
11 、 It is good to learn at another man'scost. heed previous examples.

12 、 Never deter till tomorrow that whichyou can do today. Today must be over today, do not delay until tomorrow.

13 、 All things come to those who wait. All things come to those who wait.

14 、 What makes life dreary is the want ofmotive. Without purpose, life is dejected.

15 、 Storms make trees take deeper roots. storms make trees take deeper roots.

16 、 Doubt is the key of knowledge. Doubt is the key to knowledge.

17 、 L earn wisdom by the follies of others. Learn wisdom from the folly of others.

18 、 For man is man and master of hisfate. Man is man and the master of his own destiny.

19 、 He that thinks his business below himwill always be above his business. Self-proclaimed talent is less useful, often high-handed and low-handed.

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