PF_RING ZC流量转发详解

1. 准备工作

首先新建四个虚拟接口(dummy interface)进行后续的报文转发和计数

modprobe dummy numdummies=4
ifconfig dummy0 up
ifconfig dummy1 up
ifconfig dummy2 up
ifconfig dummy3 up


rmmod dummy

2. zbalance_ipc程序

进行流量转发测试时,我们需要运行形如:zbalance_ipc -i zc:dna1 -c 21 -n 4 -m 1 -r 0:dummy0 -r 1:dummy1 -r 2:dummy2 -r 3:dummy3 -p 这样的命令。看起来有些复杂?没关系,后文将结合帮助文档和源代码详细讲述。

上述命令说明: 输入设备为zc:dna1,cluster id 为21, 报文输出队列为4, hash模式为根据IP进行hash, 并将四个报文队列分别绑定到dummy0~3四个虚拟接口上(以供其它程序使用)。

2.1 帮助文档相关说明

运行zbalance_ipc -h

zbalance_ipc - (C) 2014
Using PFRING_ZC v.
A master process balancing packets to multiple consumer processes.

Usage: zbalance_ipc -i <device> -c <cluster id> -n <num inst>
                 [-h] [-m <hash mode>] [-S <core id>] [-g <core_id>]
                 [-N <num>] [-a] [-q <len>] [-Q <sock list>] [-d] 
                 [-D <username>] [-P <pid file>] 

-h               Print this help
-i <device>      Device (comma-separated list) Note: use 'Q' as device name to create ingress sw queues
-c <cluster id>  Cluster id
-n <num inst>    Number of application instances
                 In case of '-m 1' or '-m 4' it is possible to spread packets across multiple
                 instances of multiple applications, using a comma-separated list
-m <hash mode>   Hashing modes:
                 0 - No hash: Round-Robin (default)
                 1 - IP hash, or TID (thread id) in case of '-i sysdig'
                 2 - Fan-out
                 3 - Fan-out (1st) + Round-Robin (2nd, 3rd, ..)
                 4 - GTP hash (Inner IP/Port or Seq-Num)
-r <queue>:<dev> Replace egress queue <queue> with device <dev> (multiple -r can be specified)
-S <core id>     Enable Time Pulse thread and bind it to a core
-R <nsec>        Time resolution (nsec) when using Time Pulse thread
                 Note: in non-time-sensitive applications use >= 100usec to reduce cpu load
-g <core id>     Bind this app to a core
-q <size>        Number of slots in each consumer queue (default: 8192)
-b <size>        Number of buffers in each consumer pool (default: 16)
-N <num>         Producer for n2disk multi-thread (<num> threads)
-a               Active packet wait
-Q <sock list>   Enable VM support (comma-separated list of QEMU monitor sockets)
-p               Print per-interface and per-queue absolute stats
-d               Daemon mode
-D <username>    Drop privileges
-P <pid file>    Write pid to the specified file (daemon mode only)
-u <mountpoint>  Hugepages mount point for packet memory allocation


-h               打印此帮助文档
-i <device>      输入源设备名,注意使用"Q"作为设备名可创建输入的sw队列 
-c <cluster id>  Cluster id
-n <num inst>    应用实例的数量(输出报文队列的数量)
-m <hash mode>   哈希模式:
                 0 - No hash: 轮询调度 (default)
                 1 - IP进行hash, 当使用'-i sysdig'时用线程ID进行hash
                 2 - Fan-out(流量复制到每一个输出队列)
                 3 - Fan-out (1st) + Round-Robin (2nd, 3rd, ..) 
                 4 - GTP hash (Inner IP/Port or Seq-Num)
-r <queue>:<dev> 将输出报文队列和设备接口绑定在一起(你可以指定多个-r来绑定多个报文队列)
E.g. `-r 0:dummy0 -r 1:dummy0 -r 2:dummy0 -r 3:dummy0`
     `-r 0:dummy0 -r 1:dummy1 -r 2:dummy2 -r 3:dummy3`
-p               打印每一个接口和每一个报文队列的绝对状态
-d               守护程序模式

