Know About Javascript Features Both General And Modern

Are you aware of the capabilities of JavaScript programs? Here's the answer: today we'll go over all of JavaScript features in detail. JavaScript does have certain unique characteristics that contribute to its popularity. Today, practically every website employs Javascript, making it an extremely useful language to learn. The best thing about javascript is that it doesn't require any prior programming skills.


Features Of JavaScript

JavaScript is divided into two main features, they are as follows –

General JavaScript Features

The JavaScript language has a number of different characteristics. The following are some of the more common JavaScript features:

1. Validating User’s Input

When working with forms, JavaScript comes in handy. It offers the capacity to check for errors in user input while also saving time. JavaScript checks for them before transmitting the data to the server if the user leaves a mandatory field unfilled or the information is wrong.


2. Simple Client-side Calculations

JavaScript can conduct basic computations on the browser because it is a client-side technology. Every task does not require the browser to request server time. This is particularly useful when a user has to repeat these calculations. Connecting to the server would take much longer than doing the calculations in these circumstances.


3. Greater Control

Instead of being fully reliant on the web servers, JavaScript gives the browser more control. JavaScript adds functionality to a variety of browsers that help reduce server load and network traffic.


4. Platform Independent

Because JavaScript is interpreted by browsers, it eliminates the need for compilation and compatibility. As a result, it runs on Windows, Macintosh, and other Netscape-compatible platforms. It's also possible to incorporate them in any other script that uses JavaScript, such as HTML.


5. Handling Dates and Time

JavaScript, unlike other programming languages, provides built-in functions for calculating the date and time. As a result, simply employing methods like.getDate makes coding a breeze ().


6. Generating HTML Content

JavaScript has a lot of useful tools for creating dynamic HTML content on the web. It lets us add text, links, photos, tables, and other elements to a page after an event (for example, a mouse click).


7. Detecting the User’s Browser and OS

In terms of detecting the user's browser and operating system, JavaScript is extremely competent. Despite the fact that JavaScript runs on all platforms, there may be times when we need the user's browser to complete a task. This is useful when writing code that has varied outputs depending on the browser.


Modern JavaScript Features

If we look at some of the more recent additions to JavaScript, we can see how it differs from other programming languages. After some basic functionalities, several more modern features of JavaScript were developed. The following are a few of them:

1. Let/Const

The keywords 'let' and 'const' has been added to JavaScript to replace the word 'var.' They're significant because, unlike 'var,' they have a blocked scope, which means we can only access them in the block where we defined them. 'var', on the other hand, can be accessed outside of a function even if it is initialized within it.

2. Arrow Functions

These functions help to simplify the syntax and reduce the number of lines of code for a web page or online application. Because of their simple syntax, they may be utilized in anonymous JavaScript methods with ease.

3. Template Literal

Other programming languages provide a similar functionality that allows you to preserve variables as strings. This is a useful tool for developers because it allows them to concentrate on the application's development rather than on syntax.

4. New Array Functions

Array functions are not required in any programming language, although they certainly make things easier for the developer. This also simplifies and compacts the code. Both a standard array and an associative array are supported by JavaScript. While the indexes of a standard array must be integers, the indexes of an associative array can be strings.



In this blog, we have discussed some main Javascript Features. And, for the students to understand them is very helpful. We hope that you understand it clearly. But if in any case, you need assistance regarding JavaScript Assignment Help then feel free to contact us. We are always available to help you.

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