

00 賽題描述

賽題本質上爲在大規模稀疏有向圖中找3-7的環路,即給定有向圖G = (V,E),尋找出所有滿足長度範圍在[3, 7]並滿足前後路徑權值浮動在一定範圍內(如A-B的權重爲X,B-C的權重爲Y,則需滿足0.2 <= Y/X <= 3)的簡單環路,數據滿足以下條件:

  • 無自環
  • 節點值爲32位的無符號整數
  • 數據量最多爲200萬條
  • 最大環數爲2000萬


  • 第一行輸出環數量
  • 第二行開始輸出所有環路
  • 環路總體按照長度進行排序
  • 環路以環路中最小節點爲起始
  • 同一長度下按照字典序進行排序


01 整體思路


  1. 反向構建P3存路,正向四層判斷是否成環,即4+3的算法
  2. 反向構建P3不存路,正向六層利用反向獲得的信息進行剪枝,即6+3的算法



02 數據讀取以及正反向圖構建

1 數據讀取

	int* dataAll;
	int dataAlln = 0;
	char *buf = NULL;
	int fd = open(testFile.c_str(),O_RDONLY);
    if(fd < 0) {
        cout << "open testFile error" << endl;
        return false;
    long dataSize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); //總的字符數
    buf = (char *)mmap(NULL, dataSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
    dataAll = (int*)malloc(DATASIZE * 3 * sizeof(int));//存放所以數據
    int* tmp = (int*)malloc(DATASIZE * sizeof(int));//存放不重複的數據
    BitMap* NumMap = new BitMap();//用來記錄壓入狀態
    int u = 0, v = 0, m = 0;
    int n = 0;
    int tmpn = 0;
    while(n < dataSize){
         __builtin_prefetch(buf + 1024, 0); //數據預取
        u = 0;
        v = 0;
        m = 0;
        while(*buf != ',') u = u * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'), ++n;
        while(*buf != ',') v = v * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'), ++n;
        while(*buf >= '0') m = m * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'), ++n;
        while(*buf < '0') ++buf, ++n;
        *(dataAll + dataAlln++) = u;
        *(dataAll + dataAlln++) = v;
        *(dataAll + dataAlln++) = m;
            *(tmp + tmpn++) = u;
            *(tmp + tmpn++) = v;


  • mmap讀取
  • 爲了節省去重時間,利用bitmap把不重複的節點值記錄在tmp中,其用法如下圖:
#define WORD 32
#define SHIFT 5 //移位5
#define MASK 0x1F //16進制下的31
#define MAXN 2147483647
class BitMap{
    int *bitmap;
        bitmap = new int[1 + MAXN / WORD];
    void set(int i){
        bitmap[i >> SHIFT] |= (1 << (i & MASK));
    int test(int i){
        return bitmap[i >> SHIFT] & (1 << (i & MASK));

2 建立映射及數據預處理

	//轉字符串 第一位放長度
	char *idsComma = new char[11 * DATASIZE];
	unordered_map<int, int> graphmap;
    int mapId = 0, id = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < tmpn; ++i){
        id = tmp[i];
    int splitNum = dataAlln / 3;
    splitNum /= 4;
    int start[5] = {0, splitNum * 3, 2 * splitNum * 3, 3 * splitNum * 3, dataAlln};
    vector<thread> spTreads;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; i++){
             start[i], start[i+1]));
    for(auto iter = spTreads.begin(); iter != spTreads.end(); iter++){
    for(int i=0;i<dataAlln;i+=3){
        outNum[u] += 2;
        inNum[v] += 2;


  • 提前建立節點到字符串的映射 idsComma的第11位存放字符串的長度
  • map預分配空間,避免擴容的開銷
  • 多線程將dataAll中的實際值轉爲映射值
  • 提前計算出入度,爲正反向圖的建立做準備

3 建立正反向圖

void buildMapBack(){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    int graphBackIdx = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < datasize; i++){
        inAddr[i] = graphBackIdx;
        graphBackIdx += inNum[i];
        inNum[i] = 0;
    inAddr[datasize] = graphBackIdx;
    int u, v, m;
    int pos;
    for(int i=0;i<dataAlln;i+=3){
        pos = inAddr[v] + inNum[v];
        graph_back[pos + 1]=m;
        inNum[v] += 2;
    for(int i = 0; i < datasize; ++i) {
        int size = inNum[i];
        if(size > 2){
            int ssize = size >> 1;
            vector<pair<int, int>> temp(ssize, make_pair(0, 0));
            for(int vi = 0, vj = 0; vi < size, vj < ssize; vi += 2, ++vj){
                temp[vj] = make_pair(graph_back[inAddr[i] + vi], graph_back[inAddr[i] + vi + 1]);
            sort(temp.begin(), temp.end(), [](pair<int, int>&a, pair<int, int>&b)->bool{
                return a.first > b.first;
            for(int vi = 0, vj = 0; vi < size, vj < ssize; vi += 2, ++vj){
                graph_back[inAddr[i] +vi] = temp[vj].first;
                graph_back[inAddr[i] +vi + 1] = temp[vj].second;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "buildMapBack Time: " << tPassed << endl;


