az-204 practice-004


Question 16 of 50

You manage an instance of Azure API Management. You define policies to multiple scopes.

You need to enforce a policy evaluation order.

What should you use?

the `base` element

This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of defining policies for APIs.

The <base /> element provides the ability to enforce policy evaluation order.

The <when /> element is part of the choose policy and is evaluated in order of its appearance within the policy.

The follow-redirects attribute is part of the forward request policy, so it does not have any impact on the policy evaluation order.

The condition attribute is part of the retry policy, so it does not have any impact on the policy evaluation order.

Explore API Management policies - Training | Microsoft Learn

How to set or edit Azure API Management policies | Microsoft Learn


Question 20 of 50

You are developing a .NET project that will manage messages in Azure Storage queues.

You need to verify the presence of messages in a queue without removing them from the queue.

Which method should you use?


This item tests the candidate’s knowledge of processing messages in Azure Queue Storage, which is an integral part of implementing solutions that use Azure Queue Storage queues.

Messages can be peeked at in the queue without removing them from the queue by calling the PeekMessages method of the QueueClient class. The Peek method of the QueueClient class is used with Azure Service Bus, not Azure Queue Storage. The ReceiveMessages method of the QueueClient class removes them from the queue. The ReceiveMessageAsync method of the QueueClient class is used with Azure Service Bus, not Azure Queue Storage.

Create and manage Azure Queue Storage and messages by using .NET - Training | Microsoft Learn

Get started with Azure Queue Storage using .NET - Azure Storage | Microsoft Learn











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