2.2 Hash方法源码分析

393     int hash_mode = 0; 
// 读取hash模式
432     case 'm':
433       hash_mode = atoi(optarg);
434       break;

705   if (hash_mode == 0 || ((hash_mode == 1 || hash_mode == 4) && num_apps == 1)) { /* balancer */
706     pfring_zc_distribution_func func = NULL;
708     switch (hash_mode) {
709     case 0: func = rr_distribution_func;
710       break;
711     case 1: if (strcmp(device, "sysdig") == 0) func = sysdig_distribution_func; else if (time_pulse) func = ip_distribution_func; /* else     built-in IP-based */
712       break;
713     case 4: if (strcmp(device, "sysdig") == 0) func = sysdig_distribution_func; else func =  gtp_distribution_func;
714       break;
715     }
 * 从pfring_zc.h 中我们可以找到pfring_zc_run_balancer的说明
 * Run a balancer worker. 
 * @param in_queues        The ingress queues handles array. 
 * @param out_queues       The egress queues handles array.
 * @param num_in_queues    The number of ingress queues.
 * @param num_out_queues   The number of egress queues.
 * @param working_set_pool The pool handle for working set buffers allocation. The worker uses 8 buffers in burst mode, 1 otherwise.
 * @param recv_policy      The receive policy.
 * @param callback         The function called when there is no incoming packet.
 * @param func             The distribution function, or NULL for the defualt IP-based distribution function.
 * @param user_data        The user data passed to distribution function.
 * @param active_wait      The flag indicating whether the worker should use active or passive wait for incoming packets.
 * @param core_id_affinity The core affinity for the worker thread.
 * @return                 The worker handle on success, NULL otherwise (errno is set appropriately). 
717     zw = pfring_zc_run_balancer(
718       inzqs,
719       outzqs,
720       num_devices,
721       num_consumer_queues,
722       wsp,
723       round_robin_bursts_policy, 
724       NULL,
725       func, //负载均衡模式
726       (void *) ((long) num_consumer_queues),
727       !wait_for_packet,
728       bind_worker_core
729     );

731 } else { /* fanout */
732     pfring_zc_distribution_func func = NULL;
734     outzmq = pfring_zc_create_multi_queue(outzqs, num_consumer_queues);
736     if (outzmq == NULL) {
737       trace(TRACE_ERROR, "pfring_zc_create_multi_queue error [%s]\n", strerror(errno));
738       return -1;
739     }
741     switch (hash_mode) {
742     case 1: func = fo_multiapp_ip_distribution_func;
743       break;
744     case 2: if (time_pulse) func = fo_distribution_func; /* else built-in send-to-all */
745       break;
746     case 3: func = fo_rr_distribution_func;
745       break;
746     case 3: func = fo_rr_distribution_func;
747       break;
748     case 4: func = fo_multiapp_gtp_distribution_func;
749       break;
745       break;
746     case 3: func = fo_rr_distribution_func;
747       break;
748     case 4: func = fo_multiapp_gtp_distribution_func;
749       break;
750     }
751 /* 和pf_ring_zc_run_balancer参数说明类似
     * @param func   The distribution function, or NULL to send all the packets to all the egress queues.
     * 当func参数为NULL时,流量默认复制到所有输出报文队列
752     zw = pfring_zc_run_fanout(
753       inzqs,
754       outzmq,
755       num_devices,
756       wsp,
757       round_robin_bursts_policy,
758       NULL /* idle callback */,
759       func,
760       (void *) ((long) num_consumer_queues),
761       !wait_for_packet,
762       bind_worker_core
763     );

这里我们主要关注fan-out流量转发模式(-m 2),即流量会在不同的应用实例间复制。

 case 2: if (time_pulse) func = fo_distribution_func; /* else built-in send-to-all */

3. 相关测试

当前网卡速度使用sar命令来显示: sar -n DEV 1

3.1 fan-out模式测试

运行命令./zbalance_ipc -i zc:dna1 -c 21 -n 4 -m 2 -r 0:dummy0 -r 1:dummy1 -r 2:dummy2 -r 3:dummy3 -p