  • 由於題目要求環內以最小節點爲起始點,進行排序時,鄰節點從大到小排序,這樣可以遍歷到小於起始節點的節點,加快DFS效率


03 多線程找環運動


inline void FindCycleThread(int sstart, int eend, int id){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    int Anspos0, Anspos1, Anspos2, Anspos3, Anspos4;
    for(int ys = sstart; ys < eend; ++ys){
        if(flag[ys].test_and_set()) continue;
        if(inNum[ys] == 0 || outNum[ys] == 0) continue;
        //遍歷之前 先記錄地址
        Anspos0 = posCount[id][0];
        Anspos1 = posCount[id][1];
        Anspos2 = posCount[id][2];
        Anspos3 = posCount[id][3];
        Anspos4 = posCount[id][4];
        AnsSort[0][ys] = path[id][0] + Anspos0;
        AnsSort[1][ys] = path[id][1] + Anspos1;
        AnsSort[2][ys] = path[id][2] + Anspos2;
        AnsSort[3][ys] = path[id][3] + Anspos3;
        AnsSort[4][ys] = path[id][4] + Anspos4;
        dfsBack(ys, id);
        if(pathNode[id][0]) dfsFur(ys, id);
        for(int i = 1 ; i <= pathNode[id][0]; i++){
            int& node = pathNode[id][i];
            flagNode[id][node] = 4;
        flagNode[id][ys] = 4;
        AnsSortCount[0][ys] = posCount[id][0] - Anspos0;
        AnsSortCount[1][ys] = posCount[id][1] - Anspos1;
        AnsSortCount[2][ys] = posCount[id][2] - Anspos2;
        AnsSortCount[3][ys] = posCount[id][3] - Anspos3;
        AnsSortCount[4][ys] = posCount[id][4] - Anspos4;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "FindCycleThread thread: " << id << " time: " << tPassed << endl;


031 反向DFS 3層構建P3


uint8_t flagNode[THREADNUM][DATASIZE];//記錄節點位置
int pathNode[THREADNUM][DATASIZE];//記錄所有被記錄的節點
inline void dfsBack(int start, int id){
    int pathNodeCnt = 1;
    int i = start;
    flagNode[id][i] = 0;
    int tk,tj,te;
    int nomy1, nomy2, nomy3;
    int k = inAddr[i];
        tk = graph_back[k];
        if(tk <= i) break;
        nomy1 = graph_back[k + 1];
        money[id][tk] = nomy1;
        flagNode[id][tk] = 1;
        pathNode[id][pathNodeCnt++] =(tk);
        int j = inAddr[tk];
        for(;j<inAddr[tk + 1];j+=2){
            tj = graph_back[j];
            if(tj <= i) break;
            nomy2 = graph_back[j + 1];
            if(checkMoney(nomy2, nomy1)) continue;
            if(flagNode[id][tj] > 2){
                pathNode[id][pathNodeCnt++] = (tj);
                flagNode[id][tj] = 2;
            int e = inAddr[tj];
                te = graph_back[e];
                if(te <= i) break;
                if(flagNode[id][te] <= 3) continue;
                nomy3 = graph_back[e + 1];
                if(checkMoney(nomy3, nomy2)) continue;
                //符合條件的標記 能成爲1、2必然有一條符合條件的3路徑
                flagNode[id][te] = 3;
                pathNode[id][pathNodeCnt++] = (te);
    pathNode[id][0] = pathNodeCnt - 1;


