java 接收郵件的demo





package com.person;
import javax.mail.*;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeUtility;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Properties;
 * 使用POP3協議解析郵件幫助類
 * @author bzs on 2018/6/28.
public class ParsingEmailUtil {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	try {
    		 resceive("[email protected]", "****第三方密碼");
		} catch (Exception e) {
     * 獲取郵箱信息
     * @param emailAdress 需要解析的郵箱地址
     * @param password    郵箱的授權密碼
     * @throws Exception
    public static void resceive(String emailAdress, String password) throws Exception {
        String port = "110";   // 端口號
        String servicePath = "";   // 服務器地址
        // 準備連接服務器的會話信息
        Properties props = new Properties();
        props.setProperty("", "pop3");       // 使用pop3協議
        props.setProperty("mail.pop3.port", port);           // 端口
        props.setProperty("", servicePath);       // pop3服務器
        //props.setProperty("mail.pop3.auth", "true");
        // 創建Session實例對象
        Session session = Session.getInstance(props);
        Store store = session.getStore("pop3");
        store.connect(emailAdress, password); //163郵箱程序登錄屬於第三方登錄所以這裏的密碼是163給的授權密碼而並非普通的登錄密碼
        // 獲得收件箱
        Folder folder = store.getFolder("INBOX");
        /* Folder.READ_ONLY:只讀權限
         * Folder.READ_WRITE:可讀可寫(可以修改郵件的狀態)
         */; //打開收件箱
//        // 由於POP3協議無法獲知郵件的狀態,所以getUnreadMessageCount得到的是收件箱的郵件總數
//        System.out.println("未讀郵件數: " + folder.getUnreadMessageCount());
//        // 由於POP3協議無法獲知郵件的狀態,所以下面得到的結果始終都是爲0
//        System.out.println("刪除郵件數: " + folder.getDeletedMessageCount());
//        System.out.println("新郵件: " + folder.getNewMessageCount());
        // 獲得收件箱中的郵件總數
        System.out.println("郵件總數: {}"+ folder.getMessageCount());
        //log.warn("郵件總數: {}", folder.getMessageCount());
        // 得到收件箱中的所有郵件,並解析
        Message[] messages = folder.getMessages();
        //解析郵件-- 所有郵件,是根據日期,從小到到排序,最近發的最後解析
       // parseMessage(messages);
        parseMessage(420, messages);
//        deleteMessage(messages);
     * 解析郵件
     * @param messages 要解析的郵件列表
    public static void parseMessage(Message... messages) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        if (messages == null || messages.length < 1)
            throw new MessagingException("未找到要解析的郵件!");
        // 解析所有郵件
        for (int i = 0, count = messages.length; i < count; i++) {
            MimeMessage msg = (MimeMessage) messages[i];
            //if(isSeen(msg) ==  false) continue;//已讀的郵件直接跳過
            if(getFrom(msg).indexOf("[email protected]") == -1) continue;//過濾掉不是454333645發來的郵件
           /* if(isSeen(msg) ==  false){
            }else {
            System.out.println("------------------解析第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件-------------------- ");
            System.out.println("主題: {}" + getSubject(msg));
            System.out.println("發件人: {}" + getFrom(msg));
            System.out.println("收件人:{}" + getReceiveAddress(msg, null));
            System.out.println("發送時間:{}" + getSentDate(msg, null));
            System.out.println("是否已讀:{}" + isSeen(msg));
            System.out.println("郵件優先級:{}" + getPriority(msg));
            System.out.println("是否需要回執:{}" + isReplySign(msg));
            System.out.println("郵件大小:{}" + msg.getSize() * 1024 + "kb");
         /*"------------------解析第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件-------------------- ");
            log.warn("主題: {}" , getSubject(msg));
            log.warn("發件人: {}" , getFrom(msg));
            log.warn("收件人:{}" , getReceiveAddress(msg, null));
            log.warn("發送時間:{}" , getSentDate(msg, null));
            log.warn("是否已讀:{}" , isSeen(msg));
            log.warn("郵件優先級:{}" , getPriority(msg));
            log.warn("是否需要回執:{}" , isReplySign(msg));
            log.warn("郵件大小:{}" , msg.getSize() * 1024 + "kb");*/
            boolean isContainerAttachment = isContainAttachment(msg);
            System.out.println("是否包含附件:{}" + isContainerAttachment);
           // log.warn("是否包含附件:{}" ,isContainerAttachment);
           /* if (isContainerAttachment) {
                saveAttachment(msg, "d:\\log\\" + msg.getSubject() + "_" + i + "_"); //保存附件
            StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(30);
            getMailTextContent(msg, content);
            String emailContent = content.toString();
            if(emailContent != null ) {
            	emailContent = emailContent.replaceAll("\r|\n", "");
            System.out.println("郵件正文:" + emailContent);
            System.out.println("------------------第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件解析結束-------------------- ");
            //log.warn("郵件正文:{}" , content);
           //"------------------第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件解析結束-------------------- ");
     * 解析郵件
     * @param messages 要解析的郵件列表
    public static void parseMessage(int index, Message... messages) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        if (messages == null || messages.length < 1)
            throw new MessagingException("未找到要解析的郵件!");
        // 解析所有郵件
        MimeMessage msg = (MimeMessage) messages[index];
        //if(isSeen(msg) ==  false) continue;//已讀的郵件直接跳過
        if(getFrom(msg).indexOf("[email protected]") > -1){
        	/* if(isSeen(msg) ==  false){
	        }else {
	        System.out.println("------------------解析第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件-------------------- ");
	        System.out.println("主題: {}" + getSubject(msg));
	        System.out.println("發件人: {}" + getFrom(msg));
	        System.out.println("收件人:{}" + getReceiveAddress(msg, null));
	        System.out.println("發送時間:{}" + getSentDate(msg, null));
	        System.out.println("是否已讀:{}" + isSeen(msg));
	        System.out.println("郵件優先級:{}" + getPriority(msg));
	        System.out.println("是否需要回執:{}" + isReplySign(msg));
	        System.out.println("郵件大小:{}" + msg.getSize() * 1024 + "kb");
	     /*"------------------解析第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件-------------------- ");
	        log.warn("主題: {}" , getSubject(msg));
	        log.warn("發件人: {}" , getFrom(msg));
	        log.warn("收件人:{}" , getReceiveAddress(msg, null));
	        log.warn("發送時間:{}" , getSentDate(msg, null));
	        log.warn("是否已讀:{}" , isSeen(msg));
	        log.warn("郵件優先級:{}" , getPriority(msg));
	        log.warn("是否需要回執:{}" , isReplySign(msg));
	        log.warn("郵件大小:{}" , msg.getSize() * 1024 + "kb");*/
	        boolean isContainerAttachment = isContainAttachment(msg);
	        System.out.println("是否包含附件:{}" + isContainerAttachment);
	       // log.warn("是否包含附件:{}" ,isContainerAttachment);
	       /* if (isContainerAttachment) {
	            saveAttachment(msg, "d:\\log\\" + msg.getSubject() + "_" + i + "_"); //保存附件
	        StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(30);
	        getMailTextContent(msg, content);
	        String emailContent = content.toString();
	        if(emailContent != null ) {
	        	emailContent = emailContent.replaceAll("\r|\n", "");
	        System.out.println("郵件正文:" + emailContent);
	        System.out.println("------------------第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件解析結束-------------------- ");
	        //log.warn("郵件正文:{}" , content);
	       //"------------------第" + msg.getMessageNumber() + "封郵件解析結束-------------------- ");
     * 刪除郵件
     * @param messages 要刪除郵件列表
    public static void deleteMessage(Message... messages) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        if (messages == null || messages.length < 1)
            throw new MessagingException("未找到要解析的郵件!");
        // 解析所有郵件
        for (int i = 0, count = messages.length; i < count; i++) {
             *   郵件刪除
            Message message = messages[i];
            String subject = message.getSubject();
            // set the DELETE flag to true
            message.setFlag(Flags.Flag.DELETED, true);
            System.out.println("Marked DELETE for message: " + subject);
     * 獲得郵件主題
     * @param msg 郵件內容
     * @return 解碼後的郵件主題
    public static String getSubject(MimeMessage msg) throws UnsupportedEncodingException, MessagingException {
        return MimeUtility.decodeText(msg.getSubject());
     * 獲得郵件發件人
     * @param msg 郵件內容
     * @return 姓名 <Email地址>
     * @throws MessagingException
