

(1) 增加/刪除i2c_adapter

int i2c_add_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap);
void i2c_del_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap);


 * i2c_add_adapter - declare i2c adapter, use dynamic bus number
 * @adapter: the adapter to add
 * Context: can sleep
 * This routine is used to declare an I2C adapter when its bus number
 * doesn't matter.  Examples: for I2C adapters dynamically added by
 * USB links or PCI plugin cards.
 * When this returns zero, a new bus number was allocated and stored
 * in adap->nr, and the specified adapter became available for clients.
 * Otherwise, a negative errno value is returned.
int i2c_add_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
	int	id, res = 0;

    /* 調用idr_pre_get()爲i2c_adapter預留內存空間 */
	if (idr_pre_get(&i2c_adapter_idr, GFP_KERNEL) == 0)
		return -ENOMEM;

	/* "above" here means "above or equal to", sigh */
    /* 調用idr_get_new_above()將結構插入i2c_adapter_idr中,並將插入的位置賦給id,以後可以通過id在i2c_adapter_idr中找到相應的i2c_adapter結構體 */
	res = idr_get_new_above(&i2c_adapter_idr, adapter,
				__i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num, &id);

	if (res < 0) {
		if (res == -EAGAIN)
			goto retry;
		return res;

	adapter->nr = id;

    /* 調用i2c_register_adapter()函數進一步來註冊 */
	return i2c_register_adapter(adapter);

static int i2c_register_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
	int res = 0, dummy;

	/* Can't register until after driver model init */
	if (unlikely(WARN_ON(!i2c_bus_type.p))) {
		res = -EAGAIN;
		goto out_list;

    /*  初始化adaptor的參數*/

	/* Set default timeout to 1 second if not already set */
	if (adap->timeout == 0)
		adap->timeout = HZ;

	dev_set_name(&adap->dev, "i2c-%d", adap->nr);
	adap->dev.bus = &i2c_bus_type;
	adap->dev.type = &i2c_adapter_type;
	res = device_register(&adap->dev);
	if (res)
		goto out_list;

	dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "adapter [%s] registered\n", adap->name);

	res = class_compat_create_link(i2c_adapter_compat_class, &adap->dev,
	if (res)
			 "Failed to create compatibility class link\n");

	/* create pre-declared device nodes */
    /* 註冊所有在板文件裏定義的設備 */
	if (adap->nr < __i2c_first_dynamic_bus_num)

	/* Notify drivers */
    /* 遍歷IIC總線上的所有已經註冊了的驅動
     * 每找到一個就調用__process_new_adapter函數進行處理,相對後面一點位置分析
	dummy = bus_for_each_drv(&i2c_bus_type, NULL, adap,

	return 0;

	idr_remove(&i2c_adapter_idr, adap->nr);
	return res;

static void i2c_scan_static_board_info(struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
	struct i2c_devinfo	*devinfo;

    /* 遍歷__i2c_board_list鏈表,每找到一個成員就調用i2c_new_device函數創建一個IIC從機設備 */
	list_for_each_entry(devinfo, &__i2c_board_list, list) {
		if (devinfo->busnum == adapter->nr
				&& !i2c_new_device(adapter,
				"Can't create device at 0x%02x\n",

 * i2c_new_device - instantiate an i2c device
 * @adap: the adapter managing the device
 * @info: describes one I2C device; bus_num is ignored
 * Context: can sleep
 * Create an i2c device. Binding is handled through driver model
 * probe()/remove() methods.  A driver may be bound to this device when we
 * return from this function, or any later moment (e.g. maybe hotplugging will
 * load the driver module).  This call is not appropriate for use by mainboard
 * initialization logic, which usually runs during an arch_initcall() long
 * before any i2c_adapter could exist.
 * This returns the new i2c client, which may be saved for later use with
 * i2c_unregister_device(); or NULL to indicate an error.
struct i2c_client *
i2c_new_device(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_board_info const *info)
	struct i2c_client	*client;
	int			status;

