操作系統原理實驗:動態分區分配方式(魔改版first fit(首次適應)算法和best fit(最佳適應)算法)






(1)first fit(首次適應)算法 · 魔改。

爲了模擬得更接近較新的操作系統的動態內存分配與回收機制,這裏不模擬通過first fit和best fit算法直接進行順序查找並分配內存,而是模擬用戶調用malloc、new等內存分配的函數或運算符之後,從線性地址已經轉換爲物理頁號(PPN)的時刻開始,直到返回隨機分配的物理頁號,這一段分配過程(因爲一旦隨機找到一片滿足要求的可用空間就立即分配,所以這裏其實借鑑了first fit的思想)。
本程序通過< random >中的隨機數生成引擎std::mt19937_64隨機生成物理頁號來簡單模擬MMU將線性地址轉換爲內存的物理地址並取得物理頁號的過程,並用兩個std::map——free_list和used_list模擬由操作系統內核維護的空閒列表。頁大小設爲4 KB。
這裏不用線性表或鏈表來構造空閒列表,是因爲需要頻繁插入、刪除、查找:在線性表上查找、插入、刪除元素的時間複雜度和在鏈表上查找的時間複雜度均達到O(n)。本實驗選用的std::map是用紅黑樹實現的。如果使用std::map來構造空閒列表,那麼隨機分配和釋放內存時,時間複雜度均減小到O(log n)。當內存不足時,由於分配內存需要遍歷該表,時間複雜度爲遍歷紅黑樹的均攤時間複雜度O(n);但回收已使用內存時,時間複雜度仍然爲O(log n)。
嘗試隨機分配最多10次(可以在代碼中修改嘗試次數max_attempt_count)。如果隨機查找空閒列表10次都未找到足夠大的連續內存空間來分配這些頁,就認爲可用的連續內存空間已經不足,此時將遍歷整個空閒列表嘗試分配。當第一次找到足夠的空間後,就分配內存(first fit);如果遍歷完畢後仍然找不到符合要求的空閒內存,則分配失敗。

(2)best fit(最佳適應)算法 · 魔改。

首先free_list的數據結構採用std::multimap,且以頁數爲索引。也就是說第一項爲頁數,第二項爲這段連續的內存空間的起始地址。分配內存的時候,根據所需的頁大小可以以O(log n)的時間複雜度取得一段儘可能小的連續的內存空間,減少內存碎片。當這段內存空間的頁數更多時,同樣隨機選取其中一段連續的頁面進行分配。如果搜索不到長度達到所需頁數的連續內存空間,則直接返回分配失敗。


(1)first fit

using namespace std;

const size_t memory_capacity = 1ull << 33;
const size_t page_count = memory_capacity / 4096; //Page size = 4 KB
const size_t bound[] = { 1ull, 1ull << 8, 1ull << 18, 1ull << 28, 1ull << 38, 1ull << 48 };
const size_t page_to_byte = 1ull << 12;
const char* const unit[] = { " KB ", " MB ", " GB ", " TB ", " PB ", " EB " };
const size_t exp_count = 1024;

map<size_t, size_t> free_list, used_list; //The first is starting address, the second is page count.
const pair<size_t, size_t> entire_memory = { 1, page_count - 1 }; string output_str;

vector<size_t> free_seq;
uniform_int_distribution<size_t> us(1, page_count - 1), upe(2, UINT64_MAX); mt19937_64 re; //Random engine.

//Modify the node of the free list and the used list according to the random situation of allocation.
inline size_t split_node_n_mark_used(const map<size_t, size_t>::iterator& i, size_t _PageCount) {
	static pair<size_t, size_t> p, q, r;
	p.first = us(re) % (i->second - _PageCount) + i->first; p.second = _PageCount;
	if (p.first == i->first) {
		q = { p.first + p.second, i->second - _PageCount }; free_list.erase(i); free_list.emplace(q);
	else if (p.first + p.second == i->first + i->second) {
		q = { i->first, i->second - _PageCount }; free_list.erase(i); free_list.emplace(q);
	else {
		q = { i->first, p.first - i->first }; r = { p.first + p.second, i->second - q.second - _PageCount };
		free_list.erase(i); free_list.emplace(q); free_list.emplace(r);
	used_list.emplace(p); return p.first;

//Allocate specific free memory.
inline size_t alloc(const map<size_t, size_t>::iterator& i, size_t _PageCount) {
	static size_t s; s = us(re);
	if (i->second == _PageCount) { s = i->first; used_list.emplace(*i); free_list.erase(i); return s; } //Allocation succeeded.
	else { s = i->first; return split_node_n_mark_used(i, _PageCount); } //Allocation succedded.