  • 儘量使用小的數據結構進行存儲,如flagNode類型爲uint8_t,如換爲int,則大大降低運行效率
  • 只用一個數組去判斷鄰接節點是否讀取完,如加入另一個記錄出入度的數組,則不利Cache,將大大降低運行效率
032 正向DFS 4層找環


inline void dfsFur(int start, int id){
    int i = start;
    int tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to;
    int nomy1, nomy2,nomy3,nomy4,nomy5,nomy6,nomy7;
    int num = 0, posk = 0;
    int it2 = outAddr[i];
    for(;it2 < outAddr[i+1]; it2 += 2){
        tj = graph[it2];
        if(tj <= i) break;
        nomy1 = graph[it2 + 1];
        int it3 = outAddr[tj];
        for(; it3 < outAddr[tj+1]; it3 += 2){
            tk = graph[it3];
            if(tk <= i) break;
            nomy2 = graph[it3 + 1];
            if(checkMoney(nomy1, nomy2)) continue;
            int it4 = outAddr[tk];
            for(; it4 < outAddr[tk + 1]; it4 += 2){
                tl = graph[it4];
                if(tl < i) break;
                nomy3 = graph[it4 + 1];
                if(checkMoney(nomy2, nomy3)) continue;
                else if(tl == i){
                    if(checkMoney(nomy3, nomy1)) continue;
                    auto& pathk = path[id][0];
                    posk = posCount[id][0];
                    *(pathk + posk) = i;
                    *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                    *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                    posCount[id][0] += 3;
                else if(tl == tj) continue;
                int it5 = outAddr[tl];
                for(; it5 < outAddr[tl+1]; it5+=2){
                    tm = graph[it5];
                    if(tm < i) break;
                    nomy4 = graph[it5 + 1];
                    if(flagNode[id][tm] > 3 || checkMoney(nomy3, nomy4)) continue;
                    else if(tm == i){
                        if(checkMoney(nomy4, nomy1)) continue;
                        auto& pathk = path[id][1];
                        posk = posCount[id][1];
                        *(pathk + posk) = i;
                        *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                        *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                        *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                        posCount[id][1] += 4;
                    else if(tm == tj || tm == tk) continue;
                    int it6 = outAddr[tm];
                    for(;it6 < outAddr[tm+1]; it6+=2){
                        tn = graph[it6];
                        if(tn < i) break;
                        nomy5 = graph[it6+1];
                        if(flagNode[id][tn] > 2 || checkMoney(nomy4, nomy5)) continue;
                        else if(tn == i){
                            if(checkMoney(nomy5, nomy1)) continue;
                            auto& pathk = path[id][2];
                            posk = posCount[id][2];
                            *(pathk + posk) = i;
                            *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                            *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                            *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                            *(pathk + posk + 4) = tm;
                            posCount[id][2] += 5;
                        else if(tn == tj || tn == tk || tn == tl) continue;
                        int it7 = outAddr[tn];
                        for(; it7 < outAddr[tn+1]; it7+=2){
                            to = graph[it7];
                            if(to < i) break;
                            nomy6 = graph[it7+1];
                            if(flagNode[id][to] > 1 || checkMoney(nomy5, nomy6)) continue;
                            else if(to == i){
                                if(checkMoney(nomy6, nomy1)) continue;
                                auto& pathk = path[id][3];
                                posk = posCount[id][3];
                                *(pathk + posk) = i;
                                *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                                *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                                *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                                *(pathk + posk + 4) = tm;
                                *(pathk + posk + 5) = tn;
                                posCount[id][3] += 6;
                            else if(to == tj || to == tk || to == tl || to == tm) continue;
                                nomy7 = money[id][to];
                                if(checkMoney(nomy6, nomy7) || checkMoney(nomy7, nomy1)) continue;
                                auto& pathk = path[id][4];
                                posk = posCount[id][4];
                                *(pathk + posk) = i;
                                *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                                *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                                *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                                *(pathk + posk + 4) = tm;
                                *(pathk + posk + 5) = tn;
                                *(pathk + posk + 6) = to;
                                posCount[id][4] += 7;
    ansCount[id] += num;


  • 將遞歸展開成for循環
  • 不必用vis記錄遍歷過的節點,使用條件判斷
  • 條件判斷的順序
  • 提前取地址,如:
auto& pathk = path[id][4];
posk = posCount[id][4];

