆
    (12-05 13:21)
    1. XiaJing: 49 (0x0031) GSM 6.10 64 (0x0040) ITU G.721 ADPCM 80 (0x0050) MPEG 65,536 (0xFFFF) Experimental (12-05 13:22) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: wav file format: Compression Code:offset0x14 (12-05 13:28) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: wav file format: www-mmsp.ece.mcgill.ca/Documents/AudioFormats/WAVE/WAVE.html, www.sonicspot.com/guide/wavefiles.html , 回覆
    (12-05 13:07)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: python:import alsaaudio o = alsaaudio.PCM(alsaaudio.PCM_PLAYBACK, card='default') o.setchannels(1) out.setrate(44100) o.setformat(alsaaudio.PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE) o.setperiodsize(160) o.write('\x08\x00') 回覆
    (12-04 22:49)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: FreeFem++-cs is an integrated environment for FreeFem++ (a C++-like computer language dedicated to the finite element method, developed under the supervision of profs Olivier Pironneau and Frédéric 回覆
    (12-03 10:49)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Elmer is an open source multiphysical simulation software developed by CSC - IT Center for Science (CSC). Elmer development was started 1995 in collaboration with Finnish Universities, research instit 回覆
    (12-03 10:48)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: usrp NCO synchronization ? 回覆
    (12-02 22:25)
    1. XiaJing: www.ti.rwth-aachen.de/teaching/ (12-02 22:26) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Labs200910_Implementing an OFDM Transceiver by Software Defined Radio.pdf (12-02 22:27) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: lists.gnu.org/archive/html/discuss-gnuradio/2010-10/msg00088.html (12-02 22:29) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: A GNU Radio Based Software-Defined Radar Patton, Lee K. (12-03 00:27) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: "source" is the bash SHELL BUILTIN COMMANDS, 語法:source filename [arguments] Read and execute commands from filename in the current shell environment and return the exit status 回覆
    (11-29 19:10)
    1. XiaJing: return the exit status of the last command executed from filename. (11-29 19:10) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: the mount point of iso file opened with Archive Mounter is in the ~/.gvfs directory. 回覆
    (11-29 18:44)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: i3 390M , linux下, g++4.5 , c++程序, 128階FIR, 每秒輸出1,600,000個採樣。 回覆
    (11-28 22:14)
    1. XiaJing: 如果使用Intel C++ Compiler (2011_sp1.7.256),最快每秒輸出54,000,000個採樣 (11-29 23:02) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: icpc (11-30 22:22) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Why can't I change the permissions, create, or delete folders in the Shared With Me folder?The Ubuntu One/Shared With Me folder is a special folder that holds all the folders other Ubuntu One users 回覆
    (11-27 11:34)
    1. XiaJing: other Ubuntu One users share with you. If someone shares a folder with you and makes that share writeable, you should be able to read, write and delete files from that folder. You cannot modify or del (11-27 11:35) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: . You cannot modify or delete folders directly in the Ubuntu One/Shared With Me folder. (11-27 11:36) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: find - search for files in a directory hierarchy.eg.find -name *.py -ctime +20, +n for greater than n, -n for less than n, n for exactly n. 回覆
    (11-26 20:42)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: IDL is vectorized, numerical, interactive, and is commonly used for interactive processing of large amounts of data (including image processing). There is a free implementation, GNU Data Languag(GDL 回覆
    (11-26 16:19)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Introduction to phase-locked loopsystem modelingBy Wen Li, Senior System Engineer, Advanced Analog Product Groupand Jason Meiners, Design Manager, Mixed-Signal Product Group 回覆
    (11-25 22:25)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Write binary file in matlab:d2=randn(2,2,2); fid = fopen('xxxx.bin' , 'w');fwrite(fid, d2,'double');fclose(fid); 回覆
    (11-23 18:22)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Read binary file with python:import structwith open('xxxxx.bin', 'r') as f:strdata = f.read()f.closeddbldata= struct.unpack("d", strdata[0:8]) 回覆
    (11-23 18:19)
    1. XiaJing: input: numpy.fromstring('\xff\xff\x00\x80',dtype=numpy.int16) output: array([ -1, -32768], dtype=int16) (12-05 16:09) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 3D Vector Graphics. pstricks, metapost 回覆
    (11-22 23:57)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu natty : matlab ,python.math, python.numpy: floor(3.9999999999999999999999999999999999)=4, 回覆
    (11-22 20:48)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Quadrature Signals: Complex, But Not Complicated by Richard Lyons http:/ /www.dspguru.com/sites/dspguru/files/QuadSignals.pdf 回覆
    (11-22 00:14)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 對已有的位圖進行標註。 回覆
    (11-21 14:49)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: install oss-compatoss4-baseoss4-dkms 回覆
    (11-20 16:48)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 1 Executable programs or shell commands 2 System calls (functions provided by the kernel) 3 Library calls (functions within program libraries) 4 Special files (usually fou 回覆
    (11-20 14:04)
    1. XiaJing: 4 Special files (usually found in /dev) 5 File formats and conventions eg /etc/passwd 6 Games 7 Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conven‐ tions), (11-20 14:05) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 7 Miscellaneous (including macro packages and conven‐ tions), e.g. man(7), groff(7) 8 System administration commands (usually only for root) 9 Kernel routines [Non s (11-20 14:05) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 9 Kernel routines [Non standard] (11-20 14:06) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Automated RF Techniques Group (ARFTG).ARFTG is a technical organization interested in all aspects of RF and Microwave test and measurement. 回覆
    (11-19 22:45)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The GHex program can view and edit files in two ways, hex or ascii. 回覆
    (11-18 20:45)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ImportError: libgnuradio-core-3.4.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory. 解決:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages 回覆
    (11-18 00:06)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The Comedi project develops open-source drivers, tools, and libraries for data acquisition. http:/ /www.comedi.org/ 回覆
    (11-17 22:21)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: nmap - Network exploration tool and security / port scanner 回覆
    (11-17 11:23)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 使用vnc,啓動gedit在鍵入d時窗口消失,再按d鍵又出現,無法輸入d。gconf-editor->apps->metacity->global_keybingdings->show_desktop->super+d 更改爲disabled。 回覆
    (11-16 23:36)
    1. XiaJing: http:/ /topic.csdn.net/u/20111025/09/79cfc65c-fdb6-4aed-adc8-bf240d7c3e58.html (11-16 23:38) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu natty narwhal :vnc4server和vnc-java是兩個包,只安前者無5800+display num端口,只有5900+display num端口。安裝後者後可在瀏覽器中使用VNC。 回覆
    (11-16 23:27)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: vnc4server, $vncserver Creating default startup script /home/xiajing/.vnc/xstartupStarting applications specified in /home/xiajing/.vnc/xstartupLog file is /home/xiajing/.vnc/xiajing-xx:1.log 回覆
    (11-16 12:55)
    1. XiaJing: vncserver -kill :1 (11-16 13:03) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: solaris.vnc, http:/ /blogs.oracle.com/timthomas/entry/script_to_configure_vnc_server ; vinagre - a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME Desktop。vinagre [OPTIONS] [server][::port|:display] 回覆
    (11-15 17:04)
    1. XiaJing: ubuntu,vinagre:Applications->Internet->Remote Desktop Viewer (11-16 09:36) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: solaris.pkginfo - display software package information. Without options, pkginfo lists the primary category, package instance, and the names of all completely installed and partially installed package 回覆
    (11-15 11:00)
    1. XiaJing: pkginfo | grep vnc (11-15 11:01) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: system SUNWvncviewer VNC viewer client (11-15 11:02) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: system SUNWxvnc X11/VNC server (11-15 11:02) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote :lift , guide3[][] lift(real f(real x, real y), guide[ ][ ] g, interpolate3 join=operator --) 回覆
    (11-14 10:26)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: enscript - convert text files to PostScript, HTML, RTF, ANSI, and overstrikes。enscript --help-highlight 。enscript --language=html --highlight=java xxx.txt -o xxx.html 回覆
    (11-13 19:13)
    1. XiaJing: Highlight - a universal sourcecode to formatted text converter (11-13 20:55) 回覆
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote: asy -f svg xxx.asy , 需要編譯安裝dvisvgm。 回覆
    (11-12 22:42)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote:currentlight=light(gray(0.25),(0.0,1.0,0),(0,0,1),(1,1,0)); 光線強度、角度及個數。 回覆
    (11-12 21:23)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux. pi - compute decimal Archimedes' constant Pi to arbitrary accuracy.Super PI is a computer program that calculates pi to a specified number of digits after the decimal point—up to a maximu 回覆
    (11-09 23:31)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: history和tab completion跟shell有關,bash具有此功能,尤其是在solaris等unix系統,bash不是缺省的shell,所以這中情況沒有history和tab completion,這不是solaris的責任。 回覆
    (11-08 23:17)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xchm - Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. 回覆
    (11-08 19:09)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux-based:Scientific Linux , centos 回覆
    (11-08 17:28)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xmanager remote login solaris 10(u10): svcadm disable cde-login ; /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf 中[xdmcp] Enable=true; Port=177;svcadm enable svc:/application/gdm2-login:default; 回覆
    (11-07 21:42)
    1. XiaJing: Xnest -query 192.168.1.xxx :2 (11-07 21:58) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Not on system console, root login rejected Edit /etc/default/login and comment out the following line. # CONSOLE=/dev/console (11-07 22:24) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: tsclient is a GNOME program for remotely accessing Microsoft Windows NT/2000Terminal Services and XP Remote Desktop Sharing as implemented by the RemoteDesktop Protocol (RDP). Using the rdesktop pro 回覆
    (11-07 19:47)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: remote gdm. Xnest is an X Window System server that shows its output in a window. 回覆
    (11-06 14:41)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: wallpaper :http:/ /photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photo-of-the-day/landscapes/?page=4 回覆
    (11-05 22:36)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: checksum: md5 32*4=128 bits sha1sum 40*4=160 bits 回覆
    (11-05 17:06)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex.floatflt.sty not found.http:/ /intertwingly.net/blog/2010/04/22/Restoring-floatflt-sty mkdir -p /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/floatfltcd /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/floatfltrm - 回覆
    (11-05 16:30)
    1. XiaJing: rm -f floatflt.* float*.tex ; wget http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/floatflt/floatflt.ins ; wget http://mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/floatflt/floatflt.dtx ; latex floatflt.ins ; t (11-05 16:32) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: texhash /usr/share/texmf-texlive (11-05 16:32) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: floatflt has an unusual license which has been deemed unfree. (11-05 16:33) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux。hardinfo - shows hardware information in a GTK+ window。 回覆
    (11-01 22:32)
    1. demo: nice (11-01 23:10) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Wall-clock time, or wall time, is the human perception of the passage of time from the start to the completion of a task.牆上掛的鍾。 回覆
    (11-01 22:29)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux。bc - An arbitrary precision calculator language。time - run programs and summarize system resource usage。time echo "scale=20000 ;sqrt(2)" | bc 。real 0m15.932suser 0m15.849ssys 0m0 回覆
    (11-01 22:13)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: more /proc/cpuinfo more /proc/interrupts ; 回覆
    (11-01 21:45)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: In Firefox 3.5 a triple-click selects the entire paragraph. 回覆
    (10-29 17:14)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asy 中, path p1=Circle((0,0),1,30);path p2=circle((0,0),1);write(size(p2));write(size(p1)); draw(p1)和draw(p2)是重合的,雖然p1的size爲30,p2爲4. 回覆
    (10-21 12:23)
    1. XiaJing: Arc與arc繪製的弧也基本重合。即使半徑很大。 (10-21 12:33) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: gv bug :Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: apLineDelWarning: ... found while parsing '<Key>apLineDel: GV_Page(page+5) 'Warning: String to TranslationTable 回覆
    (10-21 12:10)
    1. XiaJing: 3.7.1有該bug。重新編譯安裝3.7.2消除。運行asy顯示圓時出現的。 Ubuntu 11.04. (10-21 12:12) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 三維消隱。兩個平面A,B相交,既有A在前B在後,又有B在前A在後的時候。不透明時,交界明顯。透明時交界不顯示,即使設0.99不透明。因爲顯示的是兩個平面顏色的疊加,不分前後。 回覆
    (10-20 22:18)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: There are four choices for viewing 3D Asymptote output:1.native Asymptote adaptive OpenGL-based renderer. 2.rasterized format(jpg,png). 3.Embed the 3D PRC format in a PDF file. 4.two-dimensional vecto 回覆
    (10-20 00:21)
    1. XiaJing: 4.two-dimensional vector (EPS or PDF) format with render=0. (10-20 00:22) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 3D geometry:Calques 3D 遵循GPL但使用MS的VC開發,只有windows版本。www.calques3d.org 回覆
    (10-19 10:12)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 梯度的理解。曲面可以分解爲衆多局部平面,考察曲面上某點的梯度可做該點的切面,以該點爲圓心在切面上畫圓形,圓上最高點到該點的有向線段爲梯度方向。 回覆
    (10-19 00:20)
    1. XiaJing: 用平面的等高線分析。 (10-19 10:13) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote.當asy -f pdf x.asy 提示錯誤:Error: /invalidfileaccess in --file--GPL Ghostscript 9.01: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1/usr/share/asymptote/plain_xasy.asy: 93.7: runtime: shipout failed 回覆
    (10-18 23:34)
    1. XiaJing: 當前目錄建立config.asy,內容爲import settings; gsOptions="-P"; (10-18 23:36) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: http:/ /sourceforge.net/projects/asymptote/forums/forum/409349/topic/3915524 (10-18 23:36) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MATPLOTLIB中類似matlab中axis equal和axis tight的命令是xax=plt.gca()xax.set_aspect(1,adjustable='box')plt.axis([0.8 ,1.5 ,-0.4 ,1]) 回覆
    (10-18 15:44)
