英語背單詞 專四詞彙 2024年02月 ChatGPT




Index Word Pronunciation Parts of Speech Explanation Translation in Chinese
1 heel /hiːl/ noun The back part of the foot below the ankle, typically corresponding to the location of the back two-thirds of the shoe. 腳後跟
2 possess /pəˈzɛs/ verb To have or own something. 擁有
3 hesitate /ˈhɛzɪteɪt/ verb To pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness. 猶豫,遲疑
4 mall /mɔːl/ noun A large, covered shopping area or complex. 商場
5 appliance /əˈplaɪəns/ noun A device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one. 家用電器
6 horn /hɔːn/ noun A hard permanent outgrowth, often curved and pointed, found in pairs on the head of some animals. 角,號角
7 perch /pɜːtʃ/ verb/noun To sit or rest on a higher place; a branch or pole for birds to rest on. 棲息,棲木
8 census /ˈsɛnsəs/ noun An official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals. 人口普查
9 implication /ˌɪmplɪˈkeɪʃən/ noun The conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated. 含義
10 govern /ˈɡʌvən/ verb To conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of a state, organization, or people. 統治,管理
11 marble /ˈmɑːrbəl/ noun A type of hard, often colorful stone, used especially for sculpture and architecture. 大理石
12 offspring /ˈɒfsprɪŋ/ noun The child or young of a particular parent or offspring. 後代
13 deteriorate /dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt/ verb To become progressively worse; to decline in quality. 惡化
14 harbor /ˈhɑːbər/ noun/verb A place on the coast where ships may moor in shelter, or a place that shelters or conceals something. 港口,庇護,懷有
15 distort /dɪˈstɔːt/ verb To give a misleading or false impression of reality. 扭曲,歪曲


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