
Checkout Source Code
The source code of white is not hosted on Codeplex since 0.18 onwards. Its available on Google Code http://code.google.com/p/white-project/source/checkout

What all is in source code?
  • Entire source code (including code which is still in beta)
  • All the unit tests
  • Sample WinForm, WPF, SWT and Silverlight applications
  • NAnt build files and custom NAnt tasks
As you can see from the code that the unit test and implementation classes are in the same project. The build script separates out test classes from the .csproj and then creates the binary distribution. I have planning to change this very soon whereby I would move all the test code to its own project.
Same unit test run in three modes, WinForm, WPF and SWT, unless there is specific framework attribute on it. By default the core tests run in WinForm mode. This can be changed by changing TestMode value in App.config file. Possible values of TestMode are WinForm, WPF and SWT. Have a look at the TestConfiguration and TestMode class perform this.

To build
  • Run b.bat to do complete build (please have a look at the build file to understand the function of each of the target to take advantage of running individual targets)
  • All the build targets are present in the white.build file. This uses macrodefs.build and custom NAnt tasks present in NantBuild project.
  • For generating documentation you need Html Help Workshop installed. You can find it here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms669985(VS.85).aspx?ppud=4, you have to use the default install location.

Configuring symbols to use in Visual Studio
SymbolSource people have been kind enough to add White source to their repository of symbols. They also intend to support future releases of white.
SymbolSource is here: http://www.symbolsource.org/
White Project: http://www.symbolsource.org/Public/Projects/Versions?name=White

Used projects
Bricks and XStream.NET project are maintained by us, hence any questions about it, please direct it to us.
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