
sql = "select version();"
sql = "select now();"
show database;
use database_Name;database_Name爲數據庫名
select database();--database()爲數據庫的內置函數
create database 數據庫名 charset="utf8";
drop database;刪除數據庫
show tables;
desc 表名;--查看錶結構
create table table_name(
	column1 datatype contrai,
	column2	datatype,
	columnN datatype,
	PRIMARY KEY(one ore more columns)
alter table table_name add column2	datatype;
alter table students add birth datetime;
alter table table_name change 原名 新名 類型及約束;
alter table students change birth birthday datetime no null;
alter table table_name modify 原名 類型及約束
alter table students modify birthday date not null;
alter table 表名 drop 列名;
alter table students drop birthday;
drop table 表名;
drop table students;
show create table 表名;
show create table students;
rename table 舊錶名 to 新表名;
rename table students to stu;
select * from 表名;
select * from student;
select column1,column2,column3 from 表名;
select id,name from student;
select 字段名 from 表名 as 新表名;
select name from student as s;--給表起別名
select name as n from student;--給列起別名
select distinct column1,... from 表名;
select distinct name from student;
insert into 表名 values(...);
insert into student values(null,"郭靖","襄陽城","男");--此處第一個爲自增長列,用null代替
insert into 表名(column1,...) values(value1,...);
insert into student(name,address,gender) values("風清揚","後山洞","男");
insert into 表名(cloumn1,...) values(...),(...),...;
insert into student(name,address,gender) values("蕭峯","丐幫","男"),("蕭遠山","大遼","男"),("小龍女","活死人墓","女");
update 表名 set column1=values1,column2=values2... where 條件
update student set name="黃蓉",gender="女" where name="蕭遠山"
delete from table_name where 條件;
delete from student where id=5;
update table_name set isdelete = 0;
truncate table_name;

mysqldump -uroot -p 數據庫名 >shuju.sql--數據庫備份
mysql -uroot -p 新數據庫名<shuju.sql

select * from student where id>3;
select * from student where name!="小明";
select * from student where id>3 and gender="女";
select * from student where name like "劉%";
select * from student where name like "劉_";
select * from student where id in(1,3,8);
select * from student where id between 1 and 8;
select * from student where (id between 3 and 6) and gender="男";
select * from students where height is null;
select * from students where height is not null and gender="男";

select * from student order by id desc;
select * from student order by age desc,height desc;

select count(*) from student;
select max(id) from student where gender="女";
select min(id) from student where gender="男";
select sum(age) from student where gender="男";
select avg(age) from student where gender="女";
select round(avg(age),2) from student where gender="女";

'''4.1-分組-group by'''
select gender from student group by gender;
--group by + group_concat(),根據分組結果使用group_concat()放置每一組的某字段的值集合
select gender,group_concat(name) from student group by gender;
--使用group_concat()和group by顯示相同名字的人的id號
'''4.2-group by +group_concat()'''
select name,group_concat(id) from student group by name;
name	group_concat(id)
哪吒	1
小龍女	6,9
蕭峯	4,7
蕭遠山	8
郭靖	2
風清揚	3
黃蓉	5
select name,group_concat(id order by id desc separator '_') as '合集' from student group by name;
name	合集
哪吒	1
小龍女	9_6
蕭峯	7_4
蕭遠山	8
郭靖	2
風清揚	3
黃蓉	5
2、concat_ws():和concat()一樣,將多個字符串連接成一個字符串,但是可以一次性指定分隔符~(concat_ws就是concat with separator)
	語法:concat_ws(separator, str1, str2, ...)
3、group_concat需要配合group by使用才能達到效果
'''4.3-group by +聚合函數'''
select gender,avg(age) from student group by gender;
select gender count(*) from student group by gender;

'''4.4 group by +having '''
select gender,count(*) from student group by gender haing count(*)>2
'''4.5 group by + with roll up'''
--with rollup 的作用是在最後新增一行,來記錄當前列裏所有記錄的和
select gender,count(*) from student group by gender with rollup;
gender	count(*)
女		3
男		6
最後一行的 9,是累加的值

--select * from 表名 limit start,count;
select * from student where gender="男" limit 0,3;
select * from student where id>3 limit (n-1)*m,m;

'''5.1 內連接查詢'''
selct * from student inner join classes on students.cls_id=classes.id;
select s.name,c.name from student as s inner join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;

'''5.2 左連接查詢'''
select * from student as s left join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;

'''5.3 右連接查詢'''
select * from student as s right join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;

'''5.4 子查詢'''
select * from student where age>(select avg(age) from student);
select name from classes where id in (select class_id from student);
select * from student where (height,age)=(select max(height),max(age) from student);

'''6 視圖'''

create view 視圖名 as select語句;
show tables;--也會顯示出所有的視圖來
select * from 視圖表名;
drop view 視圖名;

MySQL默認打開自動提交事務的方法,可以通過 SET AUTOCOMMIT=0;0 禁止自動提交;1 開啓自動提交;
begin  --開啓事務方法一
start transaction  --開啓事務方法二

一般是根據我們查詢語句的where 語句後面的字段列上建立索引
索引的理解可以參考這篇文章 https://www.jb51.net/article/133625.htm
create index 索引名稱 on 表名(字段名(字段長度))
show index from 表名;
drop index  索引名稱 on 表名;

SET RPFILING=0;--0 關閉時間監控;1 打開時間監控

grant 權限名稱 on 數據庫 to 賬戶@主機 with grant option;
update user set authentication_string=password("新密碼") where user="用戶名";
flush privileges;
delete from user where user="要刪除的賬戶名";

You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column.
SET SQL_SAFE_UPDATES = 0;0 不啓用;1 啓用


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