英語入門班第十七課-②情態動詞 have to、ought to、should、dare、be able to、need、had better 的用法


六、have to(不得不)




4、“have to”的疑問句和否定句

七、ought to(應該)





十、be able to(能,可以)








十二、had better(最好)



六、have to(不得不)

have to的意思接近must,但是must 強調說話人的意願.

We must remember this 我們必須記住這個。

You must take care of her 你必須照顧她。

而have to表示客觀上的必要性,常可譯爲“不得不”,否定形式表示“不必”

I have to go to work on time我不得不按時上班。

We have to be careful in such matters處理這類事情,我們必須得小心。

He has to do a lot of reading他得看很多書。

“have to”是一個比較特殊的情態動詞,初學者很容易跟實義動詞“have”混淆,所以切記,必須把“have to”當一個情態動詞,不能當兩個單詞。

另外"have to”有格式變化,根據不同的時態,需要發生不同的結構變化。

爲了方便造句和理解“have to”的時態結構變化,下面根據句型和時態分成不同的小句型講解。


句型1:主語非小三 +have to +動詞原型+(賓語)

1) We have to help him 我們不得不幫他

2) You have to sleep 你必須得睡覺句型

句型2:主語非小三 +have to +be+表語

1) My students have to be careful我的學生必須得小心

句型3:主語小三+has to+動詞原型+(賓語)

1) She has to take pills 她必須得吃藥

2) The doctor has to help him這個醫生不得不幫他

句型4:主語小三+has to+ be+表語

1) The girl has to be careful這女孩必須得小心


句型1:主語 had to+動詞原型+(賓語)

1)They had to jump into the river last night昨晚他們不得不跳河裏。

2)They didn't have to jump into the river last night 昨晚他們不必跳河裏。

3)I missed the bus and had to walk home我錯過了公車,不得不走路回家。

句型2:主語 had to +be+表語

You had to be careful yesterday昨天你不得不小心。


句型1:主語+will have to+動詞原型+(賓語)

1)We will have to take the bus tomorrow 我們明天必須得坐公交車

2) We will not have to take the bus tomorrow我們明天不必坐公交車

3) We will have to help him as much as we can我們將不得不盡量幫他

句型2:主語will have to +be+表語

1) You will have to be careful in the future以後你必須得小心

一般將來時態也可以用be going to+ have to構成,比如:

2) I am going to have to take the bus tomorrow.我明天不得不坐公交車。

3) She is going to have to go home tomorrow.她明天必須得回家

“Have to”一般沒有現在進行時態和現在完成時態。.

4、“have to”的疑問句和否定句

含有“have to”的疑問句和否定句都要用助動詞do構成,比如:

1) Do you have to leave soon?你一定要馬上離開嗎?

2) Does she have to go with you?她一定要跟你去嗎?

3) You don't have to say sorry你不必說對不起。

4) She doesn't have to take the bus 她不必坐公交車

“Have to”也可以用於被動語態,比如:

1) A lot of letters had to be answered有大量的信必須回覆

2) The whole thing will have to be done all over again整件事將不得不重做一遍

"Have got to”和have to”意思和用法一樣。"Have got to”在口語縮寫成've gotta,如:

Have to =have got to,因此,I have to go = I have got to go,再縮寫成I've got to go,然後,Got to在口語裏會連寫成 gotta,最後就變成了:

I've gotta go now =I have to go now我現在得走了。

七、ought to(應該)

跟have to”一樣,不能把“ought to”當兩個單詞,必須當成一個情態動詞。

另外,注意 ought to通常沒有一般疑問句,只有肯定句和否定句,否定句要在ought後面加not。

1) We ought to get up early 我們應該早起

2) We ought to be careful 我們應該小心

3) We ought not to eat too much sugar 我們不應該喫太多糖

4) I ought to go home today 我今天應該回家。

5) You ought to read this book, it is very interesting 你應該讀一讀這本書,很有趣的

“ought to”和“should”是同義詞,用法接近。當然should有一般疑問句,“ought to”則沒有,後面學到“should”就明白了。

另外,“ought to”可以構成一些特殊結構或用在被動語態裏面:

1) They ought to have stopped at the traffic lights 他們本應在紅綠燈前面停車。(實際上沒有停車)

2) You ought to have come to the meeting你本應該來開會的。(實際上沒有來)注意,“ought to+ have+過去分詞”表示虛擬意義。中級語法會講,這裏不詳細解釋。

3) We ought to be leaving now我們現在該走了(特殊結構)

4) He ought to be isolated 他應該被隔離(被動語態)。


should可以作助動詞,也可以作情態動詞,作情態動詞的時候,就是“應該”的意思,跟ought to差不多。

1) we should get up early=we ought to get up early. 我們應該早起

2 ) we should help the poor people我們應該幫助這些窮人

3) we shouldn't sit in the office all day long我們不應該一整天坐在辦公室裏面。

當然,“should”有一般疑問句,“ought to”則沒有,比如:

4) should we stay here? 我們應該留在這裏嗎?

