

題目鏈接 https://www.educoder.net/shixuns/qsza57pj/challenges


from sklearn import datasets
def getIrisData():


    X - 前5條訓練特徵數據
    y - 前5條訓練數據類別
    X_shape - 訓練特徵數據的二維數組大小
    X = [] 
    y = [] 
    X_shape = () 

    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    #********** Begin *********#
    iris = datasets.load_iris()
    X = iris.data[:5]
	y = iris.target[:5]
	X_shape = iris.data.shape
    #********** End **********#

    return X,y,X_shape

第2關:數據預處理 — 標準化

from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import scale
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing
Data descrption:
The data contains 20,640 observations on 9 variables.
This dataset contains the average house value as target variable
and the following input variables (features): average income,
housing average age, average rooms, average bedrooms, population,
average occupation, latitude, and longitude in that order.
dataset : dict-like object with the following attributes:
    dataset.data : ndarray, shape [20640, 8]
        Each row corresponding to the 8 feature values in order.
    dataset.target : numpy array of shape (20640,)
        Each value corresponds to the average house value in units of 100,000.
    dataset.feature_names : array of length 8
        Array of ordered feature names used in the dataset.
    dataset.DESCR : string
        Description of the California housing dataset.
dataset = fetch_california_housing("./step4/")
X_full, y = dataset.data, dataset.target
X = X_full[:, [0, 5]]
def getMinMaxScalerValue():
    X_first5 - 數據列表
    X_first5 = []
    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    # ********** Begin *********#
    X_first5 = MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
    X_first5 = X_first5[:5]

    # ********** End **********#
    return X_first5
def getScaleValue():
        y_first5 - 數據列表
    y_first5 = []
    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    # ********** Begin *********#
    y_first5 = scale(y)
    y_first5 = y_first5[:5]
    # ********** End **********#
    return y_first5
def getStandardScalerValue():
    X_mean - 均值
    X_scale - 縮放比例值
    X_mean = None
    X_scale = None
    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    #********** Begin *********#
    scale = StandardScaler().fit(X)
    X_mean = scale.mean_
    X_scale = scale.scale_

    #********** End **********#
    return X_mean,X_scale


from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

categories = [

# 加載對應目錄的新聞數據,包含857 個文檔
data = fetch_20newsgroups("./step5/",subset='train', categories=categories)
X = data.data

def transfer2CountVector():

    vocab_len - 標量,詞彙表大小
    tokenizer_list - 數組,對測試字符串test_str進行分詞後的結果

    vocab_len = 0

    test_str = "what's your favorite programming language?"
    tokenizer_list = []

    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    # ********** Begin *********#
    vectorizer = CountVectorizer()
    vocab_len = len(vectorizer.vocabulary_)

    analyze = vectorizer.build_analyzer()
    tokenizer_list = analyze(test_str)
    # ********** End **********#

    return vocab_len,tokenizer_list

def transfer2TfidfVector():

        min_df = 2,stop_words="english"

        test_data - 需要轉換的原數據

        transfer_test_data - 二維數組ndarray

    test_data = ['Once again, to not believe in God is different than saying\n>I BELIEVE that God does not exist. I still maintain the position, even\n>after reading the FAQs, that strong atheism requires faith.\n>\n \nNo it in the way it is usually used. In my view, you are saying here that\ndriving a car requires faith that the car drives.\n \nFor me it is a conclusion, and I have no more faith in it than I have in the\npremises and the argument used.\n \n \n>But first let me say the following.\n>We might have a language problem here - in regards to "faith" and\n>"existence". I, as a Christian, maintain that God does not exist.\n>To exist means to have being in space and time. God does not HAVE\n>being - God IS Being. Kierkegaard once said that God does not\n>exist, He is eternal. With this said, I feel it\'s rather pointless\n>to debate the so called "existence" of God - and that is not what\n>I\'m doing here. I believe that God is the source and ground of\n>being. When you say that "god does not exist", I also accept this\n>statement - but we obviously mean two different things by it. However,\n>in what follows I will use the phrase "the existence of God" in it\'s\n>\'usual sense\' - and this is the sense that I think you are using it.\n>I would like a clarification upon what you mean by "the existence of\n>God".\n>\n \nNo, that\'s a word game. The term god is used in a different way usually.\nWhen you use a different definition it is your thing, but until it is\ncommonly accepted you would have to say the way I define god is ... and\nthat does not exist, it is existence itself, so I say it does not exist.\n \nInterestingly, there are those who say that "existence exists" is one of\nthe indubitable statements possible.\n \nFurther, saying god is existence is either a waste of time, existence is\nalready used and there is no need to replace it by god, or you are implying\nmore with it, in which case your definition and your argument so far\nare incomplete, making it a fallacy.\n \n \n(Deletion)\n>One can never prove that God does or does not exist. When you say\n>that you believe God does not exist, and that this is an opinion\n>"based upon observation", I will have to ask "what observtions are\n>you refering to?" There are NO observations - pro or con - that\n>are valid here in establishing a POSITIVE belief.\n(Deletion)\n \nWhere does that follow? Aren\'t observations based on the assumption\nthat something exists?\n \nAnd wouldn\'t you say there is a level of definition that the assumption\n"god is" is meaningful. If not, I would reject that concept anyway.\n \nSo, where is your evidence for that "god is" is meaningful at some level?\n   Benedikt\n']
    transfer_test_data = None

