ofbiz實體引擎(四) ModelReader的作用

public class ModelReader implements Serializable {

    public static final String module = ModelReader.class.getName();
    private static final UtilCache<String, ModelReader> readers = UtilCache.createUtilCache("entity.ModelReader", 0, 0);

    protected Map<String, ModelEntity> entityCache = null;

    protected int numEntities = 0;
    protected int numViewEntities = 0;
    protected int numFields = 0;
    protected int numRelations = 0;
    protected int numAutoRelations = 0;

    protected String modelName;

    protected Collection<ResourceHandler> entityResourceHandlers;

    protected Map<ResourceHandler, Collection<String>> resourceHandlerEntities;

    /**entityName爲k 實體資源句柄文件 爲v*/
    protected Map<String, ResourceHandler> entityResourceHandlerMap;

     * @author 鄭小康
     * 1.根據delegatorName獲取對應DelegatorElement標籤實例
     * 2.獲取Delegator的entity-model-reader屬性值
     * 3.根據entity-model-reader屬性值獲取ModelReader實例
     * 4.如果ModelReader實例爲空,則創建其對應的ModelReader,並獲取所有實體緩存
     * 5.以entity-model-reader屬性值爲k ModelReader實例爲v存放到readers這個UtilCache中去
     * 6.返回當前ModelReader實例
     * */
    public static ModelReader getModelReader(String delegatorName) throws GenericEntityException {
        DelegatorElement delegatorInfo = EntityConfig.getInstance().getDelegator(delegatorName);

        if (delegatorInfo == null) {
            throw new GenericEntityConfException("Could not find a delegator with the name " + delegatorName);

        String tempModelName = delegatorInfo.getEntityModelReader();
        ModelReader reader = readers.get(tempModelName);

        if (reader == null) {
            reader = new ModelReader(tempModelName);
            // preload caches...
            reader = readers.putIfAbsentAndGet(tempModelName, reader);
        return reader;

     * @author 鄭小康
     * 1.賦值entity-model-reader的屬性
     * 2.根據entity-model-reader的屬性值獲取其對應的EntityModelReader實例,如果爲空就拋出異常
     *    原因:其獲取的是EntityConfig實例的中的屬性,EntityModelReader是在EntityConfig實例化是加載的屬性標籤的對象,所以沒有是肯定有問題的
     * 3.添加entityngine.xml中的句柄屬性標籤MainResourceHandler實例
     * 4.獲取*****-component.xml文件中entity-resource標籤類型爲model,根據與entity-model-reader的屬性值對應reader-name構建ComponentResourceHandler實例添加到entityModelResourceHandlers這個集合
     * 注意:這個構造器主要是給entityResourceHandlers這個集合中添加了當前EntityModelReader 對應entity-resource對應的實例
     *     它是一個私有構造器,通過getModelReader方法來創建對應實例,後續操作在getModelReader這個靜態方法中
     * */
    private ModelReader(String modelName) throws GenericEntityException {
        this.modelName = modelName;
        entityResourceHandlers = new LinkedList<ResourceHandler>();
        resourceHandlerEntities = new HashMap<ResourceHandler, Collection<String>>();
        entityResourceHandlerMap = new HashMap<String, ResourceHandler>();

        EntityModelReader entityModelReaderInfo = EntityConfig.getInstance().getEntityModelReader(modelName);

        if (entityModelReaderInfo == null) {
            throw new GenericEntityConfException("Cound not find an entity-model-reader with the name " + modelName);

        // get all of the main resource model stuff, ie specified in the entityengine.xml file
        for (Resource resourceElement : entityModelReaderInfo.getResourceList()) {
            ResourceHandler handler = new MainResourceHandler(EntityConfig.ENTITY_ENGINE_XML_FILENAME, resourceElement.getLoader(), resourceElement.getLocation());

        // get all of the component resource model stuff, ie specified in each fadp-component.xml file
        for (ComponentConfig.EntityResourceInfo componentResourceInfo: ComponentConfig.getAllEntityResourceInfos("model")) {
            if (modelName.equals(componentResourceInfo.readerName)) {