    /* 爲IIC從機設備結構體申請內存 */
	client = kzalloc(sizeof *client, GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!client)
		return NULL;

    /* 設備綁定總線驅動 */
	client->adapter = adap;

    /* 參數的綁定和初始化 */
	client->dev.platform_data = info->platform_data;

	if (info->archdata)
		client->dev.archdata = *info->archdata;

	client->flags = info->flags;
	client->addr = info->addr;
	client->irq = info->irq;

    /* 設備名字 */
	strlcpy(client->name, info->type, sizeof(client->name));

	/* Check for address validity 檢查IIC從機設備地址的合法性 
     * 怎樣才合法?如果從機使用十位地址的話,那麼地址的最大值不能大於0x3ff;
     * 如果使用的是七位地址,那麼地址的最大值不能大於0x7f,當然也不能爲0。
	status = i2c_check_client_addr_validity(client);
	if (status) {
		dev_err(&adap->dev, "Invalid %d-bit I2C address 0x%02hx\n",
			client->flags & I2C_CLIENT_TEN ? 10 : 7, client->addr);
		goto out_err_silent;

	/* Check for address business */
     * 檢查當前IIC從機設備的地址有沒有被使用,一條IIC總線或者一個IIC適配器上可以掛多個從機設備,             
     * 靠設備的地址來識別不同的設備,因此一條總線上不能有兩個同樣地址的設備 
	status = i2c_check_addr_busy(adap, client->addr);
	if (status)
		goto out_err;

	client->dev.parent = &client->adapter->dev;    /* 一個設備是掛在一個適配器上的 */
	client->dev.bus = &i2c_bus_type;               /* Client屬於i2c總先 */
	client->dev.type = &i2c_client_type;           /*  */
#ifdef CONFIG_OF
	client->dev.of_node = info->of_node;

    /* 設備名字形式爲,適配器號-設備地址 */
	dev_set_name(&client->dev, "%d-%04x", i2c_adapter_id(adap),
	status = device_register(&client->dev);        /* 註冊設備 */
	if (status)
		goto out_err;

	dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "client [%s] registered with bus id %s\n",
		client->name, dev_name(&client->dev));

	return client;

	dev_err(&adap->dev, "Failed to register i2c client %s at 0x%02x "
		"(%d)\n", client->name, client->addr, status);
	return NULL;


 * bus_for_each_drv - driver iterator
 * @bus: bus we're dealing with.
 * @start: driver to start iterating on.
 * @data: data to pass to the callback.
 * @fn: function to call for each driver.
 * This is nearly identical to the device iterator above.
 * We iterate over each driver that belongs to @bus, and call
 * @fn for each. If @fn returns anything but 0, we break out
 * and return it. If @start is not NULL, we use it as the head
 * of the list.
 * NOTE: we don't return the driver that returns a non-zero
 * value, nor do we leave the reference count incremented for that
 * driver. If the caller needs to know that info, it must set it
 * in the callback. It must also be sure to increment the refcount
 * so it doesn't disappear before returning to the caller.
int bus_for_each_drv(struct bus_type *bus, struct device_driver *start,
		     void *data, int (*fn)(struct device_driver *, void *))
	struct klist_iter i;
	struct device_driver *drv;
	int error = 0;

	if (!bus)
		return -EINVAL;

    /* 用總線驅動鏈表上的每個驅動都和設備進行匹配嘗試 */
	klist_iter_init_node(&bus->p->klist_drivers, &i,
			     start ? &start->p->knode_bus : NULL);
	while ((drv = next_driver(&i)) && !error)
		error = fn(drv, data);
	return error;

/* i2c的驅動鏈表和adaptor做匹配 */
static int __process_new_adapter(struct device_driver *d, void *data)
	return i2c_do_add_adapter(to_i2c_driver(d), data);

static int i2c_do_add_adapter(struct i2c_driver *driver,
			      struct i2c_adapter *adap)
	/* Detect supported devices on that bus, and instantiate them */
    /* 檢查驅動是否能夠與該適配器所在總線上的設備匹配 */
	i2c_detect(adap, driver);

