QNX® Neutrino 进程间通信


Interprocess Communication(IPC,进程间通信)在QNX Neutrino从一个嵌入式实时系统向一个全面的POSIX系统转变起着至关重要的作用。IPC是将在内核中提供各种服务的进程内聚在一起的粘合剂。在QNX中,消息传递是IPC的主要形式,也提供了其他的形式,除非有特殊的说明,否则这些形式也都是基于本地消息传递而实现的。

将更高级别的 IPC 服务(如通过我们的消息传递实现的管道和 FIFO)与其宏内核对应物进行比较的基准测试表明性能相当。

QNX Neutrino提供以下形式的IPC:

Service: Implemented in:
Message-passing Kernel
Signals Kernel
POSIX message queues External process
Shared memory Process manager
Pipes External process
FIFOs External process


Synchronous message passing

一个线程调用MsgSend()往目标线程发送消息时会阻塞住,直到目标线程调用MsgReceive(),进行消息处理并调用MsgReply()回复后才会解除阻塞。 在QNX Neutrino中,服务器线程通常是循环的,等待接收客户端发过来的消息。可以看看客户端线程和服务器线程在消息传递过程中的状态变化:


  • 客户端线程调用MsgSend()后,如果服务器线程还没调用MsgReceive(),客户端线程状态则为SEND blocked,一旦服务器线程调用了MsgReceive(),客户端线程状态变为REPLY blocked,当服务器线程执行MsgReply()后,客户端线程状态就变成了READY

  • 如果客户端线程调用MsgSend()后,而服务器线程正阻塞在MsgReceive()上, 则客户端线程状态直接跳过SEND blocked,直接变成REPLY blocked

  • 当服务器线程失败、退出、或者消失了,客户端线程状态变成READY,此时MsgSend()会返回一个错误值。


  • 服务器线程调用MsgReceive()时,当没有线程给它发送消息,它的状态为RECEIVE blocked,当有线程发送时变为READY

  • 服务器线程调用MsgReceive()时,当已经有其他线程给它发送过消息,MsgReceive()会立马返回,而不会阻塞;

  • 服务器线程调用MsgReply()时,不会阻塞;

Message copying

QNX的消息服务,是直接将消息从一个线程的地址空间拷贝到另一个线程地址空间,不需要中间缓冲,因此消息传递的性能接近底层硬件的内存带宽。消息内容对内核来说没有特殊的意义,只对消息的发送和接收者才有意义,当然,QNX也提供了定义良好的消息类型,以便能扩充或替代系统提供的服务。 消息在拷贝的时候,支持分块传输,也就是不要求连续的缓冲区,发送和接收线程可以指定向量表,在这个表中去指定消息在内存中的位置。这个与DMA的scatter/gather机制类似。


Simple messages

对于简单的单块消息传递,就不需要通过IOV(input/output vector)的形式了,直接指向缓冲区即可。对于发送和接收的接口,多块发送和单块发送如下:


Function Send message Reply message
MsgSend() Simple Simple
MsgSendsv() Simple IOV
MsgSendvs() IOV Simple
MsgSendv() IOV IOV


IOV Simple direct
MsgReceivev() MsgReceive()
MsgReceivePulsev() MsgReceivePulse()
MsgReplyv() MsgReply()
MsgReadv() MsgRead()
MsgWritev() MsgWrite()

Channels and connections

在QNX Neutrino中,消息传递是面向通道(channel)和连接(connection)的,而不是直接从线程到线程的。接收消息的线程需要创建一个channel,发送消息的线程需要与该channel建立connection。 服务器使用MsgReceive()接收消息时需要使用channels,客户端则需要创建connections,以连接到服务器的通道上,连接建立好之后,客户端便可通过MsgSend()来发送消息了。如果进程中有很多线程都连接到一个通道上,为了提高效率,这些所有的连接都会映射到同一个内核对象中。在进程中,channelsconnecttions会用一个小的整型标识符来标记。客户端connections会直接映射到文件描述符,在架构上这是一个关键点,可以消除另一层转换,不需要根据文件描述符来确定往哪里发消息,而是直接将消息发往文件描述符即可。

Function Description
ChannelCreate() Create a channel to receive messages on.
ChannelDestroy() Destroy a channel.
ConnectAttach() Create a connection to send messages on.
ConnectDetach() Detach a connection.


