
操作系統    : [windows xp professional sp3]
服務器     : [apache-2.2.8]
PHP      : [php-5.2.17]
數據庫     : [mysql-5.1.49]
數據庫管理工具 : [phpmyadmin-3.3]
 1> [apache_2.2.8-win32-x86-openssl-0.9.8g]
 2> [php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86]
 3> [mysql-5.1.49]需註冊)
 4> [phpMyAdmin-3.3.9-all-languages]!md5!3d5ec3d2023946bbca9c4dd182722c8b
1>  【apache】
 1.1> Welcome to the Installation Wizard for Apache HTTP Server 2.2.8
 1.2> License Agreement
   #選擇(I accept the terms in the license agreement)->單擊[Next>]
 1.3> Read This First
 1.4> Server Information
   Network Domain( []
   Server Name( []
   Administrator's Email Address(
[email protected]): [[email protected]]
   #選擇(for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service  -- Recommended.), 單擊[Next>]
 1.5> Setup Type
   #選擇(Custom), 單擊[Next>]
 1.5> Custom Setup
  1.5.1>  Change Current Destination Folder
    Folder name: [D:/lamp/apache2.2/], 單擊[OK], 
 1.6> Ready to Install the Program
 1.7> Installaction Wizard Completed
2> 【php】
 2.1> 將php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.zip解壓到[D:/lamp/php]
3> 【mysql】
 3.1> Welcome o the Setup Wizard for MySQL Server 5.1
 3.2> Setup Type
   #選擇Custom, 單擊[Next>]
 3.3> Custom Setup
  3.3.1> 單擊[Change...], 
  3.3.2>  Change Current Destination Folder
    Folder name: [D:/lamp/mysql/]
 3.4> Ready to Install the Program
 3.5> A MySQL Enterprise subscription is the most...
 3.6> The MySQL Enterprise Monitor Service
 3.7> Wizard Completed
   #勾選[Configure the MySQL Server now]
 3.8> Welcome to the MySQL Service Instance Configuration Wizard
 3.9> MySQL服務器實例配置[MySQL Server Instance Configuration]
   Detailed Configuration-詳細配置
   Standard Configuration-標準配置
   #選擇默認[Detailed Configuration]
  3.9.1> 服務器類型[Please select a server type. This will influence memory, disk and CPU usage.]
    [Developer Machine]-開發服務器, 佔用內存較少
    [Server Machine]-多個服務器共用, 佔用內存中等
    [Dedicated MySQL Server Machine]-專用服務器, 佔用內存較多
    #選擇默認[Developer Machine]
  3.9.2>  數據庫用途[Please select the database usage]
    [Multifunctional Database]-多功能數據庫,優化InnoDB,MyISAM 
    [Transactional Database Only]-事務數據庫,優化InnoDB,MyISAM也可用
    [Non-Transactional database Only]-非事務性數據庫,適用於簡單的網絡監控或記錄的應用發有分析僅非事務的MyISAM引擎
    #選擇默認[Multifunctional Database]
  3.9.3>  InnoDB的數據文件的存放位置[Please select the driver for the InnoDB datafile, if you do not want to use the default settings]s
  3.9.4>  設置併發連接到服務器的大致數量[Please set the approximate number of concurrent connections to the server]
    [Decision Support(DSS)/OLAP]-併發數20
    [Online Transaction Processing(OLTP)]-併發數500
    [Manual Setting]-併發數自定義
    #選擇[Manual Setting], Concurrent connections[100]
  3.9.5>  [網絡選項]Please set the networking options
    [Enable TCP/IP Networking]-啓用TCP/IP網絡
    [Add firewall exception for this port]-添加到防火牆例外
    [Enable Strict Mode]-啓用嚴格模式
  3.9.6>  [選擇字符集]Please select the default character set.
    [Standard Character set]-默認Latine 適用於英文或其它西歐語言
    [Best Support For Multilingualism]-支持多種語言
    [Manual Selected Default Character Set/Collation]-自定義
    #選擇[Best Support For Multilinguatilsm]
  3.9.7>  設置Windows選項[Please set the Windows options]
    [Install As Windows Service[安裝爲windows服務]
    [Launch the MySQL Server automatically[自啓動]
    [Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH[加入環境變量]
  3.9.8>  設置安全選項[Please set the security options]
    [Current root password]-舊密碼,留空
    [New root password]-新密碼,
    [Enable root access from remote machines]-啓用root帳號遠程訪問
    [Create An Anonymous Account]-創建匿名帳號
    #輸入密碼和確認密碼, 其它默認
  3.9.9> 準備執行[Ready to execute...]
  3.9.10> Processing configureation...
4> 【phpMyAdmin】
 4.1> 將phpMyAdmin-3.3.9-all-languages.zip解壓到[D:/lamp/sites/phpmyadmin/]

 5.1> httpd.conf(D:/lamp/apache2.2/conf)
  5.1.1>  #功能: 加載php模塊
    #說明: 搜索LoadModule, 在其後面添加
    LoadModule  php5_module "D:/lamp/php/php5apache2_2.dll"
  5.1.2> #功能: 設置工作目錄
    #說明: 搜索DocumentRoot, 修改爲
    DocumentRoot "D:/lamp/sites"
  5.1.3> #功能: 設置目錄選項
    #說明: 搜索<Directory "D:/lamp/apache2.2/htdocs">, 修改爲
    <Directory "D:/lamp/sites">

  5.1.4> #功能: 設置默認文檔
    #說明: 搜索<Directory />, 添加
    DirectoryIndex index.php index.html

  5.1.5>  #功能: 增加php類型
         #說明: 在文件末尾加入
       AddType application/x-httpd-php .html .php

       #功能: php.ini所在目錄
       #說明: 在文件末尾加入
       PHPIniDir "D:/lamp/php"
       功能: 不允許訪問目錄
    說明: 搜索Options Indexes FollowSymLinks項,並註釋
       #Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

 5.2> 注意: 修改配置文件後, 重啓apache才能生效

 5.3> 在D:/lamp/sites/建立文件
 6.1> php.ini
  6.1.1> D:/lamp/php/php.ini, 複製php.ini-recommended並重命名爲php.ini
  6.1.2> #功能: 指定擴展庫所在目錄
    extension_dir = "D:/lamp/php/ext/"

    #功能: 開啓擴展
    #說明: 根據需要開啓相應擴展模塊, 去掉前面的分號

      #功能: 設置時區
      #說明: PRC表示中國
      date.timezone = PRC
      #功能: 顯示錯誤信息
      display_errors = On
 6.2> 複製libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll(D:/lamp/php)到C:/WINDOWS/system32/
 6.3> 重啓apache,訪問

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