04 結果輸出


inline int storePredict(string resultFile){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime, aTime, bTime, dTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    //1.先得到所有的節點 順序節點 注意對逗號和回車的處理 空間需稍微開大 這裏需要解決反向問題
    int* ansNode = (int*)malloc(MAXCIRCLES * 2 * MAXCHARNUM * sizeof(int));
    int len = 0, charNum = 0, depNum = 0, tmpCharNUm = 0;
    int lenNum[5] = {0};
    for(int i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i){
        len = i + 3;
        lenNum[i] = charNum;
        for(int j = 0; j < datasize; ++j){
            depNum = AnsSortCount[i][j];
            if(depNum == 0) continue;
            auto& addrNum = AnsSort[i][j];
            for(int t = 0; t < depNum; t += len){
                tmpCharNUm = charNum + depNum - t - len;
                for(int tt = 0; tt < len; ++tt){
                    ansNode[tmpCharNUm++] = *(addrNum + t + tt);
            charNum += depNum;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&bTime, 0);
    bTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    bTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * bTime.tv_sec + bTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "toInt Time: " << tPassed << endl;
    //2.對所有節點進行劃分 節點總數量charNum
    int JustNode = charNum / 4;
    int start[5] = {0, JustNode, 2 * JustNode, 3 * JustNode, charNum};
    //4.開啓線程 進行轉換 4線程
    char* charNode[4];
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) charNode[i] = (char*)malloc(MAXCIRCLES * MAXCHARNUM * 12);
    int charCount[4] = {0};
    vector<thread> myTreads;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; i++){
        myTreads.push_back(thread(CombineChar,ansNode, start[i], start[i+1], charNode[i], i, &charCount[i], lenNum));
    for(auto iter = myTreads.begin(); iter != myTreads.end(); iter++){
    FILE *fp = fopen(resultFile.c_str(), "w");
    char buf[32];
    int resultC = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; ++i) resultC += ansCount[i];
    int idx = sprintf(buf,"%d\n",resultC);
    buf[idx] = '\0';
    fwrite(buf, idx , sizeof(char), fp);
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) fwrite(charNode[i], charCount[i], sizeof(char), fp);
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "storePredict Time: " << tPassed << endl;
    cout<< "find : "<<resultC<<endl;



  • 在排序的時候將以某個節點爲起始節點的一系列環路同時排序(之前由於建圖鄰接點順序爲從大到小,所以得到以某一個節點的一系列某一長度的環路順序是反的)
  • 字符串轉換時,充分考慮負載均衡
  • 儘量不要多次使用fwrite進行輸出,當輸出次數很多時會嚴重降低程序效率
  • mmap多線程在線下有效果,線上表現不如fwrite

05 寫在最後



#include <sys/time.h>
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <fcntl.h>

#define TEST

#define DATASIZE 2000000
#define THREADNUM 4
#define DEPTH 5

#define MAXCIRCLES 20000000
// 每個環的最大int數
#define MAXCHARNUM 7

#define WORD 32
#define SHIFT 5 //移位5
#define MASK 0x1F //16進制下的31
#define MAXN 2147483647

using namespace std;
int datasize;

int ansCount[THREADNUM]={0};
int posCount[THREADNUM][DEPTH]={0};

int inNum[DATASIZE];
int outNum[DATASIZE];

int inAddr[DATASIZE];
int outAddr[DATASIZE];

int* AnsSort[DEPTH][DATASIZE] = {0};
int AnsSortCount[DEPTH][DATASIZE] = {0};

uint8_t flagNode[THREADNUM][DATASIZE];

//轉字符串 第一位放長度
char *idsComma = new char[11 * DATASIZE];

int graph[DATASIZE * 2];
int graph_back[DATASIZE * 2];
unordered_map<int, int> graphmap;

//四線程分開 1線程
int *path13 = new int[3 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path14 = new int[4 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path15 = new int[5 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path16 = new int[6 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path17 = new int[7 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path23 = new int[3 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path24 = new int[4 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path25 = new int[5 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path26 = new int[6 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path27 = new int[7 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path33 = new int[3 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path34 = new int[4 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path35 = new int[5 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path36 = new int[6 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path37 = new int[7 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path43 = new int[3 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path44 = new int[4 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path45 = new int[5 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path46 = new int[6 * MAXCIRCLES];
int *path47 = new int[7 * MAXCIRCLES];

int *path[4][5] = {{path13, path14, path15, path16, path17},
                  {path23, path24, path25, path26, path27},
                  {path33, path34, path35, path36, path37},
                  {path43, path44, path45, path46, path47}};

class BitMap{
    int *bitmap;
        bitmap = new int[1 + MAXN / WORD];
    void set(int i){
        bitmap[i >> SHIFT] |= (1 << (i & MASK));
    int test(int i){
        return bitmap[i >> SHIFT] & (1 << (i & MASK));