     * @author  鄭小康
     * 1.判斷節點元素是否是entity
     * 2.獲取entity-name的值
     * 3.獲取entity的redefinition屬性,這個屬性的作用是說明這個實體不能被覆蓋,即entity節點元素不能定義兩遍
     *   但這僅僅是一個警告,定義了後面的就會覆蓋錢買呢
     * 4.獲取當前資源句柄文件的實體名集合,爲空則實例化一個LinkedList集合
     *   將當前實體名添加到集合
     * 5.以entityName爲k entityResourceHandler爲v存放在entityResourceHandlerMap,這樣做的好處是根據entityName獲取其資源句柄文件
     * 6.實體不爲空,構造對應的modelEntity或者ModelViewEntity
     * 7.將實體的資源句柄文件路徑添加到當前modelEntity
     * 8.返回當前modelEntity
     * 注意:這裏只是構造modelEntity,並沒有在數據庫建表
     * */
    private ModelEntity buildEntity(ResourceHandler entityResourceHandler, Element curEntityElement, int i, ModelInfo def) throws GenericEntityException {
        boolean isEntity = "entity".equals(curEntityElement.getNodeName());
        String entityName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(curEntityElement.getAttribute("entity-name")).intern();

        boolean redefinedEntity = "true".equals(curEntityElement.getAttribute("redefinition"));

        Collection<String> resourceHandlerEntityNames = resourceHandlerEntities.get(entityResourceHandler);
        if (resourceHandlerEntityNames == null) {
            resourceHandlerEntityNames = new LinkedList<String>();
            resourceHandlerEntities.put(entityResourceHandler, resourceHandlerEntityNames);

        //檢查緩存中是包含 如果緩存中包含,且它不允許重定義(entity屬性中默認是false) 這樣就會報一些井蓋
        if (entityCache.containsKey(entityName) && !redefinedEntity) {
            Debug.logWarning("實體 " + entityName + " 被再次定義,其將覆蓋原有的", module);
            Debug.logWarning("Entity " + entityName + " 被發現在資源句柄文件 " +
                entityResourceHandler + ", 但是已經被定義在 " + entityResourceHandlerMap.get(entityName).toString(), module);

        //以entityName爲k entityResourceHandler爲v存放在entityResourceHandlerMap,這樣做的好處是根據entityName獲取其資源句柄文件
        entityResourceHandlerMap.put(entityName, entityResourceHandler);

        ModelEntity modelEntity = null;
        if (isEntity) {
            modelEntity = createModelEntity(curEntityElement, null, def);
        } else {
            modelEntity = createModelViewEntity(curEntityElement, null, def);
        String resourceLocation = entityResourceHandler.getLocation();
        try {
            resourceLocation = entityResourceHandler.getURL().toExternalForm();
        } catch (GenericConfigException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Could not get resource URL", module);

        if (modelEntity != null) {
            // utilTimer.timerString("  After entityCache.put -- " + i + " --");
            if (isEntity) {
                if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("-- [Entity]: #" + i + ": " + entityName, module);
            } else {
                if (Debug.verboseOn()) Debug.logVerbose("-- [ViewEntity]: #" + i + ": " + entityName, module);
        } else {
            Debug.logWarning("-- -- ENTITYGEN ERROR:getModelEntity: Could not create " +
                "entity for entityName: " + entityName, module);
        return modelEntity;