//Allocate a segment of free memory.
inline size_t random_alloc(size_t _PageCount) {
	static const size_t max_attempt_count = 10; static size_t s; static map<size_t, size_t>::iterator i;
	for (size_t h = 0; h < max_attempt_count; ++h) {
		s = us(re); i = free_list.lower_bound(s); if (i == free_list.end())--i;
		if (i->second == _PageCount) { s = i->first; used_list.emplace(*i); free_list.erase(i); return s; } //Allocation succeeded.
		else if (i->second > _PageCount) { return split_node_n_mark_used(i, _PageCount); } //Allocation succedded.
	//Random allocation failed after several attempts due to the lack of memory (or too many small fragmentations).
	//Needs to traverse the free list to try to allocate a segment of free memory.
	for (map<size_t, size_t>::iterator i = free_list.begin(); i != free_list.end(); ++i) {
		if (i->second >= _PageCount) { return alloc(i, _PageCount); }
	return 0; //No enough continuous free memory space. Using the first page frame (PPN = 0) is forbidden.

//Release a segment of used memory.
inline void release(size_t _PPN) {
	static map<size_t, size_t>::iterator i, j;
	static pair<map<size_t, size_t>::iterator, bool> r; static bool merged_left_node;
	i = used_list.find(_PPN); r = free_list.emplace(*i); merged_left_node = false;
	if (r.first != free_list.begin()) {
		j = r.first; --j;
		if (j->first + j->second == r.first->first) {
			j->second += r.first->second; r.first = free_list.erase(r.first); merged_left_node = true;
	if (merged_left_node) { --r.first; };
	if ((*r.first).first != (*free_list.rbegin()).first) {
		j = r.first; ++j;
		if (r.first->first + r.first->second == j->first) {
			r.first->second += j->second; free_list.erase(j);

//Convert the physical page number to another notation.
inline void convert(size_t _PPN, string& _Dest, unsigned _AlignMode = 1) {
	while (_PPN >= (1 << 8)) {
		auto d = upper_bound(bound, bound + 5, _PPN) - bound - 1;
		_Dest.append(to_string(_PPN / bound[d])); _Dest.append(unit[d]);
		_PPN %= bound[d];
	if (_PPN) { _Dest.append(to_string(_PPN * 4)); _Dest.append(" KB"); }
	else _Dest.pop_back();
	if (_AlignMode)_Dest.insert(0, 48 - _Dest.size(), ' ');
	else _Dest.resize(48, ' ');

inline void output_list(const map<size_t, size_t>& _List) {
	cout << "               Starting Position                 |                  Ending Position                 | Length (Dec)" << endl;
	for (map<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator i = _List.cbegin(); i != _List.cend(); ++i) {
		cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << hex << setw(48) << i->first * page_to_byte << " | " << setw(48) << (i->first + i->second) * page_to_byte << " | " << dec << i->second * page_to_byte << endl;
		convert(i->first, output_str); cout << output_str << " | ";
		convert(i->first + i->second, output_str); cout << output_str << " | ";
		convert(i->second, output_str, 0); cout << output_str << endl;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nList size = " << _List.size() << endl;

int main() {
	ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);

	cout << "********************************SIMULATION STARTS********************************\n" << endl;
	cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n" << endl;
	cout << "\nStart to allocate memory.\n" << endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < exp_count; ++i) {
		if (!random_alloc(log2(upe(re)) * (upe(re) % 128 + 1)))cout << "ERROR: Allocation failed." << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
	for (map<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator i = used_list.cbegin(); i != used_list.cend(); ++i) { free_seq.emplace_back(i->first); }
	shuffle(free_seq.begin(), free_seq.end(), re);
	cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\nStart to free memory.\n" << endl;
	for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator i = free_seq.cbegin(); i != free_seq.cend(); ++i) {
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\n********************************SIMULATION ENDS********************************" << endl;

	return 0;