void int2char(int v, char* s1, int p) {
    int pos = 11 * p;
    if(v == 0){
        s1[pos + 0] = 1;
        s1[pos + 1] = '0';
    int t = v;
    int len = 0;
    char buf[12] = "";
    while(t) {
        buf[len++] = t % 10 + '0';
        t = t / 10;
    for(int j = 0; j < len; j++){
        s1[pos + len - j] = buf[j];
    s1[pos + 0] = len;
int* dataAll;
int dataAlln = 0;
void buildMapFur(){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    int graphIdx = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < datasize; i++){
        outAddr[i] = graphIdx;
        graphIdx += outNum[i];
        outNum[i] = 0;
    outAddr[datasize] = graphIdx;
    int u, v, m;
    int pos;
    for(int i=0;i<dataAlln;i+=3){
        pos = outAddr[u] + outNum[u];
        graph[pos + 1]=m;
        outNum[u] += 2;
    for(int i = 0; i < datasize; ++i) {
        int size = outNum[i];
        if(size > 2){
            int ssize = size >> 1;
            vector<pair<int, int>> temp(ssize, make_pair(0, 0));
            for(int vi = 0, vj = 0; vi < size, vj < ssize; vi += 2, ++vj){
                temp[vj] = make_pair(graph[outAddr[i] + vi], graph[outAddr[i] + vi + 1]);
            sort(temp.begin(), temp.end(), [](pair<int, int>&a, pair<int, int>&b)->bool{
                return a.first > b.first;
            for(int vi = 0, vj = 0; vi < size, vj < ssize; vi += 2, ++vj){
                graph[outAddr[i] +vi] = temp[vj].first;
                graph[outAddr[i] +vi + 1] = temp[vj].second;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "buidMapFur Time: " << tPassed << endl;
void buildMapBack(){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    int graphBackIdx = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < datasize; i++){
        inAddr[i] = graphBackIdx;
        graphBackIdx += inNum[i];
        inNum[i] = 0;
    inAddr[datasize] = graphBackIdx;
    int u, v, m;
    int pos;
    for(int i=0;i<dataAlln;i+=3){
        pos = inAddr[v] + inNum[v];
        graph_back[pos + 1]=m;
        inNum[v] += 2;
    for(int i = 0; i < datasize; ++i) {
        int size = inNum[i];
        if(size > 2){
            int ssize = size >> 1;
            vector<pair<int, int>> temp(ssize, make_pair(0, 0));
            for(int vi = 0, vj = 0; vi < size, vj < ssize; vi += 2, ++vj){
                temp[vj] = make_pair(graph_back[inAddr[i] + vi], graph_back[inAddr[i] + vi + 1]);
            sort(temp.begin(), temp.end(), [](pair<int, int>&a, pair<int, int>&b)->bool{
                return a.first > b.first;
            for(int vi = 0, vj = 0; vi < size, vj < ssize; vi += 2, ++vj){
                graph_back[inAddr[i] +vi] = temp[vj].first;
                graph_back[inAddr[i] +vi + 1] = temp[vj].second;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "buildMapBack Time: " << tPassed << endl;

inline void toMapId(int sstart, int eend){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    for(int i=sstart;i<eend;i += 3){
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "toMapId thread = " << tPassed << endl;

inline int loadTestData(string testFile){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime, aTime, bTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    char *buf = NULL;
    int fd = open(testFile.c_str(),O_RDONLY);
    if(fd < 0) {
        cout << "open testFile error" << endl;
        return false;
    long dataSize = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); //總的字符數
    buf = (char *)mmap(NULL, dataSize, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
    dataAll = (int*)malloc(DATASIZE * 3 * sizeof(int));
    int* tmp = (int*)malloc(DATASIZE * sizeof(int));
    BitMap* NumMap = new BitMap();//用來記錄壓入狀態
    int u = 0, v = 0, m = 0;
    int n = 0;
    int tmpn = 0;
    while(n < dataSize){
         __builtin_prefetch(buf + 1024, 0); //數據預取
        u = 0;
        v = 0;
        m = 0;
        while(*buf != ',') u = u * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'), ++n;
        while(*buf != ',') v = v * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'), ++n;
        while(*buf >= '0') m = m * 10 + (*buf++ - '0'), ++n;
        while(*buf < '0') ++buf, ++n;
        *(dataAll + dataAlln++) = u;
        *(dataAll + dataAlln++) = v;
        *(dataAll + dataAlln++) = m;
            *(tmp + tmpn++) = u;
            *(tmp + tmpn++) = v;
    int mapId = 0, id = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < tmpn; ++i){
        id = tmp[i];
    int splitNum = dataAlln / 3;
    splitNum /= 4;
    int start[5] = {0, splitNum * 3, 2 * splitNum * 3, 3 * splitNum * 3, dataAlln};
    vector<thread> spTreads;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; i++){
             start[i], start[i+1]));
    for(auto iter = spTreads.begin(); iter != spTreads.end(); iter++){
    for(int i=0;i<dataAlln;i+=3){
        outNum[u] += 2;
        inNum[v] += 2;
    thread bulidMap1 = thread(buildMapFur);
    thread bulidMap2 = thread(buildMapBack);
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "loadTestData Time: " << tPassed << endl;
    return 1;