	/* Let legacy drivers scan this bus for matching devices */
    /* 如果驅動的attach_adapter函數有定義就調用之,這主要針對舊的驅動,新的會移除掉的 */
	if (driver->attach_adapter) {
		/* We ignore the return code; if it fails, too bad */
	return 0;

static int i2c_detect(struct i2c_adapter *adapter, struct i2c_driver *driver)
	const unsigned short *address_list;
	struct i2c_client *temp_client;
	int i, err = 0;
	int adap_id = i2c_adapter_id(adapter);

	address_list = driver->address_list;    //驅動可以支持的地址鏈表
	if (!driver->detect || !address_list)
		return 0;

	/* Set up a temporary client to help detect callback */
    /* 申請一個臨時的i2c_clinet,用來探測設備是否存在 */
	temp_client = kzalloc(sizeof(struct i2c_client), GFP_KERNEL);
	if (!temp_client)
		return -ENOMEM;
	temp_client->adapter = adapter;        /* 設備綁定適配器 */

	/* Stop here if the classes do not match */
	if (!(adapter->class & driver->class))
		goto exit_free;

	/* Stop here if the bus doesn't support probing */
    /* 總線是否支持探測 */
	if (!i2c_check_functionality(adapter, I2C_FUNC_SMBUS_READ_BYTE)) {
		if (address_list[0] == I2C_CLIENT_END)    /* 驅動應該是最後一項是地址的結束符 */
			goto exit_free;

		dev_warn(&adapter->dev, "Probing not supported\n");
		err = -EOPNOTSUPP;
		goto exit_free;

    /* 使用這個驅動支持的所有地址都嘗試一下地址能否匹配 */
	for (i = 0; address_list[i] != I2C_CLIENT_END; i += 1) {
		dev_dbg(&adapter->dev, "found normal entry for adapter %d, "
			"addr 0x%02x\n", adap_id, address_list[i]);
		temp_client->addr = address_list[i];
		err = i2c_detect_address(temp_client, driver);
		if (err)
			goto exit_free;

	return err;

static int i2c_detect_address(struct i2c_client *temp_client,
			      struct i2c_driver *driver)
	struct i2c_board_info info;
	struct i2c_adapter *adapter = temp_client->adapter;
	int addr = temp_client->addr;
	int err;

	/* Make sure the address is valid */
	err = i2c_check_addr_validity(addr);    //檢查地址有效
	if (err) {
		dev_warn(&adapter->dev, "Invalid probe address 0x%02x\n",
		return err;

	/* Skip if already in use */
	if (i2c_check_addr_busy(adapter, addr))    //檢查這個adaptor上,是不是已經有這個地址的設備了
		return 0;

	/* Make sure there is something at this address */
	if (!i2c_default_probe(adapter, addr))     //使用默認檢測這個設備存在
		return 0;

	/* Finally call the custom detection function */
	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct i2c_board_info));
	info.addr = addr;
	err = driver->detect(temp_client, &info);    //調用驅動中的detect函數來進行探測
	if (err) {
		/* -ENODEV is returned if the detection fails. We catch it
		   here as this isn't an error. */
		return err == -ENODEV ? 0 : err;

	/* Consistency check */
	if (info.type[0] == '\0') {
		dev_err(&adapter->dev, "%s detection function provided "
			"no name for 0x%x\n", driver->driver.name,
	} else {
		struct i2c_client *client;
        /* 這個設備檢測確實有的話,則進行實例化,並把設備(client)加入到驅動鏈表上 */
		/* Detection succeeded, instantiate the device */
		dev_dbg(&adapter->dev, "Creating %s at 0x%02x\n",
			info.type, info.addr);
		client = i2c_new_device(adapter, &info);
		if (client)
			list_add_tail(&client->detected, &driver->clients);
			dev_err(&adapter->dev, "Failed creating %s at 0x%02x\n",
				info.type, info.addr);
	return 0;