(2)best fit

using namespace std;

const size_t memory_capacity = 1ull << 33;
const size_t page_count = memory_capacity / 4096; //Page size = 4 KB
const size_t bound[] = { 1ull, 1ull << 8, 1ull << 18, 1ull << 28, 1ull << 38, 1ull << 48 };
const size_t page_to_byte = 1ull << 12;
const char* const unit[] = { " KB ", " MB ", " GB ", " TB ", " PB ", " EB " };
const size_t exp_count = 1024;

multimap<size_t, size_t> free_list; //The first is page count and the second is starting address.
map<size_t, size_t> used_list; //The first is starting address and the second is page count.
const pair<size_t, size_t> entire_memory = { page_count - 1, 1 }; string output_str;

vector<size_t> free_seq;
uniform_int_distribution<size_t> us(1, page_count - 1), upe(2, UINT64_MAX); mt19937_64 re; //Random engine.

//Modify the node of the free list and the used list according to the random situation of allocation.
inline size_t split_node_n_mark_used(const multimap<size_t, size_t>::iterator& i, size_t _PageCount) {
	static pair<size_t, size_t> p, q, r;
	p = { us(re) % (i->first - _PageCount) + i->second, _PageCount };
	if (p.first == i->second) {
		q = { i->first - _PageCount, i->second + _PageCount }; free_list.erase(i); free_list.emplace(q);
	else if (p.first + p.second == i->first + i->second) {
		q = { i->first - _PageCount, i->second }; free_list.erase(i); free_list.emplace(q);
	else {
		q = { p.first - i->second, i->second }; r = { i->first - _PageCount - q.first, p.first + p.second };
		free_list.erase(i); free_list.emplace(q); free_list.emplace(r);
	used_list.emplace(p); return p.first;

//Allocate a segment of free memory.
inline size_t alloc(size_t _PageCount) {
	static multimap<size_t, size_t>::iterator i; static pair<size_t, size_t> p;
	i = free_list.lower_bound(_PageCount);
	if (i == free_list.end())return 0; //Allocation failed.
	if (i->first == _PageCount) {
		p.first = i->second; p.second = i->first; free_list.erase(i); used_list.emplace(p); return p.first;
	else { return split_node_n_mark_used(i, _PageCount); } //i->first > _PageCount

//Release a segment of used memory.
inline void release(size_t _PPN) {
	static map<size_t, size_t>::iterator h; static multimap<size_t, size_t>::iterator i;
	static pair<size_t, size_t> p;
	h = used_list.find(_PPN); p = { h->second, h->first };
	for (i = free_list.begin(); i != free_list.end();) {
		//merge with the node which indicates the left piece of free space.
		if (i->first + i->second == h->first) { p.first += i->first; p.second = i->second; i = free_list.erase(i); }
		//merge with the node which indicates the right piece of free space.
		else if (h->first + h->second == i->second) { p.first += i->first; i = free_list.erase(i); }
		else ++i;
	free_list.emplace(p); used_list.erase(h);

//Convert the physical page number to another notation.
inline void convert(size_t _PPN, string& _Dest, unsigned _AlignMode = 1) {
	while (_PPN >= (1 << 8)) {
		auto d = upper_bound(bound, bound + 5, _PPN) - bound - 1;
		_Dest.append(to_string(_PPN / bound[d])); _Dest.append(unit[d]);
		_PPN %= bound[d];
	if (_PPN) { _Dest.append(to_string(_PPN * 4)); _Dest.append(" KB"); }
	else _Dest.pop_back();
	if (_AlignMode)_Dest.insert(0, 48 - _Dest.size(), ' ');
	else _Dest.resize(48, ' ');