inline bool checkMoney(long long mony2, long long mony1){
    if(mony2 > 5 * mony1  || mony1  > 3 * mony2) return true;
    return false;

inline void dfsBack(int start, int id){
    int pathNodeCnt = 1;
    int i = start;
    flagNode[id][i] = 0;
    int tk,tj,te;
    int nomy1, nomy2, nomy3;
    int k = inAddr[i];
        tk = graph_back[k];
        if(tk <= i) break;
        nomy1 = graph_back[k + 1];
        money[id][tk] = nomy1;
        flagNode[id][tk] = 1;
        pathNode[id][pathNodeCnt++] =(tk);
        int j = inAddr[tk];
        for(;j<inAddr[tk + 1];j+=2){
            tj = graph_back[j];
            if(tj <= i) break;
            nomy2 = graph_back[j + 1];
            if(checkMoney(nomy2, nomy1)) continue;
            if(flagNode[id][tj] > 2){
                pathNode[id][pathNodeCnt++] = (tj);
                flagNode[id][tj] = 2;
            int e = inAddr[tj];
                te = graph_back[e];
                if(te <= i) break;
                if(flagNode[id][te] <= 3) continue;
                nomy3 = graph_back[e + 1];
                if(checkMoney(nomy3, nomy2)) continue;
                //符合條件的標記 能成爲1、2必然有一條符合條件的3路徑
                flagNode[id][te] = 3;
                pathNode[id][pathNodeCnt++] = (te);
    pathNode[id][0] = pathNodeCnt - 1;

inline void dfsFur(int start, int id){
    int i = start;
    int tj,tk,tl,tm,tn,to;
    int nomy1, nomy2,nomy3,nomy4,nomy5,nomy6,nomy7;
    int num = 0, posk = 0;
    int it2 = outAddr[i];
    for(;it2 < outAddr[i+1]; it2 += 2){
        tj = graph[it2];
        if(tj <= i) break;
        nomy1 = graph[it2 + 1];
        int it3 = outAddr[tj];
        for(; it3 < outAddr[tj+1]; it3 += 2){
            tk = graph[it3];
            if(tk <= i) break;
            nomy2 = graph[it3 + 1];
            if(checkMoney(nomy1, nomy2)) continue;
            int it4 = outAddr[tk];
            for(; it4 < outAddr[tk + 1]; it4 += 2){
                tl = graph[it4];
                if(tl < i) break;
                nomy3 = graph[it4 + 1];
                if(checkMoney(nomy2, nomy3)) continue;
                else if(tl == i){
                    if(checkMoney(nomy3, nomy1)) continue;
                    auto& pathk = path[id][0];
                    posk = posCount[id][0];
                    *(pathk + posk) = i;
                    *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                    *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                    posCount[id][0] += 3;
                else if(tl == tj) continue;
                int it5 = outAddr[tl];
                for(; it5 < outAddr[tl+1]; it5+=2){
                    tm = graph[it5];
                    if(tm < i) break;
                    nomy4 = graph[it5 + 1];
                    if(flagNode[id][tm] > 3 || checkMoney(nomy3, nomy4)) continue;
                    else if(tm == i){
                        if(checkMoney(nomy4, nomy1)) continue;
                        auto& pathk = path[id][1];
                        posk = posCount[id][1];
                        *(pathk + posk) = i;
                        *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                        *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                        *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                        posCount[id][1] += 4;
                    else if(tm == tj || tm == tk) continue;
                    int it6 = outAddr[tm];
                    for(;it6 < outAddr[tm+1]; it6+=2){
                        tn = graph[it6];
                        if(tn < i) break;
                        nomy5 = graph[it6+1];
                        if(flagNode[id][tn] > 2 || checkMoney(nomy4, nomy5)) continue;
                        else if(tn == i){
                            if(checkMoney(nomy5, nomy1)) continue;
                            auto& pathk = path[id][2];
                            posk = posCount[id][2];
                            *(pathk + posk) = i;
                            *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                            *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                            *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                            *(pathk + posk + 4) = tm;
                            posCount[id][2] += 5;
                        else if(tn == tj || tn == tk || tn == tl) continue;
                        int it7 = outAddr[tn];
                        for(; it7 < outAddr[tn+1]; it7+=2){
                            to = graph[it7];
                            if(to < i) break;
                            nomy6 = graph[it7+1];
                            if(flagNode[id][to] > 1 || checkMoney(nomy5, nomy6)) continue;
                            else if(to == i){
                                if(checkMoney(nomy6, nomy1)) continue;
                                auto& pathk = path[id][3];
                                posk = posCount[id][3];
                                *(pathk + posk) = i;
                                *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                                *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                                *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                                *(pathk + posk + 4) = tm;
                                *(pathk + posk + 5) = tn;
                                posCount[id][3] += 6;
                            else if(to == tj || to == tk || to == tl || to == tm) continue;
                                nomy7 = money[id][to];
                                if(checkMoney(nomy6, nomy7) || checkMoney(nomy7, nomy1)) continue;
                                auto& pathk = path[id][4];
                                posk = posCount[id][4];
                                *(pathk + posk) = i;
                                *(pathk + posk + 1) = tj;
                                *(pathk + posk + 2) = tk;
                                *(pathk + posk + 3) = tl;
                                *(pathk + posk + 4) = tm;
                                *(pathk + posk + 5) = tn;
                                *(pathk + posk + 6) = to;
                                posCount[id][4] += 7;
    ansCount[id] += num;