     * @author 鄭小康
     * 1.檢查entityCache是否爲空,如果不爲空直接返回當前緩存,如果爲空才向下執行
     * 2.再次檢查,避免其他線程在這個過程創建entityCache
     * 3.對類屬性進行初始化 numEntities:實體數量   numViewEntities:視圖實體數量     numFields:字段數量
     *                    numRelations:        numAutoRelations                numAutoRelations:
     * 4.創建tempViewEntityList<ModelViewEntity>:臨時視圖模型實體集合  tempExtendEntityElementList<Element> 擴展實體元素
     * 5.遍歷所有資源句柄文件,包括entity-model-reader中孩子標籤Resource 和對應的組件下entity-resource
     * 6.根據entityResourceHandler的路徑,獲取其對應的文檔的Document實例
     * 7.從首個節點開始,首先構造ModelInfo,獲取當前entity的屬性
     * 8.節點有三種 entity view-entity extend-entity
     *   如果是實體或者視圖實體,調用buildEntity,構造對應的ModelEntity
     *   視圖實體:構造後,添加到tempViewEntityList集合
     *   實體:構造後以entityName爲k modelEntity爲v放入到entityCache
     *   如果是extend-entity,直接將節點元素添加到對應的tempExtendEntityElementList集合
     * 9.從緩存中獲取extend-entity的name相同的ModelEntity,然後對這個ModelEntity進行擴展字段,並且其會覆蓋原有entity的屬性
     * 10.將視圖實體添加到對應的成員ModelEntity,這樣就可以通過ModelEntity獲取其下面所有ModelViewEntity
     *    並將視圖以entityName爲k ModelViewEntity爲v存放到緩存
     * 11.檢查出某些視圖存在有些成員實體不存在,列舉出來,這些ModelViewEntity並沒有加到entitycache中
     * 12構建關係,主要是給當前實體添加其存在的關係集合,關係的實體中也添加這個ModelRelation到CopyOnWriteArrayList<ModelRelation> relations
     *   CopyOnWrite容器即寫時複製的容器。
     *   讀取的時候拷貝一個副本,進行讀取
     *   寫入的需要加鎖,對副本進行寫入之後,再將原容器的引用指向新的容器
     *   這樣的好處是可以進行併發的讀
     * */
    public Map<String, ModelEntity> getEntityCache() throws GenericEntityException {
        if (entityCache == null) { // don't want to block here
            synchronized (ModelReader.class) {
                // must check if null again as one of the blocked threads can still enter
                if (entityCache == null) { // now it's safe
                    numEntities = 0;
                    numViewEntities = 0;
                    numFields = 0;
                    numRelations = 0;
                    numAutoRelations = 0;

                    entityCache = new HashMap<String, ModelEntity>();
                    List<ModelViewEntity> tempViewEntityList = new LinkedList<ModelViewEntity>();
                    List<Element> tempExtendEntityElementList = new LinkedList<Element>();

                    UtilTimer utilTimer = new UtilTimer();

                    for (ResourceHandler entityResourceHandler: entityResourceHandlers) {

                        // utilTimer.timerString("Before getDocument in file " + entityFileName);
                        Document document = null;

                        try {
                            document = entityResourceHandler.getDocument();
                        } catch (GenericConfigException e) {
                            throw new GenericEntityConfException("Error getting document from resource handler 獲取entitymodel.xml文件失敗", e);
                        if (document == null) {
                            throw new GenericEntityConfException("Could not get document for " + entityResourceHandler.toString());

                        // utilTimer.timerString("Before getDocumentElement in " + entityResourceHandler.toString());
                        Element docElement = document.getDocumentElement();

                        if (docElement == null) {
                            return null;
                        Node curChild = docElement.getFirstChild();

                        ModelInfo def = ModelInfo.createFromElements(ModelInfo.DEFAULT, docElement);
                        int i = 0;

                        if (curChild != null) {
                            utilTimer.timerString("Before start of entity loop in " + entityResourceHandler.toString());
                            do {
                                boolean isEntity = "entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName());
                                boolean isViewEntity = "view-entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName());
                                boolean isExtendEntity = "extend-entity".equals(curChild.getNodeName());