 * i2c_del_adapter - unregister I2C adapter
 * @adap: the adapter being unregistered
 * Context: can sleep
 * This unregisters an I2C adapter which was previously registered
 * by @i2c_add_adapter or @i2c_add_numbered_adapter.
int i2c_del_adapter(struct i2c_adapter *adap)
	int res = 0;
	struct i2c_adapter *found;
	struct i2c_client *client, *next;

	/* First make sure that this adapter was ever added */
    /* 通過adaptor中的nr,找到idr中的i2c_adapter(這裏只是確認idr中確實有)  */
	found = idr_find(&i2c_adapter_idr, adap->nr);
	if (found != adap) {
		pr_debug("i2c-core: attempting to delete unregistered "
			 "adapter [%s]\n", adap->name);
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Tell drivers about this removal */
    /*  */
	res = bus_for_each_drv(&i2c_bus_type, NULL, adap,
	if (res)
		return res;

	/* Remove devices instantiated from sysfs */
	list_for_each_entry_safe(client, next, &adap->userspace_clients,
				 detected) {
		dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "Removing %s at 0x%x\n", client->name,

	/* Detach any active clients. This can't fail, thus we do not
	   checking the returned value. */
	res = device_for_each_child(&adap->dev, NULL, __unregister_client);

	class_compat_remove_link(i2c_adapter_compat_class, &adap->dev,

	/* device name is gone after device_unregister */
	dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "adapter [%s] unregistered\n", adap->name);

	/* clean up the sysfs representation */

	/* wait for sysfs to drop all references */

	/* free bus id */
	idr_remove(&i2c_adapter_idr, adap->nr);

	/* Clear the device structure in case this adapter is ever going to be
	   added again */
	memset(&adap->dev, 0, sizeof(adap->dev));

	return 0;

 * bus_for_each_drv - driver iterator
 * @bus: bus we're dealing with.
 * @start: driver to start iterating on.
 * @data: data to pass to the callback.
 * @fn: function to call for each driver.
 * This is nearly identical to the device iterator above.
 * We iterate over each driver that belongs to @bus, and call
 * @fn for each. If @fn returns anything but 0, we break out
 * and return it. If @start is not NULL, we use it as the head
 * of the list.
 * NOTE: we don't return the driver that returns a non-zero
 * value, nor do we leave the reference count incremented for that
 * driver. If the caller needs to know that info, it must set it
 * in the callback. It must also be sure to increment the refcount
 * so it doesn't disappear before returning to the caller.
int bus_for_each_drv(struct bus_type *bus, struct device_driver *start,
		     void *data, int (*fn)(struct device_driver *, void *))
	struct klist_iter i;
	struct device_driver *drv;
	int error = 0;

	if (!bus)
		return -EINVAL;

    /* 遍歷總線上的所有driver,執行fn函數 */
	klist_iter_init_node(&bus->p->klist_drivers, &i,
			     start ? &start->p->knode_bus : NULL);
	while ((drv = next_driver(&i)) && !error)
		error = fn(drv, data);
	return error;

static int __process_removed_adapter(struct device_driver *d, void *data)
	return i2c_do_del_adapter(to_i2c_driver(d), data);

static int i2c_do_del_adapter(struct i2c_driver *driver,
			      struct i2c_adapter *adapter)
	struct i2c_client *client, *_n;
	int res;

	/* Remove the devices we created ourselves as the result of hardware
	 * probing (using a driver's detect method) */

    /* 因爲一個driver上可能有多個client,所以要把所有的device(client)都卸載了,再清楚adaptor */
	list_for_each_entry_safe(client, _n, &driver->clients, detected) {
		if (client->adapter == adapter) {
			dev_dbg(&adapter->dev, "Removing %s at 0x%x\n",
				client->name, client->addr);

    /* 卸載adaptor */
	if (!driver->detach_adapter)
		return 0;
	res = driver->detach_adapter(adapter);
	if (res)
		dev_err(&adapter->dev, "detach_adapter failed (%d) "
			"for driver [%s]\n", res, driver->driver.name);
	return res;


