4.圖像處理與計算機視覺:基礎,經典以及最近發展 圖像處理與分析




1. Bilateral Filter

Bilateral Filter俗稱雙邊濾波器是一種簡單實用的具有保持邊緣作用的平緩濾波器,由Tomasi等在1998年提出。它現在已經發揮着重大作用,尤其是在HDR領域。

[1998 ICCV] BilateralFiltering for Gray and Color Images

[2008 TIP] AdaptiveBilateral Filter for Sharpness Enhancement and Noise Removal

2. Color

如果對顏色的形成有一定的瞭解,能比較深刻的理解一些算法。這方面推薦岡薩雷斯的數字圖像處理中的相關章節以及Sharma在Digital Color Imaging Handbook中的第一章“Colorfundamentals for digital imaging”。跟顏色相關的知識包括Gamma,顏色空間轉換,顏色索引以及膚色模型等,這其中也包括著名的EMD。

[1991 IJCV] Color Indexing

[2000 IJCV] The EarthMover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval

[2001 PAMI] Colorinvariance

[2002 IJCV] StatisticalColor Models with Application to Skin Detection

[2003] A review of RGBcolor spaces

[2007 PR]A survey ofskin-color modeling and detection methods



3.Compression and Encoding


[2005 IEEE] Trends andperspectives in image and video coding

4.Contrast Enhancement


[2002 IJCV] Vision and theAtmosphere

[2003 TIP] Gray and colorimage contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform

[2006 TIP] Gray-levelgrouping (GLG) an automatic method for optimized image contrastenhancement-part II

[2006 TIP] Gray-levelgrouping (GLG) an automatic method for optimized image contrastEnhancement-part I

[2007 TIP] TransformCoefficient Histogram-Based Image Enhancement Algorithms Using Contrast Entropy

[2009 TIP] A HistogramModification Framework and Its Application for Image Contrast Enhancement

5. Deblur (Restoration)

圖像恢復或者圖像去模糊一直是一個非常難的問題,尤其是盲圖像恢復。港中文的jiaya jia老師在這方面做的不錯,他在主頁也給出了exe。這方面的內容也建議看岡薩雷斯的書。這裏列出了幾篇口碑比較好的文獻,包括古老的Richardson-Lucy方法,幾篇盲圖像恢復的綜述以及最近的幾篇文章,尤以Fergus和Jiaya Jia的爲經典。

[1972] Bayesian-BasedIterative Method of Image Restoration

[1974] an iterative techniquefor the rectification of observed distributions

[1990 IEEE] Iterativemethods for image deblurring

[1996 SPM] Blind ImageDeconvolution

[1997 SPM] Digital imagerestoration

[2005] Digital ImageReconstruction - Deblurring and Denoising

[2006 Siggraph] RemovingCamera Shake from a Single Photograph

[2008 Siggraph]High-quality Motion Deblurring from a Single Image

[2011 PAMI]Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Scenes under a Projective Motion Path

6. Dehazing and Defog

嚴格來說去霧化也算是圖像對比度增強的一種。這方面最近比較好的工作就是He kaiming等提出的Dark Channel方法。這篇論文也獲得了2009的CVPR 最佳論文獎。2003年的廣東高考狀元已經於2011年從港中文博士畢業加入MSRA(估計當時也就二十五六歲吧),相當了不起。

[2008 Siggraph] SingleImage Dehazing

[2009 CVPR] Single ImageHaze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior

[2011 PAMI] Single ImageHaze Removal Using Dark Channel Prior

7. Denoising


[1992 SIAM] Imageselective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion. II

[1992 SIAM] Imageselective smoothing and edge detection by nonlinear diffusion

[1992] Nonlinear totalvariation based noise removal algorithms

[1994 SIAM] Signal andimage restoration using shock filters and anisotropic diffusion

[1995 TIT] De-noising bysoft-thresholding

[1998 TIP] Orientationdiffusions

[2000 TIP] Adaptivewavelet thresholding for image denoising and compression

[2000 TIP] Fourth-orderpartial differential equations for noise removal

[2001] Denoising through wavelet shrinkage

[2002 TIP] The CurveletTransform for Image Denoising

[2003 TIP] Noise removalusing fourth-order partial differential equation with applications to medicalmagnetic resonance images in space and time

