IONIC WebApp之請求返回數據獲取不到

jQuery傳輸數據使用了Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencodedand

AngularJS傳輸數據使用了Content-Type: application/json


     //$httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
     //$httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
     $httpProvider.defaults.headers.put['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
     $['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8';
     //$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache';
     //$httpProvider.defaults.headers.get['Pragma'] = 'no-cache';
     // $httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;
     // Override $http service's default transformRequest
     $httpProvider.defaults.transformRequest = [function(data){
     * The workhorse; converts an object to x-www-form-urlencoded serialization.
     * @param {Object} obj
     * @return {String}
    var param = function(obj) {
    var query = '';
    var name, value, fullSubName, subName, subValue, innerObj, i;
    for (name in obj) {
    value = obj[name];
    if (value instanceof Array) {
    for (i = 0; i < value.length; ++i) {
    subValue = value[i];
    fullSubName = name + '[' + i + ']';
    innerObj = {};
    innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
    query += param(innerObj) + '&';
    } else if (value instanceof Object) {
    for (subName in value) {
    subValue = value[subName];
    fullSubName = name + '[' + subName + ']';
    innerObj = {};
    innerObj[fullSubName] = subValue;
    query += param(innerObj) + '&';
    } else if (value !== undefined && value !== null) {
    query += encodeURIComponent(name) + '='
    + encodeURIComponent(value) + '&';
    return query.length ? query.substr(0, query.length - 1) : query;
    return angular.isObject(data) && String(data) !== '[object File]'
    ? param(data)
    : data;

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