欣賞一下iPhone 4


iPhone 4出來了,iPhone依舊是王者啊,Android要加油了。總的來說iPhone 4有如下亮點

1. 超高分辨率:326PPI,超越人眼的分辨能力
2. 可視電話
3. 高清攝像
4. 極端先進的科技和工藝


【在激揚的背景音樂中,傳說中的iPhone 4和那隻著名的水果出現啦】

[00:06] iPhone 4 is so much more than just another new product.【總起句提醒大家,iPhone 4不僅僅是又一個新產品而已,吊胃口ing】

[00:12] I mean this will have a lasting impact on the way we actually connect with each other.【爲什麼這樣說呢?因爲它改變了人與人之間的聯繫方式,怎麼改變?繼續吊胃口。。。】

[00:20] In 2007, the iPhone re-invented the phone.【2007年的時候我們就已經很NB了,我和重新發明了手機】

[00:24] In 2008, the iPhone 3G brought faster 3G networking, and revolutionary app store.【App store也是我們首創的哦】

[00:30] In 2009, the iPhone 3GS was twice as fast and brought out new features like video recording.【3GS其實是just another new product(和第一句遙相呼應),除了快一些,有視頻拍攝,沒什麼其他的啦】

[00:37] For 2010, the iPhone 4 is the biggest forward since you used iPhone.【這句聽了無數遍也聽不懂,嗚嗚嗚,說的應該是iPhone 4是有史以來最NB的iPhone吧,跪求指正!】

【音樂轉平靜,請注意,iPhone 4的高科技將在看似平靜的背景中不經意的展示出來】

[00:43] We are introducing the amazing retina display.【拋出第一顆重磅炸彈!】

[00:46] And, we are bringing video calling to the world.【接着拋出第二顆重磅炸彈!】

[00:50] We call it FaceTime.【爲自己的得意之作起一個名字,就算是Apple公司也要免不了要忽悠!】

[00:53] It's gonna change the way we communicate for ever.【手機是用來溝通的,但這個iPhone 4居然會改變我們溝通的方式?好奇心繼續增加ing】

[01:01] The very first time, I had a FaceTime call. I was blown away.【用個人情感、經歷打動聽衆ing】

[01:08] Because it is amazingly engaging, personal. It's all about connecting people.【隱含的意思大概是隻有可視電話纔是真正的個人溝通哦】

[01:14] I think of my own children 7,8 years will be off college. And I can imagine when I call them, and see them. But also walk into the eyes. And see how they are really doing.【一個成功的男人,一個幸福的家庭,一個溫馨的場面,強烈打動着大家的錢包!!!!】

[01:28] What makes it even better is that it switches from the front camera to the back camera.

[01:32] So you can show someone what you are seeing.【具體地說,這個前後攝像頭切換是幹什麼用的】

[01:37] And because it's so mobile with your phone, you'll be able to chat anywhere there is a wi-fi.

[01:42] What's amazing is that everytime I have been using it, you can't help sparkle. You can't believe this is real, this is actually happening.【第二個男人出來煽情。。。】

【在高級副總裁略顯嚴肅的話音中,iPhone 4的第二個亮點被展示出來】

[01:52] Another thing will really excite about on the new iPhone 4 is the retina display.

[01:57] It's the highest resolution display ever built on iphone.【highest,ever,這些字眼多麼自信啊】

[02:01] At 326 pixels per inch, you get 4 times the pixels as before.

[02:06] So instead of the fuzzy and individual pixels, you get smooth, continued shapes in turn. 【鄙視iPhone4之外的手機屏幕中。。。】

[02:13] You have something that looks to your eyes, like you're holding a printed page in your hand.【比喻】

[02:18] And a level of fine detail in images is just incredible.【incredible,incredible!】


[02:22] Another thing that adds the sharp and clarity is optical elimination.

[02:27] That's a very precise technical process that laminate cover glass to the display, and eliminate light refresh.【高科技,偶不懂。。。】

[02:35] So all of the hard work which is put within the ultra high resolution display is presented with most visual clarity.【知道我看不懂,所以不用去理解了,總之就是得到一個超高分辨率的顯示屏啦】

[02:42] On top of that, we use eyes' technology and LED backlight. So you get the most vivid experience in everything you do.【我們iPhone4不僅分辨率奇高,色彩也most鮮豔哦】


[02:50] The display on the iPhone is blowing. 

[02:56] Apps can show more detail than you've ever seen on any device before.【ever ... before!】

[03:02] The text is just perfect.【難以用詞語形容啊】


[03:04] iPhone 4 enables multi-tasking for all apps.

[03:08] You can now quickly switch between applications.

[03:12] And everything is as exactly as you left it.


[03:16] If you, like me, have lots of apps on your phone. You love a way to easily organize them and find them, as exactly folder that's for you.

[03:25] Take an app, and drag it onto another app. And it automatically creates folder, intelligently names with the type of apps you're grouping.


[03:34] Mail on iPhone 4 is incredibly efficient.

[03:38] You can see all the messages from multiple accounts in a single, unified inbox.

[03:42] And it allows you organize all of the messages in the inbox by thread.

[03:48] So you can deal with the single topic altogether.


[03:52] Pictures taken with a 5M pixels camera, work amazing.

[03:56] And we now have a LED flash, so you can take photos in low light.

[04:00] Plus, the camera captures full 720P high def. video at up to 30 frames per second.

[04:09] Not only can you record great video, but you can also edit your video, right on your iPhone with iMovie.


[04:15] The iPhone, for users, it is simplicity. It is easy to use. Behind it, is intense technology.

【開始介紹iPhone 4的心臟:A4處理器,以及一系列的高科技。。。】

[04:26] What's running all these incredible software is our A4 chip. It's custom designed silicon. And that gives your remarkable speed and efficiency in a really small chip.

[04:37] The one thing that we make larger was the battery.

[04:40] In fact, iPhone 4 delivers up to 40% more talk time.

[04:44] We started with completely opposing goals. We wanted to make this iPhone more capable. We wanted to add more features. 

[04:54] And, yet, at the same time, we want to make it smaller, even thinner. And that lead some really surprisingly innovation. 

[05:03] We developed an entirely new grade stannous steel, that after the machining is incredibly strong, but also remark precise.

[05:11] The steel frame function is the antenna, but also the primary structure, giving a small internal volume.

[05:21] We also developed custom glass, this compound the strength to soft ice-crystal, but about 30 times harder than plastic. 

[05:30] This glass is not only used on the front of the phone, but also on the back.

[05:36] The quality of the materials, the manufactory position, the advanced technology, ultimately, all of these become relevant when you just hold it in your hand.【一下子介紹了這麼多高科技的東東,不知道大家理解的怎樣,其實大家也不必細想了,只要你手握iPhone 4,就能感受到這一切高科技盡在其中!】


[05:48] Even if the FaceTime was the only new feature we were delivering, it has been an amazing new iPhone.

[05:54] But it is the fact that we get the retina display, 5M camera, HD video recording, A4 chip, bigger battery, or a thinner product, these gonna change everything, all over again. 



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