[2008 PAMI] AutomaticEstimation and Removal of Noise from a Single Image

[2009 TIP] Is DenoisingDead

8. Edge Detection

邊緣檢測也是圖像處理中的一個基本任務。傳統的邊緣檢測方法有基於梯度算子,尤其是Sobel算子,以及經典的Canny邊緣檢測。到現在,Canny邊緣檢測及其思想仍在廣泛使用。關於Canny算法的具體細節可以在Sonka的書以及canny自己的論文中找到,網上也可以搜到。最快最直接的方法就是看OpenCV的源代碼,非常好懂。在邊緣檢測方面,Berkeley的大牛J Malik和他的學生在2004年的PAMI提出的方法效果非常好,當然也比較複雜。在複雜度要求不高的情況下,還是值得一試的。MIT的Bill Freeman早期的代表作Steerable Filter在邊緣檢測方面效果也非常好,並且便於實現。這裏給出了幾篇比較好的文獻,包括一篇最新的綜述。邊緣檢測是圖像處理和計算機視覺中任何方向都無法逃避的一個問題,這方面研究多深都不爲過。

[1980] theory of edgedetection

[1983 Canny Thesis] findedge

[1986 PAMI] AComputational Approach to Edge Detection

[1990 PAMI] Scale-spaceand edge detection using anisotropic diffusion

[1991 PAMI] The design anduse of steerable filters

[1995 PR] Multiresolutionedge detection techniques

[1996 TIP] Optimal edgedetection in two-dimensional images

[1998 PAMI] Local ScaleControl for Edge Detection and Blur Estimation

[2003 PAMI] Statisticaledge detection_ learning and evaluating edge cues

[2004 IEEE] Edge DetectionRevisited

[2004 PAMI] Design ofsteerable filters for feature detection using canny-like criteria

[2004 PAMI] Learning toDetect Natural Image Boundaries Using Local Brightness, Color, and Texture Cues

[2011 IVC] Edge and lineoriented contour detection State of the art

9. Graph Cut

基於圖割的圖像分割算法。在這方面沒有研究,僅僅列出幾篇引用比較高的文獻。這裏又見J Malik,當然還有華人傑出學者Jianbo Shi,他的主頁非常搞笑,在醒目的位置標註Do not flyChina Eastern Airlines ... 看來是被坑過,而且坑的比較厲害。這個領域,俄羅斯人比較厲害。

[2000 PAMI] Normalizedcuts and image segmentation

[2001 PAMI] Fastapproximate energy minimization via graph cuts

[2004 PAMI] What energyfunctions can be minimized via graph cuts

10.Hough Transform


[1986 CVGIU] A Survey ofthe Hough Transform

[1989] A Comparative studyof Hough transform methods for circle finding

[1992 PAMI] Shapesrecognition using the straight line Hough transform_ theory and generalization

[1997 PR] Extraction ofline features in a noisy image

[2000 CVIU] RobustDetection of Lines Using the Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform

11. Image Interpolation


[2000 TMI] Interpolationrevisited

12. Image Matting

也就是最近,我才知道這個詞翻譯成中文是摳圖,比較難聽,不知道是誰開始這麼翻譯的。沒有研究,請看文章以及Richard Szeliski的相關章節。以色列美女Levin在這方面有兩篇PAMI。

[2008 Fnd] Image and VideoMatting A Survey

[2008 PAMI] A Closed-FormSolution to Natural Image Matting

[2008 PAMI] SpectralMatting

13. Image Modeling

圖像的統計模型。這方面有一本專門的著作Natural Image Statistics

[1994] The statistics ofnatural images

[2003 JMIV] On Advances inStatistical Modeling of Natural Images

[2009 IJCV] Fields ofExperts

[2009 PAMI] Modelingmultiscale subbands of photographic images with fields of Gaussian scalemixtures

14. Image Quality Assessment


[2004 TIP] Image qualityassessment from error visibility to structural similarity

[2011 TIP] blind imagequality assessment From Natural Scene Statistics to Perceptual Quality

15. Image Registration


[1992 MIA] Image matching asa diffusion process

[1992 PAMI] A Method forRegistration of 3-D shapes

[1992] a survey of imageregistration techniques

[1998 MIA] A survey ofmedical image registration

[2003 IVC] Imageregistration methods a survey

[2003 TMI]Mutual-Information-Based Registration of Medical Survey

[2011 TIP] Hairisregistration

16. Image Retrieval

圖像檢索曾經很熱,在2000年之後似乎消停了一段時間。最近各種圖像的不變性特徵提出來之後,再加上互聯網搜索的商業需求,這個方向似乎又要火起來了,尤其是在工業界。這仍然是一個非常值得關注的方面。而且圖像檢索與目標識別具有相通之處,比如特徵提取和特徵降維。這方面的文章值得一讀。在最後給出了兩篇Book chapter,其中一篇還是中文的。