15/May/2016 12:00:40 [zbalance_ipc.c:537] Mapping egress queue 0 to device dummy0
15/May/2016 12:00:40 [zbalance_ipc.c:537] Mapping egress queue 1 to device dummy1
15/May/2016 12:00:40 [zbalance_ipc.c:537] Mapping egress queue 2 to device dummy2
15/May/2016 12:00:40 [zbalance_ipc.c:537] Mapping egress queue 3 to device dummy3
15/May/2016 12:00:43 [zbalance_ipc.c:683] Starting balancer with 4 consumer queues..
15/May/2016 12:00:43 [zbalance_ipc.c:693] Run your application instances as follows:
15/May/2016 12:00:43 [zbalance_ipc.c:700]   dummy0
15/May/2016 12:00:43 [zbalance_ipc.c:700]   dummy1
15/May/2016 12:00:43 [zbalance_ipc.c:700]   dummy2
15/May/2016 12:00:43 [zbalance_ipc.c:700]   dummy3
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:151] =========================
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:152] Absolute Stats: Recv 4 pkts (0 drops) - Forwarded 16 pkts (0 drops)
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:191]                 zc:dna1 RX 4 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 0 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 1 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 2 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 3 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:44 [zbalance_ipc.c:234] =========================
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:151] =========================
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:152] Absolute Stats: Recv 7 pkts (0 drops) - Forwarded 28 pkts (0 drops)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:191]                 zc:dna1 RX 7 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 0 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 1 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 2 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:205]                 Q 3 RX 0 pkts Dropped 0 pkts (0.0 %)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:224] Actual Stats: Recv 3.00 pps (0.00 drops) - Forwarded 12.00 pps (0.00 drops)
15/May/2016 12:00:45 [zbalance_ipc.c:234] =========================


[monster@monster ~]$ sar -n DEV 1
Linux 2.6.32-573.7.1.el6.x86_64 (monster)   05/15/2016  _x86_64_    (32 CPU)

12:00:51 PM     IFACE   rxpck/s   txpck/s    rxkB/s    txkB/s   rxcmp/s   txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
12:00:52 PM        lo     32.32     32.32      3.48      3.48      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM       em1     25.25     19.19      2.48      2.57      0.00      0.00      1.01
12:00:52 PM       em2      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM       em3      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM       em4      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM      dna0      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM      dna1      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      2.02
12:00:52 PM    dummy0      0.00      3.03      0.00      0.22      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM    dummy1      0.00      3.03      0.00      0.22      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM    dummy2      0.00      3.03      0.00      0.22      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:52 PM    dummy3      0.00      3.03      0.00      0.22      0.00      0.00      0.00

12:00:52 PM     IFACE   rxpck/s   txpck/s    rxkB/s    txkB/s   rxcmp/s   txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
12:00:53 PM        lo     32.00     32.00      3.45      3.45      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM       em1     13.00     10.00      1.23      2.79      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM       em2      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM       em3      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM       em4      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM      dna0      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM      dna1      6.00      0.00      0.49      0.00      0.00      0.00      2.00
12:00:53 PM    dummy0      0.00      3.00      0.00      0.24      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM    dummy1      0.00      3.00      0.00      0.24      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM    dummy2      0.00      3.00      0.00      0.24      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:53 PM    dummy3      0.00      3.00      0.00      0.24      0.00      0.00      0.00

12:00:53 PM     IFACE   rxpck/s   txpck/s    rxkB/s    txkB/s   rxcmp/s   txcmp/s  rxmcst/s
12:00:54 PM        lo     32.32     32.32      3.48      3.48      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM       em1     23.23     16.16      2.44      3.33      0.00      0.00      3.03
12:00:54 PM       em2      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM       em3      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM       em4      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM      dna0      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM      dna1      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      3.03
12:00:54 PM    dummy0      0.00      4.04      0.00      0.41      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM    dummy1      0.00      4.04      0.00      0.41      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM    dummy2      0.00      4.04      0.00      0.41      0.00      0.00      0.00
12:00:54 PM    dummy3      0.00      4.04      0.00      0.41      0.00      0.00      0.00

3.2 万兆以太网测试


4. 参考资料

  1. Best practices for using Bro IDS with PF_RING ZC.Reliably.
  2. 性能之巅
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