原创 UVA 12289 One-Two-Three

Your little brother has just learnt to write one, two and three, in English. He has written a lot of those words in a p

原创 ZOJ 3778 Talented Chef

As we all know, Coach Gao is a talented chef, because he is able to cook M dishes in the same time. Tonight he is go

原创 ZOJ 3787 Access System

For security issues, Marjar University has an access control system for each dormitory building.The system requires

原创 ZOJ 2975 Kinds of Fuwas

In the year 2008, the 29th Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. This will signify the prosperity of China as well

原创 ZOJ 3712 Hard to Play

MightyHorse is playing a music game called osu!. After playing for several months, MightyHorse discovered the way

原创 ZOJ 3713 In 7-bit

Very often, especially in programming contests, we treat a sequence of non-whitespace characters as a string. But so

原创 ZOJ 3785 What day is that day?

It's Saturday today, what day is it after 11 + 22 + 33 + ... + NN days? Input There are multiple test cases. Th

原创 ZOJ 2969 Easy Task

Calculating the derivation of a polynomial is an easy task. Given a function f(x) , we use (f(x))' to denote its der

原创 UVA 1585 Score

There is an objective test result such as ``OOXXOXXOOO". An `O' means a correct answer of a problem and an `X' means a

原创 ZOJ 3708 Density of Power Network

The vast power system is the most complicated man-made system and the greatest engineering innovation in the 20th ce

原创 UVA 12290 Counting Game

http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/problem/viewProblem.action?id=23582 題目掛了 n個人中的m號  喊第k次的數字是多少 #include <cstdio> using na

原创 ZOJ 3210 A Stack or A Queue?

Do you know stack and queue? They're both important data structures. A stack is a "first in last out" (FILO) data st

原创 ZOJ 2971 Give Me the Number

Numbers in English are written down in the following way (only numbers less than 109 are considered). Number abc,def

原创 年月日計算星期公式

if( M==1 || M==2 ) { M+=12; --Y; } //1582年9月3日後:w = (d + 2*m+3*(m+1)/5+y+y/4-y/100+y/400)%7;

原创 2016長城信息杯中國大學生程序設計競賽中南邀請賽 xtu 1249 Rolling Variance

http://www.dengwenhuo.cn/?id=195 Bobo learnt that the variance of a sequencea1,a2,…,anis ∑ni=1(ai−a¯)2n−1−−−−−−−−−−−