chid = ChannelCreate(flags);
SETIOV(&iov, &msg, sizeof(msg));
for(;;) {
    rcv_id = MsgReceivev( chid, &iov, parts, &info );

    switch( msg.type ) {
        /* Perform message processing here */

    MsgReplyv( rcv_id, &iov, rparts );


  • Receive,等待消息的LIFO线程队列;
  • Send,已发送消息但还未被接收的优先级FIFO线程队列;
  • Reply, 已发送消息,并且已经被收到,但尚未回复的无序线程列表; 不管在上述哪个列表中,线程都是阻塞状态,多个线程和多个客户端可能等待在同一个channel上。





Message-passing API

Function Description
MsgSend() Send a message and block until reply.
MsgReceive() Wait for a message.
MsgReceivePulse() Wait for a tiny, nonblocking message (pulse).
MsgReply() Reply to a message.
MsgError() Reply only with an error status. No message bytes are transferred.
MsgRead() Read additional data from a received message.
MsgWrite() Write additional data to a reply message.
MsgInfo() Obtain info on a received message.
MsgSendPulse() Send a tiny, nonblocking message (pulse).
MsgDeliverEvent() Deliver an event to a client.
MsgKeyData() Key a message to allow security checks.

Robust implementations with Send/Receive/Reply



  • 永远不要两个线程相互发送消息;
  • 将线程组织为层级结构,并只向上发送消息;



QNX Neutrino提供异步事件通知机制,事件源可能有三种:

  • 调用MsgDeliverEvent()接口发送事件

  • 中断处理函数

  • 定时器到期

事件本身可以有多种类型:Pulse、中断、各种形式的信号、强制解除阻塞的事件等。 考虑到事件本身的多样性,服务器实现所有的异步通知显然不太合适,更好的方式是客户端提供一个数据结构或者cookie,服务器调用MsgDeliverEvent()时将事件类型写进cookie中。




Signal range Description
1 ... 56 56 POSIX signals (including traditional UNIX signals)
41 ... 56 16 POSIX realtime signals (SIGRTMIN to SIGRTMAX)
57 ... 64 Eight special-purpose QNX Neutrino signals

QNX Neutrino扩展了信号传递机制,允许信号针对特定的线程,而不是简单的针对包含线程的进程。由于信号是异步事件,它们通过事件传递机制实现。接口如下:

Microkernel call POSIX call Description
SignalKill() kill(), pthread_kill(), raise(), sigqueue() Set a signal on a process group, process, or thread.
SignalAction() sigaction() Define action to take on receipt of a signal.
SignalProcmask() sigprocmask(), pthread_sigmask() Change signal blocked mask of a thread.
SignalSuspend() sigsuspend(), pause() Block until a signal invokes a signal handler.
SignalWaitinfo() sigwaitinfo() Wait for signal and return info on it.

最初的 POSIX 规范仅定义了对进程的信号操作。在多线程进程中,遵循以下规则:

  • 由 CPU 异常(例如 SIGSEGV、SIGBUS)引起的信号总是传递给引起异常的线程。
  • 信号动作保持在过程级别。如果线程为信号指定操作(例如,忽略或捕获它),则该操作会影响进程内的所有线程。
  • 信号掩码保持在线程级别。如果一个线程阻塞一个信号,阻塞只影响那个线程。
  • 针对某个线程的未忽略信号仅传递给该线程。
  • 针对进程的未忽略信号被传递到第一个没有阻塞信号的线程。如果所有线程都阻塞了该信号,则该信号将在进程上排队,直到任何线程忽略或解除该信号的阻塞。如果忽略,进程上的信号将被删除。如果解除阻塞,信号将从进程移动到解除阻塞的线程。

当信号针对具有大量线程的进程时,必须扫描线程表,寻找信号未阻塞的线程。 大多数多线程进程的标准做法是在所有线程中屏蔽信号,只有一个线程专用于处理它们。 为了提高进程信号传递的效率,内核将缓存接受信号的最后一个线程,并始终尝试首先将信号传递给它。


