Kendo UI for jQuery入门级教程:Spreadsheet - 创建基于RegExp的自定义验证

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要解决此问题,请使用允许您传递任何公式的自定义验证类型。 当公式返回非假值时,验证将通过。 虽然内置函数不包括 RegExp 匹配函数,但自定义函数很容易创建。

// Define a REGEXP_MATCH function that returns true if a string
// matches a given pattern (regexp).
kendo.spreadsheet.defineFunction("REGEXP_MATCH", function(str, pattern, flags){
var rx;
try {
rx = flags ? new RegExp(pattern, flags) : new RegExp(pattern);
} catch(ex) {
// could not compile regexp, return some error code
return new kendo.spreadsheet.CalcError("REGEXP");
return rx.test(str);
[ "str", "string" ],
[ "pattern", "string" ],
[ "flags", [ "or", "string", "null" ] ]

<div id="spreadsheet"></div>

var spreadsheet = $("#spreadsheet").kendoSpreadsheet({
columnWidth: 100

var sheet = spreadsheet.activeSheet();

sheet.range("A1").value("IP Address in B1:");

// Using custom validation, you can pass any formula and the cell
// validates if the formula returns a non-false value (see the `from` field).
comparerType: "custom",
dataType: "custom",
from: 'REGEXP_MATCH(B1, "^[0-9]{1,3}\\\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\\\.[0-9]{1,3}$")'

// Note the difficulty of properly quoting a regexp in a string.
// An alternative would be to write the regexp in a
// variable and encode it with JSON.stringify, i.e.:
// var rx = "^[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\." etc
// and then pass it like this
// from: '=REGEXP_MATCH(B1, ' + JSON.stringify(rx) + ')'


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