架构实践 - 3. 基于事件系统的demo




main.c                  实现main_loop, 和main_handler

base_queue.c/h   实现队列模块

base_timer.c/h     实现timer模块

Makefile               编译文件,直接使用make编译就行


lish.h common.h 





#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>

#include "common.h"
#include "base_queue.h"
#include "base_timer.h"

extern int msgqid;
tmr_hdl_t tmr_hdl = NULL;

 * func: request event handler
 * parm:
 * return:
void main_request_handler(request_t *req)
    switch(req->type) {

    case POWER_ON:
        printf("req msg.power_on.id=%d, name=%s\n", req->msg.power_on_req.id, req->msg.power_on_req.name);

    case POWER_OFF:
        printf("req msg.power_off.id=%d, name=%s\n", req->msg.power_off_req.id, req->msg.power_off_req.name);

        printf("not support the request!\n");

 * func: pthread, trans
 * parm:
 * return:
void *pthread(void *arg)
    int rc, timeout, ret;
    msg_t msg = {0};
    ms_t ms = 0;
    printf("start pthread %s...\n", ((data_t*)arg)->name);

    while(1) {

        /* 1. read event from queue */
        // msgrcv(msgqid, &msg, sizeof(msg)-sizeof(long), QUEUE_TYPE, 0);
        ret = msgrcv(msgqid, &msg, sizeof(msg)-sizeof(long), QUEUE_TYPE, IPC_NOWAIT);

        /* 2. trans message to msg handler */
        if (ret > 0) {
            request_t *req = (request_t *)msg.mdata;
            // printf("request->typed=%d, msg.id=%d, msg.name=%s\n",
            //             req->type, msg.mtype, msg.mdata);

        /* 3. get the remain time of the recent timer, not using here */
        rc = get_next_timeout(tmr_hdl, &ms);
        if (rc < 0) {
            timeout = 1000;
        } else {
            timeout = ms;

        /* 4. update system timer */

        /* 5. execute callback, if the timer is end  */

        usleep(1*1000);  //sleep 1ms


 * func: test request function1
 * parm:
 * return:
void func_demo1()
    power_on_req_t req = {0};
    req.id = 1;
    memcpy(req.name, "power_on", sizeof("power_on"));

    POST_REQUEST(POWER_ON, &req, sizeof(req), NULL, NULL);

 * func: test request function2
 * parm:
 * return:
void func_demo2()
    power_off_req_t req = {0};
    req.id = 2;
    memcpy(req.name, "power_off", sizeof("power_off"));

    POST_REQUEST(POWER_OFF, &req, sizeof(req), NULL, NULL);

 * func: test timer
 * parm:
 * return:
void timer_handler(int timer_id, void* data)
    printf("lyh add -> enter timer_handler\n");

 * func:
 * parm:
 * return:
int main()
    printf("Hello World\n");

    pthread_t p_hander = 0;
    tmr_t main1_tmr={0}, main2_tmr={0};

    /* queue init */

    /* timer init */
    tmr_hdl = timer_init();

    /* create pthread */
    data_t data = {.num=1, .name="test"};
    pthread_create(&p_hander, NULL, pthread, (void*)(&data));

    /* test request event */

    /* test timer */
    start_tmr(tmr_hdl, &main1_tmr, timer_handler, 1 * 1000 / MS_PER_TICK);
    start_tmr(tmr_hdl, &main2_tmr, timer_handler, 10 * 1000 / MS_PER_TICK);

    while(1) {



#include "base_queue.h"

int msgqid = 0;  /* message queue */

 * func: init queue
 * parm:
 * return:
int queue_init()
    key_t key;
    key = ftok("./", 1024);

    /* create queue */
    msgqid = msgget(key, IPC_CREAT|0666);

    return 0;

 * func: post message to queue
 * parm:
 * return:
int post_request_async(req_type_t type, const void* req, unsigned int size, prot_rsp_cb_t routine, const void* priv)
    // printf("enter post_request_async\n");

    /* 1. create queue message */
    msg_t *msg = malloc(sizeof(msg_t));
    msg->mtype = QUEUE_TYPE;
    /* transform request to quue message */
    request_t *request = (request_t *)(msg->mdata);

    /* 2. fill queue message */
    request->type = type;
    memcpy(&(request->msg), req, size);
    request->cb_func = routine;
    request->priv = priv;

