原创 XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH XMMatrixPerspectiveFovLH A perspective projection matrix can be built with the following XNA Math function: XMM

原创 query uniform

The block of code in Example 4-3 demonstrates how one would go about query

原创 WebGL shader

合理的方案是:單獨在可視化編輯器裏可以單寫,在場景文件中也以單獨文件形式存在,導出場景文件在Asset Pipeline裏編譯時應該以字符串的形式編

原创 出現在vertex shader和pixel shader 的同名Uniform的type和value需相同

opengles2.0 programming 2.o guide Uniforms and Attributes Once you have a linked program object, there a number of quer

原创 Interactive Computer Graphics :3.10.4 Rotation About an Arbitrary Axis 繞任意軸旋轉

先將物體平移到原點,再繞X軸旋轉到Y=0的平面,再繞Y軸旋轉到與Z軸重合。最後再平移回去。 M = T(p0)Rx(−θx)Ry(−θy)Rz(θ)Ry(θy)Rx(θx)T(−p0) P0是物體中心。θ是繞軸旋轉角度 d = αy * 

原创 OpenGL 4.3 (Core Profile) -5.3 Propagating Changes to Objects

Objects that may be shared between contexts include buffer objects, program and shader objects, renderbuffer objects, s

原创 uniform : local to a program object

One point worth noting here is that the glUniform* calls do not take a pro

原创 共享一些資料文檔

準備將自己手頭上所有的遊戲開發電子書資源共享,能從verycd和itpub上下載的我就不上傳了。基本上都是從amazon上購買的電子版。每個資源象徵性收一個幣,希望爲中國的遊戲事業盡點力! 其實還有大量的網絡遊戲,網頁遊戲,引擎源碼,但是

原创 benefits to tessellation

There are a number of benefits to tessellations:    1. We can implement a level-of-detail (LOD) mechanism, where triang

原创 Frustum culling

求Frustrum六個面的方程http://www.game798.com/html/2007-05/3465.htm 首先計算6個裁減面的方程係數 //-----------------------------------------

原创 OpenGL ES Shading Language : array

For matrix construction, the language is very flexible. These basic rules

原创 graphics shaders 2 :opengl new vs comparitable

Standard OpenGL Function                  Built-in Attribute Variable  glV

原创 opengl insights:4 webgl for opengl developers

1。跨域 代理服務器 img.src = "proxy.phy?anotherDomain.com/img.png CORS cross-origin resource sharing.see http://enable-cors.or

原创 Primitives with Adjacency Primitives with Adjacency  A triangle list with adjacency is where, for each triangle, you also include its thr

原创 浪潮之巔讀後感

節選: 這對 IBM 這樣一個大公司來講是非常有必要的。我們前面講過,IBM 成功的祕訣是保守,它基本上是不見兔子不撒鷹。如果蘋果公司失敗了, IBM 不需要做任何事情。如果前者成功了,IBM 依靠它強大的技術儲備完全可以後發制人。我們在