原创 Create Managed Accounts in SharePoint

Through UI: ·        Create a user inAD ·        OpenCentral Administration and clickSecurity. ·        Navigate toGen

原创 4.創建數據庫表

語法: CREATE TABLE table_name (col_name1 type1 [NOT NULL| NULL] [{, col_name2 type2 [NOT NULL| NULL]} ...]) A database o

原创 6.外鍵

A foreign key is a column or group of columns in one table that contains values that match the primary key values in

原创 從命令行啓動Services

net start   重啓IIS服務,用iisreset

原创 How To: Remove Orphaned Web Application Pool Objects from Central Admin

  First the long story of how I got here, if you don’t care about it, just skip the next three paragraphs, if you don’t

原创 How to get the SQL Server name (Database server)?

Sql script to get database server name in sql server   1. 啓動並連接SQL Server前可以看到 2. 連接後,在Object Explorer區域的最上油桶似的標誌那裏 3.

原创 1.幾個簡單的數據庫表作爲備用

CREATE TABLE customer (cust_no INTEGER NOT NULL, cust_group CHAR(3) NULL, CHECK (cust_group IN ('c1', 'c2', 'c10')));

原创 1.數據庫基本概念

A database system is an overall collection of different database software components and databases containing the foll

原创 2.數據庫中範式

設計關係數據庫時,遵從不同的規範要求,設計出合理的關係型數據庫,這些不同的規範要求被稱爲不同的範式,各種範式呈遞次規範,越高的範式數據庫冗餘越小。 固然範式可以避免數據冗餘,減少數據庫的空間,減輕維護數據完整性的麻煩,但是操作困難,因爲需

原创 2.插入數據庫中一些數據

INSERT INTO department VALUES ('d1', 'Research', 'Dallas'); INSERT INTO department VALUES ('d2', 'Accounting', 'Seattle

原创 安裝後如何配置SharePoint 2010

1. At the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard welcome screen, click Next 2. Click Yes when you are prompted to sta

原创 Usage of Global:: prefix in C#

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/c3ay4x3d.aspx 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報 心誠則靈 發佈了54 篇原創文章 · 獲

原创 A great post-What Every Developer Must Know about PDB file

http://www.wintellect.com/cs/blogs/jrobbins/archive/2009/05/11/pdb-files-what-every-developer-must-know.aspx 點贊

原创 SharePoint 2010 Development – Getting Started

A good article: http://sp365.co.uk/series/sharepoint-2010-development-series/ 點贊 收藏 分享 文章舉報

原创 SharePoint Error: 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Win32: The system cannot find the path specified'

When i deploy my codes it gives this error (Error occurred in deployment step 'Recycle IIS Application Pool': Win32: Th