5) Should we help the old man? 我們應該幫助這個老人嗎?

除了“ought to”沒有一般疑問句的情況,should和 ought to幾乎沒有什麼區別,當然 should更常用一些。如:

1) The police should do something about it 警家對這件事應該做點什麼。

2) He really shouldn't work so hard他直不應該那麼辛苦地工作。

3) You shouldn't drink and drive你不應當酒後駕。

4) You should be famous你應該出名

和 ought to一樣,should後面也可以跟完成,進行或者被動形式:

5)You shouldn't have trusted him so readily你不應該這樣輕易相信他(should+ have+過去分詞,同樣表示虛擬)

6)You shouldn't be reading a novel now, you should be reading a textbook .你現在不應該看小說,應該看課本。

7)He should be arrested.他應該被拘捕。

8)The computer system should be reinstalled once in a while. 電腦應該時不時重裝系統。





I dare not look at her=I don't dare look at her我不敢看她

這裏“dare not”跟“don't dare”一樣,喜歡用哪個都可以。

She dare not look at me=She doesn't dare look at me她不敢看我。這裏,Dare not=doesn't dare

My students dare not ask me questions=my students don't dare ask me questions.我的學生不敢問我問題。這裏,Dare not=don't dare

I dared not drink beer last night=l didn't dare drink beer last night昨晚我不敢喝啤酒。這裏,dared not=didn't dare

She dared not live in the hotel last night= She didn't dare live in the hotel last night她昨晚不敢住在酒店裏面。這裏,Dared not=didn't dare

They dared not go home last night =They didn't dare go home last night 他們昨晚不敢回家。這裏,Dared not=didn't dare

l dare not hit him.

She dare not look at me.

l dared not hit him last night.

She dared not look at me last night.

l daren’t be careless.

She daren’t be FeiYu’s girlfriend.



否定句爲dare not或者加助動詞:doesn't dare ,don't dare, didn't dare


1) l dare not(縮與daren't) ask her to marry me我不敢向她求婚。(一般現在時態)

這句話也可以說: l don't dare ask her to marry me.

2)They dared not move他們不敢動。

(一般過去時態)這句話也可以說:they didn't dare move.

3)He doesn't dare say anything他什麼也不敢說。

(一般現在時態)這句話也可以說: he dare not say anything.

4)They didn't dare disobey他不敢不服從


1) No one dared speak of it沒有人敢談及此事。

2) He never dared stay long 他從來不敢待久。

3 ) I hardly dared look at her eyes 我幾乎不敢看她的眼睛。




1) Dare she look at me?她敢看我嗎?

也可以說:Does she dare look at me?

2) Dare I look at her?=Do I dare look at her?我敢看她嗎?

3) Did you dare drink beer last night?=dared you drink beer last night?昨晚你敢喝啤酒嗎?

4) Dare you interrupt him?=do you dare interrupt him?你敢打擾他嗎?

5) How dare you speak to me like that?你怎麼敢這樣跟我說話?

6) Do you dare tell him the truth?=dare you tell him the truth?你敢告訴她真相嗎?

7) I wonder if she dared come home我想知道她是否敢回家。(條件句)


比如這個句子“I dare go home alone”就是錯的,要改成"I dare to go home alone"

十、be able to(能,可以)

be able to作情態動詞的時候一定要當成一個單詞,不能理解成三個單詞或短語,用法和意思跟can 差不多,大多數時候可以互用:

I am not able to answer your question.(I can't answer your question.)我不能回答你的問題。

Are you able to type?(can you type?)你會打字嗎?

但是can不能和be able to一起用,

"I can be able to cook”這樣的句子是錯的

要麼說:I can cook

要麼說:I am able to cook

Be able to可以用於更多的時態,can 除了過去式,一般沒有其他的變化。

Be able to在不同的時態裏面有不同的結構變化,比如:


Be able to要根據主語的人稱變成相應的: Is able to 、 am able to 、 are able to、"be able to”的“be跟系動詞的“be”用法相同。比如:

1) I am able to repair computers我會修電腦

2) Are you able to repair computers?你會修電腦嗎?

3) She is able to swim她會游泳

4) Is she able to swim?她會游泳嗎?