(2) 增加/刪除i2c_driver

int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver);
int i2c_add_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver);
void i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *);

static inline int i2c_add_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver)
	return i2c_register_driver(THIS_MODULE, driver);


 * An i2c_driver is used with one or more i2c_client (device) nodes to access
 * i2c slave chips, on a bus instance associated with some i2c_adapter.

int i2c_register_driver(struct module *owner, struct i2c_driver *driver)
	int res;

	/* Can't register until after driver model init */
	if (unlikely(WARN_ON(!i2c_bus_type.p)))
		return -EAGAIN;

	/* add the driver to the list of i2c drivers in the driver core */
	driver->driver.owner = owner;
	driver->driver.bus = &i2c_bus_type;    //設置總線

	/* When registration returns, the driver core
	 * will have called probe() for all matching-but-unbound devices.
    /* sysfs中創建屬性,把driver綁定到總線的driver鏈表 */
	res = driver_register(&driver->driver);
	if (res)
		return res;

	pr_debug("i2c-core: driver [%s] registered\n", driver->driver.name);

    /* 初始化這個驅動的設備(client)鏈表 */
	/* Walk the adapters that are already present */
    /* 下面這個已經見過很多次了 */
	bus_for_each_dev(&i2c_bus_type, NULL, driver, __process_new_driver);

	return 0;

/* 這個函數和前的也是一樣的,都是一個互相遍歷的過程 */
static int __process_new_driver(struct device *dev, void *data)
	if (dev->type != &i2c_adapter_type)
		return 0;
	return i2c_do_add_adapter(data, to_i2c_adapter(dev));


 * i2c_del_driver - unregister I2C driver
 * @driver: the driver being unregistered
 * Context: can sleep
void i2c_del_driver(struct i2c_driver *driver)
	bus_for_each_dev(&i2c_bus_type, NULL, driver, __process_removed_driver);

	pr_debug("i2c-core: driver [%s] unregistered\n", driver->driver.name);

/* 移除驅動函數 */
static int __process_removed_driver(struct device *dev, void *data)
	if (dev->type != &i2c_adapter_type)
		return 0;
	return i2c_do_del_adapter(data, to_i2c_adapter(dev));



static int i2c_do_del_adapter(struct i2c_driver *driver,
			      struct i2c_adapter *adapter);
static int i2c_do_add_adapter(struct i2c_driver *driver,
			      struct i2c_adapter *adap);


static int __process_removed_driver(struct device *dev, void *data)
	if (dev->type != &i2c_adapter_type)
		return 0;
	return i2c_do_del_adapter(data, to_i2c_adapter(dev));

static int __process_new_driver(struct device *dev, void *data)
	if (dev->type != &i2c_adapter_type)
		return 0;
	return i2c_do_add_adapter(data, to_i2c_adapter(dev));


static int __process_new_adapter(struct device_driver *d, void *data)
	return i2c_do_add_adapter(to_i2c_driver(d), data);

static int __process_removed_adapter(struct device_driver *d, void *data)
	return i2c_do_del_adapter(to_i2c_driver(d), data);




(3) I2C傳輸、 發送和接收

int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num);
int i2c_master_send(struct i2c_client *client, const char *buf, int count);
int i2c_master_recv(struct i2c_client *client, char *buf, int count);


 * i2c_master_send - issue a single I2C message in master transmit mode
 * @client: Handle to slave device
 * @buf: Data that will be written to the slave
 * @count: How many bytes to write, must be less than 64k since msg.len is u16
 * Returns negative errno, or else the number of bytes written.
int i2c_master_send(struct i2c_client *client, const char *buf, int count)
	int ret;
	struct i2c_adapter *adap = client->adapter;
	struct i2c_msg msg;

    /* 對於發送函數,就是把要發送的數據整合成一個數據包,進行發送 */
	msg.addr = client->addr;
	msg.flags = client->flags & I2C_M_TEN;
	msg.len = count;
	msg.buf = (char *)buf;

	ret = i2c_transfer(adap, &msg, 1);

