原创 LWC 70: 778. Swim in Rising Water

LWC 70: 778. Swim in Rising Water 傳送門:778. Swim in Rising Water Problem: On an N x N grid, each square grid[i][j]

原创 TensorFlow 入門(二):Softmax 識別手寫數字

TensorFlow 入門(二):Softmax 識別手寫數字 @author: demonSong @email: [email protected] refer to: http://www.tensorfly.cn/t

原创 LWC 70: 779. K-th Symbol in Grammar

LWC 70: 779. K-th Symbol in Grammar 傳送門:779. K-th Symbol in Grammar Problem: On the first row, we write a 0. Now i

原创 LWC 70: 776. Split BST

LWC 70: 776. Split BST 傳送門:776. Split BST Problem: Given a Binary Search Tree (BST) with root node root, and a tar

原创 LWC 68: 769. Max Chunks To Make Sorted (ver. 1)

LWC 68: 769. Max Chunks To Make Sorted (ver. 1) 傳送門:769. Max Chunks To Make Sorted (ver. 1) Problem: Given an arra

原创 POJ 刷題系列:2002. Squares

POJ 刷題系列:2002. Squares 傳送門:2002. Squares 題意: 在二維座標系下,給出若干點,求這些點最多能組成多少個正方形。 思路: 可以觀察輸入n只有1000,所以我們可以把這些點全部存入內存中(

原创 POJ 刷題系列:1840. Eqs

POJ 刷題系列:1840. Eqs 傳送門:1840. Eqs 題意: 等式 a1x31+a2x32+a3x33+a4x34+a5x35=0 ,其中ai∈[−50,50],i=1,2,3,4,5 ,xi∈[−50,50],xi

原创 LWC 69: 775. Global and Local Inversions

LWC 69: 775. Global and Local Inversions 傳送門:775. Global and Local Inversions Problem: We have some permutation A

原创 LWC 68: 766. Toeplitz Matrix

LWC 68: 766. Toeplitz Matrix 傳送門:766. Toeplitz Matrix Problem: A matrix is Toeplitz if every diagonal from top-lef

原创 POJ 刷題系列:3349. Snowflake Snow Snowflakes

POJ 刷題系列:3349. Snowflake Snow Snowflakes 傳送門:3349. Snowflake Snow Snowflakes 題意: 每個雪花都有六個分支,用六個整數代表,這六個整數是從任意一個分支開

原创 LWC 69: 774. Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station

LWC 69: 774. Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station 傳送門:774. Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station Problem: On a hori

原创 LWC 68: 767. Reorganize String

LWC 68: 767. Reorganize String 傳送門:767. Reorganize String Problem: Given a string S, check if the letters can be r

原创 LWC 70: 777. Swap Adjacent in LR String

LWC 70: 777. Swap Adjacent in LR String 傳送門:777. Swap Adjacent in LR String Problem: In a string composed of ‘L’,

原创 POJ 刷題系列:2503. Babelfish

POJ 刷題系列:2503. Babelfish 傳送門:2503. Babelfish 題意: 翻譯:給出一英文單詞和與之對應的外文,組成字典集。後續當給出一個外文單詞時,求出對應的英文單詞。 思路: 無腦 HashMap

原创 LWC 69: 773. Sliding Puzzle

LWC 69: 773. Sliding Puzzle 傳送門:773. Sliding Puzzle Problem: On a 2x3 board, there are 5 tiles represented by the