Elastic Stack超實用技巧 5分鐘教你玩轉各種場景

以下是Elastic原廠解決方案架構師爲大家制作的5分鐘小視頻。通過簡單易懂的快速上手教程,讓大家快速瞭解Elastic Stack各個功能:

Title Summary link
Introduction to Elasticsearch Service Elasticsearch Service is a hosted Elasticsearch and Kibana solution from Elastic. Get started with a free 14-day trial (no credit card required). Elasticsearch Service makes it easy to deploy and manage your Elasticsearch clusters. Just tell us the size of your cluster, your preferred cloud provider, and the geographic location; we take care of the rest. https://youtu.be/mIHYcxe70fc
Data Residency with Cross-cluster Search and Kibana Dashboards In this 5 min. video we will explain how to use Cross Cluster Search for business requirements around data residency. Learn how using this feature you can stay compliant with regulations or save on hardware/networking cost. Cross Cluster search will be available on Elastic Cloud products soon. Learn more: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/modules-cross-cluster-search.html https://youtu.be/NtLsP-F2mbo
Multi-factor Authentication for Elastic Cloud) Historically, when logging into the Elasticsearch Service user console, users were prompted to provide their username and password. A common security request is to have another authentication factor (a short-lived token, a mobile device) as another security layer, reducing chances of an unauthorized person getting access to the account. Users can enable MFA and select to use either Google Authenticator or SMS to authenticate via a second device. This is available under a new Security page under the Account section in the user console. Once a device has been added users can enable MFA. Note that 2FA and MFA described in this video are for the Elastic search Service Console, not self-managed individual Elastic Stack Environments. https://youtu.be/EHWW4yN3aeo
Getting Started with the Elastic Stack In about 5 minutes we cover starting up Elasticsearch and Kibana on local and load the sample Flights dataset as well as explain the Discover, Visualization and Dashboard screens. Lastly, we cover how to activate a 30-day evaluation of the Premium features for the stack. https://youtu.be/FImTcHECpC0
Fun with Logstash and Geo Search A bit longer than the other videos, but we cover how to ingest a CSV using Logstash 6.4, Map our geo_points and then have some fun with Queries and Kibana visualizations. Learn more: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/logstash/current/introduction.html https://youtu.be/eozC1iMD8cA
Monitoring Kubernetes with Auto Discovery on the Elastic Stack In just over 5 minutes, see how we can monitor a Kubernetes installation, including automatic discovery of new pods deployed on the cluster. https://youtu.be/585ig9iuqI4
Elastic Machine Learning Tips and Tricks - Categorization In this video, we describe an often overlooked feature that is a part of Elastic Machine Learning. If you have logging customers that are looking to get started with machine learning, have them run categorization jobs on some linux /var/log/secure or /var/log/messages files and immediately start to use ML to identify anomalous messages in their logs! https://youtu.be/wPd_JWWfre4
Elasticsearch Data Visualizer for Files In this video, we’ll use a CSV file that has Zip codes, latitude, longitude and ingest it into Elasticsearch exploring both the simple and advanced options. Try it yourself with the sample datafile. Learn more:https://www.elastic.co/products/stack/machine-learning https://youtu.be/MXyLqfMadQI
Kibana Canvas in 5 Minutes From a Kibana Dashboard to Kibana Canvas in 5 minutes. https://youtu.be/CLhtLNMALdQ
Elasticsearch Cross Cluster Replication (CCR) Side-by-side setup of Cross Cluster Replication between two Elasticsearch clusters. https://youtu.be/2Uwh-H_qazE
Monitoring Kubernetes Apps with APM, Infrastructure UI, and Logs UI In this short video, we’ll take a look at the art of the possible for monitoring Kubernetes apps using APM distributed tracing, the Infrastructure UI and the Logging UI capabilities to take your Kubernetes monitoring to a whole new level. https://youtu.be/DiG6418yd84
Elastic APM and Java APM agent in 5 minutes In this video, we demonstrate how easy it is to get up and running with APM in Elastic Stack and start monitoring your Java applications using recently released Java APM Agent. https://youtu.be/X9r0sjBWdlA
Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) using Minikube Get started with Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (EKC), the new official Kubernetes operator from Elastic for running Elasticsearch and Kibana. In this video, I walk through installing Minikube on a laptop and using that environment to launch the operator and build an Elastic stack. https://youtu.be/t4WyD4AE0q4
Windows Event Logs and WinLogBeat Neil Desai walks us through Windows Event Logging and how to use Winlogbeat to get the logs into a cloud instance in 3 minutes. https://youtu.be/dRV4MshJCNw
Kibana Spaces Overview An overview of organizing Kibana for your different teams with Kibana Spaces, in about 2 minutes. https://youtu.be/BqvrL8j_TKI
Connecting Microsoft Excel to Elasticsearch with ODBC Now that Elasticsearch offers an ODBC driver it means that many other tools can start to use the power of Elasticsearch, like MS Excel. In this video, we set up the driver and retrieve data from Elasticsearch from inside Excel. https://youtu.be/1KCw6DwS6Us
Adding a Custom Region Map to Kibana Step-by-step walkthrough for creating a custom Region Map visualization in Kibana 5.5+ and configuring a web server to serve the GeoJSON file to Kibana.Try it with the sample data on your own https://youtu.be/-ISaOx6u9rs
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