
//1.新增操作:insert into:插入 values:多個參數值 s:複數

insert into product (pid,pname,price,category_id)values(11,‘錘子’,1000.0,‘c001’)

//2.刪除當前指定id參數 影響的數據爲:1/0 ; 當前執行操作爲1的時候執行成功,爲零的時候執行失敗

delete from product where pid=11

//3.刪除全表操作 影響的數據欄:5;當前的數據5代表刪除5條數據

delete from product

//4.修改操作 set:設置 where:條件 pid:主鍵

update product set pname=“IBC” where pid=1;


select * from product


select * from product where pid=1;


select pname,price from product


select pid as id,pname from product


select pid,a.pname from product a;


select pid,pname,price,category_id from product


select * from product where price=800; <>:不等於

//12查詢價格不等於800數據 !=:不等於

select * from product where price!=800;
select * from product where price<>800;


select * from product where price<800;


select * from product where price>800;


select * from product where price>=800;


select * from product where price<=800;


select * from product where not(price=800)

//18.查詢當前價格區間的參數 and:顯示在某一區間的值(含頭含尾)

select * from product where price>=800 and price<=2000

//19查詢當前價格區間的參數 BETWEEN and:顯示在某一區間的值(含頭含尾)

select * from product where price BETWEEN 800 AND 2000;


select * from product where price>=800 or price<=2000


select * from product where price in(800,2000)

//22.判斷當前表中字段爲null的數據查詢 is null:判斷爲空

select * from product where category_id is null

//23.查詢當前表中字段不爲空的數據 is not null:不爲空

select * from product where category_id is not null

//24.查詢姓o名稱 like:代表模糊查詢

select * from product where pname like’o%’


select * from product where pname like’%o%’


select * from product where pname like’_o%’


select * from product where pname like’%o%'and price=2000

//28.升序查詢操作 asc:升序

select * from product order by price asc

//29.降序操作 desc:降序

select * from product order by price desc


select * from product order by price desc,category_id desc;


select DISTINCT price from product order By price desc


select pname,price from product where pname like’%o%’ order by price desc


select count(*) from product


select count(*) from product where price>800

//35.統計當前數據中不重複的行數有多少條 distinct:去重操作

select count(distinct price) from product


select sum(price) from product


select max(price) from product


select min(price) from product


select avg(price) from product

//40.分組 最好和聚合函數結合使用

select price from product group by price

//41.按照類別id分組 該類名的商品個數 平均價格 類別

select price,count(*),category_id from product group by category_id

//42.先行篩選再分組:對非空的category_id進行分組 注意where的位置

select avg(price),count(*),category_id from product where category_id is not null group by category_id


select count(*),avg(price),category_id from product group by category_id having avg(price)>=500;


​ select count(*) from user where username =? and password=? and state=1


​ select count(*) from user where username=?


​ update user set state=1 where code=?


​ insert into user values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)


select * from product where is_hot=? limit ?,?


select * from product order by pdate desc limit ?,?


select count(*) from product where cid=?


select * from product where cid=? limit ?,?


select * from product where pid=?

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