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var uid = "";
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        tap: true//默認爲false
function QueryOutCar() {
    var temp = document.getElementById("CCJLUl");
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            async: false, type: "get", url: "Handler.ashx?action=OtherFeeBaoList",
            data: { Page: Pg, rows: 10, uid: uid }, dataType: "text",
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                res = JSON.parse(res);
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                    li.className = 'mui-table-view-cell';
           = res[i].uid + "_" + res[i].id;
                    if (res[i].returninuser != "") {
                        if (res[i].img != "") {
                            li.innerHTML = "<li id='" + res[i].uid + "_" + res[i].id + "' class='mui-table-view-cell' style='background-color: #C0CC33; margin-top: 5px; border-radius: 2px;' ><div class='mui-table'><div class='mui-table-cell mui-col-xs-12'><p class='mui-h5 mui-ellipsis' style='color: #000000;'>編號:" + res[i].uid + " &ensp;操作人:" + res[i].Inuser + "</p><p class='mui-h5 mui-ellipsis' style='color: #000000;'>金額:" + res[i].Money + "&ensp;狀態:已上傳發票</p><p class='mui-h5 mui-ellipsis' style='color: #000000;'>內容:" + res[i].NC + "</p><p class='mui-h5 mui-ellipsis' style='color: #000000;'>操作時間:" + res[i].Indate + "</p></div></div></li>";
                            li.addEventListener('tap', function (event) {
                                var oID = this.getAttribute("id");
                                location.href = "ClaimbackDetail.html?oID=" + oID + "&type=雜費報銷";
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                            li.addEventListener('tap', function (event) {
                                var oID = this.getAttribute("id");
                                location.href = "ClaimbackDetail.html?oID=" + oID + "&type=雜費報銷";
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function getQueryString(name) {
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function userPullupRefresh() {
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C# (handler.ashx.cs文件)

/// <summary>
/// 雜費報銷列表
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
public void OtherFeeBaoList(HttpContext context)
    int page = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["Page"]);
    int rows = Convert.ToInt32(context.Request["rows"]);
    string uid = context.Request["uid"].ToString();
    HttpCookie cookie = context.Request.Cookies["inopenid"];

    string openId = "";
    string url = MyConvert.MyUrlCode(context.Request.Url, encode);

    if (url.IndexOf("http://localhost") > -1)
        openId = "oH5RduKE74qVHzvyooJaV2EYhPFg";
        openId = cookie.Value;//
    string name = CommonClass.getName(openId);

    //明細表  Tbl_OtherFeeBaoList
    int index = rows * page;
    List<Expense.Model.OtherFeeBaoList> lists = new List<Expense.Model.OtherFeeBaoList>();
    if (name != "")
        //string selSQL = "select top " + index + " id,uid,Money,NC,Inuser,Indate from Tbl_OtherFeeBaoList where uid ='" + uid + "' order by Indate desc ";
        //string selSQL = "select * from (select row_number() over(order by t.Indate desc) as rn,,t.uid,t.Money,t.NC,t.Inuser,t.Indate from Tbl_OtherFeeBaoList t where t.uid='" + uid + "') d where d.rn between " + (index-9) + " and " + index + "";
        string selSQL = "select * from (select row_number() over(order by t.Indate desc) as rn,,t.uid,t.Money,t.NC,t.Inuser,t.Indate,b.img from Tbl_OtherFeeBaoList as t left join Tbl_InvoicePic as b on where t.uid='" + uid + "') d where d.rn between " + (index - 9) + " and " + index + "";
        DataTable dt = DBL.DbHelperSQL.QueryDataTable(0, selSQL);
        foreach (DataRow idr in dt.Rows)
            lists.Add(new Expense.Model.OtherFeeBaoList
                id = Convert.ToInt32(idr["id"]),
                uid = Convert.ToDecimal(idr["uid"]),
                Money = Convert.ToDecimal(idr["Money"]),
                NC = Convert.ToString(idr["NC"]),
                Indate = Convert.ToString(idr["Indate"]),
                Inuser = Convert.ToString(idr["Inuser"]),
        lists.Add(new Expense.Model.OtherFeeBaoList

    JavaScriptSerializer js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
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