    /* 3. seed message */
    return msgsnd(msgqid, (void *)msg, sizeof(msg_t)-sizeof(long), 0);



#ifndef _BASE_QUEUE_H_
#define _BASE_QUEUE_H_

#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "common.h"

#define QUEUE_TYPE      10

#define POST_REQUEST(type, req, size, routine, priv) \
            post_request_async(type, req, size, routine, priv)

/* request message type */
typedef enum {
} req_type_t;

/* message data1 */
typedef struct {
    int id;
    char name[20];
} power_on_req_t;

/* message data2 */
typedef struct {
    int id;
    char name[20];
    void *p;
} power_off_req_t;

/* message callback */
typedef void (*prot_rsp_cb_t)(int, const void*, void*);

/* request type */
typedef struct {
    req_type_t            type;                 /* support request message type */
    union {
        power_on_req_t    power_on_req;
        power_off_req_t   power_off_req;
    } msg;                                      /* support request message */
    prot_rsp_cb_t              cb_func;         /* callback */
    const void*                priv;            /* priv will be passed back in cb_func */
} request_t;

/* queue message */
typedef struct msg{
    long mtype;
    char mdata[sizeof(request_t)];
} msg_t;

extern int msgqid;  /* message queue */

int queue_init();
int post_request_async(req_type_t type, const void* req, unsigned int size,
                            prot_rsp_cb_t routine, const void* priv);

#endif  //_BASE_QUEUE_H_



#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "base_timer.h"

typedef struct tmr_cb {
    list_t         tmr_list;
    int            init;
    int            tmr_cnt;
    volatile ms_t  sys_msec;
} tmr_cb_t;

static volatile ms_t  sys_msec;

/* t1 is earlier than t2 */
#define time_before(t1, t2) ((long long)((t1)-(t2)) <= 0)
#define timer_before(tmr1, tmr2) (time_before(tmr1->expire, tmr2->expire))

 * Update the current time.
 * Because all timer's expiring time is relative to current time, so we must
 * update current time after each time-consuming operations, e.g. epoll_wait.
void time_update(tmr_hdl_t hdl)
    int rc;
    static struct timespec tp;

    /* get system time, and save to timer */
    rc = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &tp);
    if (rc < 0) abort();

    ((tmr_cb_t*)hdl)->sys_msec = (ms_t)(tp.tv_sec * 1000) + (ms_t)(tp.tv_nsec)/(1000*1000);

 * Create a timer list
tmr_hdl_t timer_init()
    tmr_cb_t* thdl = (tmr_cb_t*)malloc(sizeof(tmr_cb_t));

    if (!thdl) return NULL;

    /* create timer list */
    /* update timer */
    thdl->tmr_cnt = 0;

    return (tmr_hdl_t)thdl;

 * Delete a timer list
void timer_deinit(tmr_hdl_t hdl)
    list_node_t *node, *tmp;
    tmr_t *tmr;
    tmr_cb_t* tmr_cb = hdl;

    list_for_del(&(tmr_cb->tmr_list), node, tmp) {
        tmr = object_of(tmr_t, self, node);

 * Place the timer into timer queue.
void add_timer(tmr_hdl_t hdl, tmr_t* timer)
    list_node_t* node;
    tmr_t* tmr;
    tmr_cb_t* tmr_cb = hdl;

    timer->expire = tmr_cb->sys_msec + timer->val * MS_PER_TICK;

    list_for(&(tmr_cb->tmr_list), node) {
        tmr = object_of(tmr_t, self, node); //get timer addr from node
        if (timer_before(timer, tmr)) {
    list_ins_before(node, &(timer->self));


 * Delete the timer from timer queue.
void del_timer(tmr_hdl_t hdl, tmr_t* timer)
    tmr_cb_t* tmr_cb = hdl;

    if (timer->self.next != NULL && timer->self.prev != NULL) {

int timer_is_running(tmr_t *timer)
    if (timer->self.next != NULL && timer->self.prev != NULL) {
        return 1;
    return 0;

