原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - December 20

Spend a few minutes, a few hours, or an entire day unconcerned about others will think, or what's in it for you, or whe

原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - December 17

Today I have a fresh start. I choose to begin letting go of unhealthy thoughts, feelings and attitudes that have stifle

原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - December 18

When I grew up, I learned not to rock the boat; asserting my own opinions and desires could get me in trouble. Sometime

原创 Spring Web Service 學習之基本流程篇

Spring Web Service支持多種傳輸協議來和SOAP進行綁定, 包括http, jms和email.最普遍的就是http協議了. 類似Spring MVC, Spring-WS也提供一個前端控制器MessageDispathc

原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - January 7

We are survivors. We are resilient. Within us is great strength, an ability to overcome and to endure. From pain we nev

原创 獎品到了, 書真多啊!哈哈!

感謝JE(JavaEye) tv! TB(TuringBook) tv! 本來早在前兩天就到了的, 不過由於事情太多, 就選在這個中秋月圓之夜和JavaEye的罈子們共同分享我的喜悅! 早在學生時代就和JavaEye結緣, 在上面灌過水

原创 查詢緩存和二級緩存(摘錄)


原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - January 6

We make extensive lists. We make lists of all that is broken about ouselves; we also have long lists of what we should

原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - January 24

Sometimes I find myself living life like a prison sentence---just doing time, trying to stay out of trouble, filling my

原创 Spring Web Service 實戰篇(1)

這幾天一直在找實戰的例子, 不過不是太簡單就是太複雜, 官方文檔上那個請假的例子也不是很全. 沒有辦法, 只好選用官方自帶的例子(airline)了. 不過裏面有幾個東西不是很熟, 如OpenJpa, JAXB. 所以我在這裏只借用它數據

原创 2008年5月19日


原创 As a Child

剛到公司不久, 看<<Chicken Soup>>時不知道怎麼翻譯下面這句話,請教一美女幫我翻的, 記下一筆, 哈哈!  As a child, I played school with my little cousins and fri

原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - January 5

Some think he's a little strange. A week before my son was born; I rested against his fence and admired his flowers. He

原创 Chicken Soup for the Soul - December 24

Embrace life and all it has to offer, then you can live with an appreciation for all it's worth. When you embrace life

原创 加菲貓語錄

加菲貓語錄 Money is not everything. There’s MasterCard & Visa. 鈔票不是萬能的,有時還需要信用卡。   One should love animals. They are so ta