    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    # ********** Begin *********#
    tfidf_vertor = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=2, stop_words="english")
    transfer_test_data = tfidf_vertor.transform(test_data).toarray()
    # ********** End **********#

    return transfer_test_data


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# 導入數據集,分類器相關包
from sklearn import datasets, svm, metrics

# 導入digits數據集
digits = datasets.load_digits()
n_samples = len(digits.data)
data = digits.data

# 使用前一半的數據集作爲訓練數據,後一半數據集作爲測試數據
train_data,train_target = data[:n_samples // 2],digits.target[:n_samples // 2]
test_data,test_target = data[n_samples // 2:],digits.target[n_samples // 2:]

def createModelandPredict():

    predicted - 測試數據預測分類值
    predicted = None
    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    #********** Begin *********#
    classifier = svm.SVC()
    predicted = classifier.predict(test_data)
    #********** End **********#

    return predicted


# 導入數據集,分類器相關包
from sklearn import datasets, svm, metrics
import pickle

# 導入digits數據集
digits = datasets.load_digits()
n_samples = len(digits.data)
data = digits.data

# 使用前一半的數據集作爲訓練數據,後一半數據集作爲測試數據
train_data,train_target = data[:n_samples // 2],digits.target[:n_samples // 2]
test_data,test_target = data[n_samples // 2:],digits.target[n_samples // 2:]

def createModel():
    classifier = svm.SVC()
    return classifier

local_file = 'dumpfile'
def dumpModel():

    clf = createModel()
    # 請在此處補全模型存儲語句 #
    #********** Begin *********#
    f_model = open(local_file, 'wb')

    pickle.dump(clf, f_model)

    #********** End **********#

def loadModel():

    predicted - 模型預測值
    predicted = None
    # 請在此處補全模型加載語句,並對預測數據分類返回預測值#
    #********** Begin *********#
    fw = open(local_file, 'rb')
    classifier = pickle.loads(fw.read())
    predicted = classifier.predict(test_data)
    #********** End **********#

    return predicted


from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score,precision_score,f1_score,precision_recall_fscore_support
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC,SVC
def bin_evaluation(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test):
    :param X_train: 訓練數據集
    :param y_train: 訓練集類別
    :param X_test: 測試數據集
    :param y_test: 測試集實際類別
    correct_num - 正確分類的樣本個數
    prec - 正類的準確率
    recall - 正類的召回率
    f_score - 正類的f值
    classifier = LinearSVC()
    correct_num, prec, recall, fscore = None, None, None, None
    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    # ********** Begin *********#
    classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)

    correct_num = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred, normalize=False)
    prec, recall, fscore, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_test, y_pred, average="binary", pos_label=1)

    return correct_num, prec, recall, fscore
    # ********** End **********#
def multi_evaluation(X_train,y_train,X_test,y_test):
    :param X_train: 訓練數據集
    :param y_train: 訓練集類別
    :param X_test: 測試數據集
    :param y_test: 測試集實際類別
    acc - 模型的精度
    prec - 準確率
    f_score - f值
    acc,prec,f_score = None,None,None
    classifier = SVC(kernel='linear')
    #   請在此添加實現代碼   #
    # ********** Begin *********#
    classifier.fit(X_train, y_train)
    y_pred = classifier.predict(X_test)

    acc = accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred)
    prec, zhaohui, f_score, sp_score = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_test, y_pred, average='macro')

    return acc,prec,f_score
    # ********** End **********#
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