    1. XiaJing: xax.autoscale_view(tight=True) (10-18 15:49) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: texmakerx現在爲texstudio,ubuntu下需要編譯安裝,natty narwhal 下編譯後信息爲:Using Qt Version 4.7.2, compiled with Qt 4.7.2 回覆
    (10-16 10:54)
    1. XiaJing: texmaker依舊不好用。 (10-16 10:55) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: tex中, 首頁與其他頁佈局不同(如頂端不對齊)的原因是:首頁中的\centering \fontsize將影響下一頁,而首頁前是按照缺省的\fontsize,所以首頁開頭也要設置\fontsize等參數。 回覆
    (10-08 09:17)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu disk space: info coreutils 'df invocation' 回覆
    (09-30 23:21)
    1. XiaJing: df: 對於根目錄/ (Size-Used-Available)/Size*100%=5%(用tune2fs -m可調) free=Size-Used, Available=Size-Used-Size*5% 對於其他掛載的系統 Size-Used-Available=0,free=Size-Used, free=available, Available=Size- (09-30 23:56) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 對於其他掛載的系統 Size-Used-Available=0,free=Size-Used, free=available, Available=Size-Used-Size*0% (09-30 23:57) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: df -i 用來檢查有空間無i node的情況。 (10-01 00:08) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: convert -chop 120x100 -rotate 180 -chop 110x90 -rotate 180 -resize 500x375 *.png a3.gif 回覆
    (09-27 22:03)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 重複:相位是頻率對時間的積分而不是乘積。如exp(j*beta*t*t). 回覆
    (09-13 22:12)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Linux CLI, stat - display file or file system status, stat -c %Y f1.txt, date +"%s" -r f1.txt .對於date, %s 指seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC。 回覆
    (09-12 09:48)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Digital Transmission Engineering 定價 :¥1,452.00 會員價 : ¥1,452.00 校園優惠價 :¥1452(100折) 作者: John B. Anderson 出版社:Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated ISBN:9780780334571 回覆
    (09-10 22:03)
    1. XiaJing: Synchronization of Digital Telecommunications Networks (09-10 22:06) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Digital Clocks for Synchronization and Communications (09-10 22:06) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Digital Communication Receivers: Synchronization, Channel Estimation, and Signal Processing (Volume 2): Heinrich Meyr, Marc Moeneclaey, Stefan A. Fechtel Wiley-Interscience | (09-10 22:07) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Networks: Parameter Estimation, Peformance Benchmarks, and Protocols (09-10 22:08) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: David J. Kinniment "Synchronization and Arbitration in Digital Systems" (09-10 22:08) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: sed -n '/href/{N;/\n.*漢字/p}' file 不起作用。sed -n '/href/{N;/\n.*englishword/p}' file 起作用。 回覆
    (09-05 22:03)
    1. XiaJing: line1 href line2 href line3 漢字 line4, 跟漢字無關,漢字出現在偶數個href的後面。 (09-05 22:09) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: sed -n '/漢字/{x;G;p};h' file#類似grep -B1 漢字 (09-05 22:22) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: arecord, aplay - command-line sound recorder and player for ALSA sound‐card driver 回覆
    (08-29 23:02)
    1. XiaJing: help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting (08-29 23:06) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: help.ubuntu.com/community/alsa-oss (08-29 23:06) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Otherwise, numbers take the form [base#]n, where the optional base is a decimal number between 2 and 64 representing the arithmetic base, and n is a number in that base. 回覆
    (08-27 22:45)
    1. XiaJing: bash manual (08-27 22:46) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Strip the leading zeros of number. v=000110;echo $((10#$v)) (08-27 22:49) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: let w=”10#$v” (08-27 22:55) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: If the extglob shell option is enabled using the shopt builtin, several extended pattern matching operators are recognized. In the following description, a pattern-list is a list of one or mor 回覆
    (08-27 22:04)
    1. XiaJing: *(pattern-list) Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns (08-27 22:06) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Strip the leading zeros of number. v=000110;echo ${v##*(0)} (08-27 22:52) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bash,刪除數字前面的0,b=$(echo 0000100 | sed 's/^0*//');echo $b,這樣0000000將爲空(應該爲0),修改爲b=$(echo 0000100 | sed 's/^0\{,4\}//');echo $b 回覆
    (08-27 17:43)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bash, ls -l | wc -l 實現當前文件夾下文件個數的計算(多一個,包括第一行total)。ls -1 | wc -l 不會多一個。 回覆
    (08-27 15:26)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: iconv實現GB18030到UTF-8的轉換。 回覆
    (08-27 01:20)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MldonkeyFox protocols Handler 0.13 不能解析 文件名中有斜槓字符的鏈接。 回覆
    (08-25 11:54)
    1. XiaJing: 用sed把ed2k鏈接中的名字改一下就可以,ed2k是通過hash區分文件的而不是名字。 (08-25 12:14) 回覆
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Add line number to text , nl filename, cat -n filename , sed = filename | sed '{N;s/\n/./}' . 回覆
    (08-21 23:44)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: sed 中找到最後一個匹配: sed '$s/\(.*\)XX.*/\1/',主要用到parentheses。 回覆
    (08-20 17:29)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: sed 的RE 是 Greedy Match,不能實現在perl裏可以實現的".*?XX"這種NonGreedy Match。解決的辦法是找到第一XX替換成\n,然後刪掉這一行。 回覆
    (08-20 17:22)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用highlight命令將bash腳本轉換爲高亮顯示的bbcode代碼。highlight -Y -i **.sh, -Y爲bbcode輸出。 回覆
    (08-20 17:15)
    1. XiaJing: gvim 可以把source file convert to HTML。 (08-20 17:44) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: # delete all trailing blank lines at end of file sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba' -e '}' # works on all seds 回覆
    (08-20 01:14)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 對於用amule下載的文件都有一個hash值或稱爲文件指紋,ed2k的hash基於md4算法(wiki.amule.org/index.php/MD4_hash),驗證下載的文件是否正確不能用md4校驗程序(ubuntu裏有md5sum,sha1sum,有openssl dgst -md4)。驗證方法 回覆
    (08-19 18:45)
    1. XiaJing: 驗證方法是將文件放在amule的共享目錄內,從amule界面查看共享文件時將會顯示FILEID,既Hash值,可與原始文件的Hash(含在ed2k的鏈接裏)比較。 (08-19 18:45) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用CLI的mplayer時,用xdotool模擬鍵盤輸入很有用,實現自動重複。如xdotool key Left模擬左箭頭,即seek backward 10 seconds。 回覆
    (08-19 16:40)
    1. XiaJing: www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/bash-script-to-simulate-keyboard-entry-862060/ (08-19 16:43) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: man命令的使用類似vi,如查找,/pattern,用n前向查找下一個,N反向查找下一個。 回覆
    (08-17 00:45)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu裏的中文文件名的編碼爲UTF-8,也可以爲GB18030但顯示爲亂碼,不過如果放在ftp目錄下,用firefox通過ftp看GB18030編碼的文件名則會正確顯示。但ipad2裏的safari看的ftp裏的中文都是問號。 回覆
    (08-16 16:59)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 對於文本:Head 123456123789 。執行sed 's/^.*123//' xxx。將得到 789。類似bash中的${parameter##*123}而不是${parameter#*123},即去掉最長匹配。 回覆
    (08-16 15:35)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: sed 好像不能處理GB18030編碼的文本,但可以處理UTF-8的文本。對於GB18030編碼的文本只需用gedit另存選utf-8編碼就可。 回覆
    (08-16 15:25)
    1. XiaJing: 也不能說是sed不能處理,應該是term不支持顯示GB18030編碼的中文。 (08-19 16:45) 回覆
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ** (gedit:5488): CRITICAL **: _gedit_tab_save_as: assertion `encoding != NULL' failed保存時手動選編碼如UTF-8 回覆
    (08-16 15:13)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: url , percent encode decode,fnamepercent="%E8%BF%9E%E7%8E%AF%E7%94%BB" fnamecn=$(python -c "import urllib; print urllib.unquote(\"$fnamepercent\")") 回覆
    (08-15 15:32)
    1. XiaJing: wget $furl --output-document=$fnamecn (08-15 15:34) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu natty下realplayer10無聲。安裝alsa-oss,執行aoss realplay解決。 回覆
    (08-14 21:28)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: vim. 將xxx替換成換行符 :%s/xxx/^M/g,^M爲CTRL-V CTRL-M。詳見:h sub-replace-sepcial。 回覆
    (08-08 00:01)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: vim, how to comment multiple lines. (Enter command mode in VIM):2,5s/^/#/g , 在2到5行的開頭插入註釋符號#。 reference: www.pinoytux.com/linux/vim-trick-how-to-comment-multiple-lines 回覆
    (08-06 21:47)
    1. XiaJing: uncomment用 :2,5s:^# 或 :2,5s:^#* (08-07 00:10) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 設置chrome的proxy後,會產生環境變量如http_proxy,https_proxy等,這將影響wget的使用。 回覆
    (08-05 10:32)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: IPAD中用safari下載vsftpd中的rmvb文件,提示“下載失敗 Safari無法下載此文件”,將rmvb更改爲rm解決。原因是沒有與rmvb關聯的應用程序。即使安裝了Oplayer等能夠識別rm文件的應用程序。 回覆
    (07-31 23:47)
    1. XiaJing: 720X395分辨率視頻聲音同步沒問題,雖然沒有電腦流暢。 (07-31 23:59) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Merriam-Webster's.Advanced.Learner's.English.Dictionary.prc可以用Mobipocket reader打開。 回覆
    (07-31 23:00)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: amule中有一項“last seen complete"的意思是shows the last time you've seen the entire file provided by the sources you've asked。 回覆
    (07-31 22:27)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu11.04 用Arista Transcoder 0.9.6轉換視頻格式以適於ipad播放,提示不能找到GStreamer element x264enc,安轉gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse解決, 回覆
    (07-29 20:48)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc NI Seymour [AMD Radeon HD 6470M] (re 回覆
    (07-29 00:36)
    1. XiaJing: lspci | grep -i vga (07-29 00:37) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: lspci -v -s 00:02.0 (07-29 00:38) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-find-linux-vga-video-card-ram/ (07-29 00:38) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: baidu的邏輯搜索的非 “-” 不起作用。 回覆
    (07-28 11:29)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: wiley Ubuntu® Linux® Toolbox:1000+ Commands for Ubuntu and Debian Power Users 2008 回覆
    (07-27 23:31)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: motion, www.lavrsen.dk/foswiki/bin/view/Motion/WebHome 回覆
    (07-25 23:48)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 如果只是用CL收發郵件,如用MUTT,則選MTA時用postfix顯得過於複雜,用msmtp就可以。 回覆
    (07-25 20:07)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: msmtp --host=smtp.126.com --serverinfoSMTP server at smtp.126.com (m50-112.126.com []), port 25: 126.com Anti-spam GT for Coremail System (126com[20101010])Capabilities: PIPELI 回覆
    (07-25 20:03)
    1. XiaJing: AUTH: Supported authentication methods: PLAIN LOGIN (07-25 20:41) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 不安全 (07-25 20:44) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: telnet smtp.126.com 25 回覆
    (07-25 00:23)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix 回覆
    (07-24 23:46)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu下禁用touchpad, Run gconf-editor Edit the keys in the /desktop/gnome/peripherals/touchpad/ folder. https;//wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics#Synaptics_Special_Ability 回覆
    (07-24 18:32)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Gnome, Ctrl+Alt+Tab Give focus to a panel. http;//library.gnome.org/users/gnome-access-guide/stable/keynav-5.html.en 回覆
    (07-24 18:00)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用fbreader打開epub文件。 回覆
    (07-24 12:21)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 關閉firefox的plugin-container。用top命令查看,plugin-container佔用大量cup資源,副作用遠大於作用。關閉方法:about:config, dom.ipc.plugins.enabled 設爲false。 回覆
    (07-24 11:09)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: William von HagenUbuntu® Linux® BibleThird EditionFeaturing Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. 簡評:桌面內容(圖形界面)的操作佔主要部分,CL的內容基本沒有。 回覆
    (07-24 10:02)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Gnutella 回覆
    (07-24 09:34)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The Macmillan Visual Dictionary 回覆
    (07-23 10:40)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用GIMP製作1bit單色圖形文件。首先color->threshold,然後Image->mode->indexed,彈出Indexed Color Conversion對話框,選1-bit palette。 回覆
    (07-19 10:55)
    1. XiaJing: Image Properties對話框裏:Color space: Indexed color(2 colors),一般是RGB或Grayscale (07-19 10:57) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 5100 × 6600 pixels的圖像,bmp灰度佔32M,1bit佔4M。若爲png格式灰度佔58k,1bit佔18k。 (07-19 10:59) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux下的圖形圖像手工繪製處理軟件,LibreOffice Draw,GIMP,Inkscape,Dia 回覆
    (07-19 10:16)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 爲什麼有些國產軟件不夠厚道。那時推出easymule時用了一次就刪除了,還是用www.emule-project.net上的emule,剛纔看到http;//emulefans.com/easymule2-alleged-plagiarism-from-amule/ 。 回覆
    (07-18 00:07)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: shell裏打開GB18030編碼的文本文件顯示爲亂碼。待解決。 回覆
    (07-17 23:36)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ~$ localeLANG=en_US.UTF-8LANGUAGE=en_US:enLC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8"LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8"LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8"LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8"LC_MONETARY="en 回覆
    (07-17 23:14)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu用gedit打開中文文本文檔出現亂碼。解決方法:gconf-editor程序->apps->gedit-2->preferences->encodings中auto_detected添加GB18030並置頂。 回覆
    (07-17 23:11)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/08/15-examples-to-master-linux-command-line-history/ —— www.thegeekstuff.com/2009/03/15-practical-linux-find-command-examples/ 回覆
    (07-17 22:25)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu11.04使用evince打開ps文件,然後打印到文件選擇pdf格式,提示Failed to print document和Printing is not supported on this printer。替換辦法:用ghostscript包裏的ps2pdf程序。 回覆
    (07-13 21:03)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matlab2011a/bin/util/oscheck.sh: 605: /lib/libc.so.6: not found _________________ libc6 Embedded GNU C Library: Shared libraries 回覆
    (07-13 20:11)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ngspice進行ac分析,結果通帶是負值,阻帶接近0,原因在於語句“V1 0 3 AC 1 180”中的1的正負,180度還是0度初相,0 3還是3 0,這三個地方都可改變極性。 回覆
    (07-11 23:32)
    1. XiaJing: ngspice>source xx.net ngspice>run ngspice>plot (07-11 23:35) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 最近ZF對網站的fengsuo更嚴厲了,這種政策將會阻礙發展。 回覆
    (07-11 20:11)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 找資料過程中用baidu搜中文網站的內容看是否有該資料,有一個方便下載該資料的網站居然沒有列出,而google(偏好設置爲中文)搜時該網站排在首頁,順利下載。以後中文網站也用google搜。 回覆
    (07-11 20:02)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: only the server versions of Mac OS X are designed to be used in a virtual environment; as a result, VirtualBox does not support client versions of Mac OS X as a guest. 回覆
    (07-10 14:48)
    1. XiaJing: www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch03.html (07-10 14:48) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: VB4上安裝Snow Leopard 10.6.7提示"still waiting for root device",待解決。 (07-10 15:49) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu下安裝AcetoneISO用於將dmg文件轉換成iso文件,但該功能在從ubuntu repositories 裏安裝AcetoneISO後需單獨下載。 回覆
    (07-10 14:19)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Virtual Box 4.0安裝Snow Leopard,可以讀取dmg鏡像,運行時提示:VT-x/AMD-V hardware acceleration has been enabled, but is not operational. Certain guests (e.g. OS/2 and QNX) require this feature.Please ensur 回覆
    (07-10 12:17)
    1. XiaJing: Please ensure that you have enabled VT-x/AMD-V properly in the BIOS of your host computer. (07-10 12:17) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: i3 390的cpu支持VT-x,natty narwhal系統或bios可能不支持,先在設置裏關掉,待解決。。 (07-10 12:20) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 該問題可通過在bios裏enable Virtulization項解決。 (07-10 15:50) 回覆
