
List.toArray Method (Object[ ])

Copies and returns all the elements of a List object into a specific array object.

Package: java.util

Assembly: vjslib (in vjslib.dll)

public abstract java.lang.Object[] toArray(

    java.lang.Object[] arr);



The array that receives the elements of the List object.

 Return Value

The array object that contains the elements of the List object.


In this example, you create and initialize a linked list object, and then you convert the list to an array "s". Then you copy "s" to a new array "s1" and display the elements of "s1."

// list-toArr2.jsl

// List.toArray example 

import java.util.*; 

public class MyClass{

    public static void main(String[] args){

        // Create a linked list object:

        LinkedList List =  new LinkedList(); 


        // Add some elements:

        List.add("My node");

        List.add("Her node");

        List.add("Their node");

        List.add("Your node"); 


        // Create an array from the list:

        String[] arr = new String[0]; 


        // Copy lList to arr:

        arr = (String[])List.toArray(arr); 


        // Display the new array elements:

        System.out.println("The array elements are:");

        for (int i=0; i<arr.length; i++){

            System.out.println(i + "=" + arr[i]);







The array elements are:

0=My node

1=Her node

2=Their node

3=Your node




If arr is not large enough to hold the List members it will be expanded.

The type of List elements should match the type of the array elements.

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