Building Qt 5.14.0 on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2019編譯qt

0 參考

QT最新版5.14在WINDOWS環境靜態編譯安裝和部署的完整過程 VS 2019-QT STATIC LINK BUILD WINDOWS 32 BIT/64 BIT
MSVC 靜態編譯 Qt 5
Building Qt 5 from Git

1 獲取源碼


2 編譯工具



     Open a command prompt.
     Ensure that the following tools can be found in the path:
     * Supported compiler (Visual Studio 2012 or later,
        MinGW-builds gcc 4.9 or later)
     * Perl version 5.12 or later   []
     * Python version 2.7 or later  []
     * Ruby version 1.9.3 or later  []


This is perl 5, version 32, subversion 1 (v5.32.1) built for MSWin32-x64-multi-thread
Python 2.7.18
ruby 2.7.3p183 (2021-04-05 revision 6847ee089d) [x64-mingw32] (strawberry-perl-


3 修改\qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2\qtbase\mkspecs\common\msvc-desktop.conf

將文件中-MD 全改爲 -MT(3處)

4 configure配置

打開x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019(打算編譯成64位就打開x64,32位打開x86),
cd 到源文件文件夾

configure.bat -prefix S:\Qt\5.15.2\Qt5.15.2-static -confirm-license -opensource -debug-and-release -static -static-runtime -angle -combined-angle-lib -no-feature-d3d12 -platform win32-msvc -mp -nomake tests -nomake examples -nomake tools -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview

動態庫用這個:configure.bat -prefix g:\Qt\qt5.14.2.share -confirm-license -opensource -debug-and-release -shared -angle -combined-angle-lib -no-feature-d3d12 -platform win32-msvc -mp -nomake tests -nomake examples -nomake tools -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview

清理配置:nmake confclean

清理編譯:nmake clean

或:nmake distclean


make distclean類似make clean,但同時也將configure生成的文件全部刪除掉,包括Makefile。


configure -h指令可以查看允許的參數與簡介

Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'nmake'.
Once everything is built, you must run 'nmake install'.
Qt will be installed into '設定的編譯結果路徑'.

5 編譯

當nmake完成時,繼續運行nmake install,完成時就結束了。

6 添加到Qt Creator

我是用MaintenanceTool下載的Qt Creator

工具-選項-Kits-Qt Versions

設置好 名稱,Compiler(64還是32由編譯方式決定),Qt Version(上一步剛剛添加的版本)










Time for another short guidance on how to build your own copy of the Qt framework from source.

I’ve upgraded to Visual Studio Community Edition 2019 (Version 16.3.10) in the meantime and will now also use the current Qt 5.14.0 release instead of the 5.12.x LTS line.

As mentioned before, building Qt from source by yourself may not be neccessary when you run up-to-date versions of the OS and IDE: Just install it via the online installer from the Qt site. I do this mostly out of habit and to keep in training 😉

Anyways, if you’re still with me, I guess you also know what/why you want it; so, on with the show.

Prerequisites and recommended installation order

  1. Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition) — install it at least with the C++ Desktop workload, the C++ toolset and the Windows SDK.
  2. Perl/ActivePerl — it should be put in PATH for the command prompt build environment after installation.
  3. Python — it should be put in PATH for the command prompt build environment after installation.

Official page: Qt 5 for Windows - Requirements: Building from Source.


The shortcut to version Qt 5.14.0 is (ca. 800 MByte).

The way to get to the download links for the offline sources from the homepage is well hidden, and the ways to get there change with every redesign every couple of months… But the final URL still works: And there: Source packages & Other releases → “The source code is available: For Windows users as a single zip file”.


Extract it to an appropriate place for you (e.g. I use C:\devel\ext\Qt\5.14.0\ in my environment).
If your extraction tool of choice puts it into sub-directories like qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.14.0, then move the content of it up to the root level and delete this now empty folder(s).


The next steps describe how you build 64-bit DLLs with Visual Studio 2019; for 32-bit files, or static libraries, or…, adjust the paths/names/options accordingly to your needs!

  1. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 (you can find it in the start menu entry ‘Visual Studio 2019’) and navigate to C:\devel\ext\Qt\5.14.0\ (or whatever your chosen location is…).

  2. Run Qt’s configure.bat from there to prepare the build.

    The following list of options is a setup that works for me, for my current projects; you may need different features enabled/disabled, etc.
    Run configure -h to get the full list of options.

    Note: I removed now several -no-… options (e.g. -no-opengl, -no-openssl etc.) that I used before here, because on the first attempt to build, the run stopped with a fatal link error after some hours (*groan*). Might have been a coincidence, but when doing it again, without these exclusions, it completed successfully (but also took a lot longer to build than before).

    Argument Comment
    -confirm-license Automatically acknowledge the license.
    -prefix <DIR> The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.
    <DIR> is a full path like C:\devel\ext\Qt\5.14.0\_64DLL
    -release Release-only build (Build Qt with debugging turned off).
    -opensource Build the Open-Source Edition of Qt.
    -silent Reduce the build output so that warnings and errors can be seen more easily.
    -shared Build shared Qt libraries (creating DLLs).
    -platform win32-msvc Use Microsoft Visual C++.
    -mp Use multiple processors for compilation (Microsoft Visual C++ only).
    -make tools For lupdate/linguist/lrelease and so on.
    -nomake examples Exclude examples.
    -nomake tests Exclude tests.

    That means, you’ll execute a long command, like:

    C:\devel\ext\Qt\5.14.0\> configure.bat --confirm-license -prefix g:\qt\qtcompiled -debug -opensource -shared -platform win32-msvc -mp -make tools -nomake examples -nomake tests


  3. Type nmake to kick-off the building process; this will take quite a while (on my current, not very modern setup (Intel Core i5-760, 8 GB): Four to five hours…)
    To clean up (e.g. after a failed build, before trying again), do nmake clean (or nmake distclean).

  4. Type nmake install to move the built binaries to the target directory.

That’s it!

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