2021-04-19 Procrastinate On Purpose

Forget war; forget hunger; forget this virus, the biggest threat to the human race is procrastination.

We’ve all searched for ways to help us avoid procrastination and get more done in a shorter length of time. But this search process ultimately just leads to an increase in time wasted, when we could have been working.

This way, you are essentially tricking your brain to feel productive by crossing off a task when in reality it was just to procrastinate. This momentum can carry on with you to do those essential tasks.

Furthermore, by having a specific ‘procrastination time’ you are avoiding falling into that deep hole of sorrow where suddenly 2 hours have gone by and you’re watching ‘How big is the universe?’ on YouTube.

In ‘Eat That Frog’, Tracy talks about how procrastination is inevitable, it is just about finding a way to still live around it, rather than stressing about methods for its removal.

Accept procrastination and learn to work with it rather than against it.

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