Home directories under Solaris

Under Solaris, home directories are conventionally kept on one of two places, /home or /export/home . The /home directory is under control of the automounter and only the automounter can create directories there. The /export/home directory is where users home directories can be created by the system administrator.

To create an account for user 'oops' where the UID is 400 and users home directory is not automounted:

  1. useradd -u 400 -g user -c useroops -m -d /export/home/ oops oops
  2. passwd oops (To set the password)
  3. chown oops /export/home/ oops
  4. chgrp user /export/home/ oops

To create an account for 'oops' where the home directory is automounted and the mount point for /home is /etc/auto_home :

  1. useradd -u 400 -g user -c useroops oops
  2. passwd oops (To set the password)
  3. mkdir /export/home/ oops
  4. chown oops /export/home/ oops
  5. chgrp user /export/home/ oops
  6. vi /etc/auto_home and add the line:

    oops remotehost:/home/&

This sets the user oops' home directory to /home/oops exported from a remote host.

From : Unix Workstation Administration Tasks

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