5) We are able to catch fish我們可以抓魚

6) She is not able to cook她不會做飯


Be able to要根據主語的人稱變成相應的,Was able to ,were able to。主語是單數用was able to,主語複數用were able to,比如:

1) she was able to drink ten bottles of beer last night 她昨晚能喝十瓶啤酒

2) She wasn't able to find you last night 她昨晚無法找到你。

3) You were able to eat 3 bowls of rice ten years ago.十年前你能喫三碗飯。


Be able to在一般將來時態裏面變成:Will be able to

1) I will be able to earn much money我以後可以賺很多錢

2) I will not be able to come to your wedding我不能參加你的婚禮了。


有時候be able to還可以用在現在完成時態,根據主語變成:Has been able to /Have been able to

1) He hasn't been able to leave the house since his accident他出事故以來,一直不能出門。

2) We have been able to earn one million yuan a year 我們已經可以年賺百萬了。





表示“不必,沒必要”,“needn't"作情態動詞沒有人稱變化,不管主語是單數還是複數,一律用“needn't+動詞原型”或“needn't+ be+表語”。比如:

1) I needn't prepare my lessons 我不需要備課。

2) She needn't come here early 她不需要早來這裏

3) We needn't be worried我們不必擔心

4) You needn't make two copies, one will be ok你不必做兩份,一份就可以了。

5) They needn't send me a receipt.他們不必寄收條給我

6) You needn't come to the meeting if you are too busy.你不必來開會,如果你忙的話。



1) I need hardly tell you the truth我用不着告訴你真相

2) Nobody need be afraid of catching the disease 誰都不必害怕染上這種病。

3) I don't think you need worry我認爲你不必擔心。


如果是肯定句,need只是一個及物動詞,比如這個句子"I need buy a house”是錯的,因爲這是肯定句,“need"在肯定句裏面是一個實義動詞, 不能跟動詞原形”buy”作賓語,而要變成還沒有學的“動詞不定式短語”才能作賓語,改成"I need to buy a house”。


十二、Had better(最好)

“Had better”不能看作是兩個單詞,必須當作一個情態動詞,後面一定要加動詞原型。表示“最好”的意思,一般縮寫成” 'd better ”。

Had better 沒有疑問句,沒有時態結構變化,也不受主語人稱影響。不管主語是單數還是複數,都是直接“had better+動詞原型+(賓語)或be+表語”。

不過,"“had better"有否定格式"had better not”,表示“最好不”的意思。比如:

1) You'd better take a nap after lunch 你最好午飯後睡個午覺。

2) You'd better not talk like that你最好不要那樣說話。

3) we'd better stop arguing.我們最好停止爭吵。

4) You had better check your homework carefully.你們最好認真檢查作業

5) We had better eat less meat我們最好少喫肉

6) We had better not eat too much sugar 我們最好不喫太多糖

7) You had better not meet net friends alone你最好不要一個人去見網友

8) Girls had better not run at night女孩子最好不要夜跑

9) She had better learn English grammar first她最好先學英語語法

10) You'd better be careful你最好小心

11) You'd better not be late你最好不要遲到

Had better後面也可以跟“助動詞原型be+現在分詞”,表示“最好立即做某事”:

1) I think I'd better be going我想我最好還是走了

2) We'd better be getting our clothes ready.我們最好穿好衣服。


1、have to 造五句話

That girl had to kiss me yesterday night.

I have to brush the bowls.

My girlfriend has to follow her mother.

The doctor beside the car has to introduce that girl under the tree.

You will have to go to school by bus tomorrow.

2、ought to 造三句話

We ought to eat a apple tomorrow morning.

She ought not to hurt the cat.

Your lawyel ought to help you.

3、should 造五句話

You should kiss the girl behind the car.

We shouldn't sit on the chair all day long.

Should you hurt the cat under the tree?

You shouldn't drink water and run.

Should we copy her homework?

4、daren’ t 造五句話

I dare not kiss her face.

She dare not look at the boy.

Her boyfriend dared not kiss her face yesterday night.

That lawyer doesn't dare drink wine.

He never dared speak to you.

5、needn’ t 造五句話

Your accountant needn't be worried.

Your daughter needn't work.

She needn't buy that book to her boyfriend.

I don't think you need eat a apple.

Nobody need be afraid of you.

6、be able to 造五句話

You were able to get that girl's number.

I am able to cook.

She is not able to kiss your face.

The accountant will be able to help you.

She has been able to earn five thousand yuan a month.

7、had better造五句話

You'd better run at night.

The girls had better learn English first.

You had better not be fat.

You had better forget the question.

You had better solve the problems.

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