SER server 的安裝

  X-Lite v2.0 Build 1103m for Windows
  2: Install step
  2.1: SER install
  goto the directory, in which the rpm-file locates
  type "rpm -i ser-0.8.9-1.i386.rpm"
  2.2: MySQL server install
  goto the directory, in which the rpm-file locates
  type "rpm -i MySQL-server-4.0.24-0.i386.rpm"
  copy the configuration file to the /etc directory, type "cp /usr/sharemysql/my-large.cnf /etc/my.cnf"
  2.3: MySQL client install
  goto the directory, in which the rpm-file locates
  type "rpm -i MySQL-client-4.0.24-0.i386.rpm"
  2.4: ser-mysql install
  goto the directory, in which the rpm-file locates
  type "ser-mysql-0.8.9-1.i386.rpm"
  2.5: sipsak install
  goto the directory, in which the tar-file locates
  type "tar xvzf sipsak-0.8.12.tar.gz"
  change to the new created directory
  type "./configure"
  type "make"
  type "make install"
  2.6: X-Lite install under windows
  dobble click the .exe file
  select install directory
  click continue until the installation finished
  3: configuration of the server
  3.1 configure the MySQL server
  type "mysqld_safe &" to start the mysq server as a daemon service
  type "mysql_install_db" to initiate the database
  3.2 configure the SER server
  edit /etc/ser/ser.cfg
  uncomment all the ' loadmodule "/usr/lib/ser/modules/*.so" 'lines
  comment the line 'modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 0)' and uncomment the line modparam("usrloc", "db_mode", 2)
  uncomment the line ' modparam("auth", "calculate_ha1", yes)' and 'modparam("auth", "password_column", "password")'
  add a line 'modparam("auth", "db_url", "sql://ser:heslo@YOUR_SERVER_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS/ser")'
  change the line 'if (uri==myself) {' to 'if (uri=~"YOUR__SERVER_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS") {'
  uncomment the lines and change them to
  if (!www_authorize("YOUR__SERVER_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS", "subscriber")) {
  www_challenge("YOUR__SERVER_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRESS", "0");
  edit /usr/sbin/
  change the value of variable "DBHOST" to localhost
  edit /usr/sbin/serctl
  change the value of variable "SQL_HOST" to localhost
  edit /etc/profile
  add a line at the end of the file: "export SIP_DOMAIN=""YOUR__SERVER_NAME_OR_IP_ADDRES"
  init the database in MySQL for SER
  type "/usr/sbin/ create", the password for MySQL should be promted, type the password
  add some users to test the functionality of the server
  type "serctl add USER_NAME USER_PASSWORD USER_E-MAIL" the password for MySQL should be promted, type "heslo by default"
  4: configuration of trhe client
  start the X-Lite and the programm should start a configuration, in this configuration you can test your microphone and speaker, set enviroment of the client
  "enabled" yes
  "Display Name" select a name, which you like to display on the sceen
  "Usename" the name, that you registed by SER server
  "Authorization User" should be the same as the "Usename"
  "Password" the password of your registration
  "Domain/Realm" your server name or IP address
  "SIP proxy" your server name or IP address
  "Registry" Always
  the other options need not to be edited
  5: start telephone
  start the X-Lite
  type the username, with witch you want to talk
  click the green button and wait for the establishment of the connection
  start conversation
  6: have fun :-)
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