 * Do callbacks for all the expired timer, restart the timer
 * if it's repeatitive.
void proc_timer(tmr_hdl_t hdl)
    tmr_t* tmr;
    list_node_t *node;
    tmr_cb_t* tmr_cb = hdl;

    for (;;) {
        if (tmr_cb->tmr_cnt == 0) {

        node = list_first(&(tmr_cb->tmr_list));
        tmr = object_of(tmr_t, self, node);

        if (time_before(tmr->expire, tmr_cb->sys_msec)) {
            del_timer(hdl, tmr);
            if (tmr->repeat) {
                add_timer(hdl, tmr);
            tmr->fn(tmr->timer_id, tmr->data);
        } else {

 * Find out how much time can we sleep before we need to
 * wake up to handle the timer.
int get_next_timeout(tmr_hdl_t hdl, ms_t* tick)
    list_node_t* node;
    tmr_t* tmr;
    tmr_cb_t* tmr_cb = hdl;

    *tick = 0;

    if (tmr_cb->tmr_cnt == 0) {       /* no timer yet */
        return -1;

    node = list_first(&(tmr_cb->tmr_list));

    tmr = object_of(tmr_t, self, node);

    if (time_before(tmr->expire, tmr_cb->sys_msec)) {
        *tick = 0;
    } else {
        *tick = tmr->expire - tmr_cb->sys_msec;

    return 0;


#ifndef TIMER_H
#define TIMER_H

#include "list.h"

#define MS_PER_TICK      5         /* milli-seconds per tick */

typedef unsigned long long ms_t;
typedef void* tmr_hdl_t;

typedef void (*timer_func_t)(int timer_id, void* data);

 * timer struct data
typedef struct {
    list_node_t    self;
    int            timer_id;        /* timer id */
    unsigned       val;             /* how many ticks? */
    ms_t           expire;          /* timer left */
    int            repeat;          /* timer repeat time */
    timer_func_t   fn;              /* timer end, callback */
    void           *data;
} tmr_t;

 * start timer without data
#define start_tmr(hdl, tmr, func, to)           \
    do {                                        \
        (tmr)->val = to;                        \
        (tmr)->timer_id = 0;                    \
        (tmr)->data = NULL;                     \
        (tmr)->fn = func;                       \
        (tmr)->repeat = 0;                      \
        del_timer(hdl, (tmr));                  \
        add_timer(hdl, (tmr));                  \
    } while (0)

 * start timer without data & timer id
#define start_tmr_with_data_id(hdl, tmr, func, to, d, id)       \
    do {                                                        \
        (tmr)->val = to;                                        \
        (tmr)->timer_id = id;                                   \
        (tmr)->data = d;                                        \
        (tmr)->fn = func;                                       \
        (tmr)->repeat = 0;                                      \
        del_timer(hdl, (tmr));                                  \
        add_timer(hdl, (tmr));                                  \
    } while (0)

 * start timer without data
#define start_tmr_with_data(hdl, tmr, func, to, d)      \
    do {                                                \
        (tmr)->val = to;                                \
        (tmr)->timer_id = 0;                            \
        (tmr)->data = d;                                \
        (tmr)->fn = func;                               \
        (tmr)->repeat = 0;                              \
        del_timer(hdl, (tmr));                          \
        add_timer(hdl, (tmr));                          \
    } while (0)

 * start timer, and repeat
#define start_rpt_tmr_with_data(hdl, tmr, func, to, d)  \
    do {                                                \
        (tmr)->val = to;                                \
        (tmr)->timer_id = 0;                            \
        (tmr)->data = d;                                \
        (tmr)->fn = func;                               \
        (tmr)->repeat = 1;                              \
        del_timer(hdl, (tmr));                          \
        add_timer(hdl, (tmr));                          \
    } while (0)

extern tmr_hdl_t timer_init(void);
extern void timer_deinit(tmr_hdl_t);
extern void add_timer(tmr_hdl_t, tmr_t*);
extern void del_timer(tmr_hdl_t, tmr_t*);
extern void proc_timer(tmr_hdl_t);
extern int get_next_timeout(tmr_hdl_t, ms_t*);
extern void time_update(tmr_hdl_t);
extern int timer_is_running(tmr_t *);




#ifndef LIST_H
#define LIST_H

#include <stddef.h>

struct list_node;
typedef struct list_node list_node_t;
typedef struct list_node list_t;

struct list_node {
    list_node_t*     next;
    list_node_t*     prev;

