
“Resume of Guo Lintian”

Hello everyone! My name is Guo lintian. My English name is Daniel. I am 7 years old. There are 8 people in my family,they are my 4 grandparents、Dadi、Mami and my twin brother Alex. Alex and I live with my parents now. But every weekend we go to see our grandparents. I really love them all.

I don't really like to study,I always want to play,but Mom always remind me that it is very important to be a good student. So I am trying my best to make my Mom happy. But she still love to yell all the time……

Mom loves reading,and she really want me to have the same hobby as she have. Can you imagine,every year our birthday gifts from Mom is always…… BOOKs.

I guess I really need some new surprise……

But life is not easy,so I should not complain too much.…that's bad.

Mom says real happiness is to seize the time.

So I am trying to seize every opportunity to let her know——I really want her to be happy. Because that’s the only way to make me happy.

By the way, happy birthday to Alex and me.

We are 7……




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