atomic_flag flag[DATASIZE] = {ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT};

inline void FindCycleThread(int sstart, int eend, int id){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    int Anspos0, Anspos1, Anspos2, Anspos3, Anspos4;
    for(int ys = sstart; ys < eend; ++ys){
        if(flag[ys].test_and_set()) continue;
        if(inNum[ys] == 0 || outNum[ys] == 0) continue;
        //遍歷之前 先記錄地址
        Anspos0 = posCount[id][0];
        Anspos1 = posCount[id][1];
        Anspos2 = posCount[id][2];
        Anspos3 = posCount[id][3];
        Anspos4 = posCount[id][4];
        AnsSort[0][ys] = path[id][0] + Anspos0;
        AnsSort[1][ys] = path[id][1] + Anspos1;
        AnsSort[2][ys] = path[id][2] + Anspos2;
        AnsSort[3][ys] = path[id][3] + Anspos3;
        AnsSort[4][ys] = path[id][4] + Anspos4;
        dfsBack(ys, id);
        if(pathNode[id][0]) dfsFur(ys, id);
        for(int i = 1 ; i <= pathNode[id][0]; i++){
            int& node = pathNode[id][i];
            flagNode[id][node] = 4;
        flagNode[id][ys] = 4;
        AnsSortCount[0][ys] = posCount[id][0] - Anspos0;
        AnsSortCount[1][ys] = posCount[id][1] - Anspos1;
        AnsSortCount[2][ys] = posCount[id][2] - Anspos2;
        AnsSortCount[3][ys] = posCount[id][3] - Anspos3;
        AnsSortCount[4][ys] = posCount[id][4] - Anspos4;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "FindCycleThread thread: " << id << " time: " << tPassed << endl;

inline void FindCycle()
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    memset(flagNode, 4, THREADNUM * DATASIZE);
    vector<thread> myTreads;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; i++){
             0, datasize, i));
    for(auto iter = myTreads.begin(); iter != myTreads.end(); iter++){
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "FindCycle Time: " << tPassed << endl;

inline void toChar(int sstart, int eend, int* res, int len, char* buf, int* num, int myLen){
    int tempLen = myLen;
    int nodeValue = 0, nodeLen = 0, begin = 0;
    //cout << *(num) << "++" << endl;
    int ToCharNUm = *(num);
    for(int i = sstart; i < eend; ++i){
        nodeValue = res[i];
        begin = 11 * nodeValue;
        //cout << nodeValue << endl;
        nodeLen = idsComma[begin];
        memcpy(buf + ToCharNUm, idsComma + begin + 1, nodeLen);
        ToCharNUm += nodeLen;
        //cout << ToCharNUm << endl;
        buf[ToCharNUm++] = ',';
        if(tempLen == len){
            buf[ToCharNUm - 1] = '\n';
            tempLen = 0;

