The measure of success is how we cope with disappointment.

The measure of success is how we cope with disappointment.

I can not agree more with the sentence.  In the teaching of 20 years, I experienced the disappointment,continuous and non- stop disappointment.  For more than 10 years, I haven't been promoted to senior two  And and I haven't got the chance to go on with my teaching with  the same students in senior one.

It has been really tough to me.

This year I have been experimenting new teaching material and coping with new students in senior one.

However, something different is that I don't depend on  school leaders or someone else.  I'm buried in teaching, learning and writing, which  makes me feel satisfied and feel content with myself.  Nothing is more important than feeling myself.

  To me it's a difficult time to study new, completely new teaching materials.  But also it is  very challenging , satisfying and exciting.  I have no regrets this year. I am living my own life style.

  Now that this year's teaching is hard and brain-burning,  I think I'm willing to stay in senior one.  I am sure  next year will save me a lot of time and energy since I'm familiar with the new teaching materials.

If you know what you are worth , go and get what you are worth. 如果你知道自己的价值,那就去争取你的价值。
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