原创 Working on LinkedList Using C#/C/C++

http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/c25b6d/working-on-linkedlist-using-C-Sharp/ http://www.codeproject.com/Articles

原创 3. 如何創建數據庫(可以指定數據庫文件的位置)

所有的數據庫都被存儲在文件裏,數據庫其實也就是有組織的數據文件。在創建數據庫是可以用on指定文件所在的位置,log on 日誌文件的位置   USE master; CREATE DATABASE projects ON (NAME=p

原创 5.約束

The declarative constraints are defined using the DDL statements CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE. They can be column-lev

原创 查看各種Role所需服務的運行狀態

啓動Exchange Server PowerShell, 輸入命令:test-servicehealth In the 'ServiceNotRunning' area, if there are services that are n

原创 在用的遠程PC死機,怎麼操作都無反應怎麼辦?

Recently, I have a remote server which don’t response anything whatever operations, which means it’s dead. To solve thi

原创 SharePoint 2010 Runtime Error

  Server Error in '/' Application. Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error s

原创 Flattening class hierarchies when debugging C#

One piece of feedback I heard in the MVP sessions this week is that debugging deep class hierarchies in C# is painful. 

原创 create simple Web Services using Visual Studio 2008 or Visual Studio 2010


原创 更新列數據

public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties) { base.ItemAdding(properties);

原创 Mastering Debugging in Visual Studio 2010 - A Beginner's Guide Step by Step

Preview: http://en.csharp-online.net/CSharp_Exception_Handling_and_Debugging%E2%80%94Syntax_Errors http://en.csharp-on

原创 The server farm account should not be used for other services


原创 Managing ItemUpdating and ItemUpdated Events Firing Twice in a SharePoint Item Event Receiver

From: http://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/.net-tools/managing-itemupdating-and-itemupdated-events-firin

原创 Sharepoint 2010 Prerequisite

Sharepoint 2010 Prerequisite http://forum.it-share.ro/Forum/Sharepoint%202010%20Prerequisite%20Download/Forms/AllItems.

原创 CLR

1. In the CLR world, an assembly is what we would call a component, a logical grouping of one or more modules or resour

原创 10 Steps to Better SharePoint Development

SharePoint development is hard, right? We’ve all heard that time and time again to explain why implementations take lon