	/* If everything went ok (i.e. 1 msg transmitted), return #bytes
	   transmitted, else error code. */
	return (ret == 1) ? count : ret;


 * i2c_master_recv - issue a single I2C message in master receive mode
 * @client: Handle to slave device
 * @buf: Where to store data read from slave
 * @count: How many bytes to read, must be less than 64k since msg.len is u16
 * Returns negative errno, or else the number of bytes read.
int i2c_master_recv(struct i2c_client *client, char *buf, int count)
	struct i2c_adapter *adap = client->adapter;
	struct i2c_msg msg;
	int ret;

    /* 對於接收函數,這裏表示把接收的數據整理成一個包,這裏會設置接收數據的大小,以及存放位置 */
	msg.addr = client->addr;
	msg.flags = client->flags & I2C_M_TEN;
	msg.flags |= I2C_M_RD;
	msg.len = count;
	msg.buf = buf;

	ret = i2c_transfer(adap, &msg, 1);

	/* If everything went ok (i.e. 1 msg transmitted), return #bytes
	   transmitted, else error code. */
	return (ret == 1) ? count : ret;


#define I2C_M_TEN		0x0010	/* this is a ten bit chip address */
#define I2C_M_RD		0x0001	/* read data, from slave to master */
#define I2C_M_NOSTART		0x4000	/* if I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING */
#define I2C_M_NO_RD_ACK		0x0800	/* if I2C_FUNC_PROTOCOL_MANGLING */
#define I2C_M_RECV_LEN		0x0400	/* length will be first received byte */





 * i2c_transfer - execute a single or combined I2C message
 * @adap: Handle to I2C bus
 * @msgs: One or more messages to execute before STOP is issued to
 *	terminate the operation; each message begins with a START.
 * @num: Number of messages to be executed.
 * Returns negative errno, else the number of messages executed.
 * Note that there is no requirement that each message be sent to
 * the same slave address, although that is the most common model.
int i2c_transfer(struct i2c_adapter *adap, struct i2c_msg *msgs, int num)
	unsigned long orig_jiffies;
	int ret, try;

	/* REVISIT the fault reporting model here is weak:
	 *  - When we get an error after receiving N bytes from a slave,
	 *    there is no way to report "N".
	 *  - When we get a NAK after transmitting N bytes to a slave,
	 *    there is no way to report "N" ... or to let the master
	 *    continue executing the rest of this combined message, if
	 *    that's the appropriate response.
	 *  - When for example "num" is two and we successfully complete
	 *    the first message but get an error part way through the
	 *    second, it's unclear whether that should be reported as
	 *    one (discarding status on the second message) or errno
	 *    (discarding status on the first one).

	if (adap->algo->master_xfer) {
#ifdef DEBUG
		for (ret = 0; ret < num; ret++) {
			dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "master_xfer[%d] %c, addr=0x%02x, "
				"len=%d%s\n", ret, (msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RD)
				? 'R' : 'W', msgs[ret].addr, msgs[ret].len,
				(msgs[ret].flags & I2C_M_RECV_LEN) ? "+" : "");

        /* 這裏是如果在中斷中或中斷禁止時,是嘗試獲取鎖,不會睡眠的 */
		if (in_atomic() || irqs_disabled()) {
			ret = rt_mutex_trylock(&adap->bus_lock);
			if (!ret)
				/* I2C activity is ongoing. */
				return -EAGAIN;
		} else {
            /* 沒在中斷,是可以任何時候睡眠的 */