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    public static String getFrom(MimeMessage msg) throws MessagingException, UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String from = "";
        Address[] froms = msg.getFrom();
        if (froms.length < 1)
            throw new MessagingException("沒有發件人!");
        InternetAddress address = (InternetAddress) froms[0];
        String person = address.getPersonal();
        if (person != null) {
            person = MimeUtility.decodeText(person) + " ";
        } else {
            person = "";
        from = person + "<" + address.getAddress() + ">";
        return from;
     * 根據收件人類型,獲取郵件收件人、抄送和密送地址。如果收件人類型爲空,則獲得所有的收件人
     * <p>Message.RecipientType.TO  收件人</p>
     * <p>Message.RecipientType.CC  抄送</p>
     * <p>Message.RecipientType.BCC 密送</p>
     * @param msg  郵件內容
     * @param type 收件人類型
     * @return 收件人1 <郵件地址1>, 收件人2 <郵件地址2>, ...
     * @throws MessagingException
    public static String getReceiveAddress(MimeMessage msg, Message.RecipientType type) throws MessagingException {
        StringBuffer receiveAddress = new StringBuffer();
        Address[] addresss = null;
        if (type == null) {
            addresss = msg.getAllRecipients();
        } else {
            addresss = msg.getRecipients(type);
        if (addresss == null || addresss.length < 1)
            throw new MessagingException("沒有收件人!");
        for (Address address : addresss) {
            InternetAddress internetAddress = (InternetAddress) address;
        receiveAddress.deleteCharAt(receiveAddress.length() - 1); //刪除最後一個逗號
        return receiveAddress.toString();
     * 獲得郵件發送時間
     * @param msg 郵件內容
     * @return yyyy年mm月dd日 星期X HH:mm
     * @throws MessagingException
    public static String getSentDate(MimeMessage msg, String pattern) throws MessagingException {
        Date receivedDate = msg.getSentDate();
        if (receivedDate == null)
            return "";
        if (pattern == null || "".equals(pattern))
            pattern = "yyyy年MM月dd日 E HH:mm ";
        return new SimpleDateFormat(pattern).format(receivedDate);
     * 判斷郵件中是否包含附件
     * @param part 郵件內容
     * @return 郵件中存在附件返回true,不存在返回false
     * @throws MessagingException
     * @throws IOException
    public static boolean isContainAttachment(Part part) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        boolean flag = false;
        if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
            MimeMultipart multipart = (MimeMultipart) part.getContent();
            int partCount = multipart.getCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) {
                BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i);
                String disp = bodyPart.getDisposition();
                if (disp != null && (disp.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT) || disp.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE))) {
                    flag = true;
                } else if (bodyPart.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
                    flag = isContainAttachment(bodyPart);
                } else {
                    String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType();
                    if (contentType.indexOf("application") != -1) {
                        flag = true;
                    if (contentType.indexOf("name") != -1) {
                        flag = true;
                if (flag) break;
        } else if (part.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {
            flag = isContainAttachment((Part) part.getContent());
        return flag;
     * 判斷郵件是否已讀
     * @param msg 郵件內容
     * @return 如果郵件未讀返回true, 否則返回false
     * @throws MessagingException
    public static boolean isSeen(MimeMessage msg) throws MessagingException {
        return msg.getFlags().contains(Flags.Flag.SEEN);
     * 判斷郵件是否需要閱讀回執
     * @param msg 郵件內容
     * @return 需要回執返回true, 否則返回false
     * @throws MessagingException
    public static boolean isReplySign(MimeMessage msg) throws MessagingException {
        boolean replySign = false;
        String[] headers = msg.getHeader("Disposition-Notification-To");
        if (headers != null)
            replySign = true;
        return replySign;
     * 獲得郵件的優先級
     * @param msg 郵件內容
     * @return 1(High):緊急  3:普通(Normal)  5:低(Low)
