Sleep 睡 眠

Scientists suggest that today, most adults get up to two hours' less sleep than they need. As a result, those lacking in sleep are forgetful, tired, less productive and grumpy. Sleep is the time when our bodies and minds are rested and restored.

There are two types of sleep: Rapid Eye Movement and Non-REM. We need both types to be healthy. Rapid Eye Movement sleep is when we dream. Our brains are active, and our eyes have fast short movements, as if watching something. This type of sleep helps restore our mind.

Non-REM sleep is when our brain and body slow down. Our heart rate slows and our breathing is regular. This type of sleep helps restore our body. We have twice as much Non-REM sleep as Rapid Eye Movement sleep each night. To get better sleep, have a regular time for sleeping and a routine before you go to bed.

This will give your body the signal that it is time to sleep. Make sure the bed and bedroom are quiet and comfortable. If your bed is too hard or too soft, if you are too cold or too hot, you will not sleep well. For two hours before going to bed do not drink coffee or alcohol, or do not smoke or exercise. All these activities stimulate your body and make sleep difficult.

科學家指出當今大多數成年人的睡眠時間要比正常需要的時間少兩個小時。結果是,睡眠不足的這些人健忘、疲憊、工作效率低下、性情乖戾。 睡眠是我們身體和心智休息和恢復的時間。


非快速眼動睡眠時,我們的大腦和身體活動減少,心跳變慢,呼吸均勻。這種形式的睡眠幫助我們恢復體力。每天晚上,我們的非快速眼動睡眠時間是快速眼動睡眠時間的兩倍。 要想睡得更好,睡覺的時間要有規律,睡覺前要有特定的程序。


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