		/* Retry automatically on arbitration loss */
        /* 對於smbus,是有超時功能的,需要軟件來處理,而i2c超時後是硬件復位處理的 */
		orig_jiffies = jiffies;
		for (ret = 0, try = 0; try <= adap->retries; try++) {
			ret = adap->algo->master_xfer(adap, msgs, num);    //執行發生msg函數
			if (ret != -EAGAIN)
			if (time_after(jiffies, orig_jiffies + adap->timeout))

		return ret;
	} else {
		dev_dbg(&adap->dev, "I2C level transfers not supported\n");
		return -EOPNOTSUPP;












static struct device_type i2c_adapter_type = {
	.groups		= i2c_adapter_attr_groups,
	.release	= i2c_adapter_dev_release,

static const struct attribute_group *i2c_adapter_attr_groups[] = {

static struct attribute_group i2c_adapter_attr_group = {
	.attrs		= i2c_adapter_attrs,

static struct attribute *i2c_adapter_attrs[] = {










echo eeprom 0x50 > /sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-3/new_device


 * Let users instantiate I2C devices through sysfs. This can be used when
 * platform initialization code doesn't contain the proper data for
 * whatever reason. Also useful for drivers that do device detection and
 * detection fails, either because the device uses an unexpected address,
 * or this is a compatible device with different ID register values.
 * Parameter checking may look overzealous, but we really don't want
 * the user to provide incorrect parameters.
static ssize_t
i2c_sysfs_new_device(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
		     const char *buf, size_t count)
    /* 拿到這個adaptor */
	struct i2c_adapter *adap = to_i2c_adapter(dev);
	struct i2c_board_info info;
	struct i2c_client *client;
	char *blank, end;
	int res;

	dev_warn(dev, "The new_device interface is still experimental "
		 "and may change in a near future\n");
	memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct i2c_board_info));

    /* 設備設備名字和設備地址之間的空格 */
	blank = strchr(buf, ' ');
	if (!blank) {
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Missing parameters\n", "new_device");
		return -EINVAL;
	if (blank - buf > I2C_NAME_SIZE - 1) {
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Invalid device name\n", "new_device");
		return -EINVAL;
    /* 設置設備名字 */
	memcpy(info.type, buf, blank - buf);

	/* Parse remaining parameters, reject extra parameters */
    /* 解析得到設備地址 */
	res = sscanf(++blank, "%hi%c", &info.addr, &end);
	if (res < 1) {
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't parse I2C address\n", "new_device");
		return -EINVAL;
	if (res > 1  && end != '\n') {
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Extra parameters\n", "new_device");
		return -EINVAL;

    /* 創建一個設備 */
	client = i2c_new_device(adap, &info);
	if (!client)
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Keep track of the added device */
    /* 設備加入到adapter的用戶空間創建的設備鏈表中 */
	list_add_tail(&client->detected, &adap->userspace_clients);
	dev_info(dev, "%s: Instantiated device %s at 0x%02hx\n", "new_device",
		 info.type, info.addr);

	return count;



 * And of course let the users delete the devices they instantiated, if
 * they got it wrong. This interface can only be used to delete devices
 * instantiated by i2c_sysfs_new_device above. This guarantees that we
 * don't delete devices to which some kernel code still has references.
 * Parameter checking may look overzealous, but we really don't want
 * the user to delete the wrong device.
static ssize_t
i2c_sysfs_delete_device(struct device *dev, struct device_attribute *attr,
			const char *buf, size_t count)
	struct i2c_adapter *adap = to_i2c_adapter(dev);
	struct i2c_client *client, *next;
	unsigned short addr;
	char end;
	int res;

	/* Parse parameters, reject extra parameters */
	res = sscanf(buf, "%hi%c", &addr, &end);
	if (res < 1) {
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't parse I2C address\n", "delete_device");
		return -EINVAL;
	if (res > 1  && end != '\n') {
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Extra parameters\n", "delete_device");
		return -EINVAL;

	/* Make sure the device was added through sysfs */
	res = -ENOENT;
	list_for_each_entry_safe(client, next, &adap->userspace_clients,
				 detected) {
		if (client->addr == addr) {
			dev_info(dev, "%s: Deleting device %s at 0x%02hx\n",
				 "delete_device", client->name, client->addr);

			res = count;

	if (res < 0)
		dev_err(dev, "%s: Can't find device in list\n",
	return res;







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