

1、They failed to go outing because of the weather;由於天氣的原因,他們不能外出郊遊;

這個語句中fail to:不能(用於客觀事實原因的存在),而can not表示客觀上不能做某事;because of 後接名詞或短語表示“由於”的意思,強調的是原因;

2、He was late as a result of the snow.他由於大雪遲到了。as a result of: 因此,由於;作爲…的結果,這裏強調的是結果;

3、The damage resulted from the fire;大火導致了損壞。(這裏的意思可以理解:損壞是由於大火導致的)

      Their efforts resulted in failure. 他們的努力歸於失敗;(這裏的意思可以理解:他們努力的結果是失敗的)

      result from 與result in的區別是:result in表示"結果";result from表示"原因"。

4、I was in the bath,with the result that I didn't hear the telephone.我由於在洗澡,結果沒聽到電話;

    in the bath 在浴室或在浴缸裏(表示位置)
    in bath 在洗澡(表狀態)
    with the result that:其結果是...  ,因此

5、The new computer has more memory and is therefore faster than the old one.新計算機內存更大,因此比舊的更快些。




He forgot to turn on the radio and thus missed the program.他忘了打開收音機, 因此錯過了那個節目。


People are not so honest as they once were.人們現在不如過去那樣誠實了。

The novelist, therefore, has a special responsibility both the present and the past of his country. 因此,小說家對國家的現在和過去都負有特殊的責任。


He was sick, so they were quiet.他病了,所以他們很安靜。

There has been no rain — thus, the crops are drying.天沒下雨,因此莊稼要枯死了。

It rained; therefore the game was called off.下雨了,因此比賽取消了。

常見短語:and so on/and so forth等等;so as to(= in order to)以便;so that(= in order that)以便、所以;thus far至今、迄今(= so far/ up to now/ til now/until now)。如:

This shop sells clothes, shoes, hats and so on.這商店賣衣服, 鞋, 帽子等等。

He ran quickly so as to catch the last bus.他跑得很快以便趕上那末班車。

I stopped so that you could catch up.我停下來以便你能趕上。

We haven't had any problems thus far.迄今爲止,我們還沒有什麼問題。

6、we stayed at home because it rained.由於下雨,我們呆在家裏。because表原因,後面只能接句子;

7、Why didn't you stop him?爲什麼你不攔住他?


8、Everybody likes him as he's kind and honest;人人都喜歡他,因爲他和氣而且誠實。



9、Since you insist,I must go.既然你堅持,我就得去啦。



10、I cannot see anything for the fog.因爲有霧我看不見任何東西。

because ,since,for,as 都表示因爲時區別:

eg;why were you  absent? because i was not well
because之前可以加 only, simply,just等強調詞
也可用否定詞'not'eg:not because…but……
since,"既然"是一種“附帶原因”,表示事物關係上的自然結果,往往放在句首,相當於“now that”
for"因爲"表示的是附加的理由,推斷的理由,只能放在主句後且用逗號 隔開
eg:the oil must be out,for the light went out


Why didn't you phone me from a call box?你爲什麼沒在公用電話亭給我打電話?

a call box:公用電話亭

I didn't have any change我沒有零錢。change:零錢;

The air tickets for the National Day are sold out.國慶節的機票都售完了;

the National Day:國慶節     are sold out:售完

I didn't expect that.沒料到是這樣。

in advance:提前  Take it easy 別緊張,彆着急

cancel a reservation:取消預訂

That's all right.不用了

That's all right.的三種用法
(1)用於對別人表示感謝的答語,意思是"不用謝,不客氣",相當於That's ok./Not at all./You're welcome.
(2)用於別人向你道歉時的答語,意思是“沒關係”,相當於Never mind/It doesn't matter.

Thank you all the same.仍然謝謝你或者多謝了。


I think that this problem of teenagers getting into trouble with the law is mainly caused by unplement.


Because of the high level of unemployment, many teenagers nowadays leave school and find that they have no choice of getting a job,and this obviously makes them feel bored and frustrated.由於高失業率,許多青少年離開學校後,找不到工作,這很明顯讓他們感到無聊和失意。

And as a result of this,they're much likely to get drunk and so on.結果就是他們很可能酗酒等。

Another thing of course is that you get groups of unemployed teenagers wandering around the with nothing to do,which can easily lead to trouble of one sort or another.另外一個原因是成羣的沒有工作的青少年在大街上閒逛,無事可做,這也易導致種種麻煩。

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