                                if ((isEntity || isViewEntity) && curChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    ModelEntity modelEntity = buildEntity(entityResourceHandler, (Element) curChild, i, def);
                                    // put the view entity in a list to get ready for the second pass to populate fields...
                                    if (isViewEntity) {
                                        tempViewEntityList.add((ModelViewEntity) modelEntity);
                                    } else {
                                        entityCache.put(modelEntity.getEntityName(), modelEntity);
                                } else if (isExtendEntity && curChild.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                    tempExtendEntityElementList.add((Element) curChild);
                            } while ((curChild = curChild.getNextSibling()) != null);
                        } else {
                            Debug.logWarning("No child nodes found.", module);
                        utilTimer.timerString("Finished " + entityResourceHandler.toString() + " - Total Entities: " + i + " FINISHED");

                    for (Element extendEntityElement: tempExtendEntityElementList) {
                        String entityName = UtilXml.checkEmpty(extendEntityElement.getAttribute("entity-name"));
                        ModelEntity modelEntity = entityCache.get(entityName);
                        if (modelEntity == null) throw new GenericEntityConfException("Entity to extend does not exist: " + entityName);
                        modelEntity.addExtendEntity(this, extendEntityElement);

                    while (!tempViewEntityList.isEmpty()) {
                        int startSize = tempViewEntityList.size();
                        Iterator<ModelViewEntity> mveIt = tempViewEntityList.iterator();
                        while (mveIt.hasNext()) {
                            ModelViewEntity curViewEntity = mveIt.next();
                            for (ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity mve: curViewEntity.getAllModelMemberEntities()) {
                                if (!entityCache.containsKey(mve.getEntityName())) {
                                    continue TEMP_VIEW_LOOP;
                            for (ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity mve: curViewEntity.getAllModelMemberEntities()) {
                                ModelEntity me = entityCache.get(mve.getEntityName());
                            entityCache.put(curViewEntity.getEntityName(), curViewEntity);
                        if (tempViewEntityList.size() == startSize) {
                            // Oops, the remaining views reference other entities
                            // that can't be found, or they reference other views
                            // that have some reference problem.

                    if (!tempViewEntityList.isEmpty()) {
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("View entities reference non-existant members:\n");
                        Set<String> allViews = new HashSet<String>();
                        for (ModelViewEntity curViewEntity: tempViewEntityList) {
                        for (ModelViewEntity curViewEntity: tempViewEntityList) {
                            Set<String> perViewMissingEntities = new HashSet<String>();
                            Iterator<ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity> mmeIt = curViewEntity.getAllModelMemberEntities().iterator();
                            while (mmeIt.hasNext()) {
                                ModelViewEntity.ModelMemberEntity mme = mmeIt.next();
                                String memberEntityName = mme.getEntityName();
                                if (!entityCache.containsKey(memberEntityName)) {
                                    // this member is not a real entity
                                    // check to see if it is a view
                                    if (!allViews.contains(memberEntityName)) {
                                        // not a view, it's a real missing entity
                            for (String perViewMissingEntity: perViewMissingEntities) {
                                sb.append("\t[").append(curViewEntity.getEntityName()).append("] missing member entity [").append(perViewMissingEntity).append("]\n");

                        throw new GenericEntityConfException(sb.toString());

                     * @author 鄭小康
                     * 1.遍歷當前ModelReader下所有實體名
                     * 2.獲取對應ModelEntity
                     * 3.將其關係進行迭代處理
                     * 4.如果類型是one 或者one-nofk(不是AutoRelation) 獲取其關係ModelEntity
                     * 5.將所有key-map的name添加到curEntityKeyFields集合
                     * 6.實例化ModelRelation
                     * 7.如果是自關聯,將ModelRealation添加到當前實體
                     *   如果不是在相關實體加入ModelRealation
                     * */
                    TreeSet<String> orderedMessages = new TreeSet<String>();
                    for (String curEntityName: new TreeSet<String>(this.getEntityNames())) {
                        ModelEntity curModelEntity = this.getModelEntity(curEntityName);
                        if (curModelEntity instanceof ModelViewEntity) {
                            // for view-entities auto-create relationships for all member-entity relationships that have all corresponding fields in the view-entity

