






' 功能:根據導出軌跡信息進行趕發率統計
' 日期:2020年1月13日開始
' 版本:20200115

Dim DatFile As String

' 從導出的軌跡信息和收寄信息生成郵件列表並判斷郵件是否及時發出
Sub get_mail()
    Dim mails(), trace(), limit()
    thisfile = ThisWorkbook.name   '本文件的名字,這樣賦值就可以隨便改名了
    If Cells(3, 2) = "Y" Or Cells(5, 2) = "y" Then                              '導出出庫文件
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    End If
    CRFCJZSJ = "12:00"                  '次日發車截止時間:計劃時間在此之前的默認次日發車
    stname = "郵件"
    maxrow = Sheets(stname).UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If maxrow > 1 Then
        Sheets(stname).Range("A2:L" & maxrow).ClearContents
    End If
    '收寄信息所在列:郵件號 收寄地市 收寄縣市 寄達省 寄達地市 寄達縣市 收寄時間
    yjhm_col = 1
    sjcs_col = 6
    sjxs_col = 8
    jdsf_col = 18
    jdcs_col = 20
    jdxs_col = 22
    sjsj_col = 13
    DatFile = Cells(5, 2)                        '收寄信息文件名稱
    lineno = OpenFile(DatFile)
    If lineno = 0 Then Exit Sub
    mails = Range("A1:V" & lineno)               '讀取目標列:A-V列
    DatFile = Cells(6, 2)                        '軌跡信息文件名稱
    maxrow = OpenFile(DatFile)
    If maxrow = 0 Then Exit Sub
    Range("A1:D" & maxrow).Sort key1:=Range("A2"), order1:=xlAscending, key2:=Range("B2"), order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess
    trace = Range("A1:D" & maxrow)               '讀取目標列:A-D列
    ActiveWindow.Close SaveChanges:=False
    For i = 2 To lineno
        mails(i, yjhm_col) = CStr(mails(i, yjhm_col))
    Next i
    limitno = Sheets("時限").[A65536].End(xlUp).Row
    limit = Sheets("時限").Range("A1:E" & limitno).Value               '讀取目標列:A-E列