[2000 PAMI] Content-basedimage retrieval at the end of the early years

[2000 TIP] PicToSeekCombining Color and Shape Invariant Features for Image Retrieval

[2002] Content-Based ImageRetrieval Systems A Survey

[2008] Content-Based ImageRetrieval-Literature Survey

[2010] Plant ImageRetrieval Using Color,Shape and Texture Features

[2012 PAMI] A MultimediaRetrieval Framework Based on Semi-Supervised Ranking and Relevance Feedback

CBIR Chinese

fundament of cbir

17. Image Segmentation

圖像分割,非常基本但又非常難的一個問題。建議看Sonka和岡薩雷斯的書。這裏給出幾篇比較好的文章,再次看到了J Malik。他們給出了源代碼和測試集,有興趣的話可以試試。

[2004 IJCV] EfficientGraph-Based Image Segmentation

[2008 CVIU] Imagesegmentation evaluation A survey of unsupervised methods

[2011 PAMI] ContourDetection and Hierarchical Image Segmentation

18. Level Set

大名鼎鼎的水平集,解決了Snake固有的缺點。Level set的兩位提出者Sethian和Osher最後反目,實在讓人遺憾。個人以爲,這種方法除了迭代比較費時,在真實場景中的表現讓人生疑。不過,2008年ECCV上的PWP方法在結果上很吸引人。在重初始化方面,Chunming Li給出了比較好的解決方案

[1995 PAMI] Shape modelingwith front propagation_ a level set approach

[2001 JCP] Level SetMethods_ An Overview and Some Recent Results

[2005 CVIU] Geodesicactive regions and level set methods for motion estimation and tracking

[2007 IJCV] A Review ofStatistical Approaches to Level Set Segmentation

[2008 ECCV] RobustReal-Time Visual Tracking using Pixel-Wise Posteriors

[2010 TIP] DistanceRegularized Level Set Evolution and its Application to Image Segmentation



[1983] The LaplacianPyramid as a Compact Image Code

20. Radon Transform


[1993 PAMI] Imagerepresentation via a finite Radon transform

[1993 TIP] The fastdiscrete radon transform I theory

[2007 IVC] Generalisedfinite radon transform for N×N images

21.Scale Space


[1987] Scale-spacefiltering

[1990 PAMI] Scale-Spacefor Discrete Signals

[1994] Scale-space theoryA basic tool for analysing structures at different scales

[1998 IJCV] Edge Detectionand Ridge Detection with Automatic Scale Selection

[1998 IJCV] FeatureDetection with Automatic Scale Selection

22. Snake


[1987 IJCV] Snakes ActiveContour Models

[1996 ] deformable modelin medical image A Survey

[1997 IJCV] geodesicactive contour

[1998 TIP] Snakes, shapes,and gradient vector flow

[2000 PAMI] Geodesic activecontours and level sets for the detection and tracking of moving objects

[2001 TIP] Active contourswithout edges

23. Super Resolution

超分辨率分析。對這個方向沒有研究,簡單列幾篇文章。其中Yang Jianchao的那篇在IEEE上的下載率一直居高不下。

[2002] Example-BasedSuper-Resolution

[2003 SPM] Super-Resolution Image Reconstruction A Technical Overview

[2009 ICCV] Super-Resolutionfrom a Single Image

[2010 TIP] ImageSuper-Resolution Via Sparse Representation

24. Thresholding


[1979 IEEE] OTSU Athreshold selection method from gray-level histograms

[2001 JISE] A Fast Algorithmfor Multilevel Thresholding

[2004 JEI] Survey overimage thresholding techniques and quantitative performance evaluation

25. Watershed

分水嶺算法是一種非常有效的圖像分割算法,它克服了傳統的閾值分割方法的缺點,尤其是Marker-Controlled Watershed,值得關注。Watershed在岡薩雷斯的書裏面講的比較詳細。

[1991 PAMI] Watersheds indigital spaces an efficient algorithm based on immersion simulations

[2001]The WatershedTransform Definitions, Algorithms and Parallelizat on Strategies

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