
1)I think he will be back in a week.
2)He said he would call on you in a week.
①He will come back after ten o’clock.
②I’ll meet you after school today.
①He went to  Shanxi two weeks ago,and came back after a week.兩週前他去了山西,一週後他回來了。
②After   liberation,he died of   illness.解放後,他病故了

1)I saw a new film yesterday.It’s very  instructive.
2)Oceania is a separate landmass,but it is separated from Asia byvery shallow water.
②代詞one(s)用來代替同類事物,不一定是同一物,多有前置定語(如例1,3,5)或後置定語(如例4),one代替單數名詞(如1,2,4),表示泛指,the one(s)則表示特指(例4,5)。例如:
1)It was exactly like your necklace but it was a different one.
2)You have no watch now,so I think you’d better get one.
3)Will you please pass me some apples?I’d like big  ones.
4)Is this university the one they visited last spring?
5)However,new shoots of bamboo will come up from around theroots of the old  ones.
1)Tom’s textbook is  not so new as that of Rose.
2)It was said that the grain output of 1996 was double that of1994.
3)The lights in your classroom are much brighter than those inours.

by sea/by water/by land/by air/by bike/by spaceship
on horseback   on(by)the 9 o’clock train.我將乘九點鐘的火車去。 
on their bikes  on(in) a plane

on在上面,如馬和自行車,in 在裏面,如飛機,火車

It was foolish of you to go there.可用you are  foolish一試,句子符合邏輯所以應用of。

I have two friends.One is a teacher and the other is adoctor.
They have four children.One is a girl,the others areboys
I don’t like this pair of shoes.Would you please showme another pair?
Many people are standing there.Some are workers;others are peasants

some time,sometime,some times和 sometimes是常用的幾個詞,它們形似而含義不同。請記住下面口訣:
分開是“一段”, 相連爲“某時”。分開s是“倍、次”, 相連s是“有時”。
讀讀下面四句話, 便會運用這四個詞。例如:
(1)I’ll stay here for some time.我將在這兒呆一段時間。
(2)Kate will be back sometime in February.凱特將在2月某個時候回來。
(3)Our school is some times larger than theirs.我們學校比他們學校大幾倍。
(4)Joan goes to school on foot,but sometimes by bike.瓊步行上學,但有時也騎自行車去。


該用哪一個冠詞,首先要問三個“W”的問題,也就是Which…? What…?Whose…?


1Japan is in the east of Asia

2Japan is to the east of China

   3Korea(朝鮮)is on the northeast of China

“上”和“下”:向(江河)上游用up;向下遊用down   “北”和“南”:向北用up;向南用down


“來”和“去”:沿着大道來用up,沿着小街走去用down “入”和“出”:入校用up,離校down

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