Install cvsnt

Install cvsnt

  1. Install cvs server.
  2. Create cvsroot and cvstemp directory on NTFS file system.
  3. Initilize cvsroot and set cvs temp dir to cvstemp.
  4. Set cvs repository's privilege.
  5. Modify $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/config as follow. Only cvs users are allowed to access cvs repository. system users are not allowed.
           Uncomment the first line of the file.

    # Set this to `no' if pserver shouldn't check system users/passwords
  6. Add a file named $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd
  7. Restart cvsnt when needed. If cvs server is not restarted, it is ok sometimes.
  8. Set CVSROOT environment variable for current user.
  9. Login cvs

    $cvs login

  10. Change cvs user's password.

    $cvs passwd

  11. Testing...

    $cvs co os161

  12. Read cvsnt's documentation.

    a) How to restrict user's privilege to access cvs repository.

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