inline void output_list(const multimap<size_t, size_t>& _List) {
	cout << "               Starting Position                 |                  Ending Position                 | Length (Dec)" << endl;
	for (multimap<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator i = _List.cbegin(); i != _List.cend(); ++i) {
		cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << hex << setw(48) << i->second * page_to_byte << " | " << setw(48) << (i->first + i->second) * page_to_byte << " | " << dec << i->first * page_to_byte << endl;
		convert(i->second, output_str); cout << output_str << " | ";
		convert(i->first + i->second, output_str); cout << output_str << " | ";
		convert(i->first, output_str, 0); cout << output_str << endl;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nList size = " << _List.size() << endl;

inline void output_list(const map<size_t, size_t>& _List) {
	cout << "               Starting Position                 |                  Ending Position                 | Length (Dec)" << endl;
	for (map<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator i = _List.cbegin(); i != _List.cend(); ++i) {
		cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << hex << setw(48) << i->first * page_to_byte << " | " << setw(48) << (i->first + i->second) * page_to_byte << " | " << dec << i->second * page_to_byte << endl;
		convert(i->first, output_str); cout << output_str << " | ";
		convert(i->first + i->second, output_str); cout << output_str << " | ";
		convert(i->second, output_str, 0); cout << output_str << endl;
	cout << "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nList size = " << _List.size() << endl;

int main() {
	ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(0); cout.tie(0);

	cout << "********************************SIMULATION STARTS********************************\n" << endl;
	cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
	cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n" << endl;
	cout << "\nStart to allocate memory.\n" << endl;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < exp_count; ++i) {
		if (!alloc(log2(upe(re)) * (upe(re) % 128 + 1)))cout << "ERROR: Allocation failed." << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
	for (map<size_t, size_t>::const_iterator i = used_list.cbegin(); i != used_list.cend(); ++i) { free_seq.emplace_back(i->first); }
	shuffle(free_seq.begin(), free_seq.end(), re);
	cout << "\n\n\n\n\n\nStart to free memory.\n" << endl;
	for (vector<size_t>::const_iterator i = free_seq.cbegin(); i != free_seq.cend(); ++i) {
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Free List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List ------------------------------------------------" << endl;
		cout << "------------------------------------------------ Used List Ends ------------------------------------------------\n\n\n\n" << endl;
	cout << "\n********************************SIMULATION ENDS********************************" << endl;

	return 0;


【1】first fit部分。

1、設在某嵌入式設備中,內存共16 MB。每次分配的頁數爲1到63,且請求分配更多頁數的空間具有更大的機率。嘗試分配次數1024次。
可見,程序能夠正常結束,並且在回收全部的已分配空間後,僅剩餘1段完整的空閒內存(頁0不可用,4 KB到16 MB均可用)。測試通過。
2、設在某PC上的虛擬Linux系統或雲服務器的虛擬化環境中,內存共8 GB。單次分配頁數最少爲1,最多爲第1個測試的128倍。且請求分配更多頁數的空間具有更大的機率。嘗試分配次數1024次。在這裏插入圖片描述
可見,程序能夠正常結束,並且在回收全部的已分配空間後,僅剩餘1段完整的空閒內存(頁0不可用,4 KB到8 GB均可用)。測試通過。在筆者的計算機上,累計運行時間約1小時15分鐘。

【2】best fit部分。

1、設在某嵌入式設備中,內存共16 MB。每次分配的頁數爲1到63,且請求分配更多頁數的空間具有更大的機率。嘗試分配次數1024次。
可見,程序能夠正常結束,並且在回收全部的已分配空間後,僅剩餘1段完整的空閒內存(頁0不可用,4 KB到16 MB均可用)。測試通過。
2、設在某PC上的虛擬Linux系統或雲服務器的虛擬化環境中,內存共8 GB。單次分配頁數最少爲1,最多爲第1個測試的128倍。且請求分配更多頁數的空間具有更大的機率。嘗試分配次數1024次。
可見,程序能夠正常結束,並且在回收全部的已分配空間後,僅剩餘1段完整的空閒內存(頁0不可用,4 KB到16 MB均可用)。測試通過。


還沒有人評論,想成為第一個評論的人麼? 請在上方評論欄輸入並且點擊發布.