                        } else {
                            // for entities auto-create many relationships for all type one relationships

                            // just in case we add a new relation to the same entity, keep in a separate list and add them at the end
                            List<ModelRelation> newSameEntityRelations = new LinkedList<ModelRelation>();

                            Iterator<ModelRelation> relationsIter = curModelEntity.getRelationsIterator();
                            while (relationsIter.hasNext()) {
                                ModelRelation modelRelation = relationsIter.next();
                                if (("one".equals(modelRelation.getType()) || "one-nofk".equals(modelRelation.getType())) && !modelRelation.isAutoRelation()) {
                                    ModelEntity relatedEnt = null;
                                    try {
                                    	/** 得到參考的 RelEntityName. */
                                        relatedEnt = this.getModelEntity(modelRelation.getRelEntityName());
                                    } catch (GenericModelException e) {
//                                    	 com.hanlin.fadp.petrescence.datasource.FindMissedEntity.addMissed(modelRelation.getRelEntityName());
                                        throw new GenericModelException("Error getting related entity [" + modelRelation.getRelEntityName() + "] definition from entity [" + curEntityName + "]", e);
                                    if (relatedEnt != null) {
                                        // create the new relationship even if one exists so we can show what we are looking for in the info message
                                        // don't do relationship to the same entity, unless title is "Parent", then do a "Child" automatically
                                        String title = modelRelation.getTitle();
                                        if (curModelEntity.getEntityName().equals(relatedEnt.getEntityName()) && "Parent".equals(title)) {
                                            title = "Child";
                                        String description = "";
                                        String type = "";
                                        String relEntityName = curModelEntity.getEntityName();
                                        String fkName = "";
                                        ArrayList<ModelKeyMap> keyMaps = new ArrayList<ModelKeyMap>();
                                        boolean isAutoRelation = true;
                                        Set<String> curEntityKeyFields = new HashSet<String>();
                                        for (ModelKeyMap curkm : modelRelation.getKeyMaps()) {
                                            keyMaps.add(new ModelKeyMap(curkm.getRelFieldName(), curkm.getFieldName()));
                                        // decide whether it should be one or many by seeing if the key map represents the complete pk of the relEntity
                                        if (curModelEntity.containsAllPkFieldNames(curEntityKeyFields)) {
                                            // always use one-nofk, we don't want auto-fks getting in for these automatic ones
                                            type = "one-nofk";
                                            // to keep it clean, remove any additional keys that aren't part of the PK
                                            List<String> curPkFieldNames = curModelEntity.getPkFieldNames();
                                            Iterator<ModelKeyMap> nrkmIter = keyMaps.iterator();
                                            while (nrkmIter.hasNext()) {
                                                ModelKeyMap nrkm =nrkmIter.next();
                                                String checkField = nrkm.getRelFieldName();
                                                if (!curPkFieldNames.contains(checkField)) {
                                        } else {
                                            type= "many";
                                        ModelRelation newRel = ModelRelation.create(relatedEnt, description, type, title, relEntityName, fkName, keyMaps, isAutoRelation);

                                        ModelRelation existingRelation = relatedEnt.getRelation(title + curModelEntity.getEntityName());
                                        if (existingRelation == null) {
                                            if (curModelEntity.getEntityName().equals(relatedEnt.getEntityName())) {
                                            } else {
                                        } else {
                                            if (newRel.equals(existingRelation)) {
                                                // don't warn if the target title+entity = current title+entity
                                                if (Debug.infoOn() && !(title + curModelEntity.getEntityName()).equals(modelRelation.getTitle() + modelRelation.getRelEntityName())) {
                                                    //String errorMsg = "Relation already exists to entity [] with title [" + targetTitle + "],from entity []";
                                                    String message = "Entity [" + relatedEnt.getPackageName() + ":" + relatedEnt.getEntityName() + "] already has identical relationship to entity [" +
                                                            curModelEntity.getEntityName() + "] title [" + title + "]; would auto-create: type [" +
                                                            newRel.getType() + "] and fields [" + newRel.keyMapString(",", "") + "]";
                                            } else {
                                                String message = "Existing relationship with the same name, but different specs found from what would be auto-created for Entity [" + relatedEnt.getEntityName() + "] and relationship to entity [" +
                                                        curModelEntity.getEntityName() + "] title [" + title + "]; would auto-create: type [" +
                                                        newRel.getType() + "] and fields [" + newRel.keyMapString(",", "") + "]";
                                                Debug.logVerbose(message, module);
                                    } else {
                                        String errorMsg = "Could not find related entity ["
                                                + modelRelation.getRelEntityName() + "], no reverse relation added.";
                                        Debug.logWarning(errorMsg, module);