    *(num) = ToCharNUm;

inline void CombineChar(int* ansNode, int sstart, int eend,  char* buf, int id, int* Num, int* lenNum){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    int pos4 = lenNum[1], pos5 = lenNum[2], pos6 = lenNum[3], pos7 = lenNum[4];
    int thPos = 0;
    int myLen = 0;
    if(sstart <  pos7){
    if(sstart < pos4){
        myLen = sstart % 3;
        if(eend <= pos4){
            toChar(sstart, eend, ansNode, 3, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = -1;
            toChar(sstart, pos4, ansNode, 3, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = pos4;
    if(sstart != -1 && sstart < pos5){
        myLen = (sstart - pos4) % 4;
        if(eend <= pos5){
            toChar(sstart, eend, ansNode, 4, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = -1;
            toChar(sstart, pos5, ansNode, 4, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = pos5;
    if(sstart != -1 && sstart < pos6){
        myLen = (sstart - pos5) % 5;
        if(eend <= pos6){
            toChar(sstart, eend, ansNode, 5, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = -1;
            toChar(sstart, pos6,ansNode, 5, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = pos6;
    if(sstart != -1 && sstart < pos7){
        myLen = (sstart - pos6) % 6;
        if(eend <= pos7){
            toChar(sstart, eend, ansNode, 6, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = -1;
            toChar(sstart, pos7, ansNode, 6, buf, &thPos, myLen);
            sstart = pos7;
    if(sstart != -1 && sstart >= pos7){
        myLen = (sstart - pos7) % 7;
        toChar(sstart, eend, ansNode, 7, buf, &thPos, myLen);
    *(Num) = thPos;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "CombineChar thread: " << id << " time: " << tPassed << endl;

inline int storePredict(string resultFile){
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime, aTime, bTime, dTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    //1.先得到所有的節點 順序節點 注意對逗號和回車的處理 空間需稍微開大 這裏需要解決反向問題
    int* ansNode = (int*)malloc(MAXCIRCLES * 2 * MAXCHARNUM * sizeof(int));
    int len = 0, charNum = 0, depNum = 0, tmpCharNUm = 0;
    int lenNum[5] = {0};
    for(int i = 0; i < DEPTH; ++i){
        len = i + 3;
        lenNum[i] = charNum;
        for(int j = 0; j < datasize; ++j){
            depNum = AnsSortCount[i][j];
            if(depNum == 0) continue;
            auto& addrNum = AnsSort[i][j];
            for(int t = 0; t < depNum; t += len){
                tmpCharNUm = charNum + depNum - t - len;
                for(int tt = 0; tt < len; ++tt){
                    ansNode[tmpCharNUm++] = *(addrNum + t + tt);
            charNum += depNum;
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&bTime, 0);
    bTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    bTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * bTime.tv_sec + bTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "toInt Time: " << tPassed << endl;
    //2.對所有節點進行劃分 節點總數量charNum
    int JustNode = charNum / 4;
    int start[5] = {0, JustNode, 2 * JustNode, 3 * JustNode, charNum};
    //4.開啓線程 進行轉換 4線程
    char* charNode[4];
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) charNode[i] = (char*)malloc(MAXCIRCLES * MAXCHARNUM * 12);
    int charCount[4] = {0};
    vector<thread> myTreads;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; i++){
        myTreads.push_back(thread(CombineChar,ansNode, start[i], start[i+1], charNode[i], i, &charCount[i], lenNum));
    for(auto iter = myTreads.begin(); iter != myTreads.end(); iter++){
    FILE *fp = fopen(resultFile.c_str(), "w");
    char buf[32];
    int resultC = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < THREADNUM; ++i) resultC += ansCount[i];
    int idx = sprintf(buf,"%d\n",resultC);
    buf[idx] = '\0';
    fwrite(buf, idx , sizeof(char), fp);
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) fwrite(charNode[i], charCount[i], sizeof(char), fp);
#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "storePredict Time: " << tPassed << endl;
    cout<< "find : "<<resultC<<endl;

int main()
#ifdef TEST
    timeval tStart, cTime;
    gettimeofday(&tStart, 0);
    long long tPassed = 0;
    string testFile = "test_data_1963w.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_1890w.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_351.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_289.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_28.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_10000_60000.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_10000_40000.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_50000.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data.txt";
    //string testFile = "test_data_Fu.txt";
    string resultFile = "re515.txt";

    //string testFile = "/data/test_data.txt";
    //string resultFile = "/projects/student/result.txt";

#ifdef TEST
    gettimeofday(&cTime, 0);
    cTime.tv_sec -= tStart.tv_sec;
    cTime.tv_usec -= tStart.tv_usec;
    tPassed = 1000000LL * cTime.tv_sec + cTime.tv_usec;
    tPassed /= 1000;
    cout << "main Time: " << tPassed << endl;
    return 0;
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