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: CompTIA :Computing Technology Industry Association . CompTIA Linux+™ 回覆
    (07-10 11:47)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Britannica Illustrated Science Library (16 Vol Set)Britannica Discovery Library (12-volume set) 回覆
    (07-10 09:15)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu: cksfv校驗sfv文件的工具。\nxiaj@xjUbuntu:~/Downloads$ cksfv hxxxxxx.r03 回覆
    (07-09 21:21)
    1. XiaJing: ; Generated by cksfv v1.3.14 on 2011-07-09 at 21:13.36 (07-09 21:22) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: hxxxxxx.r03 7C4FAC84 (07-09 21:22) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: cksfv is a tool for verifying CRC32 checksums of files. (07-09 21:35) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: Simple file verification (SFV) is a file format for storing CRC32 checksums of files to verify the integrity of files.————en.wikipedia.org (07-09 21:43) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在ubuntu 11.04+firefox 4下 點擊ed2k鏈接提示無應用程序關聯。採取:about:config設置。wiki.amule.org/index.php/Ed2k_links_handling#Firefox_2_and_3_.28or_later.29 但無效。 回覆
    (07-09 13:37)
    1. XiaJing: 即network.protocol-handler.external.ed2k true (07-09 13:38) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 和 network.protocol-handler.app.ed2k string /usr/bin/ed2k 或 ed2k (07-09 13:39) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: network.protocol-handler.expose.ed2k false (07-09 13:40) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 按照wiki.amule.org的指示設置上面3個參數設置後,再安amule-gnome-support,但最終無效。 (07-09 13:42) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: 解決辦法:安裝firefox add-ons MldonkeyFox protocols Handler 0.13 by Wile (07-09 13:43) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: gedit,可以使用\n表示換行符,用\\n表示\n。這樣在替換時很有用。 回覆
    (07-09 10:03)
    1. zjw850133152: 爲什麼這麼說呢?難道你碰到相關的問題了?分享出來嘛,以便大家都能學習學習,共同進步。呵呵 (07-09 10:08) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 好,舉個例子,比如希望遇到 ">"字符換行,但原來的文件一行包含多個">“,這樣就可以用”\n>“替換”>“ (07-09 13:29) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: RAR 4.00 beta 3 Copyright (c) 1993-2010 Alexander Roshal 17 Dec 2010Shareware version Type RAR -? for helpExtracting from /home/xiajing/t/t.rarNo files to extract文件名稱爲中文時有該問 回覆
    (07-09 00:09)
    1. XiaJing: 壓縮文件名爲中文導致File Roller 2.32.1的報錯信息。 (07-09 00:10) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 命令行下的rar:AUTHOR This manual page was written by Petr Cech <[email protected]> according to "rar -h" for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by oth‐ (07-09 00:11) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 還有命令行下的unrar。AUTHOR This manual page was written by Petr Cech <[email protected]> according to "rar -h" for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by oth (07-09 00:12) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 壓縮文件名爲中文用 unrar e xxx.rar可以正確解壓,看來問題在file roller上。 (07-09 00:28) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: file roller用rar,所以卸載rar,重裝unrar可以解決解壓問題。 (07-17 21:05) 回覆
    6. XiaJing: UNRAR 4.00 beta 3 freeware Copyright (c) 1993-2010 Alexander Roshal (07-17 20:51) 回覆
    7. XiaJing: RAR 4.00 beta 3 Copyright (c) 1993-2010 Alexander Roshal 17 Dec 2010 Shareware version Type RAR -? for help (07-17 20:52) 回覆
    8. XiaJing: 該文件用rar解壓中文爲亂碼,用unrar解壓正常。 (07-17 21:03) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu的ftp client , FileZilla ,包含file name filter,很方便,查閱服務器文件時可以濾出希望的內容,但沒有像flashfxp那樣高亮顯示包含特定字符串的文件的功能。 回覆
    (07-08 14:06)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 試了下筆記本上ubuntu的雙顯示器,用VGA線接上電視,在system-preferences-monitors裏可以detect顯示器,並可以設置。然後通過鍵盤的功能鍵兩個顯示器可以設置成顯示相同內容,相同的第二個屏幕內容,兩個屏幕內容並列顯示,這樣 回覆
    (07-07 10:36)
    1. XiaJing: 這樣就可在一個屏幕查資料,在另一個屏幕寫記錄。 (07-07 10:44) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 有些網站做事不光明,比如註冊的wy信箱,收到wy微博信件說有兩條新評論,但打開一看,根本沒有,而且關注的人有30個,之前並沒有手動設置關注一個人。 回覆
    (07-07 09:15)
    1. XiaJing: 類似的網站還有rr,信箱裏經常收到來自rr的好友請求。其實 是網站假冒用戶的名義發的。 (07-07 09:20) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 昨天看了開心起訴qianxiang的案子,說qianxiang的(jia)開心推廣中侵犯隱私,發垃圾郵件。rr也是qianxiang的。qianxiang的做法很不對。 (07-07 09:30) 回覆
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu tool, top , powertop 回覆
    (07-06 16:12)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu的system V和 upstart。help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto 回覆
    (07-04 18:05)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: • Meeting entries remind you of events that have a specific date and time.• Meeting requests are invitations that you can send to the participants. Before youcan create meeting requests you must h 回覆
    (07-02 19:25)
    1. XiaJing: Before you can create meeting requests you must have a compatible mailbox configured to your device. • Memo entries are related to the whole day but not to a specific time of the day. • Anniversary (07-02 19:26) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Anniversary entries remind you of birthdays and special dates. They refer to a certain day but not a specific time of the day. Anniversary entries are repeated every year. (07-02 19:27) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: To-do entries remind you of a task that has a due date but not a specific time of the day. (07-02 19:27) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 所以,用會議可以更精確。 (07-02 19:28) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: tor, Jul 02 08:47:25.464 [Warning] Problem bootstrapping. Stuck at 10%: Finishing handshake with directory server. (DONE; DONE; count 3; recommendation warn) 回覆
    (07-02 09:22)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu11.04的firefox4.0不能打開webster的聲音。 回覆
    (06-29 17:56)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Bounced Check。跳票。www.investorwords.com/561/bounced_check.html 回覆
    (06-27 18:12)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Natty Narwhal 回覆
    (06-27 18:03)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 問題:Blender, u3d? 回覆
    (06-27 17:53)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: GNOME Sensors Applet 回覆
    (06-27 15:48)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: drwxr-xr-x 5 xiajing xiajing 12288 2011-06-27 13:27 da-rwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 5042038 2009-04-22 03:02 ini drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2010-01-18 16:32 m -rwxrwxrwx. 1 x 回覆
    (06-27 14:15)
    1. XiaJing: 注意x後1前的“點”:-rwxrwxrwx. 1 (06-27 14:16) 回覆
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: psensor的bug,當關掉獨顯時,其sensor的值無效且極大,勾選繪製,psensor仍然處理該無效的大數,導致處理時間過長,界面僵住。打開獨顯,界面正常。 回覆
    (06-27 10:27)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 備份我的迷你博客:#!/bin/bashfor i in {1..19};dowget -P OK " hi.csdn.net/space-1862655-do-doing-view-me-page-$i.html"done 回覆
    (06-27 08:05)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: http askubuntu.com/questions/39562/radeon-module-boot-problems 回覆
    (06-27 00:06)
    1. XiaJing: thanks marto: add blacklist radeon to the end of /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf (06-27 00:19) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: add these lines before 'exit 0' in /etc/rc.local "modprobe radeon echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch" (06-27 00:21) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Ubuntu11.04, HP notebook, AMD Radeon HD 6470M.獨顯驅動導致黑屏的解決。 (06-27 00:36) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu11.04, more /etc/default/console-setup 和 /etc/default/keyboard 配置缺省鍵盤和console 回覆
    (06-26 23:08)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Ubuntu dmesg[ 156.499343] radeon: switched off[ 156.565554] radeon 0000:01:00.0: power state changed by ACPI to D3 回覆
    (06-26 15:14)
    1. XiaJing: uk.computers.toshiba-europe.com/innovation/download_whitepaper.jsp?service=UK&WHITEPAPER_ID=00000004c6 (06-27 00:30) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 01/07/98 ACPI Specification (06-27 00:31) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: D3 - Off , D0 – Fully On (06-27 00:31) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Ubuntu下雙顯卡的設置,help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics 回覆
    (06-26 00:07)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: HP雙顯卡的機器進入Ubuntu有時候卡住,比如由市電轉爲電池供電時,這時需要先進Win7,重啓,然後才能進入Ubuntu。 回覆
    (06-25 20:09)
    1. XiaJing: 問題在sudo bash -c "echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch",和 restart上 ,shutdonw後再重啓問題解決。 (06-25 20:40) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 表面現象,沒有探求內部原因。待軟件升級自動解決。 (06-25 20:42) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 該問題的出現和解決是隨機的,時好時壞,主要原因是,顯卡驅動,先不載入顯卡驅動,然後載入再關掉。 (07-04 17:01) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 見06-27 00:06的解決。 (07-04 17:02) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 問題:HP 筆記本 的觸摸板 在UBUNTU無雙擊鎖定功能 ,找其特定驅動 回覆
    (06-25 10:53)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Ubuntu 11.04 停用獨立顯卡,sudo bash -c "echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch", 如果sudo echo OFF > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch則permision denied 回覆
    (06-25 10:04)
    1. XiaJing: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1495123&page=8 (06-25 10:10) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: sudo cat /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch (06-25 10:11) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 該語句在/etc/rc.local中加載後 黑屏。 (06-25 10:54) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 啓用獨顯,sudo bash -c "echo DDIS > /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch" (06-25 11:32) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: 關掉獨顯功率爲17W左右,打開獨顯功率爲28W左右,獨顯消耗大量能量。 (06-25 21:17) 回覆
    6. XiaJing: 在Ubuntu下用Indicator Applet Complete 查看。 (06-25 21:19) 回覆
    7. XiaJing: cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info (06-28 18:57) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: info bash,then press s to search shell command. 回覆
    (06-25 09:12)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Ubuntu11.04的Unity不是很習慣,不如traditional env,不過似乎對顯卡有要求,升級了顯卡驅動提示:It seems that you do not have the hardware required to run Unity. 回覆
    (06-25 07:55)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: HP筆記本預裝的Win7把四個主分區都用了,雖可shrink騰空間,但無法創建擴展分區,Ubuntu11.04的安裝CD的分區工具雖可調整C盤大小,但add按鈕是灰色的。 回覆
    (06-24 22:08)
    1. XiaJing: 解決辦法1:用partimage工具備份一個主分區(recovery),刪該主分區,創建同樣大小的邏輯分區恢復。 (06-24 22:12) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 該方法要動recovery分區,一個備份分區,不是很好. (06-24 22:22) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 解決辦法2:用Partition Wizard工具將C盤變爲擴張分區中的邏輯盤 (06-24 22:24) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: PW是free software, C盤也是可以變動的,很好。 (06-24 22:25) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: 擴展分區 (06-25 21:41) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: OO Writer裏顯示空格 tools->options-> OO.org Writer->Formatting Aids 回覆
    (06-18 10:27)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Online office suite 回覆
    (06-17 13:27)
    1. XiaJing: Think free 對中文的支持很有限,很多中文字都是方塊。 (06-17 14:14) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Zoho感覺還不錯,有中文支持,不過對safari的支持還有待加強。 (06-18 21:02) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Adobe Buzzword 不支持中文輸入。 回覆
    (06-17 13:19)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 設置imap後,通過"同步"->“文件夾訂閱”可以同步“草稿箱”裏的內容,但不能修改。 回覆
    (06-17 11:27)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Nokia的手機,電郵服務->新信箱->開始,出現了預設的郵箱供應商帳號,自己的郵箱不再此列,選其他,輸入帳號,密碼,顯示正在驗證電子郵件,然後跳出。解決辦法,輸入錯誤的帳號和密碼。如1@1 1 回覆
    (06-17 11:19)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ipad上的手寫軟件:UYH,UPAD Lite,neu.Notes。 回覆
    (06-15 22:57)
    1. XiaJing: Remote desktop 軟件:2X Client (06-15 23:00) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 新聞軟件:CNN,AP News,NPR (06-15 23:04) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 數學軟件:PocketCAS (06-15 23:06) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 辦公軟件:free spreadsheet 支持CSV和共享 (06-15 23:08) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: PDF閱讀軟件:stanza,iBooks (06-15 23:14) 回覆
    6. XiaJing: 字典:merriam Webster (06-15 23:16) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 試試safari,不支持的地方不少,另外ipad2還是比較沉的。 回覆
    (06-04 23:23)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 這幾天樓層電氣間多了個配電箱,內有HEADWAY GYXTW光纜。 回覆
    (05-30 21:24)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: word 2003在自動編號後插入表格可以實現表格的各格自動編號(橫向), 也可實現第一例按行編號,其他列不能有編號,不然編號先橫向遞增。 回覆
    (05-18 22:58)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用xp的“文字服務和輸入語言”安裝日語 Microsoft IME Standard 2002 ver. 8.1 和Microsoft Natural Input 2002 ver. 8.1就可以用IME pad手寫輸入識別日文。 回覆
    (05-14 11:06)
    1. XiaJing: 襯衫上的標識, 棉 50% ポリエステル 50%, 後者手寫識別翻譯爲Polyester。 (05-14 11:08) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: DIY Layout Creator,diylc-3.0.8-beta 回覆
    (05-09 23:38)
    1. XiaJing: perfboard( perforated board), Stripboard (05-09 23:45) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: www.printedcircuitsboards.com/software/88/veroboard-stripboard-software.html (05-09 23:53) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ppt到word的轉換,ppt->pdf->word 回覆
    (05-07 18:14)
    1. XiaJing: www.pdftoword.com (05-07 18:19) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: kicad tutorial 回覆
    (05-07 11:21)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: RF Components and Circuits Publisher: Newnes | ISBN: 0750648449 | edition 2002 415 pages 回覆
    (05-07 00:35)
    1. XiaJing: 1N4148 (05-07 00:40) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: The Circuit Designer’s Companion Second edition Tim Williams Newnes 2005 (05-07 11:30) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Programmable Oscillator Uses Digital Potentiometers 回覆
    (05-06 23:56)
    1. XiaJing: AN-580 (05-07 00:00) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Sine Wave Generation Techniques National Semiconductor Application Note 263 March 1981 (05-07 00:01) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: paramagnetic, diamagnetic, nonmagnetic materials 回覆
    (05-06 23:21)
    1. XiaJing: ferromagnetic (05-06 23:24) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: www.ndt-ed.org/EducationResources/CommunityCollege/MagParticle/Physics/MagneticMatls.htm (05-06 23:24) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: SAW resonators 回覆
    (05-06 23:20)
    1. XiaJing: max2620 (05-08 10:30) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LTsice IV SPICE directive: K1 L1 L2 L3 1.www.simonbramble.co.uk/lt_spice/ltspice_lt_spice_tutorial_3.htm 回覆
    (05-06 20:38)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 《雙色圖文詳解電容器及應用電路》胡斌 人民郵電出版社 回覆
    (05-02 22:23)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Electronics Sensors for the Evil Genius: 54 Electrifying Projects 回覆
    (04-26 23:24)
    1. XiaJing: Fun Projects for the Experimenter - N. Braga with METAL DETECTOR (05-06 20:55) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Radio Society of Great Britain_Microwave Know How for the Radio Amateur_Andy Barter_2010, 振盪器論文www.vhfcomm.co.uk/i-oscillators.html,方向:DDS,MMIC 回覆
    (04-26 22:38)
