STM32 内部Flash带缓存读写 程序源码 [已验证]

STM32 内部Flash带缓存读写 程序源码

由于STM32 系列Flash的Erase操作很多是按Page擦除,如果往Flash写入的数据或余数不够一个整Page,那么该Page其他数据也会被擦除掉。

注意到Programming in the Flash memory performed by word or half-page 所以,Write API使用了按Word写入

Memory map如下:


0 Macro

读写API内部调用的是STM32xx_hal_flash.c中的HAL_FLASH_Program API,如果使用不一样的Hal库,可以直接替换下方的Flash_WriteOneWord宏定义:

#define  TRUE    1
#define  FALSE   0

typedef unsigned char   BOOL;       /* boolean data */
typedef unsigned char   FLAG;       /* boolean data */
typedef unsigned char   U8BIT;      /* unsigned 8 bit data */
typedef unsigned short  U16BIT;     /* unsigned 16 bit data */
typedef unsigned long   U32BIT;     /* unsigned 32 bit data */
typedef unsigned long   WORD;       /* unsigned 32 bit data */

#define PAGE_SIZE              FLASH_PAGE_SIZE  

#define Flash_WriteOneWord(a, b)	    HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, a, b)
#define Flash_WriteOneHalfWord(a, b)	HAL_FLASH_Program(FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_HALFWORD, a, b)


Erase主要负责写入之前清空的操作,由Wirte API判断要Erase多少Page

 @Name : Flash_Erase
 @Brief : Erase the whole page by NumtoErase
 @Param In : U32BIT StartAddr         
                     uint16_t PageNumtoErase  
 @Param Out : 
 @Return : TURE for Success, FALSE for Failed
History      :
  1.Date   : Tuesday, June 04, 2018
    Author   : Howard Xue

BOOL Flash_Erase(uint32_t StartAddr, uint16_t PageNumtoErase)

	if(HAL_FLASH_Unlock() != HAL_OK)
		return FALSE;
	uint32_t PageError_Tmp = 0;
	FLASH_EraseInitTypeDef Eras;
	Eras.NbPages = PageNumtoErase;
	Eras.PageAddress = StartAddr;
	if(HAL_FLASHEx_Erase(&Eras , &PageError_Tmp) != HAL_OK)
		return FALSE;

	if(HAL_FLASH_Lock() != HAL_OK)
		  return FALSE;

	return TRUE;


2. Flash_Read_Byte

@Name : Flash_Read_Byte
@Brief : Read Internal Falsh data by address
@Param In : uint32_t StartAddr         
                      uint8_t  *ReadBuf
                      uint32_t NumToRead
@Param Out :   uint8_t  *ReadBuf
@Return : TURE for Success, FALSE for Failed
History      :
  1.Date   : Tuesday, June 04, 2018
    Author   : Howard Xue

BOOL Flash_Read_Byte(uint32_t StartAddr, uint8_t  *ReadBuf, uint32_t NumToRead)
	if(NumToRead== 0)
		return FALSE;
	uint32_t DataNum = 0;
	uint32_t ReadAddress = StartAddr;
	while(DataNum < NumToRead)
		*(ReadBuf + DataNum) = *(__IO uint8_t  *)ReadAddress++;
		return TRUE;


BufferWrite其实就是先根据要写多少数据,算出相应需Erase的page数,之后将这些Page的数据全读出来,与新要写入的数据合并覆盖后,再写入。 这样就实现除了要写入的地址数据,其他的数据不被Erase更改。


@Name : Flash_Write_WithBuffer
@Brief : Read Buffer from Flash ,Then Merge New Data and Write
@Param In : uint32_t StartAddr         
                      uint32_t  *pBufferToWrite
                      uint32_t NumToWrite
@Param Out :   uint32_t  *pBufferToWrite
@Return : TURE for Success, FALSE for Failed
History      :
  1.Date   : Tuesday, June 04, 2018
    Author   : Howard Xue