                            if (newSameEntityRelations.size() > 0) {
                                for (ModelRelation newRel: newSameEntityRelations) {
                    if (Debug.infoOn()) {
                        for (String message : orderedMessages) {
                            Debug.logInfo(message, module);
                        Debug.logInfo("Finished loading entities; #Entities=" + numEntities + " #ViewEntities=" + numViewEntities + " #Fields=" + numFields + " #Relationships=" + numRelations + " #AutoRelationships=" + numAutoRelations, module);
        return entityCache;

     *  rebuilds the resourceHandlerEntities Map of Collections based on the current
     *  entityResourceHandlerMap Map, must be done whenever a manual change is made to the
     *  entityResourceHandlerMap Map after the initial load to make them consistent again.
     *  Map<ResourceHandler, Collection<String>> resourceHandlerEntities
     *  Map<String, ResourceHandler> entityResourceHandlerMap
     *  依據entityResourceHandlerMap來更新resourceHandlerEntities
     *  FIXME:暫時不理解爲什麼會出現這種情況
    public void rebuildResourceHandlerEntities() {
        resourceHandlerEntities = new HashMap<ResourceHandler, Collection<String>>();
        Iterator<Map.Entry<String, ResourceHandler>> entityResourceIter = entityResourceHandlerMap.entrySet().iterator();

        while (entityResourceIter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry<String, ResourceHandler> entry = entityResourceIter.next();
            // add entityName to appropriate resourceHandlerEntities collection
            Collection<String> resourceHandlerEntityNames = resourceHandlerEntities.get(entry.getValue());

            if (resourceHandlerEntityNames == null) {
                resourceHandlerEntityNames = new LinkedList<String>();
                resourceHandlerEntities.put(entry.getValue(), resourceHandlerEntityNames);

    public Iterator<ResourceHandler> getResourceHandlerEntitiesKeyIterator() {
        if (resourceHandlerEntities == null) return null;
        return resourceHandlerEntities.keySet().iterator();

    public Collection<String> getResourceHandlerEntities(ResourceHandler resourceHandler) {
        if (resourceHandlerEntities == null) return null;
        return resourceHandlerEntities.get(resourceHandler);

    public void addEntityToResourceHandler(String entityName, String loaderName, String location) {
        entityResourceHandlerMap.put(entityName, new MainResourceHandler(EntityConfig.ENTITY_ENGINE_XML_FILENAME, loaderName, location));

    public ResourceHandler getEntityResourceHandler(String entityName) {
        return entityResourceHandlerMap.get(entityName);

    /** Gets an Entity object based on a definition from the specified XML Entity descriptor file.
     * @param entityName The entityName of the Entity definition to use.
     * @return An Entity object describing the specified entity of the specified descriptor file.
    public ModelEntity getModelEntity(String entityName) throws GenericEntityException {
        if (entityName == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Tried to find entity definition for a null entityName");
        Map<String, ModelEntity> ec = getEntityCache();
        if (ec == null) {
            throw new GenericEntityConfException("ERROR: Unable to load Entity Cache");
        ModelEntity modelEntity = ec.get(entityName);
        if (modelEntity == null) {
            String errMsg = "Could not find definition for entity name " + entityName;
            // Debug.logError(new Exception("Placeholder"), errMsg, module);
//            com.hanlin.fadp.petrescence.datasource.FindMissedEntity.addMissed(entityName);
            throw new GenericModelException(errMsg);
        return modelEntity;

    public ModelEntity getModelEntityNoCheck(String entityName) {
        Map<String, ModelEntity> ec = null;
        try {
            ec = getEntityCache();
        } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Error getting entity cache", module);
        if (ec == null) {
            return null;
        ModelEntity modelEntity = ec.get(entityName);
        return modelEntity;