     * @throws MessagingException
    public static String getPriority(MimeMessage msg) throws MessagingException {
        String priority = "普通";
        String[] headers = msg.getHeader("X-Priority");
        if (headers != null) {
            String headerPriority = headers[0];
            if (headerPriority.indexOf("1") != -1 || headerPriority.indexOf("High") != -1)
                priority = "緊急";
            else if (headerPriority.indexOf("5") != -1 || headerPriority.indexOf("Low") != -1)
                priority = "低";
                priority = "普通";
        return priority;
     * 獲得郵件文本內容
     * @param part    郵件體
     * @param content 存儲郵件文本內容的字符串
     * @throws MessagingException
     * @throws IOException
    public static void getMailTextContent(Part part, StringBuffer content) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        boolean isContainTextAttach = part.getContentType().indexOf("name") > 0;
        if (part.isMimeType("text/plain") && !isContainTextAttach) {//我得到的是文字正文
        }if (part.isMimeType("text/html") && !isContainTextAttach) {//我得到的是html標籤內容
        } else if (part.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {
            getMailTextContent((Part) part.getContent(), content);
        } else if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
            Multipart multipart = (Multipart) part.getContent();
            int partCount = multipart.getCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) {
                BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i);
                getMailTextContent(bodyPart, content);
     * 保存附件
     * @param part    郵件中多個組合體中的其中一個組合體
     * @param destDir 附件保存目錄
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
     * @throws MessagingException
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    public static void saveAttachment(Part part, String destDir) throws MessagingException, IOException {
        if (part.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
            Multipart multipart = (Multipart) part.getContent();    //複雜體郵件
            int partCount = multipart.getCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < partCount; i++) {
                BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i);
                String disp = bodyPart.getDisposition();
                if (disp != null && (disp.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.ATTACHMENT) || disp.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE))) {
                    InputStream is = bodyPart.getInputStream();
                    saveFile(is, destDir, decodeText(bodyPart.getFileName()));
                } else if (bodyPart.isMimeType("multipart/*")) {
                    saveAttachment(bodyPart, destDir);
                } else {
                    String contentType = bodyPart.getContentType();
                    if (contentType.indexOf("name") != -1 || contentType.indexOf("application") != -1) {
                        saveFile(bodyPart.getInputStream(), destDir, decodeText(bodyPart.getFileName()));
        } else if (part.isMimeType("message/rfc822")) {
            saveAttachment((Part) part.getContent(), destDir);
     * 讀取輸入流中的數據保存至指定目錄
     * @param is       輸入流
     * @param fileName 文件名
     * @param destDir  文件存儲目錄
     * @throws FileNotFoundException
     * @throws IOException
    private static void saveFile(InputStream is, String destDir, String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
        BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is);
        BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(
                new FileOutputStream(new File(destDir + fileName)));
        int len = -1;
        while ((len = != -1) {
     * 文本解碼
     * @param encodeText 解碼MimeUtility.encodeText(String text)方法編碼後的文本
     * @return 解碼後的文本
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    public static String decodeText(String encodeText) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        if (encodeText == null || "".equals(encodeText)) {
            return "";
        } else {
            return MimeUtility.decodeText(encodeText);


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