writing errors...(crazy!)

by now got three errors, this afternoon.



Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: ...

Main-Class: ...



"invalid header field":

because I need to refer to a lot of jar files with different directories, I put every jar name with path in Class-Path in one line, separated by TAB. Then I got this error. Remove TAB and use " ", then I get:


"invalid manifest format"

This is because although I have replace TAB with SPACE, I am still putting ENTER after each jar to separte them in different lines. Ok, I remove these ENTER, then I get:


"line too long"

Now I compromise. I put every line many jars, but not too long. It seems accept ENTER at the end of line, but after the ENTER, you must follow a SPACE right before the beginning of a new line.


Now, my works in exporting the project into a JAR file.


But, other problem appera when running the new JAR file:



Ok, now it cannot even find the entry class. I have to go back to check the again. I remove the SPACE after the Main-Class name and provide a ENTER directly. And after that, I add another ENTER. Now the JAR can start...


but when it runs a while, it got the "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" error again, for some class. Then I realize that some file name connect together in the, after eclipse make the JAR. So I make every line in Class-Path part end with a SPACE. Now the manifest works perfect!




So here is what we need to pay attention when writing


Regarding Class-Path part, end each line with a SPACE, instead of a directly ENTER, when there are too many external jar files you need to link to.

Regarding Main-Class, by ending the current line, you must type ENTER and then ENTER again to keep there is an extra line after the last line of



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