sh_exglk 、 cvframe(相對速度場轉換)

[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ sh_exglk

doc Extract different types of files from a .org or .prt file.


 Purpose      Extract different types of files from a .org or .prt file.

 Required     .org or .prt file from globk/glorg. Some options in globk
              maybe need to set (see below)

 Output       files extracted

 sh_exglk -f <file> -vel <file> -pos <file> -apr <name>

  -f   <file>     Name of input .org/.prt file
  -rmdup          Remove duplicate site names (sort -u used on estimates) 
  -rmnam          Remove duplicates based on 4-char names only 
  -vel <file>     Generates a standard globk velocity file (used in velview and
                  sh_plotvel).  Requires VSUM output option in prt_opt or org_opt
  -log <file>     Estimates of log function fits after earthquakes.  EQ_LOG option
                  must be used in the eq_file earthquake definition file.
  -pos <file>     Generates a standard globk velocity file but with position 
                  adjustments rather than velocities. Require PSUM output option.
  -apr <file>     Generates standard globk apriori coordinate file based on the 
                  uncorrelated position estimates in the globk output.  If EQ_LOG
                  option used in the eq_file, then EXTENDED apriori entries also
  -gapr <file> <yr> <doy>   Extracts apriori coordinates for use in GAMIT.  This is needed becuase
                  GAMIT does not account for EXTENDED coordinate entries and so for
                  we need coordinates of data (standard GLOBK apriori files have coordinates
                  without the extened entries). <yr> and <doy> are optional and we used
                  extract specific date fron multiday/glbak solution.
  -utm <file>     Extracts UTM coordinates from output (UTM must be in output options)
  -geod <file>    Extracts GEOD coordinates from output (GEOD must ne in output options) 
  -svs <file>     Extract ephemeris in globk svs_file format
  -eq <EQ> <file> Extract earthquake co-seismic displacement for earthquake with
                  code <EQ> and puts results in <file>.  Requires PSUM and RNRP options
                  in output file. 

# by Tom Herring 11/06/2003/MOD 191221: Added gapr_file option,.
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ cvframe
CVFRAME: Program to change velocity field reference frames
CVFRAME:  Program to change velocity reference frame in .vel files
% cvframe <in vel> <out vel> <inframe> <outframe>
where <in vel> is the input velocity field file
      <out vel> is the output velocity field generated by this program
      <inframe> is the reference frame for the input field
      <outframe> is the reference frame for the output field or
                an Euler pole vector passed as three values
                for wx, wy, wz (deg/Myr units).  Values must
                be enclosed in ' '.
The Frame names follow the PLATE program convension.
 PROGRAM cvframe/invel terminating
STOP  Incomplete runstring
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 
[zhao@zhaoZhongHai ~]$ 

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