    /** Creates a Iterator with the entityName of each Entity defined in the specified XML Entity Descriptor file.
     * @return A Iterator of entityName Strings
    public Iterator<String> getEntityNamesIterator() throws GenericEntityException {
        Collection<String> collection = getEntityNames();
        if (collection != null) {
            return collection.iterator();
        } else {
            return null;

    /** Creates a Set with the entityName of each Entity defined in the specified XML Entity Descriptor file.
     * @return A Set of entityName Strings
    public Set<String> getEntityNames() throws GenericEntityException {
        Map<String, ModelEntity> ec = getEntityCache();
        if (ec == null) {
            throw new GenericEntityConfException("ERROR: Unable to load Entity Cache");
        return ec.keySet();

    /** Get all entities, organized by package */
    public Map<String, TreeSet<String>> getEntitiesByPackage(Set<String> packageFilterSet, Set<String> entityFilterSet) throws GenericEntityException {
        Map<String, TreeSet<String>> entitiesByPackage = new HashMap<String, TreeSet<String>>();

        //put the entityNames TreeSets in a HashMap by packageName
        Iterator<String> ecIter = this.getEntityNames().iterator();
        while (ecIter.hasNext()) {
            String entityName = ecIter.next();
            ModelEntity entity = this.getModelEntity(entityName);
            String packageName = entity.getPackageName();

            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(packageFilterSet)) {
                // does it match any of these?
                boolean foundMatch = false;
                for (String packageFilter: packageFilterSet) {
                    if (packageName.contains(packageFilter)) {
                        foundMatch = true;
                if (!foundMatch) {
                    //Debug.logInfo("Not including entity " + entityName + " becuase it is not in the package set: " + packageFilterSet, module);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(entityFilterSet) && !entityFilterSet.contains(entityName)) {
                //Debug.logInfo("Not including entity " + entityName + " because it is not in the entity set: " + entityFilterSet, module);

            TreeSet<String> entities = entitiesByPackage.get(entity.getPackageName());
            if (entities == null) {
                entities = new TreeSet<String>();
                entitiesByPackage.put(entity.getPackageName(), entities);

        return entitiesByPackage;

    /** Util method to validate an entity name; if no entity is found with the name,
     *  characters are stripped from the beginning of the name until a valid entity name is found.
     *  It is intended to be used to determine the entity name from a relation name.
     *  @return A valid entityName or null
    public String validateEntityName(String entityName) throws GenericEntityException {
        if (entityName == null) {
            return null;
        Set<String> allEntities = this.getEntityNames();
        while (!allEntities.contains(entityName) && entityName.length() > 0) {
            entityName = entityName.substring(1);
        return (entityName.length() > 0? entityName: null);

    ModelEntity createModelEntity(Element entityElement, UtilTimer utilTimer, ModelInfo def) {
        if (entityElement == null) return null;
        ModelEntity entity = new ModelEntity(this, entityElement, utilTimer, def);
        return entity;

    ModelEntity createModelViewEntity(Element entityElement, UtilTimer utilTimer, ModelInfo def) {
        if (entityElement == null) return null;
        ModelViewEntity entity = new ModelViewEntity(this, entityElement, utilTimer, def);
        return entity;

    public ModelRelation createRelation(ModelEntity entity, Element relationElement) {
        ModelRelation relation = ModelRelation.create(entity, relationElement, false);
        return relation;

    public void incrementFieldCount(int amount) {
        this.numFields += amount;

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