Signal Description Default action
SIGABRT Abnormal termination, issued by functions such as abort() Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGALRM Alarm clock, issued by functions such as alarm() Kill the process
SIGBUS Bus error, or a memory parity error (a QNX Neutrino-specific interpretation). If a second fault occurs while your process is in a signal handler for this fault, the process is terminated. Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGCHLD or SIGCLD A child process terminated Ignore the signal, but still let the process's children become zombies
SIGCONT Continue the process. You can't block this signal. Make the process continue if it's STOPPED; otherwise ignore the signal
SIGDEADLK A mutex deadlock occurred. If a process dies while holding a non-robust mutex and no still-existing process has called SyncMutexEvent() to set up an event to be delivered when the mutex owner dies, the kernel delivers a SIGDEADLK to all threads that are waiting on the mutex without a timeout. The kernel also delivers this signal if an event has been set up but its target is the same process that has died and this process didn't call procmgr_guardian() to designate another process as the new parent to its children. Note that it's up to any guardian process to revive the mutex by calling SyncMutexRevive(), as the signal is not sent in this case.SIGDEADLK and SIGEMT refer to the same signal. Some utilities (e.g., gdb, ksh, slay, and kill) know about SIGEMT, but not SIGDEADLK. Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGEMT EMT instruction (emulation trap)SIGDEADLK and SIGEMT refer to the same signal. Some utilities (e.g., gdb, ksh, slay, and kill) know about SIGEMT, but not SIGDEADLK. Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGFPE Floating point exception Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGHUP Hangup; the session leader died, or the controlling terminal closed Kill the process
SIGILLa Illegal hardware instruction. If a second fault occurs while your thread is in a signal handler for this fault, the process is terminated. Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGINT Interrupt; typically generated when you press CtrlC or CtrlBreak (you can change this with stty) Kill the process
SIGIO Asynchronous I/O Ignore the signal
SIGIOT I/O trap; a synonym for SIGABRT Kill the process
SIGKILL Kill. You can't block or catch this signal. Kill the process
SIGPIPE Write on pipe with no reader Kill the process
SIGPOLL System V name for SIGIO Ignore the signal
SIGPROF Profiling timer expired. POSIX has marked this signal as obsolescent; QNX Neutrino doesn't support profiling timers or send this signal. Kill the process
SIGPWR Power failure Ignore the signal
SIGQUIT Quit; typically generated when you press Ctrl–**** (you can change this with stty) Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGSEGV Segmentation violation; an invalid memory reference was detected. If a second fault occurs while your process is in a signal handler for this fault, the process will be terminated. Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGSTOP Stop the process. You can't block or catch this signal. Stop the process
SIGSYS Bad argument to system call Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGTERM Termination signal Kill the process
SIGTRAP Trace trap Kill the process and write a dump file
SIGTSTP Stop signal from tty; typically generated when you press CtrlZ (you can change this with stty) Stop the process
SIGTTIN Background read attempted from control terminal Stop the process
SIGTTOU Background write attempted to control terminal Stop the process
SIGURG Urgent condition on I/O channel Ignore the signal
SIGUSR1 User-defined signal 1 Kill the process
SIGUSR2 User-defined signal 2 Kill the process
SIGVTALRM Virtual timer expired. POSIX has marked this signal as obsolescent; QNX Neutrino doesn't support virtual timers or send this signal. Kill the process
SIGWINCH The size of the terminal window changed Ignore the signal
SIGXCPU Soft CPU time limit exceeded see the RLIMIT_CPU resource for setrlimit()) Kill the process and write a dump file


  • Pulse,需要客户端创建一个channel,并且调用MsgReceive()接收;
  • 信号,只需要调用sigwaitinfo(),不需要创建channel

POSIX message queues

POSIX通过message queues定义一组非阻塞的消息传递机制。消息队列为命名对象,针对这些对象可以进行读取和写入,作为离散消息的优先级队列,消息队列具有比管道更多的结构,为应用程序提供了更多的通信控制。QNX Neutrino内核不包含message queues,它的实现在内核之外。 QNX Neutrino提供了两种message queues的实现:

  • mqueue,使用mqueue资源管理的传统实现
  • mq,使用mq服务和非同步消息的替代实现

QNX消息机制与POSIX的Message queues有一个根本的区别:,QNX的消息机制通过内存拷贝来实现消息的传递;而POSIX的消息队列通过将消息进行存取来实现消息的传递。QNX的消息机制比POSIX的消息队列效率更高,但有时为了POSIX的灵活,需要适当的牺牲一点效率。


Function Description
mq_open() Open a message queue
mq_close() Close a message queue
mq_unlink() Remove a message queue
mq_send() Add a message to the message queue
mq_receive() Receive a message from the message queue
mq_notify() Tell the calling process that a message is available on a message queue
mq_setattr() Set message queue attributes
mq_getattr() Get message queue attributes