    1. XiaJing: Artech House_Foundations of Oscillator Circuit Design_Guillermo Gonzalez 2007 (04-26 23:06) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: geda:* 1 INVERTINGINPUT* 2 NON-INVERTING* 3 OUTPUT* 4 POSITIVEPOWERSUPPLY* 5 NEGATIVEPOWER.SUBCKT LM124 1 3 2 4 5 建立sym時的pinseq屬性的順序從1到5要對應上面的13245。 回覆
    (04-25 21:26)
    1. XiaJing: 保證netlist中的“XU1 inv out non pos 0 LM124“語句中的順序與subckt中一致。 (04-25 21:30) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: geda:SPICE model (LMXXX.mod),SPICE include(xjsim.cmd),gnetlist -g spice-sdb -o xj.net xj.schngspice -b xj.net -r result.raw -o message.loggwave result.raw 回覆
    (04-24 10:28)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bash. $history 回覆
    (04-23 23:49)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Newnes_Oscilloscopes How to use them how they work_5th ed_Ian Hickman 2000 回覆
    (04-22 23:56)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 電容小,響應快,但電抗也大,用作耦合電容時分壓也大。增加負載阻抗雖然可以增加負載電壓,但放電時間延長,如果有開關電路,會形成嚴重拖尾。所以電容值和負載阻抗值的選取很重要。 回覆
    (04-22 11:35)
    1. XiaJing: 電容小,電抗大,增加頻率減小電抗。 (04-22 22:48) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Electronic Test Instruments: Analog and Digital Measurements (2nd Edition) Practical Radio Frequency Test and Measurement: A Technician's Handbook 回覆
    (04-19 23:20)
    1. XiaJing: Analog and Digital Filter Design Using C (Bk/Disk), 1/e Leslie D. Thede (04-19 23:45) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Synthetic Instruments Concepts and Applications by C.T. Nadovich 2005 (05-08 09:27) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Electronic Instrument Handbook Clyde F. Coombs 1999 (05-08 09:29) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The Book of Postfix: State-of-the-Art Message Transport Linux Email By Alistair McDonald, Ian Haycox, Magnus Bäck Postfix: The Definitive Guide 回覆
    (04-19 00:24)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Bible [Paperback]Richard Blum 2008 回覆
    (04-19 00:03)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: R2011a Documentation → MATLAB,[SN,CN,DN] = ellipj(U,M), U is limited to real values. 回覆
    (04-18 23:21)
    1. XiaJing: 問題:u爲複數,sn(u+jX,M)的計算。 (04-18 23:29) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: mutt +msmtp , ~/.muttrc set from= set realname set sendmail="msmtp" ~/.msmtprc account defaulthost smtp.xx.cnauth loginfrom [email protected] xjpassword xx 回覆
    (04-18 20:05)
    1. XiaJing: 發附件:mutt -s "Test mail" [email protected] -a attachedfile < mailtext (04-18 20:05) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 可以將資料都傳到郵箱。 (04-18 20:07) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: email control (04-18 21:55) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: Postfix instead of msmtp (04-18 22:08) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: 剛開始一直都發不了郵件,包括msmtp得不到serverinfo,花了不少時間找原因,原來兩年前把25端口就封了。 (04-18 23:36) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: How do I configure Mutt to use a remote SMTP server to send mail?Mutt can't do so directly (read the MailConcept to understand why this won't change). You must specify a local MTA to do it. 回覆
    (04-18 16:43)
    1. XiaJing: wiki.mutt.org/?MuttFaq/Sendmail (04-18 16:44) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Update: Recent versions (1.5.x) of Mutt has built-in SMTP support. (04-18 16:57) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu中設置硬件時間是否爲本地時間或UTC時間。/etc/default/rcS,UTC=no,可以man rcS。date設置系統時間,hwclock 設置 hardware clock。 回覆
    (04-18 09:06)
    1. XiaJing: tzselect (04-18 10:28) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 需要找一個精度很高的數值積分程序計算橢圓積分。 回覆
    (04-17 21:12)
    1. XiaJing: 直接調用,svn.scipy.org/svn/scipy/trunk/scipy/special/specfun/specfun.f,fortran程序 (04-17 23:12) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Bessel->Butterworth->Chebyshev II->Chebyshelf I->Elliptic filters 由左到右是從相位響應優先到幅度響應優先。 回覆
    (04-16 23:48)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: IFS="#newline#"for i in $(grep -ir "\.asc" dem* ) ; do #"\.asc",加引號才轉義 # echo $i echo -e "\n \n..............."done 回覆
    (04-16 14:11)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: wget:有時候下載,只是前1分鐘有數據傳輸,之後便是無響應。爲了利用這個突發傳輸,增加請求的頻率,可以編寫腳本,也可以使用wget -T 20 -c url,20秒等待,缺省是900秒。 回覆
    (04-16 12:05)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LC Tank,sqrt(1/LC)雖然是諧振角頻率,但出現了兩個自由度, L和C,頻率一定,即約束條件,LC=常數,則不同的C值,其選擇性不同。再考慮並聯的R,則R越大品質因數越大選擇性越好,並聯品質因數爲R/sqrt(L/C),可見只考慮R 回覆
    (04-16 00:26)
    1. XiaJing: 其實L和C的選擇也很重要, 可設L爲變量,頻率一定,改變L觀察選擇性. (04-16 00:28) 回覆
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Mathematica6的Manipulate函數,其中的第二個參數,即控制參數必須顯式的出現在表達式參數中,如Manipulate[Plot[x*a,{x,0,4}],{a,1,3}]可以,但y=x*a;Manipulate[Plot[y,{x,0,4}],{a,1,3}]就不可行。 回覆
    (04-15 23:59)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Foundations of OscillatorCircuit DesignGuillermo Gonzalez 回覆
    (04-15 07:56)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Microwave Switches: Application Notes.www.herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes&notes=switches 回覆
    (04-14 23:29)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Fedora Electronic Lab,spins.fedoraproject.org/fel/#portfolio 回覆
    (04-12 23:20)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 有關geda和ngspice、gnu-cap的tutorial。ashwith.wordpress.com/2010/09/10/circuit-simulation-in-gnulinux-lets-begin/ 回覆
    (04-12 23:14)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: National Semiconductor SPICE Macromodels。Op Amp SPICE & IBIS Models。 www.national.com/analog/amplifiers/spice_models 回覆
    (04-12 21:58)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: type lsls is aliased to `ls --color=auto' 回覆
    (04-11 22:17)
    1. XiaJing: type -a ls ls is aliased to `ls --color=auto' ls is /bin/ls (04-11 22:20) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Carl Albing, JP Vossen, and Cameron Newham,bash Cookbook,O’Reilly.2007 (04-11 22:33) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 備份迷你博客:for i in {1..16};do wget http://hi.csdn.net/space-1862655-do-doing-view-me-page-$i.htmldone 回覆
    (04-10 14:53)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: A minimum-phase transfer function is one where there are no zeros in the right-half of the s plane.Larry D. Paarmann Design and analysis of analog filters, p77 回覆
    (04-09 21:05)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: active filter design:www.educypedia.be/electronics/electroniccalculatorsfilter.htm 回覆
    (04-09 11:45)
    1. XiaJing: TI:Chapter16 Active Filter Design Techniques(Excerpted from Op Amps for Everyone) (04-09 12:07) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Active-Filter Cookbook D.Lancaster 1975,same as 2nd ed. (04-09 12:09) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: PSpice for Filters and Transmission Lines Morgan and Claypool Publishers | 2007 (04-09 12:10) 回覆
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: KiCad, kicad.sourceforge.net/wiki/Main_Page 回覆
    (04-08 12:05)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: numpy array:橫:[[[a,b]]],豎:[[[c],[d]]],縱:[[[e]],[[f]]]。四維:[[[[1,2],[3,4]],[[-1,-2],[-3,-4]]],[[[91,92],[93,94]],[[-91,-92],[-93,-94]]]] 回覆
    (04-05 10:23)
    1. XiaJing: numpy.shape: 橫(1,1,2),豎(1,2,1),縱(2,1,1),四維(2,2,2,2) (04-05 12:01) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: numpy.reshape(, ( 外->內 ) ) (04-05 12:03) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: mayavi2嵌入到wx,3.4的#from enthought.mayavi.core.ui.api import SceneEditor, MlabSceneModel對應3.2的from enthought.tvtk.pyface.scene_editor import SceneEditor 回覆
    (04-04 17:34)
    1. XiaJing: from enthought.mayavi.tools.mlab_scene_model import MlabSceneModel (04-04 17:34) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization used by thousands of researchers and developers around 回覆
    (04-04 15:38)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 動態演示的方案:gif, swf, 或 視頻格式,gif的不足是顏色的限制,只有256色。png雖然可以支持更多的顏色,但不支持動畫,只能期待APNG格式的普及。所以swf是選擇之一,用png2swf工具轉換也很方便。 回覆
    (04-04 11:29)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: mayavi 中使用numpy.mgrid,若使用numpy.meshgrid則存在問題。 回覆
    (04-03 23:35)
    1. XiaJing: mayavi2 (04-04 17:03) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 針對mlab.surf函數 (04-04 18:11) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 編譯wxwidget 報錯 : /usr/include/wx-2.8/wx/utils.h:50: error: forward declaration of ‘struct wxFrame’, 原因是缺少libwxgtk2.8-dev 回覆
    (04-02 14:23)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PLplot:plplot.sourceforge.netVeusz:home.gna.orgoctaviz:octaviz.sourceforge.netUDAV:udav.sourceforge.netvisit:wci.llnl.gov/codes/visit/home.html 回覆
    (04-02 12:01)
    1. XiaJing: mathgl:mathgl.sourceforge.net (04-02 12:06) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: www.xmarks.com (04-02 12:11) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matplotlib錯誤:ValueError: Unknown projection '3d' .原因是把1.01的例子用在了0.99環境中。前者fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d'),後者fig = pylab.figure() ax = axes3d.Axes3D(f 回覆
    (03-31 21:28)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ps2pdf - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript. ps2pdf12 ps2pdf13 回覆
    (03-31 12:27)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: for j in =*; do if [ -f $j ] ; then echo; fi ;done 回覆
    (03-29 23:01)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 批量下載eml文件,然後用for f in *.eml; do munpack $f; done 提取附件,eml可用文本編輯器打開。 回覆
    (03-29 22:26)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Network: ERR-No Active Peers, Check Network Connection and Firewall.07:10:22.480 ERROR [JobQueue3 ] networkdb.reseed.ReseedChecker: Downloading peer router information for a new I2P installation 回覆
    (03-29 15:45)
    1. XiaJing: 找個可行的.i2p folder替換 (03-29 15:46) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Audacity® is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, GNU/Linux, and other operating systems. 回覆
    (03-28 21:46)
    1. XiaJing: GUI:wxWidgets (03-28 21:53) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: firefox history:Win XP:C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profilefolder>\places.sqlite,GNU/Linux:/home/<user>/.mozilla/firefox/<profilefo 回覆
    (03-28 16:18)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 作者的知識背景決定了所著書籍的內容傾向。GNU/Linux Application Programming, 2nd Edition M. Tim Jones就傾向於嵌入式應用。如對內核,虛擬化,編譯工具鏈等方面的涵蓋,,這都是開發嵌入式應用所需要的。 回覆
    (03-28 14:48)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Preemption (computing), ability of an operating system to stop a currently scheduled task in favour of a higher priority task. 回覆
    (03-28 14:00)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 運行echo "Beautiful day! " | festival --tts 提示Linux: can't open /dev/dsp。在Sound Preferences->Hardware-Profile更改驅動爲Digital Stereo Output+Analog stereo input 解決。 回覆
    (03-27 20:36)
    1. XiaJing: espeak -p 10 -s 130 -f t.txt (03-28 10:02) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: execl, execlp, execle, execv, execvp - execute a fileThese functions are front-ends for execve. 回覆
    (03-27 12:19)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Variadic function:In computer programming, a variadic function is a function of indefinite arity, i.e. one which accepts a variable number of arguments. 回覆
    (03-27 11:26)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: python, 刪除list的元素,a[-2:-1]=[]刪除倒數第二個元素,但a[-1:0]並不能刪除倒數第一個元素,要用a[-1:]=[],或者a.pop() 回覆
    (03-22 21:19)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用cxfreeze生成的Win32程序在運行時提示“The application requires a version of wxPython greater than or equal to 2.8,but a mathching version was not found. ” 回覆
    (03-21 20:03)
    1. XiaJing: 原因是py代碼包含:import wxversion wxversion.ensureMinimal('2.8'),去掉即可。 (03-21 20:03) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: windows下的python:matplotlib-1.0.1.win32-py2.7.exe,numpy-1.5.1-win32-superpack-python2.7.exe,python-2.7.1.msi,wxPython2.8-win32-unicode- 回覆
    (03-19 18:54)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux:man 3 printf 回覆
    (03-19 16:31)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xvidcap1.1.7不從ubuntu倉儲安裝,直接到sourceforge.net/projects/xvidcap/頁面下載,前者無聲音對話框且錄製無聲音。 回覆
    (03-15 17:10)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 調試WR天線: 客戶端固定並安裝ssh,手機安裝ssh與客戶端通信監測客戶端接收情況,同時調整WR天線。WR:wireless router 回覆
    (03-15 11:15)
    1. XiaJing: 反射天線初步能提高7個dB左右,下一步研究衰減與距離的關係。 (03-15 11:18) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: debian , 待變 回覆
    (03-14 23:14)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: virtuous circle,Vicious circle.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtuous_circle_and_vicious_circle 回覆
    (03-14 15:02)
  16. XiaJing
    (03-13 23:33)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: cramfs: sudo mount -o loop -t cramfs ./armbase_2.5.cramfs /mnt/arm-rfs/ 回覆
    (03-13 22:41)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 6410開發板燒寫了android2.2,用後感覺其對於非手機的設備支持有限。 繼續關注。 回覆
    (03-13 16:41)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux ec2: Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) 回覆
    (03-13 11:01)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: #sudo iwlist eth1 scanning Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11) Quality:5/5 Signal level:-42 dBm Noise level:-92 dBm 回覆
    (03-12 20:15)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 感覺zf對網絡的“豐索”更加嚴格了。 國外的有些網站做的很好,沒有廣告,又可以發文件(教學文件),但這也被禁止了。 回覆
    (03-09 10:56)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Karim Yaghmour, Jon Masters, Gilad Ben-Yossef, Philippe Gerum, "Building Embedded Linux Systems" O'Reilly Media, Inc. | ISBN: 0596529686 | August 26, 2008 回覆
    (03-09 00:24)
    1. XiaJing: Gene Sally,Pro Linux Embedded Systems,Apress,December 29, 2009 (03-13 23:33) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Embedded Digital Signal Processing Systems.pdf (03-13 23:47) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Wiley.IEEE.Press.Embedded.Signal.Processing.with.the.Micro.Signal.Architecture.Feb.2007 (03-13 23:48) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: LabVIEW Experiments and Appendix Accompanying Embedded Signal Processing with the Micro Signal Architecture By Dr. Woon-Seng (03-13 23:50) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: ftp://ftp.ni.com/pub/devzone/tut/exp_isbn_978_0_471_73841_1.pdf (03-13 23:50) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux:dmesg - print or control the kernel ring buffer.The program helps users to print out their bootup messages. 回覆
    (03-08 22:00)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 無線路由器裏 對於DHCP分配的機器和設置成固定IP的機器可見性不同. 回覆
    (03-07 11:15)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: s3c6410的linux.編寫腳本:ifconfig eth0 192.x.x.x up, route add default gw 192.x.x.x , echo nameserver 202.x.x.x > /etc/resolv.conf 。然後可用ftp, busybox裏的wget等工具傳文件.前提自建web或ftp server。 回覆
    (03-06 18:23)
    1. XiaJing: 有時需更改MAC地址避免重複# ifconfig ethX down # ifconfig ethX hw ether NEW_MAC_ADDR # ifconfig ethX up (03-07 10:42) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: The US Trade Representative (USTR) accused Baidu of steering consumers to third-party websites where pirated material is hosted.Critics accuse China of not protecting intellectual property rights. 回覆