BOOL Flash_Write_WithBuffer(uint32_t StartAddr, uint32_t *pBufferToWrite, uint32_t NumToWrite)

	uint8_t PageNumtoErase = 1;//default is erase 1 page.
    uint32_t i;
	uint32_t ReadBuffer_Length = 0;
//	uint8_t ReadBuffer[FLASH_PAGE_SIZE] = {0};

	if(NumToWrite == 0)
		return FALSE;
	//GetPageNum to erase
	if(NumToWrite > FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
		PageNumtoErase = NumToWrite/FLASH_PAGE_SIZE + 1; 

	ReadBuffer_Length = PageNumtoErase*FLASH_PAGE_SIZE;

	U32BIT *pReadBuffer = (U32BIT *)calloc(1, ReadBuffer_Length);
	U32BIT *pReadBufferCount = pReadBuffer;
	//1.Read orginal data from flash
	Flash_Read_Byte(StartAddr,(U8BIT *)pReadBuffer,ReadBuffer_Length);

	//2.Merge New Data for Write

	//3.Erase whole page
	if(Flash_Erase(StartAddr, PageNumtoErase) != TRUE)
		return FALSE;

	//4.Write Buffer to Flash, Unlock -> write -> lock
	if(HAL_FLASH_Unlock() != HAL_OK)
		return FALSE;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < (ReadBuffer_Length/4) ; i++ )
        if(Flash_WriteOneWord(StartAddr + i * sizeof(uint32_t ), *pReadBufferCount) != HAL_OK)
			return FALSE;

	if(HAL_FLASH_Lock() != HAL_OK)
		return FALSE;

	 return TRUE;



@Name : Flash_Write_NoBuffer
@Brief : Write Flash without Buffer
@Param In : uint32_t StartAddr         
                      uint32_t  *pBufferToWrite
                      uint32_t NumToWrite
@Param Out :   uint32_t  *pBufferToWrite
@Return : TURE for Success, FALSE for Failed
History      :
  1.Date   : Tuesday, June 04, 2018
    Author   : Howard Xue

BOOL Flash_Write_NoBuffer(uint32_t StartAddr, uint32_t *pBufferToWrite, uint32_t NumToWrite)

	uint32_t PageNumtoErase = 1;//default
    uint32_t i;

	if(NumToWrite == 0)
		return FALSE;
	//GetPageNum to erase
	if(NumToWrite > FLASH_PAGE_SIZE)
		PageNumtoErase = NumToWrite/FLASH_PAGE_SIZE + 1; 
	//Erase whole page
	if(Flash_Erase(StartAddr, PageNumtoErase) != TRUE)
		return FALSE;
		//4.Write Buffer to Flash, Unlock -> write -> lock
	if(HAL_FLASH_Unlock() != HAL_OK)
		return FALSE;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < (NumToWrite/4) ; i++ )
		if(Flash_WriteOneWord(StartAddr + i * sizeof(uint32_t ), *pBufferToWrite) != HAL_OK)
			return FALSE;

	 	if(HAL_FLASH_Lock() != HAL_OK)
		  return FALSE;

		return TRUE;


5. Test


void FlashTest()
	U8BIT Data_W[64] = {0xFA,0xFA,0xFE,0xFE,0xFA,0xFA,0xFE,0xFE,0xFA,0xFA,0xFE,0xFE,0xFA,0xFA,0xFE,0xFE,0xFA,0xFA,0xFE,0xFE,0xFA,0xFA,0xFE,0xFE};
	U8BIT Data_R[64] = {0};
    U32BIT FLASH_DATAZONE_BASE_ADDR = 0x08028000; //Address for test

	Flash_Read_Byte(FLASH_DATAZONE_BASE_ADDR, Data_R,sizeof(Data_R));

	Flash_Write_NoBuffer(FLASH_DATAZONE_BASE_ADDR,(U32BIT *)&Data_W[0],sizeof(Data_W));

	Flash_Read_Byte(FLASH_DATAZONE_BASE_ADDR, Data_R,sizeof(Data_R));

	Data_W[0] = 0;
	Data_W[1] = 1;
	//Merge new data and write, ohter data will contained
	Flash_Write_WithBuffer(FLASH_DATAZONE_BASE_ADDR,(U32BIT *)&Data_W[0],4);
	Flash_Read_Byte(FLASH_DATAZONE_BASE_ADDR, Data_R,sizeof(Data_R));
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