Shared memory



  • 非常高的性能(共享内存)
  • 同步(消息传递)
  • 跨网络传递(消息传递)


Function Description Classification
shm_open() Open (or create) a shared memory region. POSIX
close() Close a shared memory region. POSIX
mmap() Map a shared memory region into a process's address space. POSIX
munmap() Unmap a shared memory region from a process's address space. POSIX
munmap_flags() Unmap previously mapped addresses, exercising more control than possible with munmap() QNX Neutrino
mprotect() Change protections on a shared memory region. POSIX
msync() Synchronize memory with physical storage. POSIX
shm_ctl(), shm_ctl_special() Give special attributes to a shared memory object. QNX Neutrino
shm_unlink() Remove a shared memory region. POSIX


void * mmap( void *where_i_want_it,
             size_t length,
             int memory_protections,
             int mapping_flags,
             int fd,
             off_t offset_within_shared_memory );

mmap()的返回值将是进程映射对象的地址空间中的地址。参数 where_i_want_it 用作系统提示您放置对象的位置。如果可能,该对象将被放置在所请求的地址。大多数应用程序指定的地址为零,这使系统可以自由地将对象放置在所需的位置。

可以为 memory_protections 指定以下保护类型:

Manifest Description
PROT_EXEC Memory may be executed.
PROT_NOCACHE Memory should not be cached.
PROT_NONE No access allowed.
PROT_READ Memory may be read.
PROT_WRITE Memory may be written.

当您使用共享内存区域访问可由硬件修改的双端口内存(例如,视频帧缓冲区或内存映射网络或通信板)时,应使用 PROT_NOCACHE 清单。如果没有此清单,处理器可能会从先前缓存的读取中返回“陈旧”数据。mapping_flags 确定内存的映射方式。


Map type Description
MAP_SHARED The mapping may be shared by many processes; changes are propagated back to the underlying object.
MAP_PRIVATE The mapping is private to the calling process; changes aren't propagated back to the underlying object. The mmap() function allocates system RAM and makes a copy of the object.

Typed memory

类型化内存是POSIX规范中定义的功能,它是高级实时扩展的一部分。 POSIX类型化内存,提供了一个接口来打开内存对象(以操作系统特定的方式定义),并对它们执行映射操作。这个对提供BSP/板级特定的地址布局与设备驱动或用户代码之间的抽象时非常有用。

POSIX 指定以特定于实现的方式创建和定义类型化内存池(或对象)。 在 QNX Neutrino 下,类型化内存对象是根据系统页面 asinfo 部分中指定的内存区域定义的。 因此,类型化内存对象直接映射到启动定义的地址空间层次结构(asinfo 段)。 类型化内存对象还继承了 asinfo 中定义的属性,即内存段的物理地址(或边界)。

一般来说,asinfo 条目的命名和属性是任意的,完全在用户的控制之下。 但是,有一些强制性条目:

  • memory 处理器的物理可寻址性,通常在 32 位 CPU 上为 4GB(物理寻址扩展更多)。
  • ram 系统上的所有 RAM。这可能包含多个条目。
  • sysram 系统 RAM,即分配给操作系统管理的内存。 这也可能由多个条目组成。 操作系统将此池用于系统上的所有通用内存分配,包括代码、数据、堆栈、堆、内核和进程管理器数据、共享内存对象和内存映射文件

您可以创建额外的条目,但只能在启动时使用 as_add() 函数(参见构建嵌入式系统的“启动库”一章)。

Pipes and FIFOs



管道管理器负责缓冲数据。缓冲区大小在<limits.h>文件中定义为 PIPE_BUF。一旦两端都已关闭,就将其移除。函数 pathconf()返回限制的值。管道通常在两个进程并行运行时使用,数据在一个方向上从一个进程移动到另一个进程。(如果需要双向通信,则应使用消息。)管道的典型应用是将一个程序的输出连接到另一个程序的输入。这种连接通常由 shell 完成。例如:

ls | more

If you want to: Use the:
Create pipes from within the shell pipe symbol (“
Create pipes from within programs pipe() or popen() functions



If you want to: Use the:
Create FIFOs from within the shell mkfifo utility
Create FIFOs from within programs mkfifo() function
Remove FIFOs from within the shell rm utility
Remove FIFOs from within programs remove() or unlink() function


System Architecture - Interprocess Communication (IPC)

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