原创 SICP 1.2 線性遞歸和線性迭代

考慮一個計算階乘n!的算法。很簡單,編程的入門練習。1. 遞歸實現 LISP代碼: (define (factorial n) (if

原创 [轉載]Change The World!


原创 神作。。。


原创 VMWare - could not found /dev/vmnet01 error

After I installed VMWare workstation 6.5 and then installed Windows xp, I could browse internet, but I

原创 How to uninstall VS 2005 manually

My VS 2005 has some matter so I need to re-install it. But I got an error when I tried to do it.So I tr

原创 解決第三方DLL沒有強簽名的問題

第一步: 將DLL文件解開 ildasm myTest.dll /out:myTest.il第二步: 將簽名合入DLL ilasm myTest.il /res:myTest.res /dll /key:m