    yjhm = "iamlaosong"
    mailno = 1
    mailno_tc = 0
    row1 = 2
    Do While row1 <= maxrow
        If trace(row1, 1) <> yjhm Then
            yjhm = trace(row1, 1)
            sjcs = "notfound"
            sjxs = "notfound"
            jdsf = "notfound"
            errmsg = ""
            For i = 2 To lineno
                If yjhm = mails(i, yjhm_col) Then
                    sjcs = mails(i, sjcs_col)
                    sjxs = mails(i, sjxs_col)
                    jdsf = mails(i, jdsf_col)
                    jdcs = mails(i, jdcs_col)
                    jdxs = mails(i, jdxs_col)
                    sjsj = mails(i, sjsj_col)
                    If mails(i, sjcs_col) = mails(i, jdcs_col) Then
                        mailno_tc = mailno_tc + 1
                        mailno = mailno + 1
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 1) = mailno - 1
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 2) = yjhm
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 3) = sjcs
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 4) = sjxs
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 5) = jdsf
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 6) = jdcs
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 7) = jdxs
                        Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 8) = sjsj
                    End If
                    Exit For
                End If
            Next i
            If i > lineno Then errmsg = errmsg & "無收寄信息"
        End If
        ltfcsj = ""
        xsfcsj = ""
        csfcsj = ""
        If sjcs <> jdcs Then
            If InStr(sjxs, "區") > 0 Then sjxs = sjcs           '如果是區,則改爲市
            If Len(sjxs) > 2 And (Right(sjxs, 1) = "市" Or Right(sjxs, 1) = "縣") Then
                sjxs = Left(sjxs, Len(sjxs) - 1)
            End If
            If Len(sjcs) > 2 And Right(sjcs, 1) = "市" Then
                sjcs = Left(sjcs, Len(sjcs) - 1)
            End If
            Do While trace(row1, 1) = yjhm
                If csfcsj = "" Then
                    'Debug.Print trace(row1, 3) & "--" & trace(row1, 4)
                    If trace(row1, 4) = "攬投發運/封車" Then
                        ltfcsj = trace(row1, 2)
                    ElseIf trace(row1, 4) = "處理中心封車" Then
                        If InStr(trace(row1, 3), sjcs) > 0 Then
                            csfcsj = trace(row1, 2)
                        ElseIf InStr(trace(row1, 3), sjxs) > 0 Or InStr(trace(row1, 3), "收投服務部") > 0 Then
                            If xsfcsj = "" And csfcsj = "" Then xsfcsj = trace(row1, 2)
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                row1 = row1 + 1
                If row1 > maxrow Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
            If csfcsj <> "" Then
                sjfcsj = csfcsj
            ElseIf xsfcsj <> "" Then
                sjfcsj = xsfcsj
                sjfcsj = ltfcsj
                errmsg = errmsg & "離開攬投部時間"
            End If
            If sjfcsj = "" Then
                sfjs = 0
                errmsg = errmsg & "無收寄局發車信息"
            ElseIf DateValue(sjfcsj) > DateValue(sjsj) + 1 Then
                sfjs = 0
                If Len(jdxs) > 2 And (Right(jdxs, 1) = "市" Or Right(jdxs, 1) = "縣") Then
                    jdxs = Left(jdxs, Len(jdxs) - 1)
                End If
                If Len(jdcs) > 2 And Right(jdcs, 1) = "市" Then
                    jdcs = Left(jdcs, Len(jdcs) - 1)
                End If
                If Left(jdsf, 2) = "內蒙" Or Left(jdsf, 2) = "黑龍" Then
                    jdsf = Left(jdsf, 3)
                    jdsf = Left(jdsf, 2)
                End If
                jhfcsj = ""
                If Left(yjhm, 1) = "1" Then
                    jhfcsj_col = 3
                    jhfcsj_col = 5
                End If
                xsfcsj = ""
                csfcsj = ""
                sffcsj = ""
                tyfcsj = ""
                For kk = 2 To limitno
                    If limit(kk, 1) = sjxs Then
                        If InStr(limit(kk, jhfcsj_col - 1), jdxs) > 0 Then
                            xsfcsj = limit(kk, jhfcsj_col)
                        ElseIf InStr(limit(kk, jhfcsj_col - 1), jdcs) > 0 Then
                            csfcsj = limit(kk, jhfcsj_col)
                        ElseIf InStr(limit(kk, jhfcsj_col - 1), jdsf) > 0 Then
                            sffcsj = limit(kk, jhfcsj_col)
                        ElseIf limit(kk, jhfcsj_col - 1) = "*" Then
                            tyfcsj = limit(kk, jhfcsj_col)
                            Exit For
                        End If
                    End If
                Next kk
                If kk > limitno Then
                    For k = 2 To limitno
                        If limit(k, 1) = sjcs Then
                            If InStr(limit(k, jhfcsj_col - 1), jdxs) > 0 Then
                                xsfcsj = limit(k, jhfcsj_col)
                            ElseIf InStr(limit(k, jhfcsj_col - 1), jdcs) > 0 Then
                                csfcsj = limit(k, jhfcsj_col)
                            ElseIf InStr(limit(k, jhfcsj_col - 1), jdsf) > 0 Then
                                sffcsj = limit(k, jhfcsj_col)
                            ElseIf limit(k, jhfcsj_col - 1) = "*" Then
                                tyfcsj = limit(k, jhfcsj_col)
                                Exit For
                            End If
                        End If
                    Next k
                    If k > limitno Then errmsg = errmsg & "無計劃發車時間"
                End If
                If xsfcsj <> "" Then
                    jhfcsj = xsfcsj
                ElseIf csfcsj <> "" Then
                    jhfcsj = csfcsj
                ElseIf sffcsj <> "" Then
                    jhfcsj = sffcsj
                    jhfcsj = tyfcsj
                End If
                If DateValue(sjfcsj) > DateValue(sjsj) Then
                    If jhfcsj < TimeValue(CRFCJZSJ) And TimeValue(sjfcsj) < jhfcsj Then
                        sfjs = 1
                        sfjs = 0
                    End If
                    If jhfcsj < TimeValue(CRFCJZSJ) Then
                        sfjs = 1
                        If TimeValue(sjfcsj) <= jhfcsj Then
                            sfjs = 1
                            sfjs = 0
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
            Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 9) = sjfcsj
            Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 10) = jhfcsj
            Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 11) = sfjs
            Sheets(stname).Cells(mailno, 12) = errmsg
            Do While trace(row1, 1) = yjhm
                row1 = row1 + 1
                If row1 > maxrow Then
                    Exit Do
                End If
        End If   '
        Application.StatusBar = "完成:" & Round(row1 * 100 / maxrow, 2) & "%"
    Loop        'row1

    Cells(5, 3) = "成功"
    Cells(6, 3) = "成功"
    Application.StatusBar = "就緒"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    MsgBox "郵件統計完畢,共" & mailno_tc + mailno - 1 & "件,其中非同城郵件" & mailno - 1 & "件!", vbOKOnly, "iamlaosong"
End Sub

Function OpenFile(fname As String) As Long
    FullName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & fname
    If Dir(FullName, vbNormal) <> vbNullString Then
        If Right(fname, 3) = "log" Then
            Workbooks.OpenText Filename:=FullName, Origin:=936, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited, Tab:=True
            Selection.NumberFormatLocal = "000000"
            Workbooks.Open Filename:=FullName
        End If
        'If Application.Version >= "12.0" And ActiveWorkbook.FileFormat = 51 Then
        '    maxrow = Cells(1048576, pos_ems).End(xlUp).Row
        '    maxrow = Cells(65536, pos_ems).End(xlUp).Row
        'End If
        OpenFile = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
        MsgBox "數據文件不存在!", vbOKOnly, "iamlaosong"
        OpenFile = 0
    End If
End Function

' 功能:檢查統計所需的數據文件是否存在
' 作者:宋定才
' 日期:2012年5月21日
' 版本:20120521
Sub checkfile()
    For num = 5 To 50
        DatFile = Cells(num, 2)    '文件名稱
        If DatFile <> vbNullString Then
            FullName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & DatFile
            If Dir(FullName, vbNormal) <> vbNullString Or Dir(FullName, vbDirectory) <> vbNullString Then
                Cells(num, 3) = "正常"
            Else     '文件不存在
                Cells(num, 3) = "失敗"
            End If
        End If
    Next num
End Sub


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