    (03-01 17:47)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 與youtube一樣被封的還有wikipedia的圖片服務器,公式圖片也無法顯示,可見對於不健康的東西是寧可錯殺一千絕不放走一個。雖然可以用”愛兔癖“解決,但速度只有幾kbps,期待好轉。 回覆
    (03-01 16:59)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 2011年:只要dictionary文件做的好,wpa可以很快破解。 回覆
    (03-01 10:17)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 數獨可以用遞歸算法求解,速度還挺快。在該類問題上遞歸和循環的區別是在速度和代碼長度上,前者速度慢但代碼短,後者速度快,但循環嵌套數大(數獨需要81個)並且運行時不能改變,每一個循環的的代碼都重複。 回覆
    (03-01 10:04)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 流傳的用hosts文件指定域名的IP地址的方法來訪問youtube似乎不可行,猜測爲IP封鎖。用代理可行,但一般都收費。其實youtube上還有很多教學視頻,很健康的東西。 回覆
    (02-28 11:02)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 注意到迷你博客沒有年份的顯示,只有月日小時分鐘。 回覆
    (02-27 09:20)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bt, spoonwep, spoonwpa, Gerix Wifi Cracker NG 回覆
    (02-26 22:27)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ReaView MDK-ARM中,通過創建Debug Functions打印數組的值(算法結果),然後進行驗證。 回覆
    (02-18 18:07)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LMS 除了least mean square, 還有 learning management system ,如*Chamilo*Claroline*Democrasoft*Dokeos*eFront*ILIAS*Moodle*Sakai 回覆
    (02-13 19:59)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bit reverse algorithm, for (k=0, khat=0; k<N; k++) {X[khat]=x[k];for (bit=N/2; (khat & bit)!=0; bit >>=1)khat ^= bit;khat ^= bit;} 回覆
    (02-12 22:25)
    1. XiaJing: ARM DAI 0016C 1996 (02-12 22:27) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: RBIT Reverse the bit order in a 32-bit word,RBIT Rd, Rn Reverse Bits (02-12 22:35) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: gcc編譯c代碼,提示“undefined reference to `sin' ”,或其他函數,cos等,原因是沒有指定(數學)庫文件libm.so,加上開關和參數 -lm 就可。 回覆
    (02-11 11:53)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 新買的優盤, 用MyDiskTest版本2.93 Beta測試,選壞塊檢測,提示有壞塊,檢測若干次,每次都提示有壞塊,但位置在進度條中的顯示不確定.用其他軟件測試,通過.拷貝大文件,佔滿優盤,然後sha1sum校驗,無誤.疑MyDiskTest誤報. 回覆
    (01-23 20:14)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: UM0600User manualSTM3210C-EVALevaluation board 回覆
    (01-19 22:47)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: OTP (one-time programmable). White Paper Thin-Film-Transistor (TFT) LCD Display Control Electronics Design and Operation Revision 1.0 DENSITRON TECHNOLOGIES plc. 回覆
    (01-17 21:16)
    1. XiaJing: common voltage (VCOM) (01-17 23:07) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 名稱 :autorun.inf 大小 : 87432 byte SHA1 : 5254bedd866db160df357cb94800ebeea1fdb36b http.virscan.org 回覆
    (01-16 15:30)
    1. XiaJing: 發現的病毒 (01-16 15:31) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: support.microsoft.com/kb/962007 (01-16 15:41) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Schedule start REG_DWORD 原始爲2 修改爲4 (01-16 16:04) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: http://www.kaspersky.com/support/downloads/utils/kk.zip (03-04 11:02) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: filter design tool: www.circuitsage.com/filter.html 回覆
    (01-15 16:34)
    1. XiaJing: FilterLab_ microchip (01-15 16:39) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Mr filter: An active filter design assistant on linux (01-15 16:45) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ValueError: itemsize mismatch: audio_alsa_source(1):0 using 4, xxxxxxx:0 using 8, 原因爲source和sink類型不匹配,如source輸出爲浮點,但sink要求輸入爲複數。 回覆
    (01-12 23:07)
    1. XiaJing: Signal Processing Blocks中的Type Conversions裏有相應的類可以進行類型轉換。 (01-12 23:53) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: python: import module dir(module) 回覆
    (01-11 20:43)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: All three interrupt lines are ORed together to a single channel of the vectored interrupt controller. OR AND XOR NOT 回覆
    (01-05 11:27)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: uint8_t bLength; 0x12uint8_t bDescriptorType; 0x1uint16_t bcdUSB;0x200uint8_t bDeviceClass;0x0uint8_t bDeviceSubClass;0x0uint8_t bDeviceProtocol;0x0uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0;0x8 回覆
    (01-03 20:58)
    1. XiaJing: uint16_t idVendor;0x46d uint16_t idProduct;0xc00e uint16_t bcdDevice;0x1110 uint8_t iManufacturer;0x1 uint8_t iProduct;0x2 uint8_t iSerialNumber;0x0 uint8_t bNumConfigurations;0x1 (01-03 20:58) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 鼠標的Device Descriptors (01-03 20:59) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: usb_device_descriptor, idVendor, idProduct. www.linux-usb.org/usb.ids 回覆
    (01-02 00:08)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ldd - print shared library dependencies. gcc XX -L/usr/lib -lusb, 對應libusb.so 回覆
    (01-01 22:58)


  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: If the declaration of an identifier for an object has file scope and an initializer, thedeclaration is an external definition for the identifier. --c99 pp157 回覆
    (12-31 12:06)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: getopt.h中,char *const *___argv是指向 指向字符串的指針常量 的指針。 回覆
    (12-31 10:31)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: c++中,char *cp="A,B,C,D,E"語句將產生提示:deprecated conversion from string constant to ‘char* ’ 回覆
    (12-31 10:05)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: c99:INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO/IEC 9899 Second edition 1999-12-01 Programming languages — C 回覆
    (12-30 23:09)
    1. XiaJing: A function declaration can contain the storage-class specifier static only if it is at file scope。--c99 (12-30 23:16) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: #include <string.h>和#include <string> 是兩個不同的庫,前者是/usr/include/string.h,後者是/usr/include/c++/x.x/string。 回覆
    (12-30 21:42)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Package: manpages-dev (3.21-1) ,Manual pages about using GNU/Linux for development.These man pages describe the Linux programming interface. 回覆
    (12-29 16:42)
    1. XiaJing: ubuntu (12-29 16:43) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 包含sysconf(3),因爲getconf(1)需要參考sysconf(3) (12-29 16:48) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 例:getconf HOST_NAME_MAX (12-29 16:49) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: uname - print system information . -r, --kernel-release print the kernel release 回覆
    (12-29 15:40)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用腳本將project中的GB格式的源文件批量轉換成UTF,這裏用到tcs程序. for i in $(find | grep -i "\.[hc]$") do tcs -f gb $i > $i.t mv $i.t $idone 回覆
    (12-28 11:47)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Opengrok在ubuntu9.04,tomcat6下的安裝需要更改init.d的tomcat6腳本中關於java的安全設定才能工作,參考: w.livedoor.jp/sanou/d/%A5%A4%A5%F3%A5%B9%A5%C8%A1%BC%A5%EB%CA%FD%CB%A1(Ubuntu%209.04) 回覆
    (12-28 10:30)
    1. XiaJing: 否則會出現 HTTP Status 404 The requested resource () is not available. 的錯誤 (12-28 10:35) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Opengrok對中文的顯示還是亂碼,有待解決。 (12-28 10:36) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 源文件的中文爲GB編碼,用OpenOffice等軟件將其轉換爲UTF8就可正確顯示。 (12-28 10:59) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps/source/WEB-INF/web.xml (01-01 10:44) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: /var/opengrok/etc/configuration.xml (01-01 10:44) 回覆
    6. XiaJing: property="sourceRoot" (01-01 10:45) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Code Navigation of Eclipse CDT: Outline View, Project File Views, Open declarations, Open definitions. 回覆
    (12-26 20:15)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: source insight, cscope, Source navigator, www.lemis.com/grog/software/source-code-navigation.php, 回覆
    (12-26 17:46)
    1. XiaJing: OpenGrok --Sun Microsystems (12-26 18:09) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Don't use the keyword extern to create an external definition; use it only to refer to an existing external definition. 回覆
    (12-24 11:37)
    1. XiaJing: Duration:Automatic, static (12-24 11:43) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Scope: Block, File (12-24 11:43) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Linkage:None, External, Internal (12-24 11:44) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: C language (12-26 20:17) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu9.04的synaptic package manager裏有eclipse CDT,但9.10裏沒有, 9.10需要從eclipse裏安裝CDT.打開eclipse->help->Install new software... ,work with 是要選擇一個download site。 回覆
    (12-21 16:44)
    1. XiaJing: 新建一個指向download.eclipse.org/releases/galileo/的站點 (12-21 16:44) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 安pydev也一樣,站點選擇 h ttp://pydev.org/updates (01-12 17:26) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LPC17xx中的pin mode針對輸入的狀態,當pull-up時,引腳float對應1,可接開關連地,當pull-down時可接開關連電源,當repeater時,若引腳低,則pull-down,引腳高則pull-up,引腳輸入移走,輸入狀態不變。 回覆
    (12-20 22:30)
    1. XiaJing: The PINMODE registers control the input mode of all ports. (12-20 22:31) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: "USB Design By Example"一書的作者John Hyde在其主頁上表示該書不會出第3版,並不建議購買,而是推薦Jan Axelson's的 'USB Complete, Fourth Edition' 回覆
    (12-20 11:02)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: HDG12864F-1或HDG12864L-6的手冊內容過於簡略時可以查看其驅動芯片SED1565的手冊。 回覆
    (12-19 20:00)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: instruction cycle , sometimes called fetch-and-execute cycle, fetch-decode-execute cycle, or FDX.指令週期 回覆
    (12-15 16:18)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 英文版的xp運行中文應用程序亂碼問題control panel>Regional and Language Options>Advanced tab>Select a language to match the language version of the non-Unicode Programs you want to use選Chines 回覆
    (12-14 23:44)
    1. XiaJing: 選Chinese(PRC) (12-14 23:45) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Keil MDK 4.13與TKScope ARM V1.00不兼容,點擊degug按鈕時MKD退出,換用Keil MDK 3.8問題解決,可以調試。 回覆
    (12-14 23:38)
    1. XiaJing: TKscope ARM V1.00 Release 10/2009 (12-14 23:39) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MOV R3, #(PLLCON_PLLE:OR:PLLCON_PLLC), 其中 :OR: 爲armasm precedence,——ARM Compiler toolchain Using the Assembler Version 4.1->Symbols, Literals, Expressions, and Operators -> Addition, sub 回覆
    (12-13 16:01)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PLL_BASE EQU 0xE01FC080 ; PLL Base Address LDR R0, =PLL_BASE; 32位立即數0xE01FC080將存放於內存當中,地址爲0x00000100,屬於LPC21xx On-Chip Non-Volatile Memory 回覆
    (12-13 14:01)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 0x00000058 E59F00A0 LDR R0,[PC,#0x00A0],PC爲0x00000058,R0的值在執行該指令後爲PC+0x00A0+0x8即0x100爲首地址的4字節的內容。爲什麼再加0x8,爲0x100而不是0xf8? 回覆
    (12-13 10:50)
    1. XiaJing: stackoverflow.com/questions/2102921/strange-behaviour-of-ldr-pc-value (12-13 10:54) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: It is recommended to write PC-relative expressions using labels rather than PC because the value of PC depends on the instruction set.Note *In ARM state, the value of the PC is the address of the cur (12-13 11:35) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: ARM Compiler toolchain Using the Assembler Version 4.1 -> Symbols, Literals, Expressions, and Operators -> Register-relative and PC-relative expressions (12-13 11:36) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LDR PC, Reset_Addr ;將Reset_Addr指向的內存內容傳給PC寄存器Reset_Addr DCD Reset_Handler;將Reset_Handler的標籤地址存入內存Reset_Handler ...[instruction];標籤 回覆
    (12-13 10:14)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: LPC頭文件中,(*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0028000)), 指向unsigned long的指針的值爲0xE0028000,整個表達式是指針指向的內容,即寄存器的內容,寄存器地址爲0xE0028000。 回覆
    (12-11 23:37)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: RealView MDK-ARM 4.13a生成的Hex文件無法在Proteus 7.5中運行的原因是fromelf生成的Hex文件與RV MDK-ARM 3.2生成的有一點區別,主要是前者少了第一行和多了倒數第二行。 回覆
    (12-11 17:21)
    1. XiaJing: 第一行添加:0400000500000000F7,然後刪除倒數第二行。 (12-11 17:24) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ARM的LDR僞指令的作用是將32位的立即數或地址(32位)存入寄存器,因爲ARM的指令爲32位,所以不能在一條指令裏包含32位的立即數。 回覆
    (12-10 17:25)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu下啓動ARM → RealView Development Suite v4.1 → RealView Debugger v4.1無反應,在shell下執行,報錯error while loading shared libraries: libXm.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or 回覆
    (12-10 10:52)
    1. XiaJing: 需安裝libmotif3包 (12-10 10:52) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: RVDS報錯,Unhandled event loop exception No more handles (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no swt-mozilla-gtk-3349 or swt-mozilla-gtk in swt.library.path, java.library.path or the jar file) 回覆
    (12-10 09:59)
    1. XiaJing: ubuntu9.10下雖安了xulrunner-1.9.1但不兼容,需要安裝xulrunner (12-10 10:01) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在ubuntu下用命令行形式編譯鏈接源文件,需要指定include和lib路徑,如armcc -I /rvdsdir/RVCT/Data/4.1/561/include/unix ... , armlink --libpath /rvdsdir/RVCT/Data/4.1/561/lib/... 回覆
    (12-08 15:00)
    1. XiaJing: 可以設置環境變量,ARMCC41LIB=/rvdsdir/RVCT/Data/4.1/561/lib/ (12-08 15:00) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: ARMCC41INC=/rvdsdir/RVCT/Data/4.1/561/include/unix/ (12-08 15:01) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 申請arm的license的時候用的無線網卡的MAC,本機是eth2,但hostid只讀取eth0,這可通過修改/etc/udev/rules.d下的文件內容解決。使eth0爲無線網卡。 回覆
    (12-08 12:34)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: arm給的評估license不好用,因爲可能不適用於浮動的,需要修改,添加SERVER servername hostid 8224和DAEMON armlmd兩條語句,另外對於ubuntu還需對/usr/tmp有寫的權力。 回覆
    (12-08 12:29)
    1. XiaJing: RVDS (12-08 12:35) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: proteus的ARM和uclinux例子裏有dungeon,MUD的前身,基於文本的遊戲,可以用在教育領域。 回覆
    (12-07 21:43)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用linux的at命令實現倒計時鬧鐘,at now+10minutes 回車,在at>提示後輸入編好的bash腳本,如啓動音樂播放器等,例如輸入/home/xiajing/mycrontab.sh,mycrontab.sh的內容是 gedit。 回覆
    (12-07 14:33)
    1. XiaJing: ctrl+D 結束 (12-07 14:35) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: bash腳本的內容是gedit --display=:0.0,或不用display參數,但前面要export DISPLAY環境變量 (12-07 14:59) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu下的RVDS安裝,下載的RVDS有evaluation的 license.dat,需要設置flexnet的 client license,對於Linux只能是浮動的,設置變量ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE=8224@my_server export ARMLMD_LICENSE_FILE 回覆
    (12-07 11:41)
    1. XiaJing: 詳見FLEXnet for ARM Tools License Management Guide (12-07 11:42) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 可以在命令行下運行armasm測試是否設置成功,armasm會檢測license. (12-07 11:43) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: AFAIR - As Far As I Remember 回覆
    (12-07 10:19)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: RS232 null modem cables 回覆
    (12-06 23:23)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: aMule添加多個鏈接,對於保存的htm源文件執行 grep -ir href=\"ed2k * >t.txt ,然後對t.txt中的多餘語句進行替換。然後拷貝至aMule, Commit. 回覆
    (12-06 12:18)
    1. HURONGLMJ: 太深奧了 (12-06 12:29) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 主要是針對aMule無法響應web上的ed2k鏈接,所以要提取頁面源文件中的多個ed2k鏈接。 (12-06 15:03) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: arm tool chain,www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-arm-toolchain/index.html 回覆
    (12-05 11:04)
    1. XiaJing: www.eetimes.com/design/embedded/4007119/Building-Bare-Metal-ARM-Systems-with-GNU-Part-1--Getting-Started (12-05 11:14) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 國產手機的常用Arm芯片如mtk的,mt6226,不過手冊不好找。 回覆
