Biology A to Z

今日份词汇biology A to Z

A for artery 动脉

B for biceps 肱二头肌

C for chloroplast叶绿体

D for Darwin达尔文

E for enzymes酶

F for fallopian 输卵管

G for gland 腺体

H for heart 心脏

I for invertebrates无脊椎动物

J for gastric juice胃液

K for kidney肾脏

L for lungs肺

M for menstruation月经

N for nitrogen氮

O for ovum卵子

P for pollination授粉

Q for quarry采石场

R for respiration呼吸

S for stomach胃

T for tortoise陆龟

U for uterus 子宫

V for virus 病毒

W for weed 野草

X and Y chromosome X Y染色体

Z for zoology动物学

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