 * For macros.
#define list_for(l, nd_var) for (nd_var = (void*)((l)->next); \
                                    (nd_var != (void*)(l)) && (nd_var != NULL); \
                                    nd_var = (void*)((list_node_t*)nd_var)->next)

#define list_for_del(l, nd_var, tmp_var) for (nd_var = (void*)((l)->next); \
                                                 tmp_var = (void*)((list_node_t*)nd_var)->next, \
                                                     nd_var != (void*)(l) || (nd_var = NULL); \
                                                 nd_var = tmp_var)

 * Basic node level operations.
static inline void
list_ins_after(list_node_t* nd, list_node_t* new_nd)
    // printf("list_ins_after %p %p\n", nd, new_nd);
    // list_print(nd, "ins_after in");
    new_nd->next = nd->next;
    new_nd->prev = nd;
    nd->next->prev = new_nd;
    nd->next = new_nd;
    // list_print(nd, "ins_after out");

static inline void
list_ins_before(list_node_t* nd, list_node_t* new_nd)
    // list_print(nd, "ins_before in");
    new_nd->prev = nd->prev;
    new_nd->next = nd;
    nd->prev->next = new_nd;
    nd->prev = new_nd;
    // list_print(nd, "ins_before out");

static inline void*
list_del(list_node_t* nd)
    // list_print(nd, "del in");
    nd->prev->next = nd->next;
    nd->next->prev = nd->prev;
    // list_print(nd->next, "del out");
    nd->next = NULL;    // just to be safe
    nd->prev = NULL;    // just to be safe

    return nd;

 * High-level operations.
static inline void
list_init(list_t* l)
    l->next = l;
    l->prev = l;

static inline void
list_node_init(list_node_t* nd)
    nd->next = nd;
    nd->prev = nd;

static inline int
list_is_empty(list_t* l)
    return (l == l->next);

static inline void*
list_next(list_t* l)
    return (list_is_empty(l) ? NULL : l->next);

static inline void*
list_prev(list_t* l)
    return (list_is_empty(l) ? NULL : l->prev);

static inline void*
list_first(list_t* l)
    return list_next(l);

static inline void*
list_last(list_t* l)
    return list_prev(l);

static inline void
list_ins_front(list_t* l, list_node_t* nd)
    list_ins_after(l, nd);

static inline void
list_ins_back(list_t* l, list_node_t* nd)
    list_ins_before(l, nd);

static inline void*
list_del_front(list_t* l)
    return (list_is_empty(l) ? NULL : list_del(l->next));

static inline void*
list_del_back(list_t* l)
    return (list_is_empty(l) ? NULL : list_del(l->prev));

static inline void
list_enqueue(list_t* l, list_node_t* nd)
    list_ins_back(l, nd);

static inline void*
list_dequeue(list_t* l)
    return list_del_front(l);

static inline void
list_push(list_t* l, list_node_t* nd)
    list_ins_front(l, nd);

static inline void*
list_pop(list_t* l)
    return list_del_front(l);

static inline void
list_transfer(list_t *src, list_t *dst)
    list_node_t *nd;

    while ((nd = list_dequeue(src)) != NULL) {
        list_enqueue(dst, nd);

static inline unsigned int
list_count_slowly(list_t *l)
    list_node_t  *nd;
    unsigned int    cnt = 0;

    list_for(l, nd) {

    return cnt;

 * list_splice - join two lists. result list would be (src + dst) and
 * src list head will be re-initialized.
 * @src:  the new list to add.
 * @dest: the place to add it in the first list.
static inline void
list_splice(list_t *src, list_t *dst)
    if (!list_is_empty(src)) {
        list_t *first = src->next;
        list_t *last = src->prev;
        list_t *at = dst->next;

        first->prev = dst;
        dst->next = first;

        last->next = at;
        at->prev = last;


 * get type struct addr from ptr
#define object_of(type, member, ptr) ({                                 \
            const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);    \
            (type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})



#ifndef _COMMON_H_
#define _COMMON_H_

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct data
    int num;
    char *name;
} data_t;




CC = gcc

#表示编译时的动作,-Wall 小心的, -g可调试的。
CC_FLAGS = -Wall -g

# 加载动态库
SO = -lpthread


SRCS = $(wildcard ./*.c)

	$(CC) $(CC_FLAGS) $^ -o $@ $(SO)

	rm -f demo *.o *.exe





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