a twice - told story


It's funny. Every time I meat with this point I myself feel confused.

Every year my students appear puzzled and confused at this  grammar.  They will  ask me  curiously:“  what does 10  Concession mean ?”

Seeing they are in confusion, I feel I feel helpless, too.  I feel  this can only be understood but not described.

What I can do is to turn to my students.  Turning to the students gathering around me, I ask “  What's your opinion ?can you  explain it  to your classmates?”

“  I think it can only be understood but not described. ”

“ It's beyond me to explain it.”

“ I may not thinking the right way.”

“  Probably you all yourself can communicate better.”

What's surprising is that they look at themselves andshake hands,  obviously, waiting for me to explain it clearly.

WOW, it's so funny.

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