    (12-03 20:46)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: download ARM Evaluation, MDK413A.EXE (250,130K) Friday, October 29, 2010,Programs that generate more than 32 Kbytes of code and data will not compile, assemble, or link. 回覆
    (12-02 23:46)
    1. XiaJing: www.keil.com/demo/limits.asp (12-02 23:46) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: www.embedinfo.com 英蓓特 (12-02 23:51) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: lpc21xx,data sheet, user manual, application notes (12-02 23:53) 回覆
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 筆記本,調節屏幕亮度,如果Fn+上下箭頭不起作用,可以試試 sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=88 回覆
    (12-01 14:26)
    1. nicai2010: thinkpad? (12-01 15:18) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 對,聯想的 (12-01 17:05) 回覆
    3. nicai2010: 什麼型號的? (12-01 17:32) 回覆
  9. XiaJing
    (12-01 10:04)
    1. XiaJing: libgloss,有startup code (12-01 10:28) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 自制簡易的示波器,www.jyetech.com 回覆
    (12-01 00:08)
    1. XiaJing: lcd 12864 128x64 (12-01 00:13) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 手寫輸入識別日韓文適用於翻譯印刷品上的日韓文,youdao。 回覆
    (11-24 12:05)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Springer-Remote Sensing with Imaging Radar-John A. Richards 2009 回覆
    (11-23 20:47)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: processing of SAR Data: Fundamentals, Signal Processing, Interferometry 回覆
    (11-23 15:24)
    1. XiaJing: Digital Processing Of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data: Algorithms And Implementation (Artech House Remote Sensing Library) [Hardcover] Ian G. Cumming (Auth (11-23 15:30) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: opera mobile中,點住控制鍵模擬鼠標右鍵。 回覆
    (11-22 22:54)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ImageMagick,density參數可指定圖片的分辨率,尤其是矢量轉成位圖時。convert -density 200x xj.pdf xj.gif 回覆
    (11-22 22:10)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中,\usepackage{geometry} \geometry{papersize={120mm,140mm}} 可以任意改變紙張大小而不用在latex命令後加參數如a4, b5等。適合單純作圖使用。 回覆
    (11-22 21:34)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Python Imaging Library (PIL) ,將pdf轉換爲gif以適於web。 回覆
    (11-21 00:10)
    1. XiaJing: 用imagemagick (11-22 22:32) 回覆
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 電路仿真的算法。Lawrence T. Pillage, Ronald A. Rohrer, Chandramouli Visweswariah, "Electronic Circuit and System Simulation Methods“,1994 | ISBN: 0070501696 | 392 pages 回覆
    (11-20 23:47)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf\tikz中,\foreach \r in {0,1,...,0}將產生兩個值,0和1,這樣在雙重循環中,\foreach \r in {0,1,...,2} \foreach \l in {0,1,...,\r} 第一個值需要在循環外實現。 回覆
    (11-20 10:01)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 相位是頻率與時間的乘積的前提是頻率是常數,更確切的說法是相位是頻率對時間的積分,如果是空間頻率k,那就是k對長度u的積分。 回覆
    (11-19 11:20)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中改變箭頭大小。\draw[blue,decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[blue,scale=2]{latex}}}, postaction={decorate}, shorten >=5pt] (XP)--(\xjx,\xjyn); 回覆
    (11-18 11:44)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中提取座標的x分量或y分量。\coordinate (XP) at ($(U)!1!atan((\xjyn-\xju)/\xjx)-atan((-\xju)/\xjx):(\xjx,0) $);\newdimen\xjxpx\pgfextractx{\xjxpx}{\pgfpointanchor{XP}{center}}; 回覆
    (11-18 11:39)
    1. XiaJing: 可用\ifthenelse{\xjxpx > \xjxxx}{true語句}{false語句},但\xjxxx也得用\pgfextractx/y獲得。類型一致 (11-18 11:42) 回覆
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex, animation包。<variable name> is a sequence of one or more letters without a leading back-slash1 .The first (and possibly only) letter of the variable name determines the type of the varia 回覆
    (11-18 09:37)
    1. XiaJing: The first (and possibly only) letter of the variable name determines thetype of the variable. (11-18 09:37) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: There are three different types: integers (‘i’, ‘I’), reals(‘n’, ‘N’, ‘r’, ‘R’) and dimensions or LaTEX lengths (‘d’, ‘D’). (11-18 09:37) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 兩本MCU的書,Newnes_PIC Microcontrollers_know it all_Lucio Di Jasio 2008, ROGRAMMING AND CUSTOMIZING THE PIC® MICROCONTROLLER_MYKE PREDKO_2008 回覆
    (11-17 11:20)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中,有時用\coordinate (E) at ($(D)!(U)!(Y)$);計算的座標誤差很大。可以掉換爲(Y)(U)(D)以減小誤差。 回覆
    (11-15 16:20)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MATLAB中,publish("file.m")對於%%標識的cell中的多個plot只輸出最後一個plot的曲線,解決的辦法是每個cell只放一個plot,或使用snapnow函數。 回覆
    (11-13 10:32)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: tikz中, dash pattern=on 2pt off 3pt on 4pt off 4pt, dash phase=10pt, loosely dotted,dotted,densely dotted, loosely dashed,dashed, densely dashed. 回覆
    (11-12 21:45)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matlab中,a=-6:6,a.*(abs(a)<4),置零操作。 回覆
    (11-10 10:29)
    1. XiaJing: numpy中也有類似操作,a=np.range(5),2*(a<3) (11-20 23:14) 回覆
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu下用eric4.3,自動補全時只要顯示待選項窗口,鍵盤就僵住,只能用鼠標。 回覆
    (11-09 09:32)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: transformer hybrid,Practical Transformer Handbook: for Electronics, Radio and Communications Engineers 回覆
    (11-04 23:17)
    1. XiaJing: Double transformer hybrid (11-04 23:17) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: A hybrid coil (or bridge transformer, or sometimes hybrid) is a transformer that has three windings,and which is designed to be configured as a circuit having 4 branches, that are conjugate in pairs. (11-04 23:20) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pfg/tikz中,\draw [pattern=grid](0,0) circle(3);用xelatex編譯會提示your graphic driver pgfsys-xetex.def does not support patterns,可以用pdflatex編譯 回覆
    (10-31 14:52)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pfg/tikz中,可以進行多次座標變換,如多次平移:\draw [shift={(30:0.5)},shift={(\x,0)}](0,0)--(30:3); 回覆
    (10-29 10:25)
    1. XiaJing: 不過用shift時,後面的座標似乎不能是事先定義的如(A), (B)等。 (10-29 11:41) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 可以用類似($(A)+(angle:radius)$)座標計算解決 (10-29 11:42) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex,\documentclass[9pt,b5paper]{article}中的b5paper只是設定正文寬度,長度等,生成的pdf還是A4的。要設定紙張,還需在編譯命令後加-papersize b5。 回覆
    (10-27 21:47)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PGF/TikZ中,\draw[line join=round] ,\draw[line join=bevel] ,\draw[line join=miter] ,指定不同折點的形狀。 回覆
    (10-25 16:46)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中,\draw [color=blue, fill=blue!20, thick,domain=-3*pi:3*pi, samples=501] plot (\x,{1.5*sin(3*\x r)/\x/3}) |-(0,0);注意color和fill的順序不要顛倒,另外fill會把path的首尾自動連接形成閉合然後填充,所 回覆
    (10-25 15:15)
    1. XiaJing: 所以首尾要落在x軸上, plot生成path,後可加節點,如|-(0,0) (10-25 15:17) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,\usepackage[table]{xcolor}會報錯,解決的辦法是\documentclass[xcolor=table..]{beamer} 回覆
    (10-24 10:31)
    1. XiaJing: \rowcolors{<starting row>}{<odd color>}{<even color>} (10-24 10:31) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: % Enter this in the cell you wish to color a light grey. \cellcolor[gray]{0.9} (10-24 10:32) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 1.McGraw-Hill (November 10, 2008)_PRACTICAL ARRAY PROCESSING Mark Sullivan.2.Array Signal Processing: Concepts and Techniques [Facsimile] [Paperback]Don H. Johnson 回覆
    (10-23 10:11)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 增量爲B的模A運算的週期.設A,B爲正整數且A>B,C=kB mod A, k=0,1,2,3...,則C的週期爲A(B/G)/B=A/G, 其中G=GCD(A,B).證明思路設D=A mod B,則D/G與B/G互質,推出D/G*G與B/G互質,即D與B/G互質,D/G與B互質,因此A(B/G)爲A 回覆
    (10-22 22:50)
    1. XiaJing: D/G與B互質,因此A(B/G)爲A與B的最小公倍數,所以週期爲A/G (10-22 22:51) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf中\draw[decorate,decoration=brace](-0.2,-1.05)--(-0.2,-0.45);的brace在snake庫裏 回覆
    (10-18 23:23)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: python裏的bin,hex,oct函數很方便。 回覆
    (10-17 15:34)
    1. XiaJing: 010->8, 0b10->2,0x10->16 (11-02 10:29) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: \pgfmathparse{sin((\r) r)+1}\def\xjy{\pgfmathresult};\pgfmathparse{\r}\def\xjx{\pgfmathresult};\coordinate (y) at (\xjx, \xjy) ;\fill[red] (y) circle (2pt); 回覆
    (10-17 10:58)
    1. XiaJing: 前者\xjy將指向\xjx (10-17 10:59) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: \def \foo [#1]#2% {The first argument is ``#1''. The second one is ``#2''} 其中%的作用是避免空格 回覆
    (10-17 10:50)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中數值變量\x \y \a等不能正確轉換成字符串,例程中的座標刻度標籤的繪製就是用數值座標和字符串標籤的兩組變量。可以用\def\var{\pgfmathresult}保存變量。 回覆
    (10-17 10:01)
    1. XiaJing: 不過以下語句可行。\foreach \x in {0,1,...,14} \draw (\x/2 ,0) node[anchor=north] {$\x$}; (10-17 10:22) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: \def\var{\pgfmathresult}保存的變量估計是地址引用 (10-17 10:34) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: \def\var{\pgfmathresult}連續定義兩個變量則前者與後者相同 (10-17 10:38) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu的ttf字體的安裝非常簡單,只需要把ttf文件拷貝到$HOME/.fonts文件夾裏就可以了,然後在Openoffice裏就可以看到新的字體,fontspec也可以使用。用fc-cache也可以。 回覆
    (10-16 09:59)
    1. XiaJing: Artech House_Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics_Weng Cho Chew 2000.djvu (10-16 10:27) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ubuntu下壓縮的中文名稱的文件夾無法用winrar解壓。 回覆
    (10-13 23:32)
    1. XiaJing: Artech House_EW101_A First Course in Electronic Warfare_David Adamy 2001 (10-13 23:51) 回覆
    2. Hello_Miss: 可以選擇壓縮的格式阿 (10-15 18:03) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 用的zip格式,爲了兼顧手機只能用zip打包. (10-16 09:56) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中可以用ifthen包進行條件編譯,如newcommand裏的參數,\ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{0}},這裏用到\equal{string}{string},還有\isodd{ number } \isundefined{ command name }等 回覆
    (10-12 17:21)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: \newcommand{\xjrc}[1]{ \begin{tikzpicture}\draw (0 ,1) node[anchor=south] {$#1$};\end{tikzpicture}}\begin{animateinline}[...]{12}\multiframe{20}{ifd=1+1}{\xjrc{\ifd}}\end{animateinline} 回覆
    (10-12 16:17)
    1. XiaJing: ifd=1+1,要求是整數,如果ifd=0.1+0.1報錯 (10-12 16:18) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 如果希望顯示變化的小數文字,則只能逐個傳,\xjrc{0.1} \newframe;\xjrc{0.2} \newframe; (10-12 16:21) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: www.texample.net/tikz/examples/animated-distributions/就是這麼實現的 (10-12 16:22) 回覆
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf/tikz中,變量一般都用在座標中,其改變可以通過節點,如\node (a) at (\r+0.1,0.1){};或者\pgfmathparse{2pt+3.5pt} will set \pgfmathresult to the text 5.5 回覆
    (10-12 10:01)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xelatex首先將tex文件編譯成xdv文件,然後轉換成pdf文件,轉換通過xdvipdfmx程序 回覆
    (10-11 16:57)
    1. XiaJing: xdvipdfmx爲xetex項目的一部分 (10-11 17:13) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中使用animate package,用xelatex編譯無顯示,用pdflatex編譯有錯誤,用latex->dvips->ps2pdf編譯正常。 回覆
    (10-11 11:56)
    1. XiaJing: pdflatex也正常了,有時需要清除一下零時文件。 (10-11 16:47) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 更新animate.sty到2010,xelatex也不能正常編譯 (10-11 16:48) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 要想使用中文只能用CJK包了,在beamer中要使用CJKutf8包。 (10-11 22:47) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: 使用ftp://cle.linux.org.tw/pub2/tex/cjk/fonts/裏的字體,然後用pdflatex編譯 (10-11 22:51) 回覆
    5. XiaJing: 這是用fontforge轉換TTF而生成的Type 1 字體 (10-11 22:55) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: symbian裏的zip管理器無法打開linux裏壓縮zip文件,而用winrar壓縮的zip文件就可以打開。 回覆
    (10-10 17:16)
    1. XiaJing: 在linux用zip -r zipfile directoryname就可以在symbian裏打開。 (10-10 17:30) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 應該說是無法打開用Archive Manager 的create archive菜單生成的zip文件 (10-10 17:41) 回覆
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: wget -r -l depth URL可以批量下載,很方便, 回覆
    (10-10 16:24)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: docs.google.com被fengsuo了,連正常的使用都不行,技術上達不到針對性的屏蔽,就不管好壞都屏蔽,這是不對的,不過用hosts文件設個ip可以解決該問題。 回覆
    (10-09 15:24)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Multirate signal processing for communication systems Harris, Fred. (Fredric J.) TN911.72/9 1 外文普通書 第五書庫 回覆
    (10-08 10:43)
    1. XiaJing: Digital signal processing : principles, algorithms, and applications Proakis, John G. TN911.72/5-2 1 外文普通書 第五書庫 (10-09 12:06) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex的條件編譯如何包括\documentclass的選項,如\documentclass[12pt,t,handout]{beamer}和\documentclass[12pt,t ]{beamer},待解決。 回覆
    (10-03 11:22)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex設置行間距interline spacing,\setlength{\baselineskip}{28pt},實際行間距爲\baselinestretch×\baselineskip,可以設置\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{factor} 回覆
    (09-30 09:55)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中設置頁眉爲n/m頁。\usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{lastpage} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhead[L] { } \fancyhead[R]{第\ \thepage\ 頁/共\ \pageref{LastPage}\ 頁} 回覆
    (09-30 09:51)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中的\setbeamercolor{顏色}{fg=..,bg=..!..!..}中的..!..!..可以與RGB關聯,即,\definecolor{xjc1}{rgb}{0.6,0.6,.85} \setbeamercolor{xjcbutton}{fg=white,bg=xjc1} 回覆
    (09-28 22:43)
    1. XiaJing: \definecolor{name}{model}{specs} (09-28 22:44) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 詳見xcolor的manual關於rgb,hsb,cmyk的model的說明 (09-28 22:48) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中用beamercolorbox代替不太靈活的button,\setbeamercolor{顏色}{fg=..,bg=..!..!..} \hyperlink{...}{\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=..,wd=..,shadow=..,rounded=..]{顏色}按鈕文字 \end{beamercolorbox}} 回覆
    (09-28 18:02)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,includegraphics的圖片希望更寬一點,充分利用slide空間,向左可以用hspace{-1em}可以越過左邊距,然後設置width使其更寬,但如果超過了右邊距會引起自動換行並且左對齊左邊距,hspace設置失效。 回覆
    (09-28 10:14)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: numpy, a=np.arange(4), str(a)將整個數組轉換爲string,如果希望逐元素的轉換可以使用a.astype(str). 回覆
    (09-27 23:16)
    1. XiaJing: 不過如果是負數和小數,則只顯示負號和整數部分。(待解決) (09-27 23:44) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: b=np.array([]) for i in a: b=np.append(b,str(i)) (09-27 23:46) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Altera IP megafunctions do not require license files, but IP MegaCore do. 回覆
    (09-21 17:12)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 昨天下載了10.0sp1_modelsim_ase_linux.sh, 今天準備用昨天註冊的帳號下個windows的ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition,可是不管怎麼選都是10.0sp1_modelsim_ae_windows.exe,而不是ase。 回覆
    (09-21 16:57)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用GIMP製作不規則鋸齒邊表示撕開的效果用於對程序界面的一小部分作演示,用free select tool。然後copy,paste as new image,加陰影則用fuzzy select tool選擇鋸齒邊外的透明部分,然後invert,filter-light and shadow-dr 回覆
    (09-21 09:42)
    1. XiaJing: filter->light and shadow->drop shadow (09-21 09:43) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: altera quartus II 10.1 web edition的linux安裝文件10.0sp1_quartus_free_linux.sh裏沒有modelsim-Altera Starter Edition,這與www.altera.com/literature/po/ss_quartussevswe.pdf裏標註的對於modelsim爲included不 回覆
    (09-20 13:26)
    1. XiaJing: 該web edtion和starter edition在ubuntu 9.04裏可以工作。 (09-20 13:28) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: ss_quartussevswe.pdf裏對於modelsim在web edition裏的標註的爲included,不對,需單獨下載。 (09-20 13:29) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: XCircuit is a UNIX/X11 (and Windows, if you have an X-Server running, or Windows API, if not) program for drawing publishable-quality electrical circuit schematic diagrams and related figures, and pro 回覆
    (09-19 11:44)
    1. XiaJing: 輸出爲postscript格式 (09-19 11:45) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Electric is a sophisticated electrical CAD system that can handle many forms of circuit design, 回覆
    (09-19 11:34)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: gnome的gconf-editor,app-panel-applets-clock....可以控制桌面時間顯示的格式,比如增加秒數。 回覆
    (09-17 10:42)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中,在tabular環境中enumerate希望實現每個格一個item,這樣可以有多列item,但報錯,不可行,若使用multicol包,則只能豎着排序。希望能實現兩列橫着Z字形排序,待解決。 回覆
    (09-15 11:00)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用鼠標多了,肩膀疼。所以現在換個姿勢用鼠標,用腳操作鼠標,右肩可以放鬆一下了,用了兩分鐘,滾輪和右鍵也分得清了。就是鼠標一定要結實,因爲被踩得嘎吱響。 回覆
    (09-14 20:06)
    1. XiaJing: 多用鍵盤快捷鍵,比如Alt+F1,Alt+F2等 (09-15 09:19) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: acrobat reader中可以用alt+left返回跳轉前的一頁,這樣就回到了beamer中用\hyperlink{nonlinearformula}{\beamerbutton{nonlinearformula}}設置跳轉的頁面。 回覆
    (09-12 11:33)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中,em指當前字體M的寬度,但對於用fontspec指定了中文字體的情況,em的寬度爲中文字體的寬度一般爲兩個M的寬度,如\hspace(5em)會空5個漢字和10個M的寬度。 回覆
    (09-11 15:43)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中使並列的圖片頂端對齊, \parbox[t]{4cm}{\vspace{0pt}\includegraphics[ width=4cm]{./1.png} } \parbox[t]{4cm}{ \vspace{0pt} \includegraphics[width=4cm]{./2.png}} 回覆
    (09-07 23:53)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: \usepackage{enumerate} \setlength{\leftmarginii}{2mm} \begin{enumerate} \item 信號的數字生成 \vspace{-3mm} \hspace{15mm} \begin{enumerate}[{4}.1] \end{enumerate}\end{enumerate},兩個enumerate加[ ]則 回覆
    (09-06 11:44)
    1. XiaJing: 有[{4}.1]則\setlength{\leftmarginii}不起作用 (09-06 11:45) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 第一層設爲itemize 解決該問題 (09-06 11:46) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用hyperref包的pdf選項指定pdf屬性,如:\usepackage[pdftitle={Schedule of SDR COURSE},pdfauthor={Xia Jing}]{hyperref} 回覆
    (09-06 00:03)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中,\cline{2-6} { \vspace{-1.5cm} \hspace{.1cm} \parbox{0.5cm}{參考書}} 合併第一列的兩行並通過設置較窄的parbox使其中的文字豎排。\rotatebox{90}{)} \\ 講義 \\ \rotatebox{90}{(}得到橫過來的括號。 回覆
    (09-05 00:18)
    1. XiaJing: 可用\raisebox{lift}[height][depth]{text},但無法指定寬度而豎排 (09-05 00:19) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex 中,\newcommand{\xjheight}{\rule[-5mm]{0mm}{10mm}}設置tabular的高度。 \makebox[width][s]{ },s的作用是使後面的文字自動展開並左右對齊,適合於表格中。 回覆
    (09-04 21:58)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中,\usepackage{layout}和\layout可以顯示“頁面設置”的圖例,包括1 one inch + \hoffset 2 one inch + \voffset 3 \oddsidemargin = 0pt 4 \topmargin = 17pt 5 \headheight = 12pt 6 \headsep = 25pt 7 回覆
    (09-04 16:23)
    1. XiaJing: 可以用 \setlength{\evensidemargin}{1.5cm}設置這些參數的值 (09-04 16:24) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 草紙->手寫->數字化(單色)->提交->web發佈 回覆
    (09-04 10:15)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 抓取pdf裏的圖,如果是位圖, acrobat reader就可複製,如果是矢量圖,一種方法是用acrobat抽取含圖的頁,然後crop該頁,存爲pdf格式(暫未測試),另一種方法就是截圖,pdfeditor的功能很有限,截圖時有時只能截取一部分。 回覆
    (09-03 11:41)
    1. XiaJing: 用GIMP讀取pdf文件,然後轉換成位圖就比較好用。 (09-03 11:41) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 用convert,(ImageMagick) (12-07 11:45) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bash裏的IFS, Internal Field Separator。python字符串的長度用len 回覆
    (08-27 14:04)
    1. XiaJing: python中可以用str.split()分隔字符串 (08-27 14:11) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex中,\centering 要與換行符\\一起使用。因爲要確定插入的句子或圖像等的長度。 回覆
    (08-25 21:52)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 放大器的級聯是累乘的概念,而放大器的噪聲模型是加性的,噪聲溫度爲Te,噪聲功率爲kTeB(輸入匹配),與輸入信號功率無關,噪聲係數是比值,F=(T0+Te)/T0,級聯的噪聲係數是通過噪聲溫度計算。 回覆
    (08-25 17:10)
    1. 張坤: 加點分!! (08-25 17:26) 回覆
    2. xixi最美: 專業人士呀 (08-25 20:38) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 不敢當,只是個老學生 (08-25 21:41) 回覆
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Ulrich L. Rohde的書,The Design of Modern Microwave Oscillators for Wireless Applications 2005;RF/Microwave Circuit Design for Wireless Applications 2000; 回覆
    (08-22 20:58)
    1. XiaJing: Communications Receivers: DPS, Software Radios, and Design, 3rd Edition 2000 (08-22 20:59) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: Microwave Circuit Design Using Linear and Nonlinear Techniques 2005 (08-22 21:01) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: Communications Receivers 1997 (08-22 21:01) 回覆
    4. XiaJing: Microwave And Wireless Synthesizers: Theory And Design (08-22 21:03) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bash中,分號;的作用是將幾個命令合在一起遇到回車後執行。反斜槓在回車符號之前,單引號中反斜槓不轉義,如同python字符串前的r,雙引號中反斜槓轉義。echo 'a \return b‘和echo “a \return b" 回覆
    (08-21 16:41)
    1. XiaJing: python的單雙引號沒有區別,都轉義,需要原始字母時用r, 即raw. (08-21 16:46) 回覆
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: login shell 需要讀取/etc/profile, ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login.profile。該shell爲交互的(interactive)。交互的nonlogin shell讀取/etc/bashrc, ~/.bashrc。非交互的shell不讀以上文件,但繼承變量。 回覆
    (08-21 15:49)
    1. XiaJing: 允許用戶輸入命令的爲交互,運行腳本的爲非交互。 (08-21 15:51) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: A practical guide to linux by Mark G. Sobell (08-21 15:56) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: s60的putty不支持中文,沒法ssh用emacs寫有中文的東西,有UTF-8選項,但缺字庫,待解決。 回覆
    (08-21 15:18)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: bash中,export後的變量會將變量值傳給子進程的環境。沒有export的變量在子進程不存在,重設改值後不影響父進程。賦值後export或export vname=vvalue都可 回覆
    (08-21 15:08)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Python的BaseHTTPRequestHandler的self.path指的是域名後的路徑,如127.0.0.1/則self.path爲/,若127.0.0.1/t.png則爲/t.png。os包裏的curdir一般爲“.",sep爲“/"。 回覆
    (08-20 21:08)
    1. XiaJing: 用python實現了一個簡單的Http server,省得安apache了 (08-20 21:16) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 將pdf轉換成png以便在瀏覽器裏看,convert -density 300 -resize 600 xjbeamersdr-RF.pdf[0] t.png,轉換pdf的首頁爲t.png。 回覆
    (08-20 18:04)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 嘗試poppler-utils裏的pdftohtml,效果不理想,矢量圖無法轉換,格式都不對。 回覆
    (08-20 17:08)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 安了tex4ht和hevea,希望能將tex(beamer)轉換成html格式,未果。前者需要dvi,xelatex -no-pdf 生成XDV (extended DVI) ,後者Cannot open file: beamer.hva,no base style 回覆
    (08-20 16:56)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux的at命令實現臨時鬧鐘,固定鬧用cron,at -f /home/xiajing/mybatch now + 20 minute ,mybatch內容:export DISPLAY=:0.0 \n totem ~/mp3 回覆
    (08-19 15:37)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在GIMP處理後的圖像需要flatten後再插入到beamer中,否則在Acrobat Reader中顯示的顏色不正常。去掉圖層。 回覆
    (08-19 11:14)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中使用textpos包和textblock environment實現tikzpicture箭頭等圖形的任意位置annotation. 回覆
    (08-19 10:30)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer的framezoom 用xelatex編譯無border區域,用pdflatex編譯正常,待解決 回覆
    (08-18 23:30)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer按鈕問題,hyperref={xetex}, \documentclass[hyperref= list of options ]{beamer} Causes the list of options to be passed on to the hyperref package.Ex: \documentclass[hyperref={bookmarks=false}]{bea 回覆
    (08-18 22:27)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: continued fraction or partial fraction expension 回覆
    (08-18 16:36)
    1. XiaJing: network synthesis, image impedance analysis, SAW, BAW(Bulk Acoustic Wave) (08-18 17:10) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: H:\GNURadio\USRP\USRP at 33\USRP_REV_3 回覆
    (08-17 16:15)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote對數組越界賦值不同於python,however, assignment to an element beyond the length of the array causes the array to be resized to accommodate the new element。 回覆
    (08-17 11:43)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 兩個基本一致的空心線圈的電感計算公式,L=0.001*N^2*r^2/(228r+254l),l爲長度,r爲線圈半徑,N爲匝數。L=(d^2*N^2)/(l+0.45d),l爲長度,d爲線圈直徑,N爲匝數。 回覆
    (08-17 10:37)
    1. XiaJing: info.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Workshop/advice/coils/air_coils.html (08-17 10:38) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: www.qsl.net/in3otd/indcalc.html (08-17 10:39) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 前者爲亨,後者爲微亨 (08-17 10:41) 回覆
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: gnucap的ckt文件的第一行是說明註釋。 回覆
    (08-16 17:52)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux下的spice ,bwrc.eecs.berkeley.edu/Classes/IcBook/SPICE/,最高版本3f5編譯安裝時需要手動設定參數。Ngspice,deb包需要xspice,ubuntu倉儲沒有。Gnucap started by Albert Davis[1] in 1993。 回覆
    (08-16 16:35)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 波導和微帶的ring hybrid疊加和抵消的方式是不同的,波導lambdaG/2疊加,微帶lambdaG/2抵消。www.tpub.com/neets/book18/80f.htm 回覆
    (08-16 11:02)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matplotlib中,plt.xlabel("$\phi=0^\circ,\ 180^\circ $}")第一個0和圓圈過近的問題可以通過\hspace{2}解決。 回覆
    (08-14 17:55)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matplotlib中,對於繪製極座標用的pylab裏的ax.set_rmax()可以用ax.set_ylim(min,max)替代。 回覆
    (08-14 16:55)
    1. XiaJing: plt.axis(),ax.setyticks(),ax.setyticklabels() (08-14 17:22) 回覆
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex裏沒有\degree,可以用^\circ。 回覆
    (08-14 11:11)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asy中,> string s="tex";> write("$"+s+"$") 輸出$tex$字符串可以用instert也可以用加號。 回覆
    (08-14 10:26)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asy中,currentprojection=orthographic(0,0,0.1);zaxis3("$z$",-1,2,blue,InTicks(Label,3,2,endlabel=false),Arrow3);只要有inTicks則"$z$"不會在(0,0,2)附近,而是大概在(0,0,4)附近,待解決。 回覆
    (08-14 00:18)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote中,XY()*"$z$",XY()代表轉換到XY平面,即使標籤z放在XY平面,詳見three包。 回覆
    (08-13 22:23)
    1. XiaJing: yaxis3("$y$",0,1,red,OutTicks(2,2));ticks詳見graph包,兩個2指主刻度和子刻度個數 (08-13 22:34) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matplotlib中,axes.annotate( .... , blackgroundcolor='white'),避免受grid影響。 回覆
    (08-13 20:41)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: numpy的tostring()是根據ASCII碼的二進制碼顯示,如np.array([65]).tostring()將會顯示一個A,如果希望顯示65則使用str。 回覆
    (08-13 12:07)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asymptote中繪圖的尺寸是根據圖像自動適合的,這對於2維圖很好,3D圖則根據初始視角所看的圖像尺寸自動縮小,旋轉後就出界了,所以3D圖一般需要正方形的畫布,如何在asymptote中指定畫布大小(待解決) 回覆
    (08-13 09:50)
    1. XiaJing: 不過導出的prc可以用movie15指定畫布大小 (08-13 09:50) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: draw(box(( , , ), ( , , ,)),invisible); (08-13 09:51) 回覆
    3. XiaJing: 而且現在還無法將u3d和prc合併在一起,如天線和三維方向圖。 (08-13 21:08) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asy -f pdf -k XX.asy, -k,-keep Keep intermediate files [false].包括prc 回覆
    (08-12 21:50)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在asymptote裏,real r=0;int ir=0;for(int i=35;i<55;++i) { r=11.0-2.0^(-i); ir=(int)r; write("r:",(string)(r)," ir:",(string)ir);} 得到的是r顯示爲11時,ir卻爲10,所以有時用(int)ca 回覆
    (08-12 10:27)
    1. XiaJing: 所以有時用(int)cast時,會有誤差,可用round解決 (08-12 10:28) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 解決xelatex編譯通過movie15嵌入的u3d/prc無顯示,選用asymptote提供的movie15_dvipdfmx.sty, \usepackage[3D,dvipdfmx]{movie15}使用dvipdfmx選項。 回覆
    (08-10 15:34)
    1. XiaJing: 編譯時在命令行執行,有錯時回車,忽略錯誤 (06-17 17:48) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 問題:xelatex編譯u3d,無顯示。偷樑換柱實現xelatex編譯u3d,修改-*.tex將其中的prc換成u3d,不過3D的封面還是prc對應的,旋轉後是U3D的,封面待解決。 回覆
    (08-10 00:18)
    1. XiaJing: -*.pdf就是封面 (08-10 00:20) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: xelatex編譯嵌入到asy裏的u3d (08-10 09:42) 回覆
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xelatex對movie15支持不太好,xelatex編譯的用movie15嵌入的U3d,prc的tex文件,無3D圖。用pdflatex編譯就有3D圖。 回覆
    (08-09 23:59)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: fontspec包可以在asymptote裏(包括3D)嵌入中文 回覆
    (08-09 23:34)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: tex可以用movie15嵌入u3d(pdflatex),tex中未能用asymptote嵌入u3d。 回覆
    (08-09 23:25)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中插入asy 3D後編譯錯誤: ! Undefined control sequence.<argument> \the \pdflastobj l.13 ...\ASYprefix ...prc , 回車、回車、回車,不要用C+z 回覆
    (08-09 16:52)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: asy -f pdf *.asy, asymptote可以直接生成3D的pdf文件,而且可以和latex一起使用,包括xelatex和pdflatex,不過與beamer不兼容(待解決),\includegraphics{*.pdf}導入asy的3D的pdf不能保持3D狀態,而成爲平面圖形。 回覆
    (08-08 21:52)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 編譯安裝asymptote所生成的手冊asymptote.pdf居然是用戶定製的,也就是說手冊不會用$HOME通用的表述,而是用/home/xiajing/,有意思。 回覆
    (08-08 19:48)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: TEXMFHOME=/home/xiajing/texmf,把asymptote安到自己的空間,不使用root安裝,即安到/home/xiajing/texmf/tex/latex/asymptote,這裏tex/latex是規範的目錄結構,省略爲/home/xiajing/texmf/asymptote,系統不認。 回覆
    (08-08 17:22)
    1. XiaJing: 在/home/xiajing/texmf執行texhash更新ls-R庫 (08-08 17:25) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: kpsewhich asycolors.sty ,得到文件具體位置 (08-08 17:25) 回覆
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: texconfig , tex的gui配置程序。 回覆
    (08-08 16:17)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 初看asymptote,覺得似乎比pgf功能要多,至少3D的demo很有特色。 回覆
    (08-08 10:45)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 根據asymptote.sourceforge.net/doc/embed.html,從asymptote.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/asymptote/trunk/asymptote/patches/ 上更新了movie15.sty, 回覆
    (08-08 10:42)
    1. XiaJing: patch文件用patch命令patch (08-08 10:46) 回覆
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: HFSS,empro,cst的3D模型可以導出成sat或stp等格式,然後用DE轉成u3d。再用pdflatex轉,如用xelatex編譯則無顯示,待解決中... 回覆
    (08-08 00:38)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: cst 2008安裝後,要先用update manager打補丁,然後再patch,不行再patch。 回覆
    (08-08 00:09)
    1. XiaJing: 不然會有feature do not match 錯誤 (08-08 00:31) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 買來的豆漿喝着有點苦,但前幾天買的超市自己做的豆漿就不苦,不知道是什麼原因,有的說是滷水,有的說是變質,初步的結論是這不應是黃豆的本味,還是不喝的好。 回覆
    (08-07 09:31)
    1. XiaJing: 以後不喝甜豆漿,不然喝了變質的苦豆漿也感覺不到。 (08-07 09:34) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: mfi=matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(size=11),fig.legend( , , prop=mfi,handletextpad=0.1)設置圖例字體大小並設置線條和文字間隔爲文字大小的0.1。 回覆
    (08-05 22:50)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: numpy的array的view()對應base的數據,但shape可以更改與base不同,所謂shallow copy。numpy的array的copy()即deep copy。 回覆
    (08-05 17:04)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: [[1,2],[1,2]],numpy.array.flatten('C')或numpy.array.flatten('F'),前者行爲主,結果爲[1,2,1,2],後者Fortran模式列爲主,[1,1,2,2]。 回覆
    (08-05 16:45)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matplotlib中調整邊距使用fig=plt.gcf()fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.2),這樣可以有地方加入較複雜的數軸標籤。 回覆
    (08-05 09:56)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: matplotlib裏的xticks的屬性同text,如verticalalignment,rotation等,也可以用latex如$\pi$,不過$2\pi$和$\pi$因2和pi不等高導致$2\pi$和$\pi$不能對齊,用verticalalignment='baseline'效果也不理想 回覆
    (08-04 23:48)
    1. XiaJing: 底對齊還要讓rc文件裏的xtick.major.pad大一點,否則ticks標籤會壓在座標軸上。 (08-05 09:36) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: \includegraphics[]{}中的文件名可以包含相對路徑,但文件名要求有擴展名,並且除去擴展名前的點(.)不能再有點,如"e2.23.pdf"則會報錯。 回覆
    (08-04 23:42)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: crontab -e, 編輯定時執行的腳本。 回覆
    (08-04 20:33)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中的雲朵形狀的標註(callout, pull quotes)的實現可以通過tikz的shapes庫裏的callout和textpos包實現,後者實現任意位置放置。 回覆
    (08-04 12:12)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xetex無法正確編譯pgf的pattern,提示:Your graphic driver pgfsys-xetex.def does not support patterns.只能用pdflatex,再\includegraphics 回覆
    (08-03 23:13)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用latex的array組織一個多行多等號的公式時爲了使兩列距離靠近,也就是使等號與兩邊符號的間隔不要太大,可以用\setlength\arraycolsep{15.4pt} 回覆
    (08-03 21:11)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex數學環境中不能有空行,否則會報錯。 回覆
    (08-03 17:06)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: csv (comma-separated values) 文本數據庫文件 ; 希望能有svg(Scalable Vector Graphics) 與pgf 以及tex與htm的方便轉換。 回覆
    (08-03 09:14)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xetex中,公式中要顯示中文用\mbox{} 回覆
    (08-02 16:12)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用firefox上某網站由於該網站有個鏈接無法連上導致整個網頁被卡住無法顯示,通過阻止該鏈接所指網站解決該問題,1路由器裏設置IP過濾,(無效)。2修改hosts文件(linux裏是/etc/hosts),(解決)。 回覆
    (08-01 18:10)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: texmakerx比texmaker功能多很多,包括自動補全,大量界面元素方案的配置。 回覆
    (07-31 17:47)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 兩個\footnote 的標號之間的逗號可以用\raisebox{6pt}{,}實現。複雜的footnote可以用footmisc包。 回覆
    (07-31 17:26)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf中,無法通過類似 (intersection number of firstobject and second object ) 的語句得到bezier曲線與其他曲線的交點(intersection),只能\draw[smooth] plot coordinates{(-1.5,1) (-1, 回覆
    (07-29 18:17)
    1. XiaJing: 只能\draw[smooth] plot coordinates{(-1.5,1) (-1,2) (0,1)}先確定交點 (07-29 18:17) 回覆
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf作矢量圖很強大但週期長,有些圖只能選OpenOffice Draw作,導出成pdf,然後插入beamer裏。OpenOffice Presentation的公式不是很好用。 回覆
    (07-29 14:47)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Tikz中,Use \colorlet to define a new color based on an old one. \colorlet{lightgray}{black!25}。specify a new color using \definecolor. \definecolor{orange}{rgb}{1,0.5,0} 回覆
    (07-29 14:44)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,1. \setbeamercolor {description item}{fg=red},使description的item爲紅色。2. 定義自己的環境myblock類似內嵌的exampleblock,definition等,其中\setbeamercolor{local structure}{fg=green},使嵌入的itemize 回覆
    (07-26 18:10)
    1. XiaJing: 使嵌入的itemize前的符號顏色爲green。 (07-26 18:11) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 可以與myblock的標題的背景顏色一致。 (07-26 18:12) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,\pause {\onslide \color<-.>{blue}先藍後黑} 中的文字"先藍後黑"先藍後黑,一個trick是可以使字體爲很淺的灰色,投影儀打不出來但顯示器能顯示,即先灰後黑,這裏沒有用序號所以前面任意加\pause 回覆
    (07-25 22:31)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf語句\node (dot) [terminal] {.}; \node (digit) [terminal,right=of dot] {digit}; 可能產生錯誤:! Package PGF Math Error: Unknown function `of'. 通過添加語句\usetikzlibrary{positioning}解決。 回覆
    (07-24 21:00)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf中指定交點,\draw[very thick,orange] (1,0) -- (intersection of 1,0--1,1 and 0,0--30:1cm); 回覆
    (07-24 15:55)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf中: \draw (5,0) -- ++(1,1) -- +(2,0) arc (0:230:2cm); ,++(1,1)的參考點爲(5,0),+(2,0)的參考點是(6,1),arc的參考點是(8,1),弧所在圓的圓心爲(6,1)。 回覆
    (07-24 11:29)
    1. XiaJing: +(2,1)的參考點受是否有++控制,arc的參考點對應前一個位置。 (07-24 11:30) 回覆
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: pgf uses Uwe Kern’s xcolor package 回覆
    (07-24 10:31)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: ():Parentheses (singular, parenthesis)—also called simply brackets (UK), or round bracket. [ ]:Square brackets—also called simply brackets (US). { }:Curly brackets—also called braces (US). 回覆
    (07-24 10:04)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: \begin{frame}[t]{Top alignment} ,\begin{frame}[c]{Center alignment (default)},\begin{frame}[b]{Bottom alignment} ,全局\documentclass[t]{beamer} 回覆
    (07-23 22:05)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,通過\newenvironment定義自己的統一標題樣式。 回覆
    (07-23 17:47)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: grep命令,Context Line Control: -A NUM, --after-context=NUM : Print NUM lines of trailing context after matching lines. Places a line containing a group separator (--) between contiguous group 回覆
    (07-23 17:23)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 美陸軍頭盔上能放到眼前的設備是Helmet Mounted Display或image intensified night vision system 回覆
    (07-23 15:37)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xelatex編譯beamer時,beamer中的button和framezoom不起作用,用pdflatex編譯時才起作用。 回覆
    (07-23 11:09)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux服務管理程序rcconf,可以通過ssh運行,包括手機上的ssh。 回覆
    (07-23 09:31)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,\setbeamertemplate{frametitle}[default][center],選取outer theme default,並設置frametitle居中,查看beamerouterthemedefault.sty得frametitle含於beamercolorbox,可用\setbeamercolor設置。 回覆
    (07-22 21:40)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,\setbeamercolor*{frametitle}{fg=white,bg=blue!50!black}設置的是標題背景和前景色。 回覆
    (07-22 20:50)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在beamer中,\vspace{-2cm}可以使對象向上移動2cm。 回覆
    (07-21 18:22)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,在”\centering 居住的中文字體“語句後回車緊接着是\end{frame}則不會居中,解決的辦法是於\end{frame}隔一行,或在語句加兩個反斜槓\\表示換行再回車加\end{frame}。 回覆
    (07-21 18:11)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer和PGF/Tikz的項目主持者都是Prof. Dr. Till Tantau,www.tcs.uni-luebeck.de/en/mitarbeiter/tantau/ 回覆
    (07-21 17:19)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xetex不支持中文的粗體,如使用\bfseries對中文字庫不起作用。 回覆
    (07-21 14:24)
    1. XiaJing: 補充:版本This is XeTeXk, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.996-patch2 (Web2C 7.5.6) (07-21 15:22) 回覆
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer自動載入xcolor包,\color{green!40!yellow})指40%的綠色和60的黃色, 回覆
    (07-21 14:23)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: beamer中,\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=2.5ex,dp=1ex,center]{title in head/foot},其ht設置(文字底端向上的)高度,dp設置(文字底端向下的)深度,ex爲額外距離。 回覆
    (07-20 23:09)
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在beamer裏,命令\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}將抑制所有導航符 回覆
    (07-20 17:56)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: latex裏的自動換行不會把英文單詞隨意拆開,而是根據空格換行,例如當輸入一個網址時,整個網址中沒有空格,就會當成一個單詞跳到下一行。對於中文沒有空格,所以英文的換行方法不適用,xetex裏對中文自動換行先設置 回覆
    (07-20 14:59)
    1. XiaJing: xetex裏對中文自動換行先設置\XeTeXlinebreaklocale "zh" 和 \XeTeXlinebreakskip = 0pt plus 1pt (07-20 14:59) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: \XeTeXlinebreakskip 則是讓 XeTeX 可以在字元間加入 0pt~1pt 的彈性間距 (07-20 15:00) 回覆
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: Use meshlab,LATEX,movie15 package,acrobat reader to embedded U3D object in a pdf and view it. 回覆
    (07-20 08:37)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: TikZ and PGF examples, www.texample.net/tikz/examples/ 回覆
    (07-19 23:55)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 設置不同標題的顏色,\setbeamercolor{titlelike}{fg=red!80!black,bg=red!20!white},\setbeamercolor{block title }{fg=red!80!black,bg=red!20!white} 回覆
    (07-19 23:33)
    1. XiaJing: 或\setbeamercolor*{titlelike}{fg=red!80!black,bg=red!20!white} (07-22 20:37) 回覆
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 1. Computer Modern (CM) fonts, The AMSFonts distribution is composed of two parts: the Computer Modern (CM) fonts, and the original AMSFonts. 2. The Latin Modern(LM) fonts are derived from the famous 回覆
    (07-19 21:49)
    1. XiaJing: The Latin Modern fonts are derived from the famous Computer Modern fonts designed by Donald E. Knuth and first published by the American Matematical Society (AMS) in 1997 (07-19 21:50) 回覆
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 1. xetex加beamer中,\usepackage[cm-default]{fontspec},如無[cm-default],則\[\alpha, \beta, \gamma, \delta,\]無法顯示。2. \usepackage{euler},euler是一個使用AMS Euler字體的包。 回覆
    (07-19 21:29)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 1. "en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX" 2. the Computer Modern Typewriter font (cmtt) are gotten by default when using \ttdefault, \ttfamily, \texttt 3. www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rf10/pstex/latexcommands.h 回覆
    (07-19 17:33)
    1. XiaJing: 3應爲www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rf10/pstex/latexcommands.htm (07-19 17:35) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: csdn的bug,1,2,3不足200字,但將3補足和1,2一起發佈,3卻不完整,顯示不了200字 (07-19 17:37) 回覆
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在beamer中輸入中文,先去掉\inputenc和\fontenc,改用xetex裏的\usepackage{fontspec}, 回覆
    (07-18 22:14)
    1. XiaJing: the German word Beamer, a pseudo-anglicism for video projector. (07-20 09:07) 回覆
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: linux裏用file命令查看文件信息,$file /usr/bin/pdftex/usr/bin/pdftex: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, stripped 回覆
    (07-18 21:10)
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 注意tex, latex, xetex, xelatex四個可執行文件,latex和xelatex增加了宏,常用。 回覆
    (07-18 13:58)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在linux裏檢查sha256校驗碼用sha256sum,類似的命令還有sha1sum sha256sum sha512sum sha224sum sha384sum shasum 。 回覆
    (07-18 13:40)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: xetex(zee-tech)提示:LaTeX Error: File `xkeyval.sty' not found. 在“packages.ubuntu.com“查得xkeyval.sty文件屬於texlive-latex-recommended包。 回覆
    (07-18 11:59)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: emacs裏用C-x C--和C-x C-+ 命令分別縮小和增大字體。 回覆
    (07-17 09:23)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: cat -n file1 > file2可以將file1的每一行前加上序號存爲file2 回覆
    (07-14 17:39)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: GIS數據源和普通數據源的區別--它帶有空間信息。GDAL和PIL等圖像處理庫的最大區別也就在此處。 回覆
    (07-13 18:04)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library . OpenGIS® is a Registered trademark of the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc (OGC) and is the brand name associated with the Standards and documents. 回覆
    (07-13 17:38)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PIL, The Python Imaging Library adds image processing capabilities to your Python interpreter. 回覆
    (07-13 17:04)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用shell下的emacs編輯python,C-x 2打開兩個窗口,C-x o在兩個窗口間切換,M-`啓用菜單(如有ibus要關閉或刪除ibus的Alt+grave快捷方式),選擇python->Start interpreter,這樣可得到C-c C-c的輸出結果。 回覆
    (07-13 15:37)
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 可用emacs的Rectangles功能進行多行python代碼的註釋、刪除和縮進。C-@選擇標記起點,即方塊文字區的左上角,然後移動光標到方塊文字區的右下角,選定方塊區後就可以C-x r t String<RET>了,String可以是#或TAB等。 回覆
    (07-13 11:24)
    1. XiaJing: 刪除註釋可以用C-x r k或C-x r d,前者可用C-x r y復原。 (07-13 11:24) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 在python模式下選擇一段文字,M-; 可以實現註釋與刪除註釋 (07-13 11:54) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: audio_alsa_sink[hw:0,0]: Device or resource busy可能是flash音樂播放器所致,通過關閉瀏覽器的所有窗口解決。 回覆
    (07-12 23:10)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: aplay和arecord是linux下回放和錄製聲音的命令行程序,arecord t.wav命令將錄製的聲音存爲t.wav,aplay -l可以顯示聲卡信息。 回覆
    (07-12 22:11)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: suxwigb和suximage都有個 參數perc,其作用是截取所佔比例大於perc的數值,使得灰度顯示不會被少數的大信號干擾,如:suximage perc=99.3 < ozdata3.25 回覆
    (06-27 17:29)
    1. XiaJing: perc在suximage,suxwigb幫助裏沒有,但在xwigb裏有,可以通過sufind查到。 (07-01 12:24) 回覆
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: "www-geo.phys.ualberta.ca/~sacchi/" 回覆
    (06-27 11:40)
  15. XiaJing
    (06-27 11:40)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: "www.geofys.uu.se/?q=view/overview/12" 回覆
    (06-27 10:34)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: http://hi.csdn.net/!s/OUI97H,course website of seismic imaging. 回覆
    (06-27 10:33)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在Matplotlib的polar座標下繪製曲線圖,對於grid的操作函數有,matplotlib.pyplot.xticks和yticks設置grid,還可以用matplotlib.pyplot.rc('grid', color='#316931', linewidth=1, linestyle='-') 回覆
    (06-22 13:22)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: MATLAB對Axes對象的ticks的操作非常有限,不支持tex,TickLabel是string,所以ticklabel字體的設置不是單獨的,而是通過Axes的fontsize屬性設置。 回覆
    (05-03 17:37)
  20. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 手機現在的信號強度滿格,查詢顯示爲73dBm,約爲50.12pW 回覆
    (05-01 10:20)
    1. XiaJing: 補充:移動的GSM網絡 (05-01 10:27) 回覆
    2. XiaJing: 現在爲76dBm約爲25.12pW (05-02 13:19) 回覆
  1. XiaJing
    XiaJing: opera mobile 10 不支持MATHML 回覆
    (04-18 23:08)
  2. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 安裝Sideralis2.0B630,基於java的在手機上顯示星座圖的軟件,設置所在位置座標,以度爲單位精確到小數點後兩位就可。在手機或電腦的google map上輸入座標可定位地點,反之,在沒有具體信息的地方點擊map返回的就是座標。 回覆
    (04-18 17:19)
  3. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 緯度變化0.001度約等於110米,經度變化0.001度約等於100米,很粗略的估計.如果地球是嚴格的圓球面,二者應該相等。 回覆
    (04-18 17:05)
  4. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 刪除手機自帶的“行學一族”和“大衆點評”。 回覆
    (04-13 21:32)
  5. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用emacs時,C-z只是掛起當前emacs,要結束需要鍵入C-x C-c,要是察看是否有程序掛起或後臺執行,鍵入命令ps。可以使用%emacs恢復,當多次鍵入emacs執行,多次C-z,則會有多個emacs,可通過fg 1或fg 2等恢復第1或第2個emacs。 回覆
    (04-09 18:28)
  6. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用emacs編輯python代碼時,點擊TAB鍵,無縮進,伴有Sole indentation的顯示是因爲可能有語法錯誤,如在for語句結尾沒有冒號":"。 回覆
    (04-09 17:49)
  7. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 電腦,手機文件互傳若干方法.1.有線:usb連接線,minSD讀卡器;2.無線:藍牙(速度慢,PC也需有藍牙),WLAN(http,ftp,dav),安裝APACHE和vsftp,dav遠程驅動器適合雙向傳輸大量文件(copy folder),http適合單向傳大文件,如500M 回覆
    (04-09 12:00)
  8. XiaJing
    XiaJing: symbian自帶的adobe reader有時候打開pdf文件時無文字顯示,有acrobat把該pdf文件再打印一下基本就能解決問題 回覆
    (04-09 11:39)
  9. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在symbian系統裏當把一個文件夾裏的近1400個小文件拷貝到另一文件裏時,如果只拷貝了1000個,當第二次在拷貝時會提示文件已存在是否覆蓋,可以選擇否,不過那就得按1000次了,因爲沒有以後按此操作的選項。 回覆
    (04-09 11:35)
    1. XiaJing: 長按功能鍵調出任務,選擇複製的任務,按刪除鍵,強行關閉程序 (04-09 11:37) 回覆
  10. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用ssh登錄系統運行python導入matplotlib.pyplot,然後繪圖,python拋出錯誤,解決辦法在程序前加入語句:matplotlib.use('Agg'),然後存爲圖形文件 回覆
    (04-08 22:25)
    1. XiaJing: 既設置backend(相對於frondend)爲圖形文件輸出 (04-08 22:31) 回覆
  11. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 在pys60的手機環境編寫Module,然後存於E:\Data\PYTHON裏,在其他文件裏調用該Module提示無法找到該Module,該問題可通過添加'e:\\Data\\PYTHON'到sys.path解決。 回覆
    (04-07 10:13)
  12. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 將Quickoffice5升級爲6.2.217(en,無cn),本想看看是否能輸入公式,結果不但不支持公式,C盤還少了8M多,E盤有16G也沒用,嘗試刪除,提示無法刪除,需要所謂硬格復原. 回覆
    (04-03 16:25)
  13. XiaJing
    XiaJing: python裏list變量複製時複製的是地址。如>>>a=[2,3]>>>b=a>>>b[0]=9>>>print a輸出是[9,3] 回覆
    (04-03 09:06)
  14. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PyS60裏的help函數的輸出信息有時真的很少,如>>>a=graphics.Image.new((20,20))>>>help(a.line)結果是built-in function line:line(...) 回覆
    (04-02 17:26)
  15. XiaJing
    XiaJing: PyS60裏的字符串需要爲UNICODE,>>>s=u"Hello"以及>>>n=5>>>s2=unicode(n)可輸入或轉成unicode字符 回覆
    (04-02 11:51)
  16. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用Pys60就可以實現屏幕截圖,只需graphics模塊和e32的Ao_timer()生成的延時對象。 回覆
    (04-01 22:42)
  17. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 迷你博客是不是沒有普通博客有的搜索功能。 回覆
    (03-28 18:03)
  18. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 電子書的格式最常見的有pdf,chm,djvu等,這些格式各有所長,pdf適合打印,djvu適合掃描的書,chm適合作爲手機閱讀,不過先要轉換爲htm格式,“hh -decompile 目的名 chm文件 ” 回覆
    (03-28 17:05)
  19. XiaJing
    XiaJing: 用我的Symbian和Opera mobile 10 通過WLAN輸入。不過最好先用記事本或其他本地文本編輯器編輯,再拷貝過去,剛纔直接在網頁上編輯,錯按了返回,結果輸入被清空。 回覆
    (03-28 11:24)
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