0.1 What's Your Goal & Plan?


0.1 What's Your Goal & Plan?


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0.1.1 Overview



    我覺得這件事情本身是富有趣味性和挑戰性的,如果你有關於這方面的電子版的資料,Mail 給我一份,我需要了解一些技術細節。
    另外,關於C++編譯器的問題,我認爲如果你有Minix a.out 的文件格式,另外由於gc++編譯器的源代碼是開放的,我們可以將其修改爲Minix下的C++編譯器,有關問題我們可以請教 Al Woodhull 及其他人員。當然如果有其他現成的編譯器就更好了,可以Mail給 Al Woodhull問一下。

>我覺得這件事情本身是富有趣味性和挑戰性的,如果你有關於這方面的電子版的資料,Mail 給我一份,我需要了解一些技術細節。
>另外,關於C++編譯器的問題,我認爲如果你有Minix a.out 的文件格式,另外由於gc++編譯器的源代碼是開放的,我們可以將其修改爲Minix下的C++編譯器,有關問題>我們可以請教 Al Woodhull 及其他人員。當然如果有其他現成的編譯器就更好了,可以Mail給 Al Woodhull問一下。
Minix a.out的文件格式不成問題,代碼中有。但關於修改gcc爲Minix下的C++編譯器的事,我不敢瞎說,因爲不怕你笑話,我是學數學出生的,沒學過編譯,對此我是門外汗(看了這句話,你不會不理我了吧!)。事實上,Minix2.0因爲不支持虛擬內存,而C++編譯器簡直就是一個喫內存的大怪物,所以將gcc移植到Minix2.0上基本上是可以判死刑的---沒戲!我在comp.os.minix新聞組上不止一次看到過類似的說法,好象Al Woodhull 大叔也這麼說。現在你應該明白了爲什麼minix-vmd上可以移植gcc了吧,因爲它支持虛擬內存。但我給Al Woodhull發過一個email,問他在minix-vmd上生成的可執行文件可不可以直接在minix2.0上運行,如果不行,有沒有工具進行這方面的轉化呢?結果他說,他也不太清楚,反正沒回答到點子上,不過他說他把我的email轉給了kees j.bot,但"酷人"kees J.bot至今仍是杳無音信,大概他不願回答我們的“愚蠢”問題吧。(另:附件中有Al Woodhull給我的回信)
這中間我們還有幸結識了幾位比我們兩個在OS方面有經驗的多的國外的朋友,他們也加入了我們。我們建立了自己的Mailing List,那段時間我們5個人進行了大量的討論,也嘗試着開始做一些設計,並開始寫相關代碼。但由於最初所定的目標很模糊,我們花了更多的時間來爭論——究竟是做成微內核的,還是做成整體內核的,是使用NASM,還是使用AS...等等類似的問題——逐漸有人開始對此感到厭倦,開始很少參與討論,其實也就等於退出了小組,畢竟大家還有自己的工作。5個月之後,我突然接手一個壓力極大的項目,也退出了小組。半年之後,當公司的項目忙完之後,我試圖和他們聯繫,但郵件都被退回,這個計劃最終失敗了。儘管我在這個過程中學到了不少東西,但給我印象更加深刻的是,如果一件事情,你不十分清楚你的目標及計劃,那麼這件事情基本上從一開始就失敗了。

0.1.2 Questions For an OS Designer


Here are questions that you should answer before you start to code an OS. It's not a secret that every program must be designed before it is written (implemented). Also it's not a secret that a very few of programs are written this way... Most are written under pressure and hardly have a complete requirements list when coding starts.


Such an approach is very harmful. Design is finished in breaks between coding work and is dictated by things that are already written and work. Programmers tend to think "I'll change it later" but mostly later never comes. Nobody really wants to change already working code to fit a changed design.


It may be very painful if you write an OS. Because of design flaws or incomplete design the whole project may be brought down or at best take months to redesign and rewrite big parts.


What is a primary goal of my OS? What platforms my OS is going to support? Will it be a multitasking OS? What file system will my OS use? What build tools do I need? How can I easily support third party soft? How can I use already written code and information? Is it a standard (low end) desktop system? User is dummy, highest priority for hardware and software compatibility. Is it a high-end desktop system? User is CAD/CAM engineer, highest priority for performance and certain hardware/software compatibility. Is it a real-time oriented system? User is a professional programmer, highest priority for performance, defined response time, easy extendable hardware support and programming control.


Will it support multiprocessing? What kind of multiprocessor platforms? Symmetric? (all processors are exactly the same). Asymmetric? (CPUs may be different in architecture and computing power). Both? Will it support only local multiprocessing? (all CPUs are connected through a local bus). Distributed multiprocessing? (CPUs are connected through network-like connection). Both? What is the target hardware system? Desktop? (more or less standard hardware set). Customizable (embedded) hardware? (If the latter is an answer you'll likely have to individually support every even compatible processor).


What kind of multitasking will it provide for applications? Cooperative? (tasks yield CPU when they don't need it, demonstrating good will). Preemptive? (tasks are given a defined amount of CPU time). Do I need to protect tasks from each other well? What is a relationship between tasks in terms of living space? Do they share the same address space? Completely separated? Both? How will different tasks communicate with each other? What will be a memory model of space that a task runs in? Should I favor simplicity and speed (memory is cheap) or size (memory is a scarce resource)? Do I need to protect system from application tasks?


Should I favor access time (performance) or reduced storage space (size)? Can I use one of already developed and well documented file systems? Can I use a cut down version of one of well-known file systems? What will be an executable format?


Can I use one of existent compilers and linkers? Can I obtain (for free, buy or lease) source code for compilers and linkers? Do I have to write my own several tools? Do I have to write all tools on my own?This should be by any means avoided.


Can I support already existent and popular software? How can I support easy creating of third party applications for my OS? (Libraries) How can I support easy creating of third party device drivers?


Can I use code that is written by others and works? (Even partially). Where can I get different kinds of information? (Set your own information library). Answering questions suggested here will not form a full design specification. However it will not let coding go completely off road. All of them should be answered before writing a line of code. Certain questions may be ignored if they are irrelevant, e.g. you don't need to think about file systems if you don't plan to support mass storage devices. From the other hand, all the answered questions should not